Thursday, June 04, 2020

Really Don't Give Money To That Fucking Newspaper

I know I say that all the time, but that's my cranky version. My real point has been:

For some reason liberals think subscribing to the New York Times is some sort of civic duty and the NYT cynically profited off of this with a massive ad campaign following the Trump election suggesting they were vitally important to being a check on Trump, and then gave us Maggie Haberman and her deferential court gossip as the primary frame for their political coverage and much other news, which gets subsumed into politics these days. If you want to support journalism with a subscription, giving money to the New York Times is like donating money to Harvard to support higher ed. They don't need your money, and will be the last legacy print outlet standing. But, hey, sure, if you like the crosswords or just read it enough and don't want to fight the paywall, go ahead and pay the money. Your choice. Just don't think it's some sort of good deed you're doing by suPporTinG joUrnAlIsm.

But now, really, please don't give any money to that fucking newspaper. At least until they publish my op-ed "Why Even Linking To This Newspaper is Supporting Fascism."