Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Thursday Is New Jobless Day
Everybody in "Washington" thinks the Obama administration (just ask them!) did a great job getting us out of the Great Recession. Even leaving aside some of the particular horrors they inflicted on large numbers of individuals with their strategy of slowing, not stopping, foreclosures, they did a horrible job. Long timers might remember the Scariest Jobs Chart Ever, which just documented how long employment took to get back to pre-recession levels, compared to various other notable events, such as The Great Depression. And, folks, no malarkey, it was not good. It took a long fucking time! 75 months!
The "good guys" are the people who pat themselves on the back for that performance, and the bad guys are Trump and the other monsters in the Republican party.
Folks, no malarkey, it is not going to be good!
Florida Man
TALLAHASSEE — As Gov. Ron DeSantis has resisted calls from health officials and elected leaders in coronavirus hotspots like South Florida to issue a statewide shelter-in-place order, a hodgepodge of rules has emerged from local governments, causing widespread confusion and conflicting messages from leaders within the same region.
Maybe Something To Ask About At The Daily Campaign Rally
On March 13, President Donald Trump promised Americans they would soon be able to access a new website that would ask them about their symptoms and direct them to nearby coronavirus testing sites. He said Google was helping.
That wasn’t true. But in the following days, Oscar Health—a health-insurance company closely connected to Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner—developed a government website with the features the president had described. A team of Oscar engineers, project managers, and executives spent about five days building a stand-alone website at the government’s request, an Oscar spokesperson told The Atlantic. The company even dispatched two employees from New York to meet in person with federal officials in Washington, D.C., the spokesperson said. Then the website was suddenly and mysteriously scrapped.
Monday, March 30, 2020
The Empty Hospitals All Have Granite Countertops
Nobody Could Have Predicted
Democratic aides pushing need for more $ for Medicaid, food stamps, state aid -- but they may find themselves jammed.
— Jeffrey Stein (@JStein_WaPo) March 30, 2020
The odds of Republicans supporting that for now at least “are zero. No more spending. We did all the spending,” one WH economic adviser says
Maybe I should've sent a message in Hamilton, a language Democrats seem to understand:
I'm not throwing away my shotAh, well, nevertheless.
It's time to take a shot
One Does Wonder How Trump Would Have Fared If He Had Faced A Tough Political Press
Once again, wondering how Trump would have fared had he ever run for office in NY and had to face either the NYC or Albany press corp.
— Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) March 29, 2020
Good point made by [checks wikipedia] Maggie Haberman, who worked for the New York Post and the New York Daily News before eventually covering the 2016 presidential campaign for that 3rd New York City paper.
All The Bits Of Flung Poo Are Just Sliding Down The Wall
Ok then.
You Know Them By Their Tweets
Trump, Thursday: “I don't believe you need 40,000 or 30,000 ventilators.”
— Peter Baker (@peterbakernyt) March 30, 2020
Reporter, today: “You’ve said repeatedly that you think some of the equipment that governors are requesting they don’t actually need.…”
Trump: “I didn’t say that. I didn’t say that. I didn’t say that.”
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Killing Your Students To Own The Libs
A must read.
— Yamiche Alcindor (@Yamiche) March 29, 2020
The decision by the school’s president, Jerry Falwell Jr., to partly reopen his evangelical university enraged residents of Lynchburg, Va. Then students started getting sick. https://t.co/g9DZ1kbMJ9
Yass Kween
The bad guys are responsible, but the good guys have responsibility. And, welp...
Anecdotally, there are wide differences, and they do not appear to follow discernible political or geographic lines. Democratic-leaning Massachusetts, which has had a serious outbreak in Boston, has received 17 percent of the protective gear it requested, according to state leaders. Maine requested a half-million N95 specialized protective masks and received 25,558 — about 5 percent of what it sought. The shipment delivered to Colorado — 49,000 N95 masks, 115,000 surgical masks and other supplies — would be “enough for only one full day of statewide operations,” Rep. Scott R. Tipton (R-Colo.) told the White House in a letter several days ago.
Florida has been an exception in its dealings with the stockpile: The state submitted a request on March 11 for 430,000 surgical masks, 180,000 N95 respirators, 82,000 face shields and 238,000 gloves, among other supplies — and received a shipment with everything three days later, according to figures from the state’s Division of Emergency Management. It received an identical shipment on March 23, according to the division, and is awaiting a third.
“The governor has spoken to the president daily, and the entire congressional delegation has been working as one for the betterment of the state of Florida,” said Jared Moskowitz, the emergency management division’s director. “We are leaving no stone unturned.”
Saturday, March 28, 2020
What Matters Is Who Is To Blame
It's A Really Funny Movie
100 Days From Now, Presidential ZOOM Press Conference
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Friday that he would meet advisers early next week to discuss the next steps in fighting the coronavirus and the possibility of opening the U.S. economy, and said the United States would produce 100,000 ventilators in 100 days.Haha, no, it'll be like "how can Nancy Pelosi make it up to you, sir?"
Friday, March 27, 2020
Governing Is Hard Work
Shortly thereafter, he declined to cancel St. Patrick’s Day parade and then did. He resisted calls to cancel regular street sweeping and then did. He had a photo op at a 311 call center, where he told a caller who had just returned from Italy that she did not need to self-quarantine, advice that forced 311 to actually call the woman back and tell her to stay inside for 14 days. The mayor touted the city’s new, wide-scale testing capacity, only to have his Health Department announce that only hospitalized patients should be tested. He tweeted at Elon Musk to supply the city with ventilators. When a New York Times reporter wrote of his own gut-wrenching story about contracting COVID-19 and being unable to get help, a top mayoral aide chastised him online for seeking help at all rather than just getting better at home. And the mayor himself told a radio host that people who don’t display symptoms can’t transmit the disease, an assertion that contradicts information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Well he tweeted Elon, so everything is fixed now.
This Sucky Blog Is My External Memory
Yep. I really need some hipster analysis to reassure me
— Ayesha Hazarika (@ayeshahazarika) March 13, 2020
Until suddenly they realized that letting a million of their core voters die was not necessarily the best plan.
This stance became increasingly hard to defend after it emerged that the government’s initial strategy — allowing the virus to infect the young and healthy in the hope of building “herd immunity” that would protect vulnerable groups — was, at least partly, based on faulty modeling. Specifically, scientists advising the government had used data for a different disease with a much lower hospitalization rate than had been observed in countries hit earlier by COVID-19.
Pro-government commentators quickly divided into two camps, with the first adopting a position that’s almost too absurd to engage with seriously. They claimed that nothing about the government’s approach had actually changed, the public had simply failed to understand it properly.
That footage you watched of the UK’s chief scientific adviser explaining why “herd immunity” through widespread infection was a desirable goal? Those words didn’t actually mean what you thought they did. The Newsnight segment where a Public Health England official told us to see our elderly relatives, go to the pub, and generally carry on as usual if we didn’t have symptoms, despite the evidence globally of asymptomatic transmission? It simply never happened. Who are you going to trust, your lying eyes or the 2017 winner of the Political Commentator of the Year award?
The Herd is YOU.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson has tested positive for coronavirus.
Mr Johnson said he had developed mild symptoms over the past 24 hours, including a temperature and cough.
Their Fault
You couldn't blame people for a hurricane, precisely, but you could blame them for the fact that you just couldn't help them. It was, ultimately, their fault. Easy to do with the racism, as that's standard stuff in this country.
But a hurricane hits a location. The virus is going to go everywhere. So, good luck places the president likes! He doesn't like any place, actually, and he isn't going to like you, either, when you make his numbers look bad.
Death Cult
— John Whitehouse (@existentialfish) March 27, 2020
Thursday, March 26, 2020
And Then The Moment Passes
The new normal is going to feel pretty much like the old normal to the people who rule us, fairly quickly. They'll be back to talking about funemployment and lucky duckies who are too poor to pay federal income taxes and splashing stories of "looters" and how "we" deal with them in your local newspapers.
Pop Goes The Aughts
Gonna be the same thing but even more insane.
Failed State
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Not Optimistic, Folks
Have a happy song!
They're Never Coming Back
Expect senators to get of town quickly after today’s vote. The Senate is likely to adjourn until at least April 20, per senators.
— Manu Raju (@mkraju) March 25, 2020
This basically means they’re adding next week as a recess in addition to two-week recess on the books
It‘s unclear if the recess will be extended.
Probably half of them have Rand Paul's cooties.
That's Just PA
HARRISBURG — More than half a million Pennsylvanians have filed new unemployment claims during the past week, a record number indicative of the sweeping economic fallout from Gov. Tom Wolf’s statewide shutdown in order to slow the coronavirus.
Remember The Good Republicans?
No Bill Clinton?
Welcome Back My Friends
Glad we get to vote this guy out in 2022.
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Rent Strike
Major retail and restaurant chains, including Mattress Firm and Subway, are telling landlords they will withhold or slash rent in the coming months after closing stores to slow the coronavirus, according to people familiar with the situation.
In a brewing fight, chains are calling for rent reductions through lease amendments and other measures starting in April, said the people, who asked not to be named because the discussions are private.
Things...are...re-negotiable... Interesting.
Wow That Never Even Occurred To Me Before
Source close to Coronavirus task force said scenario that needs to be considered is possibility that US could be reopened too quickly only to be shut down again. That scenario could occur if illnesses spike during reopening. “That certainly would complicate things,” source said.
— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) March 24, 2020
We Talk About Whatever The Right Wants To Talk About
And today they want to talk about how many old people it's ok to kill on the off chance a million or so deaths would be good for the economy.
To be fair economists have been doing this for years. What if a bad thing... leads to good thing? Ok just assume it does and then accuse everyone who complains about the bad thing as being against the good thing.
The Office Of The Preznit
The name "chloroquine" resonated with the man's wife, who asked that her name not be used to protect the family's privacy. She'd used it previously to treat her koi fish.
"I saw it sitting on the back shelf and thought, 'Hey, isn't that the stuff they're talking about on TV?'"
The couple — both in their 60s and potentially at higher risk for complications of the virus — decided to mix a small amount of the substance with a liquid and drink it as a way to prevent the coronavirus.
"We were afraid of getting sick," she said.
Policy Oversight
You Have At Least 3 Grandchildren
Tx Lt Gov Dan Patrick says grandparents would be willing to die to save the economy for their grandchildren pic.twitter.com/wC3Ngvtsbj
— Andrew Lawrence (@ndrew_lawrence) March 24, 2020
Thank you for your sacrifice, sir.
Monday, March 23, 2020
Shots Fired
.@KatieHill4CA gets run out of Congress for screwing a campaign staffer absent any complaint.@SenatorBurr stays as Intelligence Chairman after screwing all Americans by falsely reassuring us w opeds on #COVID while he dumped his stock portfolio early.— Matt Gaetz (@mattgaetz) March 23, 2020
This is not fair.
Other People Must Die For My Sins
But they're also bad and dumb, so...
I, Wise Political Journalist, Have No Opinions, Unlike You, An Activist
Apocalypse Now
Happy Monday!
(#notalloldpeopleandyoungpeopleetc just some!)
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Senator Paul Tests Positive
Don't want to hear anymore complaints about people safely riding their bikes in the park.
The Resistance
Corpses might make the case that Trump is doing a bad job. Enough of them. But that isn't something to hope for. Maybe hurry up and figure out that lighting problem.
Spreading The Plague To Own The Libs
I See
A source with knowledge of the campaign said Biden's team is working on scaling up that infrastructure and dealing with the realities of Biden’s Wilmington Home, like the fact that there aren’t particularly high ceilings, which can make lighting a challenge.
Too Bad
“too bad.” Today’s Sunday Times. pic.twitter.com/NNMYunCvxb
— Ben Phillips (@benphillips76) March 22, 2020
.@JoeBiden popped into @djdnice Instagram party tonight to show a little love. The party is now over 100k strong 💪🏾🙌🏾 Congrats D! pic.twitter.com/PnIszQPrOV
— Symone D. Sanders (@SymoneDSanders) March 22, 2020
Saturday, March 21, 2020
The People Are To Blame
Clap Louder
It's almost never enough, and while yelling at them to do better might not help, cheering at them for doing not nearly enough certainly won't.
OH. MY. GOD. https://t.co/sCjKW7YjlI pic.twitter.com/W2QaDcLhTt
— Joe Weisenthal (@TheStalwart) March 21, 2020

The Hippies Tried To Tell You
LOL he promised to pay his staff until November, fired them all, took away their health insurance in the middle of a pandemic, and is going back on his promise to NO MATTER WHAT spend huge sums of money supporting the Democratic candidate not named Bernie Sanders.
You don't collect and hide that much treasure under the mountain by being the kind of guy that actually pays his bills.
How To Stop A Pandemic
Going Deep With David: How to Make An Ice Cube
GOING DEEP WITH DAVID REES: HOW TO MAKE AN ICE CUBE from Election Profit Makers on Vimeo.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Can't Possibly Go Big Enough
Whatever you think is enough, double it and then double it again...
Anarchy In The UK
2/ For the first time in our history, the British government is going to step in and help pay people’s wages.
— Rishi Sunak (@RishiSunak) March 20, 2020
Government grants will cover 80% of the salary of retained workers, up to a total of £2,500 a month, that’s above UK median earnings level.
Read the whole thread.
Basically allowing companies to maintain their current payroll levels even if their employees are doing nothing by taking care of most of the bill.
Sunak is the Chancellor of the Exchequer (Treasury Secretary).
Sounds Bad. Is That Bad? I Think It's Bad.
But next week's report is likely to be far worse, according to Goldman Sachs economists.Probably bad.
They predict the report will show 2.25 million Americans filed for their first week of unemployment benefits this week — eight times the number of people who filed last week and the highest level on record.
The Celestial Hall Monitors
JUST IN: 55% of Americans approve of Pres. Trump's management of the coronavirus crisis, compared to 43% who disapprove, according to new @ABC News/Ipsos poll. https://t.co/oNg6ZipDN2 pic.twitter.com/yVcGO0CpbD
— ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) March 20, 2020
Also people are gonna keep dying.
Would You Burn Down The World For A Dollar
Burr’s office also rebutted a ProPublica story indicating he sold between $500k-$1.6m in stock in the weeks leading up to the market collapse. An aide said the sale happened before market volatility began. https://t.co/Zf4fUp0vd3
— Kyle Cheney (@kyledcheney) March 19, 2020
"An aide said witnesses only saw the gun in his hand before the murder."
Give to Kyle, he'll print anything.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Sausage Being Made
Someone (sorry, internet brain, I forget) said this was the first "service led recession." As in, usually the job losses start in the sectors of people with slightly higher paying jobs, and those initial job losers have a bit more of a cushion (in general) for a variety of reasons including, but certainly not limited to, more straightforward eligibility for unemployment insurance compensation. Now we're having almost all the service sector and gig worker jobs destroyed overnight.
The best solution is complicated, and there is no complete "turn back the clock to two months ago" solution, but what social safety net we have and what "obvious" policies the lanyards in DC have been tweaking for decades are not going to be anywhere close to enough. And I'm just talking about the economy, not the mounting case and death counts.
Yes, journalists, we know "Washington" is broken. That guy Washington, not so good at his job! But the only thing that's gonna save your jobs, too, and perhaps your lives, are the craziest of the crazy ideas coming from the hippiest hippies in the House.
Over to you, Senator Graham, oh wise amigo.
LOL Nothing Matters
Crazy Talk
🚨🚨🚨 BREAKING: @SenateDems @chuckschumer @SenWarren @SenatorDurbin @PattyMurray announce plan to #CancelStudentDebt (AT *LEAST* $10K) have gov't cancel payments monthly, FREEZE all collections/seizures of wages for federal student loans https://t.co/DYgtjJ8C1b
— Alexis Goldstein 🏳️🌈 (@alexisgoldstein) March 19, 2020
THIS. IS. HUGE!!! pic.twitter.com/HoyyMWGWfL
Sparks Questions
A secret recording taken of Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr shows him warning a private audience three weeks ago about how the Coronavirus would have dire effects on the U.S.
These People Are Going To Kill Us All
"One proposal being pushed around at the moment is the redundant idea of a Universal Basic Income," Mr Duncan Smith wrote in an article for the Telegraph newspaper.
"Let me say now, it’s unaffordable, impractical, produces massive disincentives for people to work and most importantly won’t make any difference to poverty in this country.
"And even if that weren’t enough, this would not be the moment for such a massive upheaval of our welfare system."
All The Other Ventilator Makers Are Pedo Guys
We will make ventilators if there is a shortage
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 19, 2020
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Oh, Elon
Tesla, citing “conflicting guidance from different levels of government” on how to handle the coronavirus pandemic, on Wednesday ordered production employees at its Fremont, Calif., car-manufacturing plant to continue coming to work.Click through. From what's in the article I'd bet $420 this is what is known as a "lie."
In an email sent at 8:49 a.m., Tesla human resources head Valerie Capers Workman said, “There are no changes in your normal assignment and you should continue to report for work if you are in an essential function” which she said include “production, service, deliveries, testing and supporting groups.” Sick workers could stay home and use their accumulated paid time off, she said.
Yaas Kween
As Congress considers the next steps, the Speaker believes we should look at refundable tax credits, expanded UI & direct payments—but MUST be targeted.
— Drew Hammill (@Drew_Hammill) March 17, 2020
The part of any stimulus directed at "normal" people is going to be less than couch quarters to any actually rich people, who are going to, as a class, benefit so much by *every other part of any stimulus bill that goes through.* And even relatively well off people are going to find their current situation not necessarily well predicted by their tax year 2019 income. It's really easy to make rich people pay their fair share for anything, and that's to tax them. Make it taxable income for higher tax brackets. Easy. Done. Any hurdles created by means testing on the benefits side are just going to, as with everything else, make sure that many "deserving" people don't get the money.
But really at the moment even Eric Trump can have 2000 bucks. Who gives a shit?
OK maybe not Eric Trump. But just him.
Herd Immunity
Last week, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced plans to let up to 500,000 of his own citizens die. “I must level with the British public,” Johnson said in a statement following an emergency meeting over the coronavirus crisis last Thursday. As the virus continues to spread, he continued, “many more families are going to lose loved ones before their time.”The "smart" rich people in the UK are just as dumb as all the "dumb" rich people in the US, except they were forced to read a few more books and memorize a few more Latin passages when they were young.
In large part, this was because Britain’s response, unlike that of basically every other nation, was designed around accepting that almost everyone in the country — up to 80 percent of the population, according to one leaked document — will at some point become infected with the virus. The idea, such as it was, was that this sort of stiff upper lip fatalism would allow Britain to generate a “herd immunity” other nations would not have, protecting the elderly and immunocompromised who are most at risk from the virus and allowing the British economy to ride out additional waves in future.
Clearly what all of this implies is that basically no one in the upper echelons of British government knows what they’re doing. The crisis which has emerged in the wake of this pandemic is rapidly leading to a post-Chernobyl style reckoning with/unraveling of an economic system which has already had its shortcomings brutally exposed, and they are treating it as one might do one of those Oxford seminars in which they all got their start, where it is perfectly fine just to say whatever you think might sound clever to see if it sticks."Laughing" at all the fretting about dishonesty by, for example, the Chinese government. These things are never precise competitions, but the lies and gaslighting in the anglosphere are absurd and ridiculous and dangerous, also, too.
The View From Above
Lipinski Loses
Owning The Libs
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Sounds Bad
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told GOP senators that unemployment could reach 20% if Congress doesn’t enact the stimulus package sought by the White House.https://t.co/epXnaw3doe
— CNBC Now (@CNBCnow) March 17, 2020
Some Good News
Former Rep. Duncan Hunter was sentenced to 11 months in federal prison Monday for conspiring with his wife to illegally use more than $150,000 of his campaign money for personal benefit.
The Good Guys
And FWIW, former Obama adviser Jason Furman actually proposed similar idea (on cutting checks) during a private House Dem Caucus meeting last week and Pelosi got up after and essentially shot the idea down.
— Heather Caygle (@heatherscope) March 17, 2020
Everything's Moving
We Can Hear You
This is not getting enough attention.
— Heather Long (@byHeatherLong) March 17, 2020
The House scaled back its paid sick & family leave bill last night. 2 key changes:
1) paid family leave of up to 12 weeks now only applies to people taking care of kids who aren’t in school
2) a lot fewer people will get 2 week sick pay https://t.co/31fxUoO0Hk
The snark is going to run out soon because everything is going to get so much worse.
*Morning Joseph might not actually do this, I realize, but other people.
Monday, March 16, 2020
Silly Charlie
The most consequential—and logically inexplicable—decision taken by this administration* in response to the current pandemic occurred in January, when German scientists developed the first test for COVID-19 and the World Health Organization offered the test to countries around the world and 60 countries accepted. We were not one of them.
I Suspected He Wouldn't Take It
Asked what it was like to take the test, Trump says, "Not, not uh - something I want to do everyday...you know, it's a little bit of a -- it's a little bit of -- good doctors in the White House, but it's a test. It's a test. It's a medical test. Nothing pleasant about it."
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) March 16, 2020
It's a deep swab.
In Your Town
Laughing Through The Apocalypse
On Your Own
“Respirators, ventilators, all of the equipment — try getting it yourselves,” Mr. Trump told the governors during the conference call, a recording of which was shared with The New York Times.If.
“We will be backing you, but try getting it yourselves. Point of sales, much better, much more direct if you can get it yourself.”
Mittens To The Rescue
.@SenatorRomney proposes giving every adult American $1,000 a month during the coronavirus outbreak
— Thomas Burr (@thomaswburr) March 16, 2020
I don't think there's any chance of our noble rulers doing enough, but they are going to have to *do something* and lol Mittens is getting out in front.
Only Nixon Can Go To China
In any case, unless "haha false alarm no one's getting sick actually" starts happening in a couple of days (not very likely), things being shut is going to persist for months not weeks. Goosing the banking system isn't really going to help, but it's all we know how to do.
Good Guys And Bad Guys
None of them have a clue.
Sunday, March 15, 2020
I don’t support U.S. taxpayer money subsidizing corporations to provide benefits to workers that they should already be providing. House Democrats will continue to prioritize strong emergency leave policies as we fight to put #FamiliesFirst. https://t.co/GIoCJAKE1M
— Nancy Pelosi (@SpeakerPelosi) March 15, 2020
Trump just puts on display how most of them think.
Saturday, March 14, 2020
Apocalypse Fiction
Expert On Everything
It's amazing. There are online and broadcast commentators who one moment are go-to experts on cabinet reshuffles, HS2 and antisemitism and the next on pandemics and the symptoms of coronavirus. We are so lucky to have them. I hope they get well paid.
— Michael Rosen (@MichaelRosenYes) March 14, 2020
The couple times I have been asked to contribute myself to a possibly (possibly) lucrative career as a TV or radio pundit I have declined. I suppose it's hard to resolve the "no I am not an expert on everything" stance with what I do on this dumb blog, but I do my best here not to offer myself up as an expert on things I am not an expert about. When someone points the camera in your face you can't make that caveat clear.
I have opinions on everything like the rest of you, but this is just a dumb blog.
Apocalypse Now
Friday, March 13, 2020
I Have Opinions
Message: I Am Competenet
Virus: You're fired!
Big Sweaty Mess
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Supposed To Be
“The lack of testing in the United States is a debacle,” said Marc Lipsitch, professor of epidemiology at Harvard’s Chan School and director of the Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics. “We’re supposed to be the best biomedical powerhouse in the world and we’ve been unable to do something that every other country has been able to do.”
Lessons Taught But Never Learned
Everybody's Got Something To Hide But Me And My Monkey
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Gotta Hide The Grift
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House has ordered federal health officials to treat top-level coronavirus meetings as classified, an unusual step that has restricted information and hampered the U.S. government’s response to the contagion, according to four Trump administration officials.Plus racism, of course.
The One Thing I Truly Believe Even Though I Have No Evidence
Build That Wall
— Sarah Rappaport (@SarahRapp) March 11, 2020
A not very improbable development is that the US, given our incompetence, becomes the world's pariah and effectively quarantined.
OK Boomers
So you think you COVID-19. Now what?
— NPR (@NPR) March 11, 2020
Don’t panic — it’s still cold and flu season. Call your doctor if your symptoms get worse. Stay home and self-isolate. But most importantly: stay informed about what’s happening. https://t.co/88RJuyfrc7
A quarter of the population is living on Earth-2.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
We're In Our Base Killing Our Base
Fox anchor Ed Henry on coronavirus deaths in Florida: "There have been 18 cases of COVID-19, two people, sadly, have died, but both of those residents were elderly and had traveled internationally. So when you hear the context, it's not quite as scary" pic.twitter.com/5aRW09WP1S
— Lis Power (@LisPower1) March 10, 2020
The Power of Positive Thinking
Trump to reporters on Hill after meeting with GOP senators: “Stay calm. It will go away”
— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) March 10, 2020
Fixing the Economy
Haha it's gonna happen.
Don't Talk About The War
Biden on MSNBC last night said of his vote for the Iraq War, "I didn't believe he had those nuclear weapons. I didn't believe he had those weapons of mass destruction."
— andrew kaczynski🤔 (@KFILE) March 10, 2020
He said his vote was for inspectors to prove they didn't have WMDs.
This isn't backed by our reporting. pic.twitter.com/O3Tq0Ihzxt
Lots of savvy people are going to spend the next several months telling us to ignore Biden when he lies (he lies a lot) or that he didn't mean what he plainly said and welp...
Hype Man
Monday, March 09, 2020
Patient Zero
New: The CPAC attendee w/ coronavirus didn't just have general admission, but a higher-level ticket which gave him special access. CPAC staff are in direct contact w/ the patient & are relying on his memories, as well as their own, to reconstruct his experience at the conference.
— Sarah Westwood (@sarahcwestwood) March 9, 2020
...oops, report says "him" so "his" not his/her.
Getting Closer
"Move Through The Population"
On #COVID2019, @BorisJohnson said:
— Stefan Simanowitz (@StefSimanowitz) March 8, 2020
“One of the theories is perhaps you could take it on the chin, take it all in one go & allow #coronvirus to move through the population without really taking as many draconian measures.”
This is a CRAZY theory! #COVID19pic.twitter.com/usABMckLqf
Shitpost Your Way Through It
During the Bush era, @mikeallen told me every administration spin was either Nothing To See Here! or Look At The Shiny Ball! Feels like Nothing To See Here! has run its course, shiny balls are about to start appearing everywhere.
— Michael Grunwald (@MikeGrunwald) March 9, 2020
Run Away
I think a recess is a good idea because politics is threating to break out and it must be contained before it does https://t.co/sOxM4buAQ1
— 'Weird Alex' Pareene (@pareene) March 9, 2020
Sunday, March 08, 2020
What’s most worrying here is that many US energy companies are levered up to their necks in debt that’s been securitized.
— Jordan Weissmann (@JHWeissmann) March 8, 2020
The possibility that a COVID19-induced recession would cause those companies to default was a major danger. Now the Saudis are pushing them to the brink. https://t.co/X7Cm4wQ1Vp
Reality Bites
How hard is it to just tell the CDC to "do whatever." They probably have some idea. And the problem isn't Trump, though he certainly isn't bringing even the conservative A game. They are unable to not fuck things up. It's just Republican governance.
We're In Our Base Killing Our Base
NEW YORK (AP) — The White House overruled health officials who wanted to recommend that elderly and physically fragile Americans be advised not to fly on commercial airlines because of the new coronavirus, a federal official told The Associated Press.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention submitted the plan this week as a way of trying to control the virus, but White House officials ordered the air travel recommendation be removed, said the official who had direct knowledge of the plan. Trump administration officials have since suggested certain people should consider not traveling, but they have stopped short of the stronger guidance sought by the CDC.
Great Moments In Real Genius
Virality of C19 is overstated due to conflating diagnosis date with contraction date & over-extrapolating exponential growth, which is never what happens in reality. Keep extrapolating & virus will exceed mass of known universe!
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 8, 2020
Gotta Keep The Numbers Down
A federal strike team of nurses and doctors arrived Saturday to support the staff at the long-term nursing home, Life Care Center of Kirkland, Wash., where officials have announced the deaths of 13 residents and a visitor who were infected with the virus. Tim Killian, a spokesman for the care center, praised the workers who continued to show up even as 70 of the nursing home’s 180 employees have developed symptoms.
“The amount of work and stress that these staff and employees and caregivers are under is tremendous,” Mr. Killian said. “They truly are heroes.”
Earlier on Saturday, Mr. Killian said that the center was still unable to get all of its staff members tested for coronavirus. The home had received 45 virus testing kits, Mr. Killian said, which was not enough for the 63 remaining residents and dozens of staff members.
Saturday, March 07, 2020
That's Kinda Serious
The Italian government is to lockdown the northern region of Lombardy, as it battles to contain the spread of the coronavirus. A draft decree would extend the quarantined areas, so-called “red-zones”, ordering people not to enter or leave the region.
The country is grappling to contain Europe’s worst outbreak of Covid-19, which has claimed 233 lives and infected a total of 5,883 people.
Does This Reassure You
It Isn't Political If It Affects MEEEEEEE
Not like "anyone's" going to care if, I dunno, San Antonio is consumed by zombies.
Bullshit Your Way Through It
The tests are perfect! What about all the schools we are painting!*
*I get enraged whenever I remember that the political press ran with "our primary military mission is painting schools" thing for years.
Friday, March 06, 2020
Conservatives Are Not Quite Right
If this virus turns out to be a major thing, we can be sure that Both Sides, but mostly the side out of power according to many sources feeding us text messages who we won't name, are to blame.
Nothing Against The Fine People Of NoVa
Multiple people described elaborate schemes to undermine the campaign and help their favored candidates. As one staffer explained, “I would actively canvass for Bernie when I was supposed to be canvassing for Mike. I know of at least one team of ‘volunteers’ that was entirely fabricated by the organizers who had to hit their goals. It was easy enough to fudge the data to make it look like real people put in real volunteer work, when in reality Mike was getting nothing out of it.”
Heading To NoVa
Larry Kudlow on coronavirus: ""I will still argue to you this is contained."
— Jeffrey S. Stein (@JStein_WaPo) March 6, 2020
You gotta have power to use it, and people in power do.
Missouri specific:
— Governor Mike Parson (@GovParsonMO) March 5, 2020
• ZERO confirmed cases
• Nearly 17 people have been tested
• Testing CAN be done in Missouri
• Prisons, nursing homes & mental health facilities are a concern
• Schools are always a concern, but young people to not appear to be as prone #COVID19
Thursday, March 05, 2020
They'll Be Back
That Fucking Newspaper
If you want to know why Trump tells lies, this is why …
— Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) March 5, 2020
… sometimes if you say something untrue you can get a headline, a dek, and a two-paragraph lede repeating your lie only to have it debunked further down. pic.twitter.com/MZyb4MnuIC
The Ultimate Victory
Warren's Out
The Good News
But I seriously believe that drumming Michael Bloomberg out of politics saved democracy. Don’t let it be said that progressive messaging doesn’t work. It took on $500 million and won. And despite what anyone feels today, that was important. It will discourage other billionaires from looking in the mirror and seeing a president. It shows that voters have a limit, a breaking point, a line they refuse to cross. Regardless of what happens in the nominating race, we didn’t get the worst option in the choose-your-own-adventure book. And we have progressives to thank for the near-miss.
Tit For Tat
Dems in the House have to be ready to immediately hit Don Jr., Ivanka and Jared with subpoenas if Senate revives the Hunter Biden B.S. if we’re going to have kids day on the Hill, let’s level the playing field
— Joe Lockhart (@joelockhart) March 4, 2020
DC brain, man. We're gonna make the point that going after the Bidens is politically motivated by doing the same things ourselves!!!
Of course the whole Trump crime family deserves to be thrown in the pokey, but this isn't to "level the playing field" or to be used as some sort of threat.
And none of these people are "kids." Stop it.
The press needs their "both sides" and we're going to give it to them and loudly announce it!!!
Get these people away from politics.
Wednesday, March 04, 2020
Brand Democrat
Did You Know That Trump Is Gross And Bad?
Brought To You By The People Who Brought You 2016
8 months of Joe talking about his "good friends, the Republicans" as they're trying to put his son in jail and The Resistance wondering why their favorite newspaper, The New York Times, is running with bullshit on the front page every single day because nobody remembers that "but her emails" is a criticism of that newspaper.
Joe's gonna malaprop and gaffe every 5 minutes - mostly harmless, of course - and people are going to be very confused when this is more important than the 3 years of president brain worms barely speaking English.
Yes the media is going to be bullshit to any Democratic candidate, but some people understand this and some people think their best friend was somehow to blame.
No it isn't over.
Tuesday, March 03, 2020
Believing Their Own Bullshit
I don't think the audience for bipartisan fetishism is what it was, but I will grant it did have an audience once upon a time. But if politicians spouting it didn't believe their own bullshit, it might be reasonable campaign rhetoric. Too many of them do believe it, and when the rhetoric fails (hi Claire!) to get them elected they believe, "oh, well, Republicans would vote for me but AOC and some mean people online turned them off." That excuse is hilarious, but even if it's *true* that it's hard to run a bipartisan fetish campaign when the entire rest of the country isn't precisely on message with you, then perhaps it just isn't a viable strategy. You can't shush the meanies on the internet. Just the way things are.
Joe Biden, Reporting For Duty
At least until they panic and make a different one next week. They are rich, fickle, and, dumb. Mostly.
Monday, March 02, 2020
This Fucking Newspaper
Three years after liberals pinned their hopes on her as a bridge within the Trump White House, Ivanka Trump has registered as a Republican, defends her father over impeachment and goes on Hannity’s show. https://t.co/g8ikc8tGo0
— Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) March 2, 2020
Jesus fucking Christ.
In It To Win It
Nothing to Worry About
BREAKING: The CDC has stopped disclosing the number of Americans tested for coronavirus.
— Judd Legum (@JuddLegum) March 2, 2020
On the left is how the website looked last night. On the right is what it looks like now, with the testing info removed.
The lack of testing is a scandal.
This is the coverup. pic.twitter.com/za5w9dkEKq
There's No Magical Virus Shield around NoVa
(CNN)As new cases of coronavirus arise daily in the United States -- including several announced over the weekend and one death -- the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has failed to release crucial information physicians say could help save the lives of Americans diagnosed with the novel coronavirus.Too often I find myself thinking "LOL NOTHING'S GOING TO MATTER UNTIL AFFECTS RICH PEOPLE IN MEDIA OR THEIR FRIENDS" but LOL NOTHING's...
Several US patients have recovered from coronavirus, but so far, the CDC has shared detailed clinical information about only one of those patients. That information includes what treatments the patients received and how they fared.
American Oligarchs
Morning Thread
Sunday, March 01, 2020
What Was That All About
Bye, Mayo
New! BREAKING @PeteButtigieg to announce he is out of the presidential race, his staff now hearing the news in campaign call, sources tell us.
— Carla Marinucci (@cmarinucci) March 1, 2020
The Hottest Takes Of All
Shouldn't Take This
America criminal health care system will be in full evidence when a lot of low level medical staffers get infected and put in ICU at their nearby hospitals and are then hit with massive bills for treating from their hospitals for an illness they got from the hospital.
— Jon Walker (@JonWalkerDC) March 1, 2020