Saturday, February 29, 2020
Talkin' About My Generation
Our Medical System
No epidemic plan that doesn't deal with this reality is a plan at all.
Friday, February 28, 2020
Hack Season
How To Keep That Gong Alive
Wow The Chinese Government Sounds Bad
The Chinese government silenced whistle-blowers, withheld information and played down the threat of the new coronavirus. Now the ruling Communist Party is trying to rehabilitate its image by rebranding itself as the leader in the fight against the virus.
— The New York Times (@nytimes) February 28, 2020
Can You Provide A Means of Payment
All props to individuals and institutions who make it work better than this, but as a system... It just can't be done, my friends.
I have no idea if this will be a real epidemic or if it'll just fizzle out soon, but if it fizzles the lessons we will learn are... precisely zero. DC brains just can't even handle what needs to be done, which is not a sliding income-based scale of vaccine affordability, with tax advantaged vaccine savings accounts and vaccine empowerment zones for urban areas.
If there is an epidemic and any sort of vaccine available, even an imperfect one, you have to get it to 300 million people. Now. You set up vaccine administration stations everywhere. Schools, malls, offices, everywhere. I don't know you have strictly have to make it compulsory - probably, though that might be more trouble - but you go door to door with it.
This is a massive problem which would require the entire weight of the state, not some argument about WHETHER FREE VACCINES ARE SOCIAMALISM. It isn't like "oh, well, give up your iphone to get your vaccine, peasant." It's "save civilization."
And the people who run the country - and not just the Trumpkins - have no idea.
Details: Pelosi and Schumer said in their joint statement that additional funding Congress grants to the Trump administration to combat the coronavirus must include the following provisions:People got no money. What the fuck is affordable? I suppose an 18 page form on a broken website should answer the question, as long as you filed your taxes in a timely fashion!
The president cannot transfer these new funds to anything other than the coronavirus and fighting infectious diseases;
Vaccines are affordable and available to all that need it
Humanity died because DC Wonks spent 6 months coming up with a Rube Goldberg machine to make sure the sons of billionaires had to pay for their vaccines. NO FREE COLLEGE OR VACCINES FOR BILLIONAIRES.
Thursday, February 27, 2020
The decision to put Mr. Pence in charge was made on Wednesday after the president told some people that the vice president didn’t “have anything else to do,” according to people familiar with the president’s comments.
Keep Talking
The White House press pool is being called for an unscheduled event in the West Wing, per @JenniferJJacobs. Looks like Trump wants to talk after markets got hammered again today.
— Josh Wingrove (@josh_wingrove) February 27, 2020
We Can't Do It, My Friends
Lunch Thread
All Dozen Of Them
My Friends In Bethesda All Agree
No Worries
I'd feel slightly better if I believed any of these assholes actually prayed.
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Culling The Herd
Here's the clip of Azar not assuring Rep. Schakowsky a covid-19 vaccine will be affordable to all.
— Michael McAuliff (@mmcauliff) February 26, 2020
They Died On Teevee
But it's a bit harder to hide dead people at home and its consequences. If the coronavirus ends up being a major thing, it's going to be a major thing whether or not CNN acknowledges it.
Here's The Thing, Rush
Bring In The Boss
And Then Everyone Got Rich
The Betsy DeVos chain of hospitals just appeared out of nowhere!
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Seeing Red
I remember this and I also remember that in some circles (like Mad magazine!) red-baiting was an object of ridicule. I didn’t know then that it had been an object of ridicule for years before that, going back to the beatniks, The Manchurian Candidate, and Joseph Welch. But as I grew older it became more obvious that red-baiting was some bullshit, and anyone who pulled it was probably trying to get away with something. In fact culture reflected that: Red-baiters were figures of fun, obviously flim-flam men, the Tartuffes of democracy.And sign up for his newsletter. If you only sign up for one newsletter (like me) let it be that one.
When the Soviet Union actually collapsed, and with it any chance of a Dictatorship of the Proletariat in our lifetimes, I figured that nonsense was over for good. People only called you a commie-pinko as a joke, like calling you an Albigensian.
But here we are in 2020, and last week Michael Bloomberg literally called Bernie Sanders a communist in a Democratic debate, and today we have people practically drawing a Stalin mustache and red star on Sanders because he noticed that Cuban kids don’t get rickets anymore and can read.
Nothing To Do
I don't know how you make our health care system work unless you start calling up for profit hospital CEOs and saying, "we own your hospital now." I don't know how you mobilize the necessary resources for the public good unless you overturn 40 years of dogma. I don't know how you begin to have a for profit medical system, as we have constructed it, serve the public need. Half of Missouri could be dead and they'd be debating President Obama's ATTEMPTED SOCIALIST TAKEOVER OF THE MEDICAL SYSTEM on Hardball, and the Supreme Court would rule it unconstitutional, 5-4, with RBG casting vote 5 against.
Not sure what happens if half of NoVa is dead, but...
Because America
I Don't Think We Have A Plan For that
After returning to Miami last month from a work trip in China, Osmel Martinez Azcue found himself in a frightening position: he was developing flu-like symptoms, just as coronavirus was ravaging the country he had visited.
Under normal circumstances, Azcue said he would have gone to CVS for over-the-counter medicine and fought the flu on his own, but this time was different. As health officials stressed preparedness and vigilance for the respiratory illness, Azcue felt it was his responsibility to his family and his community to get tested for novel coronavirus, known as COVID-19.
But two weeks later, Azcue got unwelcome news in the form of a notice from his insurance company about a claim for $3,270.
Monday, February 24, 2020
But What About My Part In The Story
Few elite pundits spend 4 seconds thinking about policy, except against some 20 year old mental model of what Reagan Democrats want. But some candidates for president threaten the most important thing, their own importance.
Everybody I Talk To. You Know, Everybody Who Matters
Pretty much every person I cover and talk to and email and text with day to day think it’s impossible Bernie can win. Maybe they are just massively wrong. I honestly don’t know.
— Ben White (@morningmoneyben) February 23, 2020
I don't want to debate Bernie's "electability" which people can have differing opinions about, but when all the Serious Politics Knowers you chat with day to day who inform you on everything in politics, and who you presumably think of as spanning the relevant ideological spectrum, have a unanimous belief on this issue which is completely at odds with polling, maybe you aren't getting the full perspective on all the non-Bernie issues, too.
Maybe the bubble is YOU!
Bye Harvey
A jury convicted Mr. Weinstein of felony sex crime and rape, but acquitted him of the most serious charges against him, predatory sexual assault.
My Foreign Policy Vision
We did pretty good post-WWII Europe. For a bit.
Everybody Gets Sick
Thinking it's all gonna be good for you, personally, is one of those follies of youth things which extends right up until the point where you or yours actually has to deal with it. Then we're all communists now.
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Politics As Fandom
Our Dumb Discourse
Even if you aren't a big Bernie fan you can maybe see that's a... problem.
Saturday, February 22, 2020
The Most Popular Man In America
Favorability- All Voters
Sanders 46%
Trump 43%
Biden 40%
Buttigieg 37%
Warren 35%
Bloomberg 35%
Klobuchar 32%
Steyer 22%
Friday, February 21, 2020
You Might Say He's A Dreamer
1/2 .@johnlegend, it's not about "loving" your health insurance, it's about the anxiety of being forced to switch from something that works for your family to something unknown. Imagine proposing eliminating 401(k)s to allow for a new, expanded social security plan.
— John Delaney (@JohnDelaney) February 21, 2020
My Tweets And Blogs Did This!!!
The billionaire’s net favorability fell 20 points, suffering the most attrition among moderates.VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO!!!! Everybody screamed 5 seconds after Bloomberg spent 400 million bucks. Why were we even having that conversation? HERE IS A GOLD PLATED SHIT SANDWICH SWEAR YOUR LOYALTY TO IT BEFORE THERE IS ANY REASON TO.
House Democrats, You're Our Only Hope
Stephen Miller Is A Serial Killer
As the meeting ended, Miller held up his hand to make a final comment. “I didn’t mean to come across as harsh,” he said. His voice dropped. “It’s just that this is all I care about. I don’t have a family. I don’t have anything else. This is my life.”Our sweet boy is 34 and just got married. I'll refrain from posting my expectations of the likely outcome of that union.
Crime Spree
WASHINGTON — Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected, five people familiar with the matter said, a disclosure to Congress that angered Mr. Trump, who complained that Democrats would use it against him.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
In a world of perfect neutrality, which Facebook espouses as its goal, the political tilt of the pages shouldn’t have mattered. But in a videoconference between Facebook’s Washington office and its Silicon Valley headquarters in December 2016, the company’s most senior Republican, Joel Kaplan, voiced concerns that would become familiar to those within the company.
“We can’t remove all of it because it will disproportionately affect conservatives,” said Kaplan, a former George W. Bush White House official and now the head of Facebook’s Washington office, according to people familiar with the meeting who spoke on the condition of anonymity to protect professional relationships.
Afternoon Thread
They probably didn't believe it but the "Trump, but a Democrat" filled the need for BOTH SIDES!!!!
One of those "where do you even begin" things, but it probably costs less to provide humane housing options for homeless people than it would to incarcerate them in inhumane conditions, especially once the grifters all get their cut. When I say "probably costs less" I of course mean that they could put them all up in luxury hotels and still save money, because that's how things work.
There Is A Natural Order To Things
It isn't just that the rabble are wrong, it's that they don't know their place. Bloomberg's the rich old white guy, and respect must be paid.
Curious if the "Liz Warren is MEEEEAN" takes gel quickly or not. Same thing.
This is not just a question of Mike Bloomberg’s character—it’s a question about electability. We’re not going to beat Donald Trump with a man who silences women with who knows how many nondisclosure agreements. #DemDebate
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) February 20, 2020
You better be good for goodness sake...
America's Worst Democratic Presidential Candidates
He appeared very much like what he in fact is — a very rich man who is likely facing bitter, unfiltered criticism to his face for the first time in years.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Mister We Could Use A Man Like Michael Bloomberg Again
A Bloomberg campaign non-disclosure agreement obtained by The Nation contains language that could prevent staffers from reporting workplace abuse.
The NDA totals 9 pages and forbids employees from discussing “any and all non-public information” and “activities” by the campaign.
And while it’s understandable that a campaign would want to keep things like internal polling under wraps, transparency advocates say that the NDA is overly broad to the point of preventing sexual harassment, as well as other forms of workplace abuse like racial discrimination, from being reported.
Real Men Cut Social Security
The low point between the two men was a 2013 meeting with other Democratic senators. Obama had just put a chained Consumer Price Index in his budget, a proposal that would cut Social Security benefits by tying them to the rate of inflation. Many Senate Democrats were angry about it. But when they arrived for the meeting, it was Sanders who bubbled up, ripping into Obama for giving in to Republicans and not understanding the impact of the cuts.Not cutting Social Security is a fucking revolution.
“I don’t need a lecture,” Obama told him, according to several senators who attended the meeting.
Sanders proceeded to give him one anyway. A number of the senators there were struck by what they told me seemed like a lack of respect.
“Obama fairly forcefully pushed back and said, ‘That’s just not right—that’s not a vision that’s enactable or possible,’” one senator in the room recalled, asking for anonymity to discuss the private meeting. “‘You’re acting like I’m the enemy.’ Obama was trying to say, ‘I hear you that you want this revolution, but explain to me, how’s this going to happen? Look at the current makeup of the Senate and the House. How am I supposed to lead?’” Obama said, in this senator’s memory. The conversation quickly got testy. “It seemed the match of someone who prided himself on his cool intellect and removed analysis versus someone who was convinced with absolute ferocity with the rightness of his world view and is not given to accepting anything from those who don’t agree with it.”
Comrade Bloomberg
Gonna find out who's naughty or nice...
Fox and Friends Runs The Government
Simple Stories
No nothing was ever going to make the Senate convict, but "putting money into his own pocket" is an easy thing to explain.
Oh well, it's a shame the House has had to go into coronavirus quarrantine for the next 9 months.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Barack Obama Won Indiana
Shovel Ready Projects
More than 211 gallons of sewage has spilled into the waterways and streets of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, killing fish, seeping into houses and prompting the city's mayor to plead for state and federal assistance.Time is up in much of the country for these systems and they have not been suitably maintained anywhere, basically.
The problems began in December, when aging sewer pipes in the beachside city broke six times, releasing 126.9 million gallons of toxic sewage — one of South Florida's biggest spills ever, according to the South Florida Sun-Sentinel. The waste poured into streets in three neighborhoods of the popular tourist destination, plus the Tarpon River and Himmarshee Canal, the paper reported.
But even more than that, he's proving that "sure, you proved that small money can power elections, but that's NO FUN AT ALL because the people who give that money are gross and expect nice things from us."
But even if one accepts that those arguments might be plausible (they aren’t even slam dunks), they do not render an outcome in which Bloomberg’s billions hijack the Democratic nomination acceptable.It was very depressing to realize that the money in elections isn't just about the money needed to win elections It's a mutual benefit society. It's a club people - givers and receivers - pay dues into in their own way. $27 ain't the entry fee!
The blithe tossing aside of this new grass-roots model of fundraising — simply by virtue of the fact that a single plutocrat, whatever his own considerable accomplishments, came along who can personally outspend millions of politically motivated Americans — is itself an arguably unacceptable price to pay.
If Trump Wins In November, We'll Know Who To Blame
No matter who the nominee is and what happens between now and then, I can write the scripts.
Monday, February 17, 2020
The Next One Just Won't Have As Obvious A Written Record
Boris Johnson’s controversial new adviser, Andrew Sabisky, has resigned after the prime minister was accused of condoning his writings on eugenics and race that suggested black people are on average less intelligent than white people.
Sabisky said he was stepping down as a “contractor” to No 10 after a backlash within the Conservative party and across the political spectrum on Monday.
They're Bad People, Brent
But in the few months since Bloomberg announced, we have all gotten hard lessons in the power of money and advertising, the lack of principle within the professional political class, and the way in which the Trump ascendancy has broken the brains of so many Americans. There’s now a path for a general election campaign between dueling plutocrats, which would make a mockery of our politics and obliterate the Democratic Party as a tribune of the people.We're finding out who's naughty or nice...
And I’m going to say something controversial. There has been plenty of conjecture over whether a Trump-like figure could take over the Democratic Party. And I would say with Bloomberg that we’re about to find out. The cries of “Bloomberg is not Trump!” will rain down on me now, and, of course, he’s not. But there are a disturbing number of similarities. We have a figure without connections or the same value system as the party he seeks to represent, with racial and sexist skeletons in his closet, and a penchant for subverting democracy and showing contempt toward the rule of law. Democrats who are acting as pundits and thinking that Bloomberg offers the most certain close to the Trump era are playing with a stick of dynamite.
What Could Go Wrong
So, no, you can't throw a bunch of tablets at seniors and say "just deal" and expect it to work.
Eugenics Is Good Now
And now.
Mr Sabiksy has also come under fire for previously stating that much of the ‘hue and cry’ against female genital mutilation ‘looks more like a moral panic’. He also suggested that giving children mental performance-enhancing drugs, which pose a serious risk to life, is probably worth ‘a dead kid once a year’. The Cambridge graduate also advocates for eugenics, which aims to improve the genetic quality of the population by excluding certain groups judged to be ‘inferior’.
Jeremy Corbyn is the real racist, though.
The Andrew Sabisky row just got a whole lot worse. PM’s deputy official spox won’t say if Boris Johnson agrees with eugenics or whether black people less intelligent than white people. Only that “his views are well documented” - and won’t comment on the controversial appointment
— Rowena Mason (@rowenamason) February 17, 2020
The Problem With Democrats Is They're Out Of Touch With The Heartland
Bloomberg on why farmers can’t work in information technology
— Pete (@PeterMentes) February 15, 2020
MB: “I can teach anyone how to be a farmer 1 dig a hole 2 put a seed in 3 put dirt on top 4 add water 5 up comes the corn”
The skill 4information technology is completely different you need more grey matter#farmers
Everybody is so corrupt.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Sunday Afternoon
Bernie Sanders
Michael Bloomberg
Joe Biden
Elizabeth Warren
Tom Steyer
Amy Klobuchar
Tulsi Gabbard
Pete Buttigieg
(by age)
One Big Grift
When USA TODAY started investigating Reagan last month, myriad issues appeared.
Links on the college’s website to register for classes led to 404 error pages. No students or graduates could be found on LinkedIn or Facebook.
The college’s only appearance on Twitter: Two people posted a picture of Ghanaian politician receiving an honorary degree from the college. The official had been accused of having a fake doctoral degree by an electoral commission in Ghana, although he denied it.
The faculty were also difficult to locate. USA TODAY contacted several people with the same names and education credentials as those listed as faculty on the university’s website. Four of them taught at different universities and said they had never worked at Reagan. Many listed were entirely absent from the internet, lacking personal websites and LinkedIn profiles — common features for academics.
This is gibberish, but it's what the "learn to code" crowd believes.
The education secretary wants to cut back the rules governing accreditation. Fewer regulations could allow colleges to implement new training programs swiftly to fill holes in the workforce, she says — an approach cheered by for-profit colleges like the ones accredited by ACICS.
One Quick Trick To Beating Trump
Too many liberals think they're both very unpopular and that the only reason they lost to Trump is because he's uniquely popular. It's weird.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Viva La Resistance
That chilling effect was apparent in 2015 to researchers at the Center for American Progress, a liberal policy group, when they turned in a report on anti-Muslim bias in the United States. Their draft included a chapter of more than 4,000 words about New York City police surveillance of Muslim communities; Mr. Bloomberg was mentioned by name eight times in the chapter, which was reviewed by The Times.
Yasmine Taeb, an author of the report, said in an interview that the authors had been instructed to make drastic revisions or remove the chapter, and opted to do the latter rather than “whitewash the N.Y.P.D.’s wrongdoings.” She said she found it “disconcerting” to be asked to remove the chapter “because of how it was going to be perceived by Mayor Bloomberg.”
He's Better Than Trump!@!!@&^*$^#
There's a Dem primary with a bunch of Democrats. Some decent ones dropped out in part because they were not allowed to be in the debates at various stages. Some aren't my faves, but really aside from Mayor Pete I'm okay with them.
Then along comes the billionaire just showering money on everyone and tweeting mean things at Trump, which is the best way to capture the hearts of The Resistance, apparently.
Suddenly lots of people are talking about how Bloomberg is great and also we have to nominate him because he's the BEST CHANCE TO DEFEAT Trump which might be true if the way to win elections was to tweet good. I suspect this might be true by 2024, but is still not yet true.
Bloomberg is bad for lots of reasons, and one of them is PEOPLE SHOULD NOT BE SO WILLING TO EMBRACE A BILLIONAIRE WHO IS BUYING (not just ads, but people) THE ELECTION WITH HIS ABSURD FORTUNE. I mean, ok, sure, if it's BLOOMBERG OR TRUMP I'll choose Bloomberg, but why are people establishing this as the choice? It's absurd. The only person who can beat an asshole (fake, I know) billionaire is another asshole billionaire? Broken brains everywhere.
Delete your account.
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) June 9, 2016
Friday, February 14, 2020
Donald Trump Is The Manliest Of Men
Dwayne Johnson For President
But I Need That 3rd Boat
Bloomberg’s sexism, like that of fellow New York City billionaire Donald Trump, has been prolific and well-documented, but for some reason, the stories about him don’t seem to have taken hold. He is still being embraced by the Democratic establishment as a viable option for its presidential nominee. He surged to third place in several 2020 polls this week; the Democratic National Committee changed its rules to allow him to participate in the next primary debate; House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said his presence in the primary is a “positive one.”OK it's not that valuable a service, I admit, but silver linings I guess.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Our Brand Is Incompetence
WASHINGTON — While the Democratic National Committee over the past 10 days has tried to distance itself from the troubled app that threw the results of the Iowa caucuses into disarray, a copy of the contract and internal correspondence provided to Yahoo News demonstrates that national party officials had extensive oversight over the development of the technology.
Our Bastard
Donald Drumpf
Well, well, well. That will leave a mark. “Behind your back they laugh at you”....
— Claire McCaskill (@clairecmc) February 13, 2020
Billionaire Truffle Pigs
Our Brand Is Incompetence
We all got in the habit of making "managerial training" type things a punchline, but being a good manager is actually difficult and the elite path through life doesn't actually provide much training for it.
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Afternoon Thread
Who's Next
Congress must act immediately to rein in our lawless Attorney General. Barr should resign or face impeachment. And Congress should use spending power to defund the AG’s authority to interfere with anything that affects Trump, his friends, or his elections.
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) February 12, 2020
Real Genius
U.S. District Judge William Alsup plainly suspected that DoorDash wielded the arbitration agreements signed by its workers as weapons to discourage the workers from filing claims.
His suspicions were aroused when the company, facing thousands of arbitration claims, refused to pay its share of the filing fees. That prompted the arbitration agency, the American Arbitration Assn., to cancel all the arbitration cases.
For decades, Alsup observed in a blistering order issued Monday, employers have forced arbitration clauses upon their workers. “DoorDash, faced with having to actually honor its side of the bargain, now blanches at the cost,” he wrote.
Instead, Doordash is trying to force the workers to sue it in court, a much more costly and burdensome process. “Irony upon irony,” Alsup wrote, in ordering the arbitrations to proceed. “This hypocrisy will not be blessed, at least by this order.”
And Then Disappears
I've likened it to the guys from Def Leppard advising kids of today how to have number one hits in America. These people aren't exactly idiots but they are hugely deluded about their own popularity and understanding.
— Dan Davies (@dsquareddigest) February 12, 2020
The joke is that everyone is fighting the last war, but this is especially true when you won the last one. Or maybe 3 wars ago. You are a brilliant general, even if you haven't commanded any troops lately or done much else other than show up on cable news on a regular basis and collect rents from various projects you have lent your name to.
When a new administration gets into power - Clinton 1993, Obama 2009 - they bring a lot of younger people in with them because everyone who does the work in DC is 23. But those people age, and a new party gets in power, and there are no opportunities for a new generation of young people, until some of them help to win a war (campaign). Until then, we have Def Leppard, or maybe the Dave Matthews Band, telling us how everything works.
Times change and everyone loses the plot. Politicians themselves are old generally, of course, but the people involved in their campaigns and then running the show aren't. Not necessarily, anyway. Some names never seem to disappear...
What It All Means
Mayo Pete getting any votes? Klobuchar over Warren?
What to do about Democrats...
If All You Have Is A Hammer
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Yang Out, Bennet Out
...Steyer out....or not out...
Can't Wait
Here are some things we know — and don’t know — about the people mover, occasionally referred to as the “Las Vegas Loop.”■ The vehicles using the tunnels will be self-driving ones made from Tesla chassis. The largest vehicle will hold 16 passengers. What we don’t know is how many vehicles will be a part of the system and their capacity.■ The system will have stops at the two endpoints and an underground station near where the North and Central halls converge. But how will passengers queue to get on board? No details of the loading process have been provided as yet.■ LVCVA President and CEO Steve Hill has said that, during extremely busy times, several vehicles may be loaded simultaneously and platooned through the tunnel, almost like an unconnected subway train. How will that be managed? How closely behind the lead vehicle will others be, and how fast will the vehicles go?
This is a dangerously disturbing world view. Dangerous for me, my two sons and millions more just like us. Most troubling is that this sounds like a philosophy, not a singular policy.
— Andrew Gillum (@AndrewGillum) February 11, 2020
We need more than an apology. We need answers...
Haven't We Been Here Before
I have a point here, somewhere, but having a hard time expressing it. Maybe tomorrow!
Our Brand Is Competence
Journalists Against Journalism
I join @CristinaAlesci of CNN in condemning @BenjaminPDixon for releasing accurate, important information about an extremely powerful person running for President of the United States
— Jon Schwarz (@schwarz) February 11, 2020
journalist: here's a tape of bloomberg being racist
— Bernie won Iowa (@Mobute) February 11, 2020
cnn anchor: this is sick. why did you bring this? this is a newsroom, what the fuck is wrong with you
Do Something
Retreating behind the claim that "oh wow no one in charge actually has any power" should be rendered impossible by recent events. But, hey, gotta restore those norms!
The next Democratic president must be poised to seize any opportunity. They should be ready to exercise every last scrap of authority to improve the lives of the American people instead of fussing about propriety and appearances, or pretending the world's most powerful office is hemmed in on every side.If I were planning to run as a Republican against a Democratic incumbent in 2024 I'd already be rehearsing my "do nothing president" scripts. Sure some of that will be because of obstruction, but a good bet, depending on who that Dem incumbent will be, is that they won't come close to using the power they have. Prove me wrong!
I'm A Bernie Bro Now
Brian Kilmeade on Bernie Sanders: "His slogan is 'Stay home, get high, I'll pay off your loan.' That's a pretty catch slogan. I mean, that's pretty good. Marijuana."
— Bobby Lewis (@revrrlewis) February 11, 2020
Monday, February 10, 2020
Let Me Explain What Is Happening
I am a failed pundit.
"Than 'We' Think"
We're looking for a NYT correspondent to explain the suburbs, those politically important areas that are far more complex than we think.
— Marc Lacey (@marclacey) February 10, 2020
Our Brand Is Competence
the Iowa caucus absolutely should be done away with but it's going to take more than a conversation and at any rate the Iowa Democrats have a pretty solid claim that the Acronym wing of the party deserves abolition first
— Jason Linkins (@dceiver) February 10, 2020
Technological grifters and their enablers and marks. Uber, but for voting!
It's also a grim illustration of what fundraising culture is doing to basic competence within the Democratic Party. Running the DNC and a state party are huge jobs. But the people who take them don't know how to do anything other than raise money, cash paychecks and go on TV.
— Zach Carter (@zachdcarter) February 10, 2020
The media figurehead and fundraiser in chief should be able to hire competent people to delegate the other important work to. That this is not how things work...

You Deserve Better and Once I Was It
NEW: Joe Biden calls a New Hampshire voter a "lying dog-faced pony soldier"
— Jon Levine (@LevineJonathan) February 9, 2020
Saturday, February 08, 2020
Dance, Monkey, Dance
That's the game Mayo Pete is playing, and I think it's a game we have, somewhat, moved past.
Friday, February 07, 2020
But The Point Is... It Is Nefarious
“The fact that we are getting framed as nefarious for doing what the right has been doing is bullshit,” said Acronym CEO Tara McGowan.Also if you're going to play dirty be minimally competent at it. Jeebus.
— Pete Buttigieg (@PeteButtigieg) February 7, 2020
What's It All About Then
Obama couldn’t handle it. He pressured Perez, who was musing about running for governor in Maryland, into the race, and bore down on the establishment to break with the Ellison unity shtick and accept his preferred candidate. This eventually succeeded, with the help of a party coup in Puerto Rico that delivered Perez all of that delegation’s votes.At the time all the Serious Politics Knowers were like "oh, well, Perez and Ellison are exactly the same so the Bernie Bros are totally stupid for bothering with this unimportant thing which no one should care about oh why is this the one thing Obama himself is getting involved in hahaha SQUIRREL."
Obama, now a movie studio boss and occasional public speaker, had no personal reason to force Perez on the party. The most logical reading of his rationale would be that he did it for the blob, the network of consultants, strategists, pollsters, lobbyists, policy mandarins, and media figures for whom politics is their business. They didn’t want the spigot to close on the hundreds of millions of dollars that flow through campaigns, and they needed to eliminate the threat of a gatekeeper like Ellison, who might have different ideas. So Perez was installed.
Too much is explained by the fact that too many people need a third boat.
Don't Put Me In Charge Of Anything
Running things is hard, for but most things "mostly done" or "good enough" is, well, good enough. Not so for commercial jet liners or (with less tragic consequences, probably) one time voting systems for the Iowa caucus. You have to be good at your job and also recognize that importance of what you are doing.
All this "oh no ACRONYM had nothing to do with Shadow which we launched I mean invested in I mean heard about oh no that person in the next desk doesn't work for Shadow hahaaha how did that our address get on that form" shows a group of people more concerned with ass covering than getting things done.
You done fucked up. Resign from this career and move on.
Thursday, February 06, 2020
Grifters Gonna Grift
Reading those stories now brought me to a depressing realization: The people who said they were going to beat Donald Trump in 2020 by emulating his supposedly highly sophisticated digital targeting operation have instead emulated Trump by turning their campaigns into a lucrative grift for a small group of well connected party insiders. And, because this is the Democrats we are talking about, they did so by burning enormous sums of money that could have done untold good, politically and strategically, had they been used for just about anything else.
So where is that money going, exactly? Acronym’s principal is a political operative named Tara McGowan, who had worked for Priorities USA, the main super PAC supporting Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. She is also the owner (and apparently the sole employee) of Lockwood Strategies, a for-profit “digital consulting” company that, as it happens, received $1 million from Acronym in the fall of 2018. In other words, almost immediately after she failed to win the most important election she had ever worked on, McGowan managed to convince some of the wealthiest liberals in the country to shower her with money to produce ineffective trash. This is called “disruption,” and it now powers the American economy.
Did Somebody Call The Manager
Enough is enough. In light of the problems that have emerged in the implementation of the delegate selection plan and in order to assure public confidence in the results, I am calling on the Iowa Democratic Party to immediately begin a recanvass.
— Tom Perez (@TomPerez) February 6, 2020
Fix this shit! Right now!!!
The Magic Lamp
Her nonprofit does run digital ads, but used her for-profit consulting firm Lockwood to place those ads, taking a chunk off the top
— Ryan Grim (@ryangrim) February 6, 2020
Be well connected, sucker rich people into giving you money for your "nonprofit," pay your for profit company for the work.
Never tweet, and certainly never tweet as if you think everybody reading your tweets is an idiot.
Every grifter in DC is so mad at her now. Killing the golden goose! Well, probably not, but maybe!
One top Democratic operative noted that ACRONYM had publicly reported that they were going to launch $1 million of impeachment-related ads. But as of January 29, Advertising Analytics had shown them spending just $186,000, with their affiliate PACronym having spent $38,000."The lurkers support me."
Last, I want to thank the hundreds of people that have reached out to me + the team over the past 48 hours to tell us they believe in us & to keep fighting. It’s going to take all of us doing everything we can to win this election + we’re not going anywhere ✊🏼🇺🇸☄️
— Tara McGowan (@taraemcg) February 6, 2020
McGowan sought to distance herself from Shadow's IowaReporterApp on Monday night, characterizing the app developer as an “independent” company. In a separate statement, an ACRONYM spokesman said the nonprofit organization is an investor in several companies, including Shadow, but was “eagerly awaiting more information from the Iowa Democratic Party with respect to what happened.”Lol
But business and tax records show ACRONYM and Shadow are registered at the same Washington, D.C., street address, which belongs to a WeWork co-working location. Shadow CEO Gerard Niemira previously served as the chief operating officer and chief technology officer at ACRONYM, according to an online resume.
So far, Facebook ad disclosures show the group has spent about $700,000 on ads. ACRONYM leaders said in November that they had raised about 40 percent of the $75 million they hoped for. But by the end of 2019, it had raised only about one-tenth of that, according to a disclosure filed Monday with the Federal Election Commission. A separate tax-exempt wing of the group won't have to disclose how much money it has raised to the IRS until next year.
“The app was sound and good,” Niemira said. “All the data that was produced by calculations performed by the app was correct. It did the job it was supposed to do, which is help precinct chairs in the field do the math correctly. The problem was caused by a bug in the code that transmits results data into the state party’s data warehouse.” That transmission bug, he said, “had catastrophic impact.”It was a very good app. The calculator function worked!
Fucking grifters
Morning Thread
Good info and links on what we can all do to turn this shitshow around.
Wednesday, February 05, 2020
Mittens Is A Communist Now
And while it's all mostly theater of little importance at this point, it does prevent them from babbling about how the FOUNDERS DEMANDED IMPEACHMENT BE BACKED BY EQUAL NUMBERS OF REPUBLICANS AND DEMOCRATS OR IT IS TREASON or whatever crap they have been making up recently.
How Did We Get Here
Remember that time Rush Limabugh called a Georgetown student a slut? Yeah, that guy was just festooned with a medal of freedom by the nation’s chief anti-bullying advocate.
— Maureen Dowd (@maureendowd) February 5, 2020
To the DeLorean, Doc Brown!

That piece was written after Limbaugh called Chelsea Clinton the White House dog on his teevee show. Not mentioned in that piece? That Limbaugh called Chelsea Clinton (age 12) the White House dog on his teevee show. But sure 20 years later MoDo got mad at him.
The NYT never stops promoting these horrible people.
Grifters Everywhere
Nice work.
Tonight I ask you to pass legislation to prohibit the most egregious abuses of medical research: human cloning in all its forms, creating or implanting embryos for experiments, creating human-animal hybrids, and buying, selling, or patenting human embryos.
Bush SOTU,2006
Tuesday, February 04, 2020
The Bullshit Economy
The Iowa disaster is a sign that our economic structures are breaking down, that private enterprise has become a shell game, where who you know matters more than what you can do. The bullshit economy has bled over into politics, with the perfect president but also the perfect amount of grifting and consultant corruption and unbridled tech optimism. This has long been part of politics—anything with that much money sloshing around will invite a little corruption—but the combination of political grift, the ardor for public-private partnerships, and the triumph of ambition over talent has created a fetid stew.
Mar-a-Lago isn't the only place where grifters roam.
Didn't Go As Scripted
Somebody call a manager.
And you usually can't fire those people, either.
Guess That Leaves Him Out
This Is Just What Putin Wants
They Named It "Shadow" Because "The Company" Was Too Obvious To The Writers
Congratulations to Mayo Pete on his victory. He told me he won!
Monday, February 03, 2020
Bored Now
Suburban Brain
Rapaille, a French emigree, believed the SUV appealed—at the time to mostly upper-middle class suburbanites—to a fundamental subconscious animalistic state, our “reptilian desire for survival,” as relayed by Bradsher. (“We don’t believe what people say,” the website for Rapaille’s consulting firm declares. Instead, they use “a unique blend of biology, cultural anthropology and psychology to discover the hidden cultural forces that pre-organize the way people behave towards a product, service or concept”). Americans were afraid, Rapaille found through his exhaustive market research, and they were mostly afraid of crime even though crime was actually falling and at near-record lows. As Bradsher wrote, “People buy SUVs, he tells auto executives, because they are trying to look as menacing as possible to allay their fears of crime and other violence.” They, quite literally, bought SUVs to run over “gang members” with, Rapaille found.
What Does It Matter If I Change The World At All
Maybe those nice Midwestern folks were just jokin'
Primary season is the silly season.
As An Advanced Politics Knower
And also people often have really dumb opinions about such things, and I don't mean "opinions I disagree with."
Sunday, February 02, 2020
Concussion Game
Go team!
Lies and the Lying Liars
Senators who have been in office for decades, surrounded by a staff of lickspittles and a mostly obsequious press that can't figure out whether to hand out medals when someone asks as Hard Kweschin or drum them out of the profession for being rude, do lack a bit of an external check on their behavior that most of the rest of us have.
Not A Lone Kook
We are fortunate that most armchair warriors are just that. All talk and la-z-butt in the la-z-boy. But not all...
You Had One Job
The Des Moines Register, CNN and Selzer & Co. have made the decision to not release the final installment of the CNN/Des Moines Register/Mediacom poll as planned this evening.Mayo Pete complained.
Nothing is more important to the Register and its polling partners than the integrity of the Iowa Poll. Today, a respondent raised an issue with the way the survey was administered, which could have compromised the results of the poll. It appears a candidate’s name was omitted in at least one interview in which the respondent was asked to name their preferred candidate.
While this appears to be isolated to one surveyor, we cannot confirm that with certainty. Therefore, the partners made the difficult decision to not to move forward with releasing the Iowa Poll.
Saturday, February 01, 2020
Shutup, Mayo Pete
More @Lis_Smith: "There are a few people in politics that are pretty dangerous to compare yourself to. Barack Obama's one of them..but I don't think it's wrong to say that Pete brings...that ineffable It thing that Obama had."
— Trip Gabriel (@tripgabriel) February 1, 2020