Thursday, October 31, 2019
Clap Clap Clap
We don't have to applaud for the bare minimum.
Assume Lindsey Dead
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) plans to hand the chairmanship of the Senate Judiciary Committee back to Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa.) in the next Congress.There's a story but... what is the real story.
Put On A Costume Knock On A Door Get Some Candy Hell Skip The Costume Who Cares
Rotisserie Baseball
Amazing but it's something you can conceivably do now. People did it back in the dark ages before they could punch up stats on their phone instantly!
The Kids remember the good old days when the New York Times had a public editor because they remember Margaret Sullivan who was good. I met her once. She didn't like me, though I wasn't sure if she didn't like me or just the dumb bloggers I was representing at an event. But she was good.
Still most of them were bad! The first one was very bad! He was Daniel Okrent and he was dumb and bad and he invented Rotisserie baseball - which we now know as fantasy baseball - back when to invent such a thing you had to be incredibly rich and bored.
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
The Fall Is Coming Down
If The President Does It
It doesn't matter how many Lindsey Graham "RUUYYYUUUL OF LLAAAAWWWYAAAAW" quotes you pull up from the 90s. They don't care.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Writing About Trump
This isn’t analysis because there is nothing to Trump, or to his politics—no room for subtext, no broader strategy beyond whatever seat-of-the-pants pandering is most immediately apparent, nothing but the wheedling and undignified and insatiable vanity that is always right there to see. This presents a problem for people whose job it is to write or talk about politics. That job, as the elite media has come to understand and pursue it, is to decode and translate The Great Game’s secret significances, contextualize the triumphs and tribulations of its heroes, and parse its finer points of strategy. Given that Trump is always doing exactly what he appears to be doing, and for precisely the reasons you’d expect, the people in these powerful jobs have naturally found themselves glossing and restating what is already quite obvious, or straining to situate things that are obvious and stupid and embarrassing within a context—a system of essential norms and traditions, governed by civility and reasoned discourse—that plainly no longer exists. They respect the office of the presidency so much that they insist on treating it with a reverence that Donald Trump, as its occupant, plainly cannot merit.Which is my way of saying everyone who pretends not to know this is just writing presidential fantasy fan fiction, if not about the man himself then The Office Of The Presidency or The White House or the whoever the latest hire is who is supposed to save him from himself, and the Republic from them all. Less politely, they are all completely full of shit.
There was a time when maybe it wasn't completely nuts to imagine there was some grand strategy, or that every Trump Tweet was meant as a distraction from The Last Tweet, or that maybe, just maybe, the man had a tiny glimmer of understanding of the job he had. February 2017 was that time. It was a long time ago. He's just a stupid narcissistic old man with brain worms.
THIS IS A NEW LOW FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP. No, really, did you not read the twitter just yesterday?
Hard Work
It's weird.
No Way They Could Smear A Troop!!!!
Great job CNN, good hire here.
— Matthew Gertz (@MattGertz) October 29, 2019
Also John Yoo, highly respected Berkeley Law Professor, of the highly respected UC-Berkeley Law School, was on Laura Ingraham accusing him of espionage. I have never heard that name before, and thus I am shocked that an elite law professor could be bad!
Morning Thread
Monday, October 28, 2019
This argument really makes me mad!
— jess mcintosh (@jess_mc) October 28, 2019
Carville was born 1945 and went to LSU. I am a lazy blogger and didn't have time to go back and find tuition from 1965ish, but I did find this.

(nominal figures, I'm pretty sure)
Don't think it's going out on a limb to guess that it was a tiny bit cheaper than even that in back in 1965.
Many olds really just have no clue how much certain things, like university costs, have changed.
That's Our Guy
Brexit Mania
The Swamp
Sure we all gotta eat, but plenty of these people aren't exactly poor and can go back to selling cars at Daddy's Chevy dealer, or whatever.
That Could Be Me
What A Game
"We are Americans and we do not do that. We do not want the world hearing us chant 'Lock him up' to this president or to any president." -- @JoeNBC
— Morning Joe (@Morning_Joe) October 28, 2019
And On And On
European leaders have agreed to the UK's request for a three-month Brexit extension, the EU Council President Donald Tusk has tweeted.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Spider Hole
Howard Dean has climbed into his own spider hole of denial if he believes that the capture of Saddam Hussein has not made America safer.
-Joe Lieberman
That's Trump
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Friday, October 25, 2019
Personal Blackmail... With Nukes
But, ok, fair enough.
Until now.
The Beer Summit
The House Incel Committee
Thursday, October 24, 2019
We're All Hacks
It isn't entirely bad that there's a Hack Gap, but there is and the Both Sides press fails to acknowledge it. There is no liberal Fox News. There isn't anything close to it.
What I Think Republicans Don't Understand About Republicans
If Republicans don’t stand by Trump, they risk losing their base foreveris the subhed.
One thing *I* know about the Republican base which I think too many people don't is that takes them about a week from circulating pictures of Trump-As-Jesus-Christ to literally not remembering his name. We went through this with Bush. We went through this with Palin.
Because it never was about Bush or Palin or Trump. And to a great degree Bush himself was never about Bush, it was about that lovely wonderful post-9/11 era, the greatest time for Republicans ever. They were merely vessels for making Republicans feel like they were Owning the Libs and Fox News handles that pretty well for them daily even without a figurehead. the Eschaton Poet Laureate, Merkin Patriot, says:
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Bob Loblaw Is Available
(CNN)Rudy Giuliani has been approaching defense attorneys for possible representation, according to three sources familiar with the matter.
The move by Giuliani, who is President Donald Trump's personal attorney, is notable because last week he said he would not be seeking a new lawyer unless he felt one was needed. His previous lawyer, John Sale, was helping him deal with congressional inquiries.
Republicans Represent Real Americans
Amazing how much mileage they get out of this one.
Gotta Stop Them
Can't just let them parade into the SCIF with their cell phones and start taking pictures and tweeting. I sorta think our whole classified system is dumb, but if that misbehavior doesn't meet with some consequences then lol nothing matters.
Administrative Processes
How the prime minister's spokesman responded when I asked why Boris Johnson keeps on saying there won't be checks between Northern Ireland and Great Britain, when his own impact assessment states there will.
— Adam Bienkov (@AdamBienkov) October 23, 2019
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
But This Was A Tuesday, And That Makes All The Difference
They are masters at coming up with absolute bullshit reasons, largely because reporters are often very good at pretending to believe them.
Even Worse Than The Crimes He Tweeted Out
Democrats emerging from his deposition on Tuesday called his 15-page opening statement "very dramatic," "detailed" and "lengthy." Representative Andy
Levin, a Democrat from Michigan, said the U.S. diplomat's account was "very troubling."
"All I have to say is that in my 10 short months in Congress -- it's not even noon, right? -- and this is my most disturbing day in Congress so far," Levin said.
"He gave a very detailed opening statement that was very devastating to Donald Trump," said Congressman Ted Lieu, Democrat from California.
...and here is the statement which I don't have time to read right now.
Boris Johnson has confirmed he will set aside the bill that would implement his deal, despite the fact the Commons has just backed it, after his proposal to fast-track it through parliament was rejected by MPs.Basically he tried to rush it before the (current) deadline and Parliament said no which means it might not pass in its current form and likely wouldn't pass before the spooky deadline.
He says he does not want a delay and will continue to discuss with EU27 leaders until they decide whether or not to grant one.
There Are No Referees
You don't need facebook for propaganda and you don't Russian twitter bots, either. The focus on Russian influence has let everybody else off the hook. Any time there's some bullshit on the internet people scream "RUSSIA!" Yah, well, maybe it is, but while that's an issue it isn't the sole source of bullshit on the internet. You don't need rubles for that. We have a very well funded domestic conservative bullshit operation.
It is scary that your MAGA-brains share every piece of bullshit from any website on facebook. Email forwards from the old days from your racist uncle were scary, too. As is Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, bulk mail propaganda, etc. I'm not saying all of these are precisely the same thing, but hoping for some referees, or even the Marshal of the Supreme Court, to somehow correct for them, is not going to be productive. There are no referees.
To the extent that something like Facebook is a uniquely bad feature in the year of our Gritty, 2019, you have to fix them with power. Your personal power, political power, etc. Appealing to Zuck to do the right thing is silly. And, really, while it's reasonable to ask all of these entities to enforce the rules they claim they enforce, otherwise they're going to do what they're going to do as long as it makes them money. I don't really understand what motivates these rich weirdos, but apparently "doing good" is not it.
I think a big story of this decade is how many companies managed to market themselves - to journalists and investors - as "tech" and not simply "hey, maybe I have a good business idea" to obtain absurd amounts of investment and potentially, briefly, stock prices. A giant business real estate leasing company is not "tech." A new kind of a juicer is, I suppose, "tech" in that it's an invention, but no one thinks of new juicers from most companies as "tech." Gotta throw in some buzzwords to make it tech! Theranos actually was tech! Just a fraud, however. At this point "it's a business, but you can access it on your phone" is not tech and certainly nor is "a subscription model." "Rich douchebags in Silicon Valley like the product" does not make it tech. A laundry pickup service is not tech.
Take a mundane - if maybe good! - idea and sprinkle some magic tech dust on it to dazzle dumb investors and sycophantic tech journalists and suddenly you have a $50 billion company. Until you don't.
So Do That
Certainly not defending foreign money involvement in elections (actually illegal!) or facebook (delete your damn account) but if reaching people online is so effective perhaps campaigns should figure out how to do that...
Monday, October 21, 2019
New York California DC Sometimes Some Other Places Depending On Who Is Governor
Anyway my point is "elites" are where the Democrats are, when it's useful to say so.
I'd Like To Be Wrong
WASHINGTON — House Democrats are zeroing in on a framework for their impeachment case against President Donald Trump that will center on a simple “abuse of power” narrative involving the president's actions regarding Ukraine, according to multiple people familiar with the deliberations.And then Trump says "all crime by me is legal" and continues The Purge.
As Democrats continue closed-door depositions with critical witnesses and prepare to move to the next phase of public hearings, they are wrestling over which elements and evidence to bring in, which to leave out. The goal is to explain to the public the reasoning and relevance of any eventual impeachment charges.
He tweets a new crime about every half hour. No need to rush things.
The Unreal World
It Ain't Easy Being Not Quite Rich Enough
Still if you can't make it on 300 grand a year you should at least have a wee bit of sympathy for somebody trying to make on 28 grand a year.
Brexit Mania
Boris Johnson has been denied the opportunity to hold a second vote on his Brexit deal in the House of Commons after the Speaker, John Bercow, ruled that it would be “repetitive and disorderly”.*The problem that no one seems to get except for a few commentators is that "Brexit" in whatever form is just the beginning and it will never be over!
Bercow said it would break longstanding conventions for MPs to debate and vote on the agreement struck in Brussels last week, little more than two days after Saturday’s historic sitting.
EMANUEL: Yes. The one thing I would say is, one of the part of the primary is picking issues that also helps you in the general. This issue is not even out of the primary, and it's got problems. The 2 percent tax on people that earn above $50 million is a winner in the primary and a winner in the general.I don't mean unrepresentative of AMERICA I mean unrepresentative of Manhattan.
STEPHANOPOULOS: The wealth tax.
EMANUEL: Yes, the wealth tax. And that’s why...
STEPHANOPOULOS: Winner in the general?
EMANUEL: Definitely.
FAGEN: Yes. Majority of Republicans...
EMANUEL: Seen all the polling on it, independent voters -- because the Republicans are going to fight it. And people are going to say, this is about equity and fairness.
STEPHANOPOULOS: And it shows I live in Manhattan. In this place it’s not popular.
When Emanuel is the populist voice of reason....
Sunday, October 20, 2019
He's Corrupt
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Friday, October 18, 2019
Why Can't A Democrat Be More Like A Republican?
Democrats are irrational, that's all there is to that!
There heads are full of cotton, hay, and rags!
They're nothing but exasperating, irritating
Vacillating, calculating, agitating
Maddening and infuriating hags!
Republicans are so honest, so thoroughly square;
Eternally noble, historic'ly fair;
Who, when you win, will always give your back a pat
Well, why can't a Democrat be like that?
Why does ev'ryone do what the others do?
Can't a Democrat learn to use her head?
Why do they do ev'rything their mothers do?
Why don't they grow up- well, like their father instead?
Why can't a Democrat take after a Republican?
Republicans are so pleasant, so easy to please;
Whenever you are with them, you're always at ease
A couple hundred Donald Trump fans rallied outside Congress on Thursday for the “March for Trump,” an event meant to oppose House Democrats’ impeachment investigation. According to organizers, though, there would have been hundreds more people shouting “stop the coup” in Washington’s streets if not for a liberal plot against their buses.
That’s because, as would-be rally attendees gathered across the East Coast for the US Coachways buses that the organizer had promised would take them to Washington, those buses never showed.
The no-shows provoked a wave of anger, accusations that the “deep state” had colluded to stop a show of Trump support in Washington, and negative reviews aimed at US Coachways.
But US Coachways has a simpler explanation for what happened—it was never paid for the requested buses due to a series of declined credit card payments.
The Referees
Hey maybe if you want some retired generals to violate some Norms perhaps all you "objective journalists" could start doing it too. No? Ok shut up then.
Wow The Marshall of the Supreme Court Is Coming For Drumpf Now
Secretary Mattis lets loose “I earned my spurs on the battlefield; Donald Trump earned his spurs from the doctor”.
— Martha Raddatz (@MarthaRaddatz) October 18, 2019
"lets loose."
Christ these people are broken.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
The religious landscape of the United States continues to change at a rapid clip. In Pew Research Center telephone surveys conducted in 2018 and 2019, 65% of American adults describe themselves as Christians when asked about their religion, down 12 percentage points over the past decade. Meanwhile, the religiously unaffiliated share of the population, consisting of people who describe their religious identity as atheist, agnostic or “nothing in particular,” now stands at 26%, up from 17% in 2009.
Employer Tax Credits
U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris will announce a plan to incentivize jobs in rural communities during her stop in Tipton on Thursday afternoon.
Harris, a Democratic candidate for president, said she will provide up to $10,000 a year for every full-time job created in rural areas. According to her Partnership with Rural America plan released today, the U.S. Department of Agriculture would designate zones where companies would be eligible for these benefits.
To be eligible, companies have to either open a new office or factory in the community or expand an existing operation. The companies would also have to hire at least three new full-time workers, including at least one employee who lives in the community.
This stuff is just free money for companies with accountants and lawyers. Not one job will be created because of them and genuinely small businesses without the knowledge of how to squeeze all the money out of the system are put at a disadvantage.
The problems vary, of course, but rural areas tend to lack appropriate infrastructure such as adequate broadband service or a decent airport. There are ways to make rural areas attractive for employers other than "free money for JAAYYUUUB CREATORS" but that's the best we can do because capitalism means government does nothing but give tax money to corporations.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
A Noun, A Verb, Some CRIMES
CNN)For months, investigators looking into Rudy Giuliani's business dealings in Ukraine have dug into everything from possible financial entanglements with alleged corrupt Ukrainian figures to counterintelligence concerns raised by some of those business ties, according to people briefed on the matter.
The counterintelligence part of the investigation indicates that FBI and criminal prosecutors in Manhattan are looking at a broader set of issues related to Giuliani, President Donald Trump's personal attorney, than has been previously reported.
Um, Guys?
Felt the need to ask WH if this is actually real and it is.
— Katie Rogers (@katierogers) October 16, 2019
Don't Talk To "Me" Like I'm Stupid
Most people don't say the Trump "not many people know this, but" thing out loud, but too many politicians sound as if they are. And some just lie and think "you" are too dumb to know they're lying.
Why Me
All "moderates" can do now is get on stage and say "better things are not possible." Perhaps true, but "elect me because I will tell you the truth that your miserable lives are only get worse even as the richest country in the history of the planet continues to get richer" is not exactly inspiring. Trump promises bullshit, but at least he does that.
Amy Klobuchar has been an exception to the latter, having shown throughout the race so far a gritty determination to offer the Democratic primary electorate as little as possible. This approach hasn’t worked very well, oddly enough, and at Tuesday night’s debate, her frustration with progressives boiled over in response to Warren’s suggestion that opponents of a wealth tax want “to protect billionaires.”The best we can do is party like it's 2016. One can argue that the Great and Glorious Empire under Benevolent Dictator Obama I would have been truly a wondrous thing, but it's a bit weird to argue that the best we can do is what was left at the end of Obama with 6 years of Republicans controlling the House and the magical filibuster/McConnell controlling the Senate. Roll back the Trump era! Truly inspiring.
“I want to give a reality check to Elizabeth,” she said huffily. “No one on this stage wants to protect billionaires. Not even [billionaire Tom Steyer] wants to protect billionaires. We have different approaches. Your idea is not the only idea.” Klobuchar then went on to argue for repealing Trump’s income and corporate tax cuts. “You add it all up, you got a lot of money that...helps pay for that child care, protects that dignity of work, makes sure we have decent retirement and makes sure that our kids can go to good schools. It is not one idea that rules here.”
Oh, Elon
An attorney for Vernon Unsworth, who sued for defamation last year after Musk attacked him on Twitter, pressed the Tesla Inc. CEO’s lawyer last month for information on all insurance policies applicable to claims made in the suit. An exhibit filed Monday shows the two attorneys sparring over information regarding Musk’s ties with AIG.
“Given Musk’s sworn testimony that he is financially illiquid, Mr. Unsworth is entitled to know whether AIG has accepted coverage of the claims, denied coverage of the claims, or has reserved its rights to contest coverage of the claims,” Unsworth’s attorney wrote on Sept. 20. Musk’s lawyer wrote back the same day that AIG had reserved rights, without elaborating.
One never knows the truth of such things but Musk is supposedly worth close to $20 billion. Sure there's always a degree of illiquidity. Can't dump all your assets at once. But...comeon.
It ain't easy being a billionaire.
Our Health Care System Is Fucked Up And Bullshit
Sounds Bad, Mr. Mayor
Rudolph W. Giuliani privately urged President Trump in 2017 to extradite a Turkish cleric living in exile in the United States, a top priority of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, according to multiple former administration officials familiar with the discussions.
Giuliani, a Trump ally who later became the president’s personal attorney, repeatedly argued to Trump that the U.S. government should eject Fethullah Gulen from the country, according to the former officials, who spoke on the condition on anonymity to describe private conversations.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Coming For You Rudes
Ex-Rep. Sessions Subpoenaed Over Interactions With Giuliani, Giuliani Associates
Giuliani is primary focus of subpoena; Pete Sessions cooperating with prosecutors
By Rebecca Ballhaus
Oct. 15, 2019 6:01 pm ET
A grand jury has issued a subpoena related to Manhattan federal prosecutors’ investigation into Rudy Giuliani, seeking documents from former Rep. Pete Sessions about his dealings with President Trump’s personal lawyer and associates, according to people familiar with the matter.
Lock Him Up
President Donald's Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani told ABC News on Tuesday he is not complying with a congressional subpoena.Um I guess enforce it then?
Giuliani told ABC News “if they enforce it, then we will see what happens.”
Owning The Libs
NYT's hosting its first presidential debate tonight in 15 years — and first in Twitter age. One Times journalist suggests to @joepompeo that “the angry left blue-check-mark mob will find something to be outraged about.”
— Michael Calderone (@mlcalderone) October 15, 2019
No reporter would ever suggest they would do a good job because they would be pissing off conservatives. If they did they'd likely be reprimanded.
And Democratic primary debates aren't really the place to stick it to the libs because they are for an audience of... libs.
But you do you do, garbage newspaper.
The Kids Aren't Alright
Will overcame his addiction to nicotine before the news broke this summer about some cases of severe lung illness and deaths linked to vaping. But he still occasionally vapes THC, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. He says the illnesses haven't made him or his friends quit, partly because vaping is a big part of teen culture — and also because they think it won't happen to them.Don't do it kids!
"I feel like, for a lot of people, that's just a chance they're willing to take," he says. "I don't think a lot of kids are thinking about the future."
Living through the transition from "you can smoke anywhere you want" to a world where you basically can't smoke indoors or in cars has made me realize that being a nicotine addict *sucks.* I've never been one, but watching smokers ready that cigarette for the brief walk from the cab to the destination, or similar, knowing that they've been ticking off the seconds in their minds until they can, has been eye opening. Sure I knew quitting was hard, but now I know existing as a smoker is hard.
Vaping isn't smoking but the addiction is the same. Even if there were no real health consequences to doing it, it'd still be bad to get addicted! Don't do it!
I'm sure all The Kids Today read this blog and will listen to me.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Plot Twist
Mr. Bolton instructed Fiona Hill, the senior director for Russian and Eurasian affairs, to notify the chief lawyer for the National Security Council that Mr. Giuliani was working with Mick Mulvaney, the acting White House chief of staff, on a rogue operation with legal implications, Ms. Hill told the investigators, according to two people familiar with her closed-door testimony.
“I am not part of whatever drug deal Rudy and Mulvaney are cooking up,” Mr. Bolton, a Yale-trained lawyer, told Ms. Hill to tell White House lawyers, according to the testimony.
Rudy The Guy Who Breaks Rocks
Fiona Hill, the White House’s former top Russia adviser, told impeachment investigators on Tuesday that Rudolph W. Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer, ran a shadow foreign policy in Ukraine that circumvented U.S. officials and career diplomats in order to personally benefit President Trump, according to a person familiar with her testimony.
"Rudy The Rock"
NEW YORK (CNN) -- Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani earned the nickname, "Rudy the Rock," for his stalwart leadership after the September 11 terrorist attacks. Giuliani joined CNN anchor Paula Zahn on Monday morning to discuss his memories of that day.
What Will We Tell The Children?
Daddy, why is the rotting corpse of Nosferatu in handcuffs?
Uber has laid off about 350 employees across several teams within the organization, including Uber Eats, the company confirmed Monday. Shares of Uber climbed 3.2% following the news.I am dumb and I'm not saying there is no need for these employee, but none of them actually do the work that gets the revenue.
Other teams affected by the announcement include Uber’s performance marketing segment, recruiting, its advanced technologies group and safety units, as well as several of its global rides and platform units. The layoffs amount to roughly 1.5% of Uber’s workforce, which spans 22,263 employees, according to FactSet. Uber reported that it had 26,799 employees as of June 30, 2019, but hasn’t disclosed an employee headcount since then.
I'd Be A Quality Rich Person
You First
If there's an organization or organizations you think should be helping to organize such things, lobby them. Otherwise get a sign and get out there. There are probably existing if small regular protests near you right now!
It's reasonable to want people who have power to use that power to organize or anything else, but a diffuse nonspecific "we" is mostly a call to action on yourself. Do and inspire! Maybe some people will join you.
Standing Up For Themselves
It never gets mentioned but one thing that Trump White House did early on that has had major ripple effects was to get rid of the visitor logs. We would know right away how many times Rudy was in the building or, for that matter, if Parnas and Fruman ever stopped by.
— Sam Stein (@samstein) October 14, 2019
"The Press" does freak out about what it sees to be its institutional prerogatives at times. They can turn the story of a Breitbart "reporter" being turned off of Air Force 1 into a week long story about tyranny and the threat to democracy if they, collectively, choose to. White house visitor logs? Press briefings? Who cares.
And I suspect it's because the top tier political press - the agenda settings ones - get their text message gossip stories and are happy.
Usually when I'm discussing "the press" in this context I mean the political press, the kind that hang out waiting for press briefings (when they existed) or run around the Senate offices with a camera following Lindsey Graham. Not all journalists, of course.
This is a new thing we just learned and not something present in [checks transcripts] comments from the president himself in every rally appearance for the last 4 years.
What's It All About Then
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Saturday, October 12, 2019
How Intolerant Libs Should Talk To Their Racist Uncles At Thanksgiving
I'm not sure where these fantasies stem from or who the audience for them is supposed to be, but if we're having them, how about suggesting the racist uncle stop being a racist for 3 hours.
I Am A Secret Agent Man
Chill. Go sip wine on the coast somewhere. Do anything but spend your evenings doing cable news hits to talk about your crimes. Don't get it.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Lock Him Up
The business relationship between President Donald Trump's private lawyer Rudy Giuliani and the men charged Thursday in a campaign finance scheme is a subject of the ongoing criminal investigation being conducted by federal authorities in New York, according to two sources familiar with the matter.
You Don't Have Any Power Over Me
CONFIRMED: Ambassador Sondland WILL testify next Thursday despite State Department's direction to block his appearance.
— Kyle Cheney (@kyledcheney) October 11, 2019
Statement from his lawyer:
We can have some lofty legal arguments about appropriate application of "executive privilege" but, no, the State Department can't just randomly order someone to defy a subpoena and apparently a lawyer told him that.
Never Heard Of Him
Morning Thread
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Wow Who Told Them
Federal prosecutors were not intending to unseal the indictment against the Giuliani associates and two others Thursday, according to three US officials. Their hand was forced by an attempt by Fruman and Parnas to leave the country.
— erica orden (@eorden) October 10, 2019
Authorities are also on the lookout for this mystery man who may have tipped them off. Anyone with any clue to his identity should get in touch.

Can't Touch Me
Also, too, thanks, Obama.
Coulda Sat That One Out
Fuck you, David Axelrod.
What a horrific commentary about our times that @TheEllenShow should even have to explain herself for hanging with President Bush.
— David Axelrod (@davidaxelrod) October 8, 2019
Good for her!
Yay Neko and Hulk.
I don’t need to read 50 think pieces to know hanging with George Bush is FUCKED UP AS FUCK. 🙄
— Neko Case (@NekoCase) October 10, 2019
Sorry, until George W. Bush is brought to justice for the crimes of the Iraq War, (including American-lead torture, Iraqi deaths & displacement, and the deep scars—emotional & otherwise—inflicted on our military that served his folly), we can’t even begin to talk about kindness.
— Mark Ruffalo (@MarkRuffalo) October 9, 2019
He Might Even Believe This
[Eric] TRUMP: If I took a billion and a half dollars from China, or if I took $50,000 a month from a Ukrainian oil company, people's heads would explode.
The media's heads would explode. The Democrats' heads would explode.
Wednesday, October 09, 2019
DeGeneres isn’t a role model for civility. Her friendship with Bush simply embodies the grossest form of class solidarity. From a lofty enough vantage point, perhaps Bush’s misdeeds really look like minor partisan differences. Perhaps Iraq seems very far away, and so do the poor of New Orleans, when the stage of your show is the closest you get to anyone without power.
If Then
But Autopilot is unlike almost any other consumer product in history, in ways that offer a preview of the uncomfortable questions we’ll confront in the dawning robot age. Tesla’s flamboyant chief executive officer, Elon Musk, says the technology saves lives, and legions of Tesla owners offer their own testimonies of hazards spotted and collisions avoided. (And they have YouTube videos to prove it.) It’s possible that both sides are right, that the computers are killing a few drivers who otherwise would have lived, but that they’re also saving the lives of many more. In the coming years, society—in particular, regulators and the courts—will have to decide whether that’s an acceptable trade-off.Can't watch netflix and "drive" without killing a few toddlers. Just progress and science, people. Sorry your kid (not mine) had to be sacrificed for Nerd Trump's wallet, I mean humanity.
The Greatest Probem Facing America
This is not the America I knew!!!
Nerd Trump
Of all the controversies stirred up by Tesla CEO Elon Musk last year, none was more embarrassing than when he called expert spelunker and diver Vernon Unsworth a “pedo guy” and “child rapist,” after Unsworth criticized him for getting involved in a massive effort to rescue 12 boys and their soccer coach from a flooded cave in Thailand.
What Unsworth now reveals, through deposition transcripts and emails that his lawyers obtained, is that Musk and his affiliates paid private investigators, including one who turned out to be a convicted felon, to try and dig up dirt on the cave rescuer. Additionally, Musk directed his team to pressure foreign officials in Thailand to say nice things about him and his mini-sub, even as they were grappling with what would prove to be a deadly rescue mission.
Lock'em Up
And liberals do it too. Any time someone gets weepy over some sort of iconic moment of Obama, or whatever, they're contributing. We just shouldn't be trained to have those kinds of feelings for My President. Just a person with an important job.
Tuesday, October 08, 2019
If We Are Reasonable Then They Will Have To Be Too
The Good Old Days
But really Bush wasn't just bad...that whole era was absolutely bonkers. There was no Trump tweeting bullshit at you through your phone constantly. But otherwise just as bonkers.
Breaking — Ambassador Gordon Sondland has been told by the State Department to not appear this morning before the House regarding his role in the Ukraine scandal. His attorney said he has no choice but to comply with State Dept directive.
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) October 8, 2019
This "oh gee, sorry, gotta disobey the hoagie penis because my boss said so" is 100% bullshit and journalists just keep repeating it.
Something The State Department Has No Authority Or Power To Do
BREAKING: State Department orders US ambassador to EU cited in Ukraine texts not to appear for deposition with House investigators
— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) October 8, 2019
Monday, October 07, 2019
But You Liked Me Mr. President
What's Going On With Mushmelon
You'll Regret This When Chelsea Clinton Is President
They don't think presidents should have that kind of power. They think conservative presidents should. They don't think Democrats should be allowed to be president at all. Laws are for other people. In fact laws are tools that their team uses to crush your team.
#notallconservatives, whatever, but you can't prod authoritarian conservatives with your view of "consistency" because they are perfectly consistent, just in a different way than you imagine. Hypocrisy is a hilarious concept to them, and they laugh when you invoke it. They aren't hypocrites. They are perfectly consistent in their view that they have the right to rule in any way they choose and Democrats don't.
Sunday, October 06, 2019
Holmes dropped out of Stanford University at 19 to form Theranos in 2003. The Palo Alto company promised to revolutionize health care by requiring only a pinprick of blood to run hundreds of tests. At its peak, it was valued at $9 billion and had a partnership with Walgreens.
Big Day For Our Big Wet Boy
Saturday, October 05, 2019
And after I finish tweeting, Slick Rick is on next
President Trump told House Republicans that he made his now infamous phone call to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at the urging of Energy Secretary Rick Perry — a call Trump claimed he didn’t even want to make.
Yo, where's Pence and Barr?
Well I don't know they're late
Told 'em the time, oh I forgot the date
Man, you did it again, oh no
Yo, here we go, come on, here we go, come on
But My Good Friends In The GOP, Those Fine Folks
Mr. Biden was even blunter, and angrier, in private after news first emerged that Mr. Trump had exhorted the Ukrainian government to investigate him and his son.
“I can’t believe this guy is going after my family like this,” he told Senator Chris Coons of Delaware, as the two campaigned in Iowa, Mr. Coons recalled.
Today is a pretty nice day, if cold compared to... 2 days ago.
Both Sides
Just to keep the universe in harmony.
Friday, October 04, 2019
Trump's Gonna Be In The Stocks By Tomorrow
Who's in charge of strategy: Officials said Kushner and White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney are the officials most focused on developing an impeachment strategy.
Afternoon Thread
Bozo And The Ozone Man
One never knows when people are being idiots and when they are trolling, but some of these problems were real and they got better, not simply figments of the crazy imagination of the Ozone Man.
Has Nancy Pelosi Consulted The Online Right?
Are they still with Trump?????
Thursday, October 03, 2019
Pedo Guy
When Elon Musk publicly called a British cave rescuer who had insulted him a “pedo guy” last year, the billionaire entrepreneur had no evidence to back up his claims. And while he later apologized for the outburst, the Tesla Motors and SpaceX CEO went on to hire a private investigator to dig up dirt that might support his unsubstantiated accusation.
BuzzFeed News has found that the self-proclaimed private investigator whom Musk hired was a convicted felon and scammer.
I'm not arguing against that, really, and the gun issue varies geographically quite a bit, but it's also the case that if you want intensity you need leaders who are, well, intense.
If the Dem candidate says:
I'm for commonsense solutions to keep guns out of the hands of people who should not have them.And the Republicans respond with:
I don't mean this as campaign advice on this particular issue, just that in general Dems tend to gravitate towards wishy-washy don't piss anybody off language. "Safe, legal, and rare" not "free doughnuts with every abortion." Maybe smart! But it's hardly rally the troops stuff.
Sure My Client Is Guilty Of Some Things
Just hopped off the phone w Giuliani who wanted to discuss Volker & asked him about Trump’s comment: “I see that as exactly what a president should do.. I’m not saying Trump never did anything wrong but there are other people who did things wrong, too.”
— Jacqueline Alemany (@JaxAlemany) October 3, 2019
New USA Today poll:
— Greg Sargent (@ThePlumLineGS) October 3, 2019
Americans support House *impeaching* Trump by 45-38
They support *Senate conviction and removal* by 44-35 (!)
Note: 30% of Republicans say pressure on Ukraine to smear Biden is an abuse of power.
And it's early. More will come out.
As some point the "Green Lantern theory of politics" in popular online discussion went from "you can't clap louder to win a war" to "President Obummer can't will Joe Lieberman to vote for a public option" to "the world is as it is, public opinion is what it is, leadership means nothing, whatchagonnado."
New USA Today poll:
— Greg Sargent (@ThePlumLineGS) October 3, 2019
Americans support House *impeaching* Trump by 45-38
They support *Senate conviction and removal* by 44-35 (!)
Note: 30% of Republicans say pressure on Ukraine to smear Biden is an abuse of power.
And it's early. More will come out.
It's quite possible that if, for example, Obummer did the same sex marriage issue precisely correctly, and given the ultimate outcome that is a reasonable view, but it's also the case that if he'd loudly switched his view on it in early 2009 (majority opposed then) that a bunch of Democrats who were muddled on the issue would have jumped with him. People do take their cues from their leaders on some issues at least. Especially in a year in which a dominant message has been "trust Pelosi, she is very smart and knows what she's doing," of course impeachment support would follow her lead.
Wednesday, October 02, 2019
Evening Thread
Sauli Niinistö, the president of Finland, had this to say at today's at the press conference with Donald Trump, the president of the United States:
Throughout the news conference, Niinisto made a number of references to U.S. democracy.“You have a great democracy,” Niinisto said in his opening statement. “Keep it going on.”
You Mean The Guys On The Internet Liked It
I know this is a contrarian viewpoint but I am seeing signs that the online right is starting to side with Trump on this Ukraine business. And the NYT story on Schiff was good for him. All in all, a good day for the president so far.
— Blake News (@blakehounshell) October 2, 2019
WeWork is an absurd example of this. It isn't really "tech" to scam rich people into giving you billions of dollars for a real estate scheme. That's an old technology.
Hi, @GOPLeader. This is the thanks you get for your slavering subservience to Trump and his lawlessness.
— Greg Sargent (@ThePlumLineGS) October 2, 2019
Trump privately says you botched your defense of him, the AP reports. You failed his greatness, and his people are letting the world know it:
I can't imagine what makes it worth waking up and thinking "I have to perform well for Trump on the TV box."
I'm In Charge
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Tuesday pushed back against a request by a key House committee to interview five current or former State Department officials as part of an impeachment inquiry centering on the Ukraine scandal, accusing House Democrats of attempting to “intimidate" and "bully" them.It really isn't any of his business. They can hire lawyers and deal with it, but he can't just "oh no NAH GA DO IT." They are not extensions of him.
Lock'em up!
Tuesday, October 01, 2019
Sure, Elon
Tesla is acquiring DeepScale, a computer vision start-up that could help it develop fully driverless vehicles, CNBC has learned.
The deal could help Tesla’s goal to deliver cars with advanced driver-assistance systems that are good enough for owners to rent them out as “robotaxis” on an Uber-like platform without drivers. However, like all automakers, Tesla is limited by the computational resources it can build into its vehicles.
They Write Letters
“Secretary Pompeo was reportedly on the call when the President pressed Ukraine to smear his political opponent. If true, Secretary Pompeo is now a fact witness in the House impeachment inquiry. He should immediately cease intimidating Department witnesses in order to protect himself and the President.
“Any effort to intimidate witnesses or prevent them from talking with Congress—including State Department employees—is illegal and will constitute evidence of obstruction of the impeachment inquiry. In response, Congress may infer from this obstruction that any withheld documents and testimony would reveal information that corroborates the whistleblower complaint.
“The Committees are operating pursuant to our long-established authorities as well as the impeachment inquiry. We’re committed to protecting witnesses from harassment and intimidation, and we expect their full compliance and that of the Department of State.”
LOL Fuck You No
In the fierce letter addressed to the House Foreign Affairs Committee chairman, Rep. Eliot Engel, D-N.Y., Pompeo blasted the depositions in the impeachment probe as rushed and potentially in violation of executive privilege, accused committee staff of not following protocol, and appeared to say the officials will not show up.
Anyway, this interview about it is pretty funny.
These Are My Obsessions
As bad as the emoluments stuff is, in its own way the "you gotta stay in my yuge hotels" stuff really is brain worms territory, too. You're president of the United States and you're obsessing about people giving you a few bucks for hotel rooms?