Saturday, March 30, 2019

There's Cheating And Then There's Cheating

I don't really understand the culture of golf, but there's cheating and then there's Trump.

Saturday Afternoon


Spring Fundraisng Funstravaganza!

I almost forgot. You're supposed to give me all your money. The guy who saved Social Security? That was me.

Support this site!

Probably not really but David Dayen said so and he is the smartest person on this very online hellscape so who am I to argue.

Weekend Nostalgia Blogging

The Kids Today

College students were born in the 21st century.

This Only Goes One Way

UK politics has become a fun house mirror version of our own. The latest is that a prominent Tory was voted down by his local committee - the equivalent of losing a primary - and all the Labour members are publicly weeping about it. They won't weep for you, idiots.

Morning Thread

Friday, March 29, 2019


On My Mind

Georgia is about to ban abortion. Who is keeping the list of states I can't visit?

Afternoon Thread

Enjoy. My favorite is the first movement.

You Have Tea And No Tea

I am mad no one ever gets this reference.

Spring Fundraising Funstravaganza Day 4th!

Give me all your money you billionaires.

Support this site!

Think You Missed The Point Of Your Own Argument, My Dude

Morning Thread

We're re-watching Game of Thrones in preparation for the new season. Best bit, so far, watching King Joffrey (the little shit) get poisoned.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Thursday Night

I woke up being barely able to walk for some reason. Getting old is not good. (I am fine this will pass but WTF).


If you are an elite person who travels in elite circles you believe that while your peers aren't all geniuses, they must be the most genius of people.

But this is not true. Going to school near Boston does not guarantee you are a brain genius.

Trump Is My President

This is the worst timeline.

But, really, it wasn't dumb poors that voted for him, it was guys who own car dealerships. We gotta reckon with the fact that our meritocracy promotes con artists.

Lunch Thread

Actually, they are good.

I Wonk So Hard

If you want to give people nice things, you shouldn't obsess about how much it costs. The Americans Wonk Class is bad. Also they are dumb.


It is this type of thing which makes me obsess about this issue. And I have a couple insider sources (ooooh I am a real journalist) who confirm these concerns. The self-driving car people see pedestrians as a problem. I don't really understand how you can think urban taxis are your business model and also think walking is the enemy. Cities are made of pedestrians. Well, cities other than Phoenix, anyway. I pay a dumb mortgage so I can walk to a concert, like I did last night.

Thursday, Thursday

Lacking internet for a day has made me very confused. It's March, also, too? What the hell.

Morning Thread

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Late Night

Would like to be a citizen of at least one non ridiculous country.

The Way Forward Is Clear Then

Free At Last

What did I miss?

Yes I Know I Can Use My Phone As A Hotspot

But it still sucks when the real internet is down.

The Internets Are Broken

Area man apparently did pay his bill and yet...

Area Man Needs Food, Badly

Day 2!

Give me all your money unless you need it for something more important.

Morning Thread

Somebody forgot to pay the internet bill.

Morning Thread

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Late Night


Tuesday Evening

The evening.

On Screen

This is random thought blogging because I have a blog so I can do that...

I am just old enough that the early generation of screen stars was still alive, mostly. They became bit players on bad tv shows, like the Love Boat, and occasionally the reinvented themselves for new more respectable old people careers. Largely what I remember is that they were the object of jokes. Especially the women. You know, Elizabeth Taylor got fat!!!! was a joke comedians dined on as I had no idea who Taylor was.

We have not entered some new woke Nirvana, but that "actors get old like the rest of us" is more widely understood is probably a thing, even if it's mostly because the biggest generation is old people.

Remember All The Good Things Obama Did

Let's sound off in the comments.

The Greatest Movie Ever Made

Occasionally I realize that most people have not seen Rollerball.

Spring Fundraising FUNSTRAVAGANZA

Fortunately I don't currently need a new kidney, so this is not a charity ask. This is, as always, your NPR subscription money ask. Less David Brooks, more making fun of David Brooks!

Give me all your money unless you need it for something more important.

Brexit Sympathies

Most of The Discourse in the US about the heartland versus the coasts is dumb, in part because it's coastal elitists who are running this conversation and, proving their own point, not actually including the voices of the forgotten heartland, except the ones which cater to their prejudices. While the discourse is mostly dumb, the issue is less dumb. It shouldn't be about old white guys in diners who aren't comfortable with all the wimmen and gayz and coloreds, it should be about the fact that the local airport can't take you anywhere anymore, and if it does it'll cost you an absurd amount of money. For example.

On a related note, public transit in London is mostly awesome if it is under the thumb of TFL. If it isn't, it's often a disaster. In the rest of the country, public transit is mostly a disaster because none of it is under the thumb of TFL. Privatization for thee, not for me. The rest of the country has reason to be mad and while Brexit is not the answer, it was the answer some savvy people gave to them.

Lessons for our own country are, also, too, obvious.

The Story

I have no idea what it is but... wow.

America's Worst Newspaper

The New York Times.

The linked issue is more important, but while we love to joke about little "mistakes" like sending a stringer NINETY MILES AWAY to darkest Peru Philadelphia where said stringer discovers a hitherto unknown "Little Italy" section of the city because a chain restaurant has "Little Italy" in its name, these errors show a newspaper that considers using the fucking google to be beneath them.

Rocky running through an area not called Little Italy which is nowhere near "Maggiano's Little Italy."


Even real websites have figured out that google takes all the money now so it is down to you, dear readers, to make this all possible. The various subscription tiers allow you free access to all the wonders of this mighty blog.

Give me all your money unless you need it for something more important.

Morning Thread

Monday, March 25, 2019

Late Night

Rock on.

Said the Whale - Cascadia.

Monday Crass Commercialism

A friend wrote a book. You should probably pre-order it. Women fighting Nazis.
D-Day Girls: The Spies Who Armed the Resistance, Sabotaged the Nazis, and Helped Win World War II

Even JK Wasn't That Dumb

Takes of Fire

Along with eSports, I never quite understood the Avenatti as Resistance Hero bubble.

Balls and Strikes

A problem with wanting to empower certain institutions and individuals as being above the fray objective referees is that there are no take backsies. Can't grant them that position and then complain about the result after the fact.


It's cheap to make and some people will die within a week without it. I don't know the full story of how the drug companies are getting away with charging absurd amounts of money for this, but if I were a crusading member of Congress on a relevant committee I'd be hauling in every involved exec to testify every day until they lowered the price down to cost.

It isn't some fancy new miracle drug technology. It's old and the production process is cheap and if you are concerned with people with diabetes instead of the feefees of "stakeholders" (rich evil dudes), you will do this.


Creeping oldmanism means there are more and more things you just find it hard to understand. I try to stop short of complaining. I don't really care that the kids are doing freaky weird shit on my lawn. I'm just not sure why they are.

Architecture firm Populous designed the 60,000-square-foot venue, which will be home to the Philadelphia Fusion, an esports team owned by Comcast Spectacor that competes in the Overwatch League. The league wants its teams to play in their home markets next year. The Fusion are looking at playing at other venues in Philadelphia while the new esports venue is being built.

Up To The Dems

As I said, Republican Daddies aren't going to save us. If Dems think Trump has done impeachable things, or things worthy of impeachment hearings, they should do it. Otherwise they can subpoena people about all of the other crimes.

A few months ago they didn't have any power and trying to cajole the GOP Daddies and Impartial Referees (unicorns both) to Do The Right Thing was all they could do. Now they have power. Use it.

Morning Thread

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Sunday Evening

And on and on.

What Would Make You Vote For A Republican?

I brought this up previously in this context of Roy Moore, who actually lost! My mostly serious point was that if you're a Republican it of course makes sense for you to vote for Roy Moore. Roy Moore is a bad guy and we don't want to reward/promote bad guys, but individual senators mostly don't have all that much power and if you really think the Senate should be run by Republicans, then voting for the guy who is going to put Mitch in charge of things makes a lot of sense.

Governors and presidents are a bit different. They do have a lot of individual power and more ways to implement idiosyncratic policies that don't precisely align them with the prevailing party ethos. Voting for a truly awful person, even one that shares your party affiliation, is likely to have awful consequences. But, also, too voting for a Republican, especially given the current crop of Republicans, is likely to have awful consequences!

So just how bad would a Democrat have to be for you to vote for the Republican for governor? For president?

We mock the "27%ers" but can we really blame them? Sure we can blame them for being Republicans, but over and above that?

The Dream Deferred

Oh well.

In a picture posted Monday, the caption says “Follow us for exclusive updates on all things American Dream. Coming Fall 2019!”

In other posts that include pictures from inside the 3 million square foot complex, three different Instagram users asked when it will open, and the response from the American Dream Instagram account was “fall 2019.”

American Dream’s newly-hired Public Relations Director, Dana McHugh, declined to comment on whether the Instagram account is official. An email address and phone number associated with the account match those of a former public relations agent working on behalf of the development. When asked about the contact information, McHugh said that agent is no longer with the company.

I still think there's a nontrivial chance this never opens. Probably will! But...

Sure, Jan

And when there's too much congestion in the air we can run our flying cars through a tunnel.

Majority Majority

Roughly speaking there's no majority in Parliament for any Brexit deal that the EU would take that can also have the support of a majority of Tories (and/or the support of May). In other words you could get support for a "soft Brexit" with some combination of Labour/Tory votes, but that isn't going to be on the table because it lacks support from the majority of the majority.

And it's March 25 and all of this was going to have been sorted by last October.

Morning Thread

It's quiet. Too quiet.