Saturday, November 30, 2019
Everything Gets Better
Not entirely sure where I got this idea, but it did take awhile to unlearn. Was The Fat Boys Are Back? Better than Fat Boys? Maybe!
The Boy Is Going To Do It
The Conservative lead in the general election campaign has been halved in just one week, putting the UK in “hung parliament territory”, an exclusive poll for The Independent shows.
Boris Johnson’s party is now only six points ahead of Labour, it has found – matching other surveys suggesting the race is tightening dramatically, amid growing Tory nervousness.
Buying Your Way Out Of Hassle
Time Rides All Alone
Saturday Deep Thought
Friday, November 29, 2019
America's Worst Democratic Presidential Campaigns
If you think that a worker who didn’t go to college should pay for college for a CEO’s kid, then @PeteButtigieg isn’t your candidate.
— Lis Smith (@Lis_Smith) November 29, 2019
Really How Could This Be Bad
Johnny Depp is producing a musical about the life of Michael Jackson that will be told from the perspective of the late singer’s famous sequin glove.
Playwright Julien Nitzberg wrote For the Love of a Glove: An Unauthorised Musical Fable About the Life of Michael Jackson, As Told By His Glove, which is described as “a fresh, revisionist look at the strange forces that shaped Jackson and the scandals that bedevilled him”.How could this be any worse than I imagine, you wonder? You lack creativity, my friends.
Nitzberg proposed a solution: “I said, how’s this? Everything MJ has been accused of has actually been caused by his glove, which is actually an alien from outer space [and] feeds on virgin boy blood. They laughed and said, ‘Can you do the normal version?’”
What The Hell Was Wrong With You
Even when we moved back to Center City at Broad and Pine, an easy one-mile walk from The Inquirer’s headquarters, I persisted in driving. I paid for parking near 8th and Market and grappled with the daily hassles of clogged city streets, potholes that threatened to flatten my tires or decimate my shock absorbers, and parking lots that were often as frustrating to navigate as the surrounding streets."Steely determination."
Then one day last summer, when the Philadelphia heat and humidity were at their worst, I spent 15 agonizing minutes unsuccessfully trying to find an open space in the lot where I paid $35 every week — a discounted rate for our company employees — for the privilege of parking. It was a watershed moment. Returning to work that day, I canceled my account for parking and, with a steely determination, decided to once and for all return to public transportation.
Driving from Broad&Pine to park at 8th&Market is... well.. nuts... unless you have some other reason to do so (maybe you need your car for something else during work hours! sure). Like always nuts unless you have any mobility issues. I don't care what the weather is.
Also, pro-tips, dude:
1) if you don't want to walk the whole way, or are ambivalent, walk to 11th, grab the 45 bus if it is coming, and then walk the rest of the way (that he never mentions The Bus is hilarious. That someone lives in center city and never considers taking the bus is a tragedy).
2)Take PATCO! One seat drops you right there!
Generally, if you move around Center City and are happy to walk but like the occasional boost, a transit pass+plus apps telling you if a bus is is coming is the way to go. Bus frequency everywhere isn't as it should be, but in this part of the city there's generally a bus on its way and if one is going your way hop on it!
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Measles Is Bad
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is immediately sending experts in response to a request from the Samoan government for assistance with a measles outbreak that has sickened 2,437 people and killed 32, mostly children, U.S. officials said Tuesday.
The CDC is providing technical assistance with tracking and monitoring of cases and vaccination campaigns, according to Robert Linkins, a CDC expert on global immunization. Two CDC experts are expected to be on the ground shortly, U.S. officials said. Vaccination rates in Samoa are among the lowest in the world, and the country has been the target of anti-vaccine activists.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
But... we keep Fahrenheit. Celsius is dumb and bad. Science can keep Celsius. For the rest of us, Fahrenheit is great. 0 is quite cold and 100 is quite hot. That is a very simple human scale. 0 is sorta cold and 100 means you died awhile ago is not very useful.
Sure people used to Celsius are used to it, but honestly my experience with people who are used to it is that they also find it a bit inadequate. 18? 22? Who remembers the difference.
Is it important? Maybe not. Except for one thing. 4 degrees doesn't sound like much. I suspect it doesn't sound like that much even to people who are used to Celsius. 4 is a little number. So when you hear about climate changing meaning a "4 degree average temperature increase" that doesn't sound like ALL THAT MUCH, does it? But (doing the advanced math) a 4 degree C increase, divide by 5, multiply by 9 (I am a weirdo who actually remembers the formula)...36/5.. Seven and a bit! OK that's a bit scarier.
Maybe He Was A Hope Shopping Network Addict
And if I really had extra cash I'd probably do what nice-but-not-really-that-nice rich people do. Give some money to the local theatre company. That kind of thing. Not the worst thing in the world, but also it buys a bit of ass kissing and self-importance. Probably I'd find one really worthy "the money really goes where they need it" charity. Have a few in mind.
But I think of people like Rudy and just wonder why on Earth he would get involved with all of this stuff. Not because I think Rudy is Good, but shouldn't Rudy be Lazy? Shouldn't he just be like "I'm America's goddamn Mayor. Put me on your corporate board. Pay me 50 grand per speech. Comp me at all the best restaurants." That rich people get comped is sad and hilarious, though I'm sure the good ones leave good tips at least. I know the 8 times or so I have been comped (bloggers are famous!) I left most of the meal price as a tip. Okay once I saw a mouse that ran in from the outside. I still left most of the meal price as a tip. We know from divorce reports he spends money on dumb things - cigars! fountain pens! - but those aren't exactly budget busting, even if they are a bit absurd.
Other people are weird, is what I am saying. Or maybe I am.
Better Things Aren't Possible
I suppose conventional wisdom about primaries (though wrong for various reasons) is that candidates run to their Left (or Right for Republicans) to win the primary and then run to the center to win the general. Some candidates are planning the reverse, though I expect it's "appeal to scared old people in the primary and then run on 'Trump sucks' in the general."
Could work, but...then what?
Oh, Elon
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Tesla Inc’s chief executive, Elon Musk, will testify in his own defense against a defamation lawsuit brought by a British cave explorer, Musk’s lawyer said on Monday in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Brain Worms
Joe and Vicky
Speaking Of
In conversations with people inside and outside the company, Neumann’s pronouncements became wilder. He told one investor that he’d convinced Rahm Emanuel to run for president in 2020 on the “WeWork Agenda.” (Emanuel did not respond to a request for comment.) Neumann told colleagues that he was saving the women of Saudi Arabia by working with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to offer women coding classes, according to a source. In another meeting, Neumann said three people were going to save the world: bin Salman, Jared Kushner, and Neumann. Shortly after the news broke in October 2018 that Saudi agents tortured dissident and Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi and carved his body with a bone saw, likely on order from the crown prince himself, Neumann told George W. Bush’s former national security adviser Stephen Hadley that everything could be worked out if bin Salman had the right mentor. Confused, Hadley asked who that person might be, according to a source familiar with the meeting. Neumann paused for a moment and said: “Me.”Of course they're rich brain geniuses, so who is really the stupidhead?
The Best People
Morning Thread
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Rich people have too much money.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Morning Thread
Nah, no one would believe it.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Don't Have A Cow, Man
A lawyer for an indicted associate of Rudy Giuliani tells CNN that his client is willing to tell Congress about meetings the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee had in Vienna last year with a former Ukrainian prosecutor to discuss digging up dirt on Joe Biden.
The attorney, Joseph A. Bondy, represents Lev Parnas, the recently indicted Soviet-born American who worked with Giuliani to push claims of Democratic corruption in Ukraine. Bondy said that Parnas was told directly by the former Ukrainian official that he met last year in Vienna with Rep. Devin Nunes.
In The Old Times
We Are The Priests Of The Temples Of Syrinx
The @Tesla #Cybertruck 'Armor Glass' demo didn't go exactly as
— Engadget (@engadget) November 22, 2019
Nobody *expects* the Cybertruck
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 22, 2019
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Ancient History
It was a long time ago. But they are all still here because... Boomers.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show, As Written
God knows I've tried
To find the truth
I've even lied
I have been watching people making phone calls my entire life. My hearing is, and has been, great. Never have I been watching a person making a call, which was not on speakerphone, and been able to hear or understand a conversation. I’ve even tried, but to no avail. Try it live!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 21, 2019
The Not Lost Stoppard Play
Bernard: Ezra wasn't a botanist! He was a poet!
Hannah: He was not much of either, but he was both.
The Lost Beckett Play
Gogo: no because a billionaire might rub against those nice things
Didi: can we tax them
Gogo: oh no
Didi: well? shall we go?
Gogo: yes, let's go
[they do not move]
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
From The Right From The Right From The Right
What Was It All About
Donald Trump is the stupidest man in America, but he is smart enough to know that the New York Times would run with "battling accusations of corruption" every time they mentioned Candidate Biden.
And I mean the New York Times. They were the target. Whether they are active players or dumb saps is another question.
The Job Is Basically To Go On Fox, Right?
Maybe I had a dream, maybe it was a joke, but it always gives me a chuckle.
Progressive Taxation
As for education specifically... there is a huge problem with the whole concept that we tie higher ed aid to parental income. Also, too.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The Real Problem, You See, Is Penn
a wild mayor pete quote
— Max Foley-Keene (@MaxFoleyKeene) November 20, 2019
(quote from)
Shared Responsibility
In a campaign in which rivals Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders launched to the front of the primary pack — and stayed there — by railing against big corporations and promising massive structural change, it remains to be seen whether Patrick’s approach will catch fire with Democrats. On Monday night, he stood by his pro-business stance when asked if he believes corporations bear any responsibility for income inequality in the nation.
“I think we all have responsibility for inequality. We vote for the people and have voted for the people who have supported some of these strategies,” he said, pointing to tax policy that has favored the rich over the middle class.
...and we can vote against them! Good point.
Can't Have A President Who Does This Many Crimes
Monday, November 18, 2019
The Lies
See How They Smile Like Pigs In A Sty
Drugs Are Bad, MMMKAY
It hasn't been good, folks.
Running Out Of Time
And on repeat.
What About The People Who Support Trump
Don't any of their reporters ever just say...enough! This is fucking ridiculous!
Sunday, November 17, 2019
In It To Win It
A bad thing about Morning Joe Democrats (Hi Claire!) is their thing is basically, "I would have won if not for AOC and annoying liberals on twitter." It isn't enough that they are annoyingly conservative (or "moderate"). They blame their failures to win elections on people trying to win elections, and their voters, elsewhere, even if they aren't being explicitly criticized by them.
It's fair for the Joe Manchins to say, "lay off, I got this." Because he does! But the Morning Joe Democrats...often don't.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
But imagine being not just a rich local car dealer, but a real billionaire (I don't mean Trump), or similar Richie Rich, and devoting your life to increasing the suffering of the rest of the population. Or just thinking "wow $8 an hour is too much for the THOSE PEOPLE."
Other people are weird.
Why Can't A Democrat Be More Like A Republican
In this case it is literally a 78-year-old lifelong Republican, former Republican politician, from New Jersey, who it seems has never voted for a Democrat in his life and of course voted for Trump. He might still vote for Trump! But only if Democrats go with... well... anybody they will nominate, because that's always how it works. I doubt he'd even vote for Democrat-for-President John Kasich.
One thing that should jump out is that this guy lives in New Jersey which means that his nonvote for Bernie Stalin isn't likely to matter much.
But generally this is "centrist" pundit thing which is that what Democrats should be is Republicans-without-the-gross-stuff. The shorthand for this is "economically conservative (no taxes for rich people and no nice things for anybody) and socially liberal." But they aren't really socially liberal, either. They think obvious explicit bigotry is offensive, but they're as suspicious of any attempts to correct structural and institutional racism (etc) even that committed by the state. Stop and frisk is sadly necessary, black people. "Rich ladies should be allowed to get abortions" feminism.
These are also the people that love to imagine liberals/lefties live in some imaginary hippie commune bubble. But to write a column like that without any awareness of how fucking absurd it is...
Doctor, Doctor
They just lie about everything.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
No One Will Believe You
For example, when Priorities informed a focus group that Romney supported the Ryan budget plan — and thus championed “ending Medicare as we know it” — while also advocating tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, the respondents simply refused to believe any politician would do such a thing.It is a problem when you can completely accurately describe what Republicans very explicitly say they want and people will refuse to believe you and perhaps get mad at you for "lying" to them.
Stop The Crimeing
Having his favorite teevee shows be all about his crimes is at least going to make him suffer. Keep the show on for awhile!
Pay No Price
Friday, November 15, 2019
In The Stone Zone
So Much Driving
Thursday, November 14, 2019
When Donald Trump decides Medicare For All has been the Republican policy all along, they will all get behind it. No I don't think that's going to happen, but hopefully you get the point.
The MAGA base basically needs to feel like they're Owning The Libs with a healthy dose of racism. Medicare for Everyone But Black People would poll at 700% favorable. "Donald Trump supports Medicare for All, do you?" would get a strong majority.
Scary That This Is A Relief
BREAKING: Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin (R) just conceded to his challenger Andy Beshear (D), who will be the next governor.
— The Appeal (@theappeal) November 14, 2019
Beshear has vowed to immediately issue an executive order to restore the voting rights of the more than 140,000 Kentucky residents:
Consequential, but dull: Trump impeachment hearings begin without a bang
— Jeff Mason (@jeffmason1) November 14, 2019
What did you do as the country was falling apart, Daddy?
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
There's A Million Pigeons
Trump busts this model and it is a bit hard to comprehend, I admit, but "vote for your party no matter what" is actually the smart position, mostly, not the dumb one.
Oh, Elon
To win over shareholders, Musk came up with the concept of a “Solar Roof” that resembled a traditional rooftop shingle but could capture power from the sun. At a joint Tesla-SolarCity event in Los Angeles in October 2016, Musk showed off the product to an impressed audience. The demos he unveiled weren’t functional, but the acquisition received approval a few weeks later.6 months, a year, tops, going to be ramping ramping ramping production. Always ramping towards freedom!
The Music Today Is A DISGRACE
Just a comment on getting old, really.
Lifelong Projects
We all have hobbies.
Who Is Sarah Palin
- She was an unknown who ran for Vice President and lost and for 2+ years after the inauguration of the first African-American president who presided over Dem supermajorities in Congress was treated as the most important voice in politics and now she is a trivia question.
A lot of lessons there.
Does Anyone Remember Laughter
The Celestial Hall Monitor
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Apparently Stephen Miller Is A Big Racist .Who Knew???
Even if we pretend there are some gray areas on this issue, Miller made it pretty clear he did not inhabit them. He's a big racist. The president might be too! Just maybe!
Me: Really Anybody But Biden Or Mayor Pete
Buttigieg surges to the top of the Iowa field in a new Monmouth poll.
— Jennifer Epstein (@jeneps) November 12, 2019
Buttigieg 22% (+14 from August poll)
Biden 19% (-7)
Warren 18% (-2)
Sanders 13% (+5)
Klobuchar 5% (+2)
Harris 3% (-9)
Everyone else is 1%
Steyer 3% (unchanged)
Booker 2% (+1)
Gabbard 2% (+1)
The Important Thing Is To Be Very Polite To Him In Public
In this, the first of what will be a series about those emails, Hatewatch exposes the racist source material that has influenced Miller’s visions of policy. That source material, as laid out in his emails to Breitbart, includes white nationalist websites, a “white genocide”-themed novel in which Indian men rape white women, xenophobic conspiracy theories and eugenics-era immigration laws that Adolf Hitler lauded in “Mein Kampf.”
Hatewatch reviewed more than 900 previously private emails Miller sent to Breitbart editors from March 4, 2015, to June 27, 2016. Miller does not converse along a wide range of topics in the emails. His focus is strikingly narrow – more than 80 percent of the emails Hatewatch reviewed relate to or appear on threads relating to the subjects of race or immigration. Hatewatch made multiple attempts to reach the White House for a comment from Miller about the content of his emails but did not receive any reply.
Please Kick The Shiny Ball, Mr. President
What is noteworthy is the timing, coming in the middle of the impeachment hearings about a July call. The April call May pose fewer problems for potus but could help shift focus.
— Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) November 12, 2019
Monday, November 11, 2019
I Called All My Good Friends
Joe Biden remarks that he called about a dozen Senate Republicans to encourage them to vote on Merrick Garland. Then he says with Trump gone, Republicans will again find political courage.
— Matt Viser (@mviser) November 12, 2019
Left unsaid: Republicans stalled on Garland before Trump was nominated, or elected.
Under No Circumstances Do You Have To Hand It To Peter King
Peter King stood head & shoulders above everyone else
— Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) November 11, 2019
He’s been principled & never let others push him away from his principles
He’s fiercely loved America, Long Island, and his Irish heritage and left a lasting mark on all 3
I will miss him in Congress & value his friendship
Monday Crass Commercialism
Buy an external hard drive. The perfect gift! For yourself, at least. 2 TB for $55! These things are practically free now.
Let The World Turn Without You Tonight
As for who I am talking about, that exercise is left to you, dear readers.
Fare Evasion
Some 90 miles north of Philadelphia, there’s a reckoning going on over paying for subway rides. Unlike in Philly, which recently decriminalized fare evasion, New York City is ramping up its enforcement.It's absurd that a $2.50 fare dodge anywhere should be a criminal offense. It isn't one when you steal a greater value of parking by not feeding the meter. More than that, nobody ever gets arrested for "dodging" much more expensive regional rail fares. Sure in theory you can buy tickets on the train but they don't take cards and at worst they'll chuck you off the train though that's highly selective (in my vast experience around the world, if you look like you "made an oopsie" and really intended to pay your fare they let you go and if you look like someone who would try to dodge a fare they don't and we can all guess what goes into that determination, generally).
There's no way this is in net a money "saver" of course. Cops are expensive as are trials and incarceration. In NYC it's $2.75. Give people the equivalent of a parking ticket.
New presidential elections should be held this year, perhaps at the same time the new Congress is chosen. Some time is needed for plausible national leaders to emerge and parties to reorganize. But Venezuela urgently needs a leader with a strong democratic mandate to clean up the mess, encourage entrepreneurial freedom and slim down and professionalize the bureaucracy.Enterpreneurial freedom! Professionalize the bureaucracy! Drink!
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Our Brand Is Crisis
Go On
RADDATZ: Congressman, you're again talking about process. The process. I asked you about substance. How do you fend against the substance?
THORNBERRY: Well, as you know -- maybe you know, Martha -- I believe that it is inappropriate for a president to ask a foreign leader to investigate a political rival. Now that leads to a question, if there's a political rival with a family member who’s involved in questionable activity, what do you do? Just let them alone. But set that aside. I believe it was inappropriate. I do not believe it was impeachable. And process -- you know, you all always want to say substance, not process. There's a reason we let murderers and robbers and rapists go free when their due process rights have been violated.
Rudy? Never Met Him
Evidence of the emerging Republican approach was on display this week in transcripts of the impeachment testimony delivered by the stream of diplomats and national security officials in a secure hearing room in the Capitol basement.
They indicated that Republicans would portray figures like Mr. Giuliani as working in his own interests, not at Mr. Trump’s behest; and that they would argue that Mr. Sondland, a political megadonor with little diplomatic experience, was a braggart who exaggerated his relationship with Mr. Trump and essentially freelanced on his behalf.
Starbucks guy was a worry because he was running as a third party candidate and anyone with an absurd amount of money can probably figure out how to get 3-4% of the vote nationally and given our system... that can be an issue!
But Bloomberg running in the Dem primary? No idea.
Saturday, November 09, 2019
Everything Me
Being in Congress, even in the Senate, really isn't that glamorous. You mostly work in big dumb office buildings that aren't much different than other big dumb office buildings, except there are a lot more random members of the public and of course reporters wandering around. They're incredibly hierarchical. The 47th most senior senator gets to lord it over the 48th most senior senator. For a variety of reasons the effective power of even the most powerful senators has been eroded quite a bit. You have to be "on" quite a lot and as important as you are you still have to kiss ass of other people who think they are at least as important, occasionally anyway.
I suppose the only reason is that after decades of everything in your life seeming to revolve around you, even the less pleasant bits, it's hard to shake that.
America's Worst Corporations
McKinsey & Company, the elite consulting firm that advises many of the world’s largest and most powerful institutions, is facing a federal criminal investigation of its conduct advising bankrupt companies, according to five people familiar with the matter."White collar crime" just pulls out the jenga pieces of the economy. Gonna need some broken windows policing here.
Prosecutors and other Justice Department officials in New York and Washington are trying to determine if McKinsey used its influence over insolvent companies in violation of the rules of Chapter 11 bankruptcy — where billions of dollars can change hands — by quietly steering valuable assets to itself or favoring its own clients over other creditors.
Friday, November 08, 2019
Friday, Friday
What This Needs Is More Me
Nor will I decide that every problem just needs a few hundred million more spent on "studying the problem" when the solution always always always is, if imperfectly, just give other people more money.
Please Let Him Write This One Himself
Trump on the South Lawn tells reporters that he will release a second transcript, @HansNichols reports
— Geoff Bennett (@GeoffRBennett) November 8, 2019
Have You Read His Tweets
OK Silents
Our Big Wet President is a true Boomer.
Thursday, November 07, 2019
Everybody Gets A New Boat
"Odd Occurrences"
It doesn’t take long or much data to model ordinary driving, actions like staying in a lane, braking and changing lanes on a highway. But that doesn’t “solve” self-driving on highways because the hard part is how to build a driver that can handle the odd occurrences, such as swerving, or correct for those bad behaviors.Any limited application is much more of a realistic possibility than Elon's "robotaxis," though I'm still pretty skeptical that even genuine attention-free highway driving is possible. And still no one has really figured out who is it fault - ethically, legally, financially - when your self-driving car kills someone, though making it clear that no driver attention is required begins to answer this question. Tesla's position is, basically, that if the driver fails to intervene it is their fault and if the driver intervenes it is of course their fault because they were in control. Not sure the insurance companies will continue to be happy with this.
Ghost’s system uses machine learning to find more interesting scenarios in the reams of data it collects and builds training models based on them.
The Death of the Rude Press
Still, we thought as we watched this process, it was fine, because, after all, we had blogs! Blogs were a refreshing novelty in the rapidly constricting world of print because they were allowed to be rude. This made many people—primarily people whose most consistent belief is that they are owed deference because of their social or professional status—outraged. David Denby, America’s worst living film critic, actually wrote a book about how much he detested this rhetorical mode he couldn’t even accurately describe.
Unfortunately, for all the early aughts talk of blogs taking over the world, the era of independent blogs turned out to be a brief one, and attempts to professionalize the blogging genre required stamping the iconoclasm out of it. To give one example: Web portals like Yahoo and MSN make content licensing deals with publishers like the former GMG, splitting ad revenue on stories they republish for their still-massive audiences. Splinter had such a deal with Yahoo—until, after Yahoo repeatedly complained about headlines containing swear words, the portal ended the arrangement. Deadspin had similar problems. At one point, according to a former employee, MSN began adding “OPINION” to every Deadspin headline, until GMG asked the company to stop doing so without permission. A news outlet cannot have a distinct point of view and be given the same privileges as the ones that don’t.
And again not about blogs or certainly not This Blog, but general pressure to be obsequious and the fading structures that fought against that.
If your local media has no place for people who voice contempt for your city’s police chief, say, or your state’s attorney general, or the publisher of your city’s largest newspaper, all of those people will feel more comfortable in abusing their power. They will grind you down, and in the process, they’ll tell you to be civil about it.
Grifters and their fanboys. Wow.
His Happy Place
Since taking office in early 2017, the president has confided to close associates that he misses hosting The Apprentice and The Celebrity Apprentice on NBC, the reality-TV staples he left behind to become the Republican Party standard-bearer and then the leader of the free world. Trump has waxed nostalgic about how he created what he sees as the greatest thing reality television has ever seen. Two sources who’ve spoken to him recall Trump saying that he will perhaps one day revisit the medium.
And it may not just be fits of nostalgia.
According to three people with knowledge of the situation and another source close to Trump, Apprentice creator Mark Burnett and the president have sporadically kept in touch, mostly over the phone, since Trump won the election. The pair remain friends, these sources say, and have discussed reviving their creative partnership, pitching each other details on potential TV projects to be filmed after the Trump presidency.
The Apprentice must have been the greatest thing that ever happened to him and he should just quit and return to it.
Wednesday, November 06, 2019
Chester, Delaware, Montgomery (already was), Bucks, and Lehigh Counties are are controlled by Dems now. Kind of a big deal.
Riddle Me This, Biden-Man
“With Donald Trump out of the way, you’re going to see a number of my Republican colleagues have an epiphany. Mark my words. Mark my words,” Biden said at a DC fundraiser today at the Sidley Austin law firm
— Sam Stein (@samstein) November 6, 2019
In the age of Trump, and in some imagined age of post-Trump, the only way to imagine that some other president can achieve consensus on the types of things that Barack Obama couldn't is that you, or Mayor Pete, or Barack Obama's best friend, think that that there was something special about Barack Obama that prevented him from doing it.
Might be true, but spell it out.
Mayor Pete’s understanding of the New Deal is...interesting.
— Elias Isquith (@elias_isquith) November 5, 2019
Wednesday Morning
Morning Thread
Congrats to the newly elected and to all the workers who made it happen.
Tuesday, November 05, 2019
Up Down Turn Around
City votes: YAAAY
Late rural votes: sad trombone
... the smart people are saying the Dem, Beshear, actually will be the next governor of Kentucky.
Happy Hour Thread
Other people are mysterious.
Is The Game Just The Game
Lindsey Graham, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, says he won't read any of the transcripts, and dismissed Sondland's reversal.
— Kathryn Watson (@kathrynw5) November 5, 2019
"I've written the whole process off ... I think this is a bunch of B.S."
Per @alanhe
Lindsey's relatively young for the Senate. 64. Not like he's entering the winter of life and career necessarily. But I imagine he could've cashed out - even cashed out for a position which gave him lots of attention such as the apparent dream job of CABLE NEWS REGULAR - and not have to spend his life being lickspittle to America's worst human, Donald Trump. What is really in it? I just don't understand any of these people.
In The Old Times
It's Called Extortion
WASHINGTON — A critical witness in the impeachment inquiry offered Congress substantial new testimony this week, revealing that he told a top Ukrainian official that the country likely would not receive American military aid unless it publicly committed to investigations President Trump wanted.
The disclosure from Gordon D. Sondland, the United States ambassador to the European Union, in four new pages of sworn testimony released on Tuesday, confirmed his involvement in essentially laying out a quid pro quo to Ukraine that he had previously not acknowledged.
I think if either of us were in a fire, whatever the fire brigade said, we would leave the burning building. It just seems the common sense thing to do.The mistake they made, you see, was listening to the experts.
What's It All About Then

Computer, enhance.

We all want to eat better than pulled pork and cole slaw "banh mi."
South Bend
Responding to @JulianCastro's claim that @PeteButtigieg has a bad record with African Americans, Buttigieg says he'd be happy to walk around South Bend with Castro "if he wants to learn more about how we can tackle these really tough issues."
— Maura Barrett (@MauraBarrettNBC) November 4, 2019
h/t @PriscillaWT
Size isn't everything, as they say, but the population of South Bend is 100K and the population of San Antonio is a million and a half.
"We've got major challenges as diverse communities do around policing." Um, yes, yes you do.
Strange Soggy Man
Monday, November 04, 2019
60s Futurism

The housing situation in California is too complicated even for the margins of this blog post, but Steve Jobs built a big round suburban office park with 14,000 parking spots not near transit and whatever precisely led to that, it's pretty hard to unshit that bed.
New York (CNN Business)Apple announced a $2.5 billion financial package to help address the housing crisis in California, which has worsened in part because of the rapid growth of tech companies.Despite the (not quoted) headline they aren't going to "spend $2.5 billion" as much of this is just credit support.
The company laid out a five-point plan, including $1 billion for an affordable housing investment fund, $1 billion in mortgage assistance for first-time home buyers and opening some Apple-owned land valued at $300 million for development. The remaining $200 million will go toward a San Francisco housing fund and to support vulnerable populations.
In San Francisco, roughly 7,000 people are homeless. There is a shortage of affordable homes across the Bay Area, which is pushing out middle and low-income workers like teachers and restaurant employees. Critics say the influx of tech companies and their well-paid workers has contributed to the ongoing housing crisis.
People who pretended not to know that the Nazis are Nazis might not be Nazis themselves, but they perhaps think the Nazis have some interesting ideas and would like to subscribe to their newsletters or at least hang out and take selfies with them.
The Wapo has a good story about a DA candidate in SF whose father is in prison.
— Eric Umansky (@ericuman) November 4, 2019
But I don't get "Editor's note" that reporter also had a parent in prison
Our backgrounds shape us. The reporter is no more biased than one who *hasn't* had family in prison
In journalism or somewhat similar fields (academia), people familiar with backgrounds and realities of people who are not wealthy men are considered suspect. How can you cover the poors objectively when you, yourself, are poor? We are going to hire a minority to cover the minority beat, but then suggest their work is suspect because of "bias." How do you cover the plight of wealthy New Yorkers, when you, yourself, are a wealthy New Yorker? Okay that last one is never asked.
It isn't always made this explicit, publicly. But wow...
Sunday, November 03, 2019
Primary Fight
Lefty supporters get mad because they think centrists are attacking the left with conservative talking points, certainly hurting their possible general election prospects and also... just proving they're conservative.
Morning Thread
Saturday, November 02, 2019
Poor Misunderstood Me
The significance of a speech can be hard to measure in the moment, but this @PeteButtigieg one may be remembered for a good while: "The purpose of the presidency is not the glorification of the president, but the unification of the American people."
— Jeff Zeleny (@jeffzeleny) November 2, 2019
I never understand this rhetoric at all. We aren't actually fighting a civil war. People disagree about stuff and that's... good?
From Bean To Cup
Smuggling gangs in Mexico have repeatedly sawed through new sections of President Trump’s border wall in recent months by using commercially available power tools, opening gaps large enough for people and drug loads to pass through, according to U.S. agents and officials with knowledge of the damage.
The breaches have been made using a popular cordless household tool known as a reciprocating saw that retails at hardware stores for as little as $100. When fitted with specialized blades, the saws can slice through one of the barrier’s steel-and-concrete bollards in a matter of minutes, according to the agents, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about the barrier-defeating techniques.
Friday, November 01, 2019
Florida Man
The Greatest Health Care System In The World
The Best Deals
Donald Trump said Boris Johnson’s Brexit deal will make it difficult for the British prime minister to strike a trade deal with the U.S. after the U.K. leaves the European Union."Much bigger numbers." What does that even mean? I get it's Trump so nothing he says means anything, but in this case it's really total gibberish.
In an interview with Brexit Party Leader Nigel Farage on LBC Radio, the president said the two countries could “do much bigger numbers” if Johnson made a cleaner break with the EU.