Saturday, October 31, 2020

Saturday Evening

Waiting waiting waiting. Have a video.

Afternoon Thread

Doing a bit of weekending. Might be an interesting week!


Ruth Shalit is an old boring story, but it's sort of a foundational story for me as an adult paying attention to the political-media complex. The elite racism of the 90s to the Iraq war in the aughts and back again to the elite racism (it was all elite racism).

Just white children of privilege smashing up the world around them, failing ever upwards while profiting off the idea that minorities get all the breaks and don't ever deserve any success at all.

A surprise return character from episode one. Hope this fucking show is over soon.

Saturday, Saturday

Reminded that Megan McArdle - glibertarian, opposed to social insurance generally - wrote a whole goddamn book about how people like her should be able to fuck up as many times as they want and still get promoted through life. Blessed.

What's It All About Then

I know I'm getting old when I'm hitting the, "well, children, there's nothing new under the sun" phase of life, but the stuff Shalit was peddling in the 90s (and she was just part of a particular zeitgeist, not its leader), is just the same as the "WOKE CANCEL CULTURE" stuff being peddled now. Racism justified with bullshit and wrapped with a ribbon of supposed respectability.
But Shalit did find time to make more trouble for herself, charging that Post media reporter Howard Kurtz "misquoted" her in a piece he wrote on the brouhaha on September 21.

Kurtz quoted Shalit as saying that "the ethos of diversity is ultimately on a collision course with the ethos of newspapering." Shalit told the Phoenix that she spoke of "sensitivity" rather than "diversity," adding, "That makes a big difference."

Kurtz reacted with outrage.

"I would respond to that by saying that is a blatant lie," he said. "I can't believe she's telling you that." Kurtz said Shalit left him a voice-mail message after his piece had already gone to press, in which she said she wished she'd used the phrase "ethos of sensitivity."

To support his defense, Kurtz produced the transcript of a CNN program on which both he and Shalit appeared. According to the transcript, host Bernard Kalb read the quote back to Shalit, and Shalit responded that "what I really meant by that was that the ethos of diversity, meaning really the ethos of sensitivity: offend no one."


I don't care about the sports story, but just read the correction. Shalit didn't just have problems at TNR, she also had problems subsesquently at Elle and at Salon. How do these people keep getting hired?

Her big scandal at TNR - though it wasn't what actually cost her the job because lol - was a huge very racist article about personnel practices at the Washington Post, which fit very much into the very popular-in-the-90s genre of "black people get all the breaks," especially popular with New Republic editors named Andrew Sullivan.

This David Carr piece is, I think, too kind, and also requires some reading between the lines as Carr's pieces always did (he knows more than he says).

As I said, she didn't just depart "journalism" without looking back. She went on to have mini-scandals at Elle and Salon about things no one much cared about. And, here she is, hired again! Some people's talent is just so indispensable.

Morning Thread

Almost hit 100,000 daily cases...

Friday, October 30, 2020

Friday Evening

Last weekend! Maybe forever! hahahahaha

Hey, uh, Ruth? Can You Write Just One Thing Without Plagiarizing Or Making Things Up

Some people just stick around "journalism" forever no matter what they do. Total mystery.
The Erik Wemple Blog wrote last week that these counted as freakish events in one of the world’s safest sports. The Atlantic has already issued one correction on the story — a claim about Olympic-size backyard hockey rinks — prompted by this blog’s questions. Now there appear to be yet more problems.

The gore that Barrett — who formerly went by the name Ruth Shalit while racking up a scandal-ridden record in Washington decades ago — described in the Atlantic has riled up the community of fencers in Fairfield County, a place whose affluence drives the narrative behind the piece. Most prominent among Ivy League-fixated parents in this story is “Sloane,” the alleged middle name of a woman who is said to have three daughters and a son. Her 12-year-old is the one who allegedly took a saber to the jugular.

I'm busy at the moment so I can't do a Ruth Shalit retrospective, but... People just keep paying her to write stuff no matter what! Blessed life.

Thoughts And Prayers

All we can offer.
ATLANTA — Governor Brian Kemp and his wife are in quarantine after coming into contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19.

America's Worst Political Party

The Republican Party.

I bet you were a bit worried I was going to say the other one.

It's Called "Boofing The Opinion"

When you're so dumb/lazy/dishonest that you make major factual errors in your Supreme Court edicts that you have to have a do-over, but not one which inspires you to change your conclusion.
Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh made a correction to a concurring opinion after Vermont officials pointed out that he mistakenly said the state had not changed its election rules.

This Was Your Chance

I've said it many times, but Covid was Trump's opportunity to cruise to re-election. He wouldn't have even had to have done a much better job, just reduced his obvious incompetence and malevolence by a small bit. Not that I know what's going to happen on Tuesday, as things are mostly not what they should be! But he'd be favored to win without the Supreme Court's coup attempt, or at least a 50-50 or so chance, if he could have just not shit himself on TV for 8 months.

I Got This

Progress is reversible in large part because the people who slow walk it out of supposed practical concerns are usually not that committed to it in the first place.

The Best Case Scenario

It is not very good! As I have said. The alternative scenarios are all unimaginably bad.

Morning Thread

Large city centers are the obvious places for protests, the last remnants in any sense of the public square that we have, but perhaps not the most logical places.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Brave Sir David

Act Quickly

I've learned that there's about a 5 minute window at the start of the crisis during which there's some hope the powers that be can be goaded into doing the right thing, because everyone's gonna be back on their bullshit right after that.

Apparently There's An Election On Tuesday

Everything just seems like filler until then, the freak-of-the-week episode before we finally get back to the Big Bad.

The guy who gets the most votes should win, but, ok, that isn't our system. So they guy who gets the most electoral votes, as we've been told that's suppose to happen, should win. But, no, the Supremos might try to start throwing ballots out if they don't like what might be on them, and state legislatures might step in and say LOL WHO SAID YOU GET VOTE, and...

Really this TV show sucks.


...ah, they deleted the tweet. Here it is:

Afternoon Thread

New computer fun.


Back in 2000, the Supremos intervening at all was seen as an extremely out of the ordinary event, whatever one thought about whether that they did and how they did was appropriate. Now they've decided they are the local election board of 50 states and 3000 counties.

Windows Update

Apparently a new laptop is faster than the 9 year old one, but windows insisting on spending 90 minutes updating is a bit annoying.

Thursday Is New Jobless Day

751K new lucky duckies.

Village Morals

Morning Thread

They tried to destroy the post office to create chaos for mail in ballots and it's barely a scandal!

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Got Some Bad News About Brunch

I do not think the successful election and inauguration of Joe Biden will calm things down.

Nobody Knows Anything

 In "normal" times we can all put on our Real Pundit hats and talk about ad buys and campaign travel, trying to discern the campaign strategy.  You know, last minute swing through Pittsburgh!  Ad buy in Kansas City!  Forcing Trump to waste resources competing in Texas!

I think in normal times that stuff was mostly bullshit, but in these not normal times it's ridiculous to even try to pretend that these stories mean anything at all.  With Covid, all the early voting, having no idea how much Trump and affiliates even have to spend*, and just dozens of reasons this does not resemble a campaign from 2004, nobody knows anything except what the polls say.

*I'm sure the proper answer to this is, "Trump can as spend as much as he wants as long as vendors will accept payment after the fact, because they're all going to be stiffed."

The Only People Who Matter

Poll Pron

Just to keep your moods oscillating!

High likely
Low likely

Regular electionRegistered
High likely
Low likely
Perdue (R-i)46%47%48%
Ossoff (D)49%49%49%

We're All Posters Now

I probably should understand it, given what I do all day, but the lure of the internet for wealthy and powerful people evades me. Sure Thomas doesn't make zillions, but she's had good grift going for years. They can afford to go sip wine in Italy instead of mainlining Fox and hosting facebook groups for wackos.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is using her Facebook page to amplify unsubstantiated claims of corruption by Joe Biden.

Ginni Thomas, a longtime conservative activist, asked her more than 10,000 followers Monday to consider sharing a link focused on alleged corruption by the Democratic nominee for president and his son, Hunter, as well as claims that social media companies are censoring reports about the Bidens.


Nothing will ever get the war loving commentariat or even most people to care much, but as we consider what incompetent maleveolent "leadership" can do to a country (ours), remember that the Bush administration did it to Iraq with 5 years+ of unwavering support from all of our elite Thinkfluencers. Worse, of course, but similar in many ways.

They sent the idiot 23-year-old conservatives who were too useless to make it in the conservative movement at home to destroy Iraq, and that same basic set of people (the next generation) is destroying America.

And everyone is busy helping these assholes rehabilitate themselves.


I do, actually, root for the stock market to crash for reasons I have previously explained (policymakers won't let it stay down, they might be encouraged to help the rest of us).

Starting off to be another fun day!

The CNBC headline is:

Dow drops more than 500 points on fears rising coronavirus cases could slow down economic recovery
And while they just make those headlines up... um, yah, you think?


The caring geniuses at the Trump campaign stuck a bunch of elderly MAGAs at a rally in Omaha in freezing weather.

Our rallies have the best hypothermia!

Not sure if it was "not enough buses," "the buses couldn't get through the traffic," or "lol stiff the bus drivers once we get a video of this thing nothing matters."

Morning Thread

Not making any predictions, but not optimistic about this Covid thing right now!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Overheard At The Hipster Coffee Shop

Not very bright, outta hand, yadda yadda.
CLEVELAND, Ohio – A grand jury in Cleveland on Tuesday indicted right-wing political hoaxers Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman with felony charges connected to a multi-state robocall campaign that prosecutors say was meant to scare voters in urban areas with large minority populations out of voting by mail in the Nov. 3 presidential election.

Wohl, 22, of Irvine, California, and Burman, 54, of Arlington, Virginia, are indicted on eight counts of telecommunications fraud and seven counts of bribery in connection with more than 8,000 calls that were placed to residents of Cleveland and East Cleveland.

Tuesday Evening

Nothing important ever happens on Tuesdays.

Still Dyin'

I am not smart talking public health guy, but after all these months what "needs" to be done is obvious, even if it won't be perfect and it won't be fun. Right now it isn't perfect and it isn't fun - much less perfect but not really more fun than what needs to happen - and more people are dying and as hospitals fill up again, the misery if not the mortality will rise, and on and on.

Like many things, it wouldn't be that expensive (or wouldn't have to be) and it wouldn't be that hard, but even aside from Trump, features of our dumb country make even the simple necessary things seem unimaginable. I mean, I can't believe there's some sort of "debate" about whether a hypothetical vaccine would be free for everyone, or just free for some people. Maybe the pulic benefits of government aren't *always* obvious over and above the private benefits, but the benefits of vaccinating everyone as soon as possible are pretty damn obvious! Even the Galt goers should be able to see this!

Our dumb country.

You Could Have Listened To Me

I am skeptical about self-driving cars *in general* for reasons I have been boring you with, but even if I am wrong about that I am not wrong that Musk is a con artist and he will not be the one to deliver it with in house Tesla technology.
“I find (FSD) terrifying,” said Bill McGuire, who purchased a Tesla Model 3 in early September. He has serious concerns about the technology and the way he feels Tesla is promoting it, telling NBC News he feels "the branding is a lie, or at least a complete contradiction” because it actually can’t be driven without close human supervision.

For the moment, Musk said the full self-driving beta release is going out to a “small number of people who are expert and careful” drivers.”

That tweet was four years ago, and it never happened.

Also, too.

"Summons" was supposed to be your parked car driving to you, like it was KITT. I could post stuff like that all day.

There's Always Money For Republicans

At least I have you, generous readers.

Day 1375 Of The Trump Administration

What an insightful observation! "The lying is the story." Never too late!

Morning Thread

There's something to be learned from the "we're just doing this" way Republicans go about things. A way to stop something from being portrayed as "controversial" is to just assert that it isn't.

Monday, October 26, 2020


Really sorry the bullets you kept firing into the crowd ricocheted back at you.

Happy Hour Thread

Another White House superspreader event tonight!

Crash That Market

My two basic beliefs are:

1) The powers that be will do almost anything to goose a crashing stock market.

2) When they act to goose the market, they feel a tiny bit obligated to goose the fortunes of the rest of us.

Let it crash. They won't let it stay low for long, and maybe they'll do something useful in response.


Holding Our Breaths

Hitting the "what can one say" week before the election. In case it isn't clear, I think it's somewhat important that Donald Trump does not get another term in office. Was gonna vote Ye, but he's not on the ballot in Pennsylvania.


It's worse than it's ever been.
(CNN)Another day, another dreadful record broken in the Covid-19 pandemic. This time, the seven-day average of daily new cases reached an all-time high of 68,767 on Sunday, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. The previous record of 67,293 was set July 22.
Heckuva job, Trumpie.

Oh No My Stonks

Mr. President, SIR, do something!

Racist Failson Distilled

Monday Morning

Bit busy this morning. Better blogging later!

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Evening Thread

Hopefully it turns around, but the hospitals are starting to fill up in various places...


The provenance of most Vox Pop interviews is suspect, but this one definitely deserves an explanation from journalism, that industry devoted to transparency.

They Weren't Very Bright

Head Of The Coronavirus Taskforce

AKA "The Suprespreader Committee." The one thing about this which makes Maggie mad is when the people she covers get Covid.
Several members of Vice President Mike Pence’s inner circle, including at least four members of his staff, have tested positive for the coronavirus in the past few days, people briefed on the matter said, raising new questions about the safety protocols at the White House, where masks are not routinely worn.

Hospital Capacity

Even if you take the basic "can't stamp out the virus, so we just gotta live (or die) with it" view, it just leads you to the other thing we "knew" back in March, which was that even if you can't stop the virus, you gotta slow it down so it doesn't overwhelm The Greatest Health Care System In The World (ours).

Ah well.

Just Admitting It

Been policy almost the whole time.

Morning Thread

Another record new daily case day. The typical pattern is the reported cases drop on Sundays and then rise through the following Saturday.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Excellent Point, Sir!

Very wise!
“I think the Senate is tough actually. The Senate is very tough,” Trump said at a fundraiser Thursday at the Nashville Marriott, according to an attendee. “There are a couple senators I can’t really get involved in. I just can’t do it. You lose your soul if you do. I can’t help some of them. I don’t want to help some of them.”
Not sure you're right about this one, though, sir, but I'm sure you know best! You always do!
The president — in a sentiment not shared by many of his party’s top officials and strategists — said he instead thinks the Republicans “are going to take back the House.” And many strategists involved in Senate races say the party’s chances at keeping the chamber are undermined by the president’s unscripted, divisive rhetoric and his low poll numbers in key states.

Saturday Evening

It's just a jump to the left.

That's My President!

I suppose he believes this, a bit, in a way, that Covid is just a plot against him, because everything is a plot against him, and the same way he managed to conjure caravans of Mexicans who were coming to kill us all, the Democrats and the LAMESTREAM MEDIA have conjured Covid.

Some People Are Kinda Stupid

I do think there are a lot of people who honestly can't quite get their heads around how a disease spreads, the basic I infect two people and they each infect two people and they each infect two people dynamic.

We all did the penny doubling thing in elementary school, right? You don't actually have to understand fancy equations to get this. And yet...

Lunch Thread

Saturday, wait


Let us not forget when NYT star reporter, Elaina Plott, found it very newsworthy to tweet a Cspan Yoostabee in the year of our lord, 2020.

(one person calling Cspan, unless it's Cher, is not really newsworthy ever, and certainly not one of an endless parade of "I YOOSTABEE A DEMOCRAT BUT..." callers that have filled the call lines from its inception.)

Morning Thread

I sorta get that cable TV news is just one product line nestled in entertainment production companies, and so there's a PR division that leaps in to handle any "controversies," but when the supposed paragons of Journalism respond to their fuckups with transparently bad ass covering.... well, it does not make me want to bUy a NeWsPaPeR!

Friday, October 23, 2020

Sounds Bad

We’re rounding that turn.
The United States hit an all-time high Friday in daily new coronavirus cases, surpassing the previous record set during a summer surge of cases across the Sun Belt.

Friday’s tally — the first above 80,000 — comes as many states break their records for new infections. The average number of covid-19 hospitalizations has jumped in at least 38 states over the past week, a trend that cannot be explained by more widespread testing, according to data tracked by The Washington Post.

How Did You Find These People

The only releveant question, and therefore the evaded one.

There Are None

This is the life's work of all the fancy conservative lawyers! Leo is their patron! Pretending otherwise for decades has been the problem!

Shocked Face

Nobody could have predicted...
In the wake of protests following the May 25 killing of George Floyd, a member of the “Boogaloo Bois” opened fire on Minneapolis Police Third Precinct with an AK-47-style gun and screamed “Justice for Floyd” as he ran away, according to a federal complaint made public Friday.

A sworn affidavit by the FBI underlying the complaint reveals new details about a far-right anti-government group’s coordinated role in the violence that roiled through civil unrest over the Floyd’s death while in police custody.

"I take full responsibility. It’s not my fault."

Probably tried that one myself a few times! I love MY PRESIDENT!

Easy To Get Sucked Into A Thing

I know from years of blogging (both doing it and reading the blogs of others, back when there were other blogs) that it's easy to get a bit sucked into a thing. Decide, for example, that the Yew Nork Times is bad, and it almost becomes a schtick, and you (I) become a bit too into finding fault wherever you can.

Not going to claim to be immune to that type of thing, but I am sensitive to it. I try not to give into the temptation of finding patterns where there are none, or of finding any way possible to get mad at That Fucking Newspaper just because that's a thing I do here on atrios dot blogspot dot com. But, man, sometimes, that fucking newspaper..

Vox Pop

I think in general the genre of vox pop political journalism is garbage. Only a couple of journalists actually listen to voters, the rest of them have The Narrative and plug a few quotes into it. But quite often it's worse than that, with their "random man on the street swingish voter" being Republican operatives. It keeps happening! (twitter thread)

$500K Cash

Curious how that was obtained.
A 19-year-old man charged with possession of child pornography last September was arrested with a cache of guns and explosive materials, a recent court filing reveals, and investigators discovered that he had allegedly traveled within four miles of former Vice President Joe Biden's home after he had posted a meme online asking, "should I kill joe biden?"


Officers observed weapons including an AR-15 style rifle, a canister of explosive material, and other ammunition boxes, federal prosecutors said. They also found more than $500,000 as well as several more firearms and "drawings of swastikas and planes crashing into buildings," according to the court filing.

Seems Bad

So fucking depressing.

Morning Thread

Yesterday was the day My President became PRESIDENT.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Late Night

Get rockin'

Spin Room Time!

Get spinning.

Debate 2!

You're the puppet!

Happy Hour Thread

I am VERY HAPPY that MY PRESIDENT will be on the teevee tonight!!!


All journalists know that the penultimate chapter of this dumb story is the Justice Department releasing some nonsense right before the election, and then they all wonder how "it'll play" when how it'll play depends entirely on how they play it. Gotta obey his Foxy Friends.

My President Is Very Smart

And I bet he totally would have aced the "What is a pre-existing condition?" question. That one's a toughy!

Where We Are Going

Adam Serwer:
The message is clear: There is no constitutional amendment, no federal statute, no state law, no half-baked legal philosophy, and no federalist principle that will prevent the conservatives on the Court from upholding Republican efforts to sever Democratic constituencies from the franchise. Whether Trump wins or loses in November, they will pursue this agenda in earnest. And with Barrett on the Court, it is unlikely that even Roberts’s rare defections will be an obstacle to them.

Lunch Thread

Get lunch'd.


Matt Duss:
The last two decades have revealed the folly of this hubris. With the declaration of its global “war on terror” after the attacks of September 11, 2001, the United States went abroad in search of monsters and ended up midwifing new ones—from terrorist groups such as the Islamic State (or ISIS), born in the prisons of U.S.-occupied Iraq; to destabilization and deepening sectarianism across the Middle East; to racist authoritarian movements in Europe and in the United States that feed—and feed off of—the fear of refugees fleeing those regional conflicts. Advocates of the war on terror believed that nationalist chauvinism, which sometimes travels under the name “American exceptionalism,” could be stoked at a controlled burn to sustain American hegemony. Instead, and predictably, toxic ultranationalism burned out of control. Today, the greatest security threat to the United States comes not from any terrorist group, or from any great power, but from domestic political dysfunction. The election of Donald Trump as president was a product and accelerant of that dysfunction—but not its cause. The environment for his political rise was prepared over a decade and a half of xenophobic, messianic Washington warmongering, with roots going back into centuries of white supremacist politics.


There has never been any obligation to let Murdoch properties into the club of respectable journalists, anymore than there's any obligation to let ATRIOS DOT BLOGSPOT DOT COM into that club or OANN or some random Youtuber. If Haggie Maberman wants to talk about the New York Post as somehow similar to the New York Times - the same profession, just with a different style - then journalists generally shouldn't be surprised when the public no longer differentiates between supposedly respectable news outlets and trash.

It seems that Jake Tapper no longer treats Fox News as one of his "sister organizations," but he shouldn't have 11 years ago either.

And, no, the "NEWS AND OPINION ARE DIFFERENT!@!@!!@" bullshit is irrelevant here, as it is almost all the time, but especially as there has never been a meaningful difference between the news and opinion side of Murdoch properties.

Thursday Is New Jobless Day

787K new lucky duckies. Still higher than the peak of the Great Recession, which was 665K.

Never Going To End

7-day average of new cases is up above 60,000 (varies a bit by reporting outlet, I suppose) for the first time since the first week in August.

Morning Thread

I guess Tucker went after a journalist last night and all the other journalists are MADADMAD. They should get a bet more MADMADMAD when they go after less prominent people.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Wednesday Evening

I didn't see but I gather the Kenyan guy is being very disrespectful to My President. Hit'em, Bamz.

The Next Two Frames Are

1) Mr. President, these pages are all blank?

2) My President, UNDERSTANDABLY, storms out at this impudence.

TV journalists too much tend to allow the theater-as-presented to play out, as getting good shots and B-roll always requires a bit of staging ("Now walk down the hall.") Will she really say, "What the fuck??? THE BOOK IS BLANK YOU DUMBASS!!!!"

I'd say it's uncertain if they even highlight that the book is blank (even if it is).


People gotta eat and companies insist on making money, but presumably people want to be read, too.

Fuck That Guy

In the early years of the Bush administration (post-9/11), it was almost instantly "controversial" to say something mean about George Bush. They did a pretty good job of equating the president with the country, and our courageous 4th estate loved playing along.

I don't particuarly *care* that celebrities and similar speak out, in the sense that I don't think their influence necessarily matters, but it's refreshing that at least it isn't controversial to do so.

America's Wanker

Good for a laugh.
In the film, released on Friday, the former New York mayor and current personal attorney to Donald Trump is seen reaching into his trousers and apparently touching his genitals while reclining on a bed in the presence of the actor playing Borat’s daughter, who is posing as a TV journalist.

She Has A Point

The Good Ones

Not that it made any difference in the world, but I still feel bad for judging Tucker incorrectly years ago. Not that I thought he was good, but I didn't think he'd go on to host the White Power Hour.

DJ Rove

Sounds bad.
Washington (CNN)Senior officials throughout various departments and agencies of the Trump administration tell CNN they are alarmed at White House pressure to grant what would essentially be a no-bid contract to lease the Department of Defense's mid-band spectrum -- premium real estate for the booming and lucrative 5G market -- to Rivada Networks, a company in which prominent Republicans and supporters of President Donald Trump have investments.

The pressure campaign to fast track Rivada's "Request for Proposal" (RFP) by using authorities that would preclude a competitive bidding process intensified in September, and has been led by White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, who was acting at Trump's behest, sources with knowledge tell CNN. To push his case, Meadows has sometimes used as his proxy an individual identified by sources in the telecommunications industry as a top financial management official in the US Army.

Whatever his friends on the TV tell him.
Sources tell CNN that Trump was encouraged to help Rivada by Fox News commentator and veteran GOP strategist Karl Rove, a lobbyist for, and investor in, Rivada.
At some point we're going to find out that Trump runs a pedophile ring out of the basement of a Trump properties pizza joint called "Meteor Pizza."

Morning Thread

Even with Covid, "make a voting plan" shouldn't be something people have to do in order to maximize the probability that Ron DeSantis and Sam Alito let their vote be counted in Election Calvinball.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

How We Got Here

The counting of votes that are of questionable legality does in my view threaten irreparable harm to petitioner Bush, and to the country, by casting a cloud upon what he claims to be the legitimacy of his election. - Antonin Scalia


As I keep saying, there are aspects of the appeal of Trumpism I get (not that it appeals to me), though I have some problems understanding the appeal of Trump the man. The whining. The endless damn whining. Sure I know it's a common thing with men of a certain type and age and generation, but I don't know how they stand to hear it from each other.

Especially when the whining isn't about some grand enemy the affects us all (LIBERALS! WOMEN!), but, for example, process complaints about the damn debate rules. Complaining about debate topics and microphone mutes and butt rest sizes and... who is the audience for this?

Hugh Jazz

Nothing But Sparkly Sunshine

I suppose it isn't the best campaign message, so I get why few are saying it right now, but I remain somewhat fixated on the fact that the best case scenario is that Trump is president for 2 and a half months, and during that the pandemic isn't significantly better than it is now, while Mitch's senators and whoever bothers to stick around the executive branch until then plot how make the country burn as much as possible just to make sure Biden inherits a raging fire he can't put out.

That's the best case scenario.

Lunch Thread

Put your bets on which day Bill Barr comes out with his STUNNING ALLEGATIONS and just how big a font that fucking newspaper gives the headline.

Kidding, I Hope.

Pro Fracking Is The Most Popular Policy In America

If only coverage of issues came close to the polling on issues.

Going For It

It's a bit stunning that at this point, with this president, the long conservative plot to take over the country through the judiciary is about to come to fruition, and instead of thinking, "maybe... should wait a couple of years," they're just going to do it.

It isn't that I expect All This to make them suddenly see the light, but it makes clear that they are quite happy to see the destruction of anything resembling a functioning country. Honestly not even sure what they think they're winning.

It is easier to understand when you see them not as evil geniuses, but as characters in a Coen Brothers movie.

And here ya are, and it's a beautiful day. Well. I just don't understand it.

Tuesday Morning

Two weeks until judgment day.


Monday, October 19, 2020

Monday Evening

Have had to cancel the Eschaton election simulation.

Nice Try

Fox didn't pass on the story, they just passed it on to the New York Post where a former employee of Fox pushed it into print. Then Cokie's Law applies: It's out there!

But The Sacred Norms

Sorry for all the tweets, a bit busy with some stuff.

Okay Then

I Can't Believe I'm Losing To This Guy

(hopefully title is a joke)


"Everyone" knew this was bullshit from the beginning and yet...

Great Moments In White Supremacy

Whitewashing history, so to speak, is part of it.
To examine many aspects of American life once broadly seen as race neutral — such as mortgage lending or college faculty hiring — is to find a bedrock of white supremacy.
Sometimes to argue with things is to give them too much credit, but redlining and general discrimination in mortage lending wasn't even secret at the time. It was explicit policy!

The implicit "we" in elite journalism is often maddening, but not usually so explicit.

The rest of the piece isn't better. Once you had to literally lynch people to be a white supremacist, but now simply enshrining segregation into law makes people mad! Times change, it's so hard to keep up!!!

Our Sister Outlet

A lot of reporters come up through the New York Post because, well, there aren't any other journalism jobs and they do some real journalism, especially with local New York stuff. You can probably work there and do real journalism, if a bit tabloidy, and not feel like you've personally done a bad thing.

But of course the real job is to lend credibility to a corrupt enterprise, to continue to lend credibility when, for example, a reporter whose name rhymes with Haggie Maberman moves onto bigger and better things but still can be relied on to promote and defend her prior employer.

One thing that is better now is that there is at least pushback on these things which can't entirely be ignored.

They're Bad People

I get that Objectitudinal Journalists feel the need to take a neutral pose over some traditional political questions, such as, "what should the top marginal tax rate be?" But letting issues be contested as long as one major political party is contesting them, creates a discourse where "is wearing a tan suit in the oval office a crime against humanity?" can be entertained more seriously than, "is murdering your political opponents bad?" if one side is squealing loudly enough about it.

The Right has had the better amplification machine for decades, and every journalist knows this, so they can always squeal more loudly on any given issue of the day. Yes it's always true that "Democrats need to play the game better," but also always important to ask, "why, exactly, are these the rules of The Game and why, exactly, is it completely reasonable to call it, 'a game'?"

Anyway, I've been repeating myself on these issues on this dumb blog for EIGHTEEN YEARS NOW. It gets a bit monotonous, I realize, and in some ways thing are genuinely better than they used to be. And yet...

Monday Morning

Big case of the Mondays, amirite???

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Sunday Happy Hour

I'm sure I missed all the good news today.

It Can Keep Going Up

I know you know this, dear readers, because you are the most educated readers in all of blogdom, but the point of everything that happened back in March was that if you don't do anyting to stop it from doubling every X days...


If My President had gone on teevee every day and said, "we can't close down the economy, we can't close down the schools, we have to keep going, but please, please, everybody work from home if you can, wear masks whenever you can, do not meet with other people if you do not have to, just please go about your normal lives but do everything you can to prevent the spread of this horrible disease," it might not have been enough, but it would have been a lot better. Turning Covid denialism into the GOP platform (the only one, they didn't write any other) was not helpful.

Lunch Thread

Lazy Sunday. A bit, anyway.

Sunday Morning

Make America Great Again Again.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Saturday Happy Hour

Rock on.

Sounds Bad

And they're still trying to ruin the lives (and end them) of more people.
In an initial report about long-term COVID-19, Britain’s National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) said one common theme among ongoing COVID patients - some of whom are seven months or more into their illness - is that symptoms appear in one physiological area, such as the heart or lungs, only to abate and then arise again in a different area. “This review highlights the detrimental physical and psychological impact that ongoing COVID is having on many people’s lives,” said Dr Elaine Maxwell, who led the report.


Thanks for keeping my blogs mighty and strong through the election and beyond!

Top Ten

The "fuck the plague zone blue states" plan didn't work as intended.

Saturday Morning

Obviously peope want him gone, but aside from that I think much of the non-MAGA public is scarred by the fact that no matter what Trump just doesn't really get below 40% approval. 35% would be ok! Arbitrary, perhaps, but 40% just seems too high, especially after Covid.

George Bush's approval went into the low 20s! I've commented on that recently and had people mis-remember that was the financial crisis. No! Way before that!!!

Friday, October 16, 2020

They'll Be Fine

Probably get letters of recommendation from their favorite journalists.
“Quiet conversations in Gmail are more active now than would be expected a month before an election,” said a senior Republican strategist who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive conversations. “I have a buddy in the administration who is starting to quietly move his resume around, and he’s noticed people who he thought would be quicker to respond to inquiries have been less so. He called it ‘the Trump stink. How much Trump stink is on my resume right now?'”

Happy Hour Thread

Well that was a week. Every damn week.

Normal Life

Except about MAGAs who love to cough in the faces of store workers because FREEDUM, I'm not too judgey about how people are living their lives in the pandemic. Lots of people just don't have any choice but to go to work in relatively unsafe conditions and after doing that day after day I can't get too mad if they are a bit less likely to hermetically seal themselves off instead of going to a bar or wherever.

Still seeing people going about their lives as if nothing is really happening is always a bit jarring. Rooms filled with maskless people. Again, I'm not even being judgmental. It's just, "whoa."

Up Up And Away

There was a time when one could see some degree of Trump sycophancy by Red State governors as a clever ploy to get the necessary goodies to fight Covid. Kiss ass, get the PPE and ventilators. Gross, but you get it.

But the evidence that most of them believe their own bullshit and/or are happy for the great culling to just take their people to the Good Place is pretty strong. What's going on in South Dakota is...bad.

Left to mayors to just beg.

The mayors of South Dakota's largest cities have written an open letter to the citizens of the state, asking that they do their part to stop the spread of COVID-19. The letter, signed by 16 mayors including Sioux Falls Mayor Paul TenHaken and released through the South Dakota Municipal League, says they "have come together to bring you a united message concerning the COVID pandemic in our state."
Absent is the sociopathic governor.

Cars In A Tunnel

They could have just asked me.
Fire regulations peg the occupant capacity in the load and unload zones of one of the Loop’s three stations at just 800 passengers an hour. If the other stations have similar limitations, the system might only be able to transport 1,200 people an hour — around a quarter of its promised capacity.
Muskies will claim it's just a demonstration system, that when you build 400 more tunnels, or whatever, then the capacity goes up, but bottlenecks are bottlenecks and one of those bottlenecks is simply "how long does it take a few people to climb into an automobile." The capacity of a heavy rail subway system is of course way larger than that, but a "fairer" comparison is perhaps with a standard airport people mover. They aren't all the same, but 3-4,000 passengers each way is a fair number. Easier boarding, too, especially with a bag.


A good way to try to extract yourself from this era is to convince yourself that you actually, really, truly do not give a shit.


Going to be quite a change if we get to, once again, think (if naively) about what we can achieve instead of what we can desperately defend.


Been posting since before it was cool.
Thanks to all!

Don't Complain, Europe Is A Mess Too

And it is. Some countries are doing worse, measured by per capita new daily cases. Not an expert on the details of every country, but in the biggest problem places the reasons are fairly consistent, if not precisely the same, from what I can gather from news stories and anecdotes from locals I know. Not taking mask mandates seriously enough. Generally opening up everything too much too fast. Public rejection, to varying to degrees supported by political parties and the press, of measures. Local political opposition to national measures. National government bumbling.

The ranking of these reasons changes, but the basic issues are everywhere. Much of Europe had more reason to claim premature victory, but nonetheless it was premature.

Got My Vote

Biden had me with the "take away your cars," but the "murdering people I don't like" has moved me back into the Trump column.

Morning Thread

As more and more Republicans start making their (correct?) bets that Trump will lose, look for more and more "leaks" of them saying bad things (I know this game, Mr. Sasse, I'm not stupid, you fake aw schucks asshole) so that they can pretend they were on the side of angels all along.

Profiles in courage!

Our media elites can't WAIT to find their new GOP Daddy.

This is how it works.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Joe Biden Town Hall Thread

Don't watch that other one.

Can't Stop Posting

The final stretch of this show started off ok but now it's both fast paced and monotonous. A bit like being on one of the vehicles in Mad Max - Fury Road.

And There Are No "Good Republicans" Who Care


I understand the impulse to open things, even when it's wrongheaded, but gyms... That they seemed to be priority despite being quite obviously the worst things to open up...
A spin studio that public health officials say followed all Covid-19 protocols is now reporting 61 positive cases of Covid-19, and as many as 100 staff, clients and family members may have been exposed.
Maybe appropriately distanced weights, but spin class?


Nazis just keep appearing.
In the days leading up to October 14 (a Wednesday), an account on called “Freedom_USA_88” had repeatedly posted threads that claimed that a “massive” story about Biden was coming out that day.
(H is the 8th letter of the alphabet, 88 stands for Heil Hitler, for those of you uncursed by knowledge like this)

Sensible Centrists

For years crazy people such as me would say things like, "Conservatives believe Democrats cannot legitimately hold power in this country," and sensible centrists would scoff and yell at us for not being nice enough to our racist relatives at Thanksgiving, or whatever Hallmark Holiday Movie Scripted By Aaron Sorkin was running through their heads that day. And here we are.

Our Elites Were Addle-Brained Long Before Fox Came Along

This is true, but people rarely go the next step and consider the implications of it.
The standards of the Wall Street Journal‘s news content and its editorial content are radically different because the mostly affluent people who pay to read it are fine with bullshit in political punditry but actually want the news (especially the business news) to be accurate.
It's the basic observation people have made for decades, but with the assumption (both pre- and post-Murdoch WSJ, it was a trash fire before he bought it) that the opinion section was just some weird nonsense that Very Savvy Rich Well-Educated People Who Read The Financial News tolerated.

True for some, perhaps. True for the kinds of liberalish people who read the WSJ for news and chuckled at the opinion pages. But the Masters Of The Universe are not all so discerning. The love their right wing media too, and have been getting it right into the veins from the respectable Wall Street Journal for decades.

It's ancient history now, but the WSJ opinion pages during the Clinton years were barely different from the kinds of gibberish you get from Fox and OANN now. It was wrong to assume those highest advertising dollar target consumers were not nodding along in agreement, or that many other respectable media figures weren't as well.


Quite often people who put out a patreon or a paypal link get accused of being "internet grifters." And, sure, anyone who is promising (implicitly or explicitly) something they can't deliver regularly is a bit of a grifter. It's hard to not be a bit sensitive to that. Weirdly putting up a paywall and asking for a subscription fee is seen as more legit than saying "it's free, but how about a tip."

My way around that is that I promise nothing!

I kid, but what you see is what you get.

Anyway, relative to the amount of grift in politics - I'm looking at you, Lincoln Project - mine is tiny. So, consider a tip!

Thanks to all!


But, hey, over to you Larry.

But hours earlier, senior members of the president’s economic team, privately addressing board members of the conservative Hoover Institution, were less confident. Tomas J. Philipson, a senior economic adviser to the president, told the group he could not yet estimate the effects of the virus on the American economy. To some in the group, the implication was that an outbreak could prove worse than Mr. Philipson and other Trump administration advisers were signaling in public at the time.

The next day, board members — many of them Republican donors — got another taste of government uncertainty from Larry Kudlow, the director of the National Economic Council. Hours after he had boasted on CNBC that the virus was contained in the United States and “it’s pretty close to airtight,” Mr. Kudlow delivered a more ambiguous private message. He asserted that the virus was “contained in the U.S., to date, but now we just don’t know,” according to a document describing the sessions obtained by The New York Times.

The document, written by a hedge fund consultant who attended the three-day gathering of Hoover’s board, was stark. “What struck me,” the consultant wrote, was that nearly every official he heard from raised the virus “as a point of concern, totally unprovoked.”

Thursday Is New Jobless Day

898K new lucky duckies.

Predictions are hard, especially about the future, but it's only gonna get worse in the coming months...

Thursday Morning

WHATEVER HAPPENED TO [insert horrible Republican they'd been promoting for years as a Good Republican]? is my favorite lament. They always have long records of being exactly who they are.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Happy Hour Thread


Brain Geniuses

Perhaps putting the stupidest people in charge of everything was not our best plan.

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) — South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem on Tuesday blamed South Dakota’s recent surge in coronavirus cases on an increase in testing, even as the state saw a new high in the number of people hospitalized by the virus.

There are currently no open general-care hospital beds in the southeastern part of the state, which contains the two largest hospitals, according to the Department of Health. Hospitals are dealing with both an increase in COVID-19 patients and people needing other medical care. The hospitals in Sioux Falls do have about 41% of their Intensive Care Units available.

Of course there is some relationship between the number of tests and the number of recorded cases, but not so much (at least now) with hospitalizations.

And with a 20% positivity rate, they aren't testing nearly enough.

Poll Pron

Georgia and Ohio.
GEORGIA: Biden 51%, Trump 44%
OHIO: Biden 48%, Trump 47%
GEORGIA SENATE: Ossoff 51%, Perdue 45%
GEORGIA SENATE: Warnock 41%, Collins 22%, Loeffler 20%

Nothing Can Get Maggie Off Her Bullshit

Maybe nothing gets me off my bullshit, either (In this time of Covid, there's nothing more important than outlawing curb cuts for front facing row house garages), but I'm not the premier political reporter for the New York Times.

I shouldn't be surprised. Maybe I'm not surprised. I've seen so many waves of important events followed by important reporters in no way getting off their bullshit.

It's still depressing.

That Fucking Newspaper

I can't believe I have to explain to A VERY IMPORTANT JOURNALIST AT THE NEW YORK TIMES that a story sourced to Rudy and Bannon about a laptop from some random computer store guy which supposedly had some pictures of Hunter Biden and... Christ I'm not even going to bother.

The New York Post is a garabge outlet, of course, but it's a useful way to get things into more mainstream coverage and first thing this morning, Maggie Haberman was retweeting that shit as much as anything had been retweeted before.

Only a bit later did she pretend she was being very skeptical of the story she had not shown any skepticism about, because she thought happy days were finally here again.

Reader, there was no questioning.

An issue for years has been that almost any horseshit jumps from the right wing fever swamps to the more resecptable news outlets. It's actually been a bit better in recent years, now that Matt Drudge No Longer Rules their World, but there's Maggie eagerly awaiting anything that comes to her from her old newspaper.

That Boy Ain't Right

Fundraiser Day 4!!!

Where else can you find this kind of sunny optimism?

Thanks to all!


The optimistic take is... not a good one. Biden wins by too much for them to steal it, election shenanigans are minimal, Trump nonetheless burns the White House down (metaphorically, maybe), Republican electeds at all levels (state, local) go into full revolt mode, Biden takes office in January facing economic catastrophe and a still raging pandemic. That's the optimistic take.

Going For The Villages Vote

To my favorite people in the world, the seniors.

Morning Thread

It's just accepted now that the most elite judges in the land are supposed to lie to Congress and get away with it.

Rules are for other people.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

There Are Two Types Of People In America

The rules for membership eligibility in the platinum club aren't quite as clear as they are in some other countries, which is a good thing as I expect those who imagine that they are will be busy fighting each other to the death to keep their membership status. But some are quite sure they belong, quite sure you don't, and want to make sure that is always very clear.

What is the point of membership if it doesn't have its privileges? And what are privileges, but things denied to you?

The Best President America Will Ever Have

Was a bit iffy for awhile, but Joe Biden's got my vote now.

Poll Pron

Court Reform

Our system is dumb for a lot of reasons, but maintaining the status quo does require judges who at least make the effort to pretend that their Judicial PHILOSOPHY is not, essentially, "Democrat laws are unconstitutional." There are other issues, too, but if they can't even be bothered with that one...


The imagined golden age of anything was filled with some not very golden things, but the golden age of the internet was "the open internet" and it is closing. A problem with everything retreating behind paywalls is, well, the walls, not the idea that people/companies should be paid.

The "walled garden" days of the pre-internet, of AOL and similar, is returning. Google is a bit more subtle about it, but increasingly their "internet search engine" is structured so that you never leave google.

A difficulty with blogging, a format which was always conversational, these days is there just isn't much to link to anymore. I don't like embedding tweets, but I do it more and more because that's where the linkable conversation exists now, along with breaking news or free-to-link news at all.

Internet advertising was never everyone's favorite thing, but to some degree the open internet did float on top of it, and they fade together.

Yay to everyone who manages to find subscription models that work - email newsletters are the latest - but everything that is effectively unlinkable moves us a bit further away from that open internet.

Only tangentially related to fundraising for this site, but it's stuff I think about when I do.

Thanks to all!

What Went Wrong

Correct me, please, but I have yet to see anyone explain why fixing the economy after the financial crisis was difficult, other than the fact that they fucked it up (deliberately, even).

And so I think that if we’re able to get the public health under control that normality will return more quickly than it does after financial crises or normal recessions, but I’m not sure of that.

That's Summers in the Vanity Fair interview where he gives the "Cape Code in winter" quote. The financial crisis was the easiest damn thing in the world to fix. The people responsible for fixing it instead gave us the Great Recession and then spent years telling each other what geniuses they were.

Cape Cod In Winter

It isn't really exaggeration to say that every major decision fucking up the economy for the past 25 years can be traced back to Larry Summers. And yet he keeps on going. On this particular issue - how to rescue the economy from a recession - the costs of doing way too much are trivial compared to the costs of doing not enough, and yet that is where they go every time. Summers wasn't against doing something, but the immediate happy talk after doing it helped to dampen enthusiasm for CARES or anything similar. And here we are.

Tuesday Morning

Quite regularly I see tweets or comments like, "What happened to the NOBLE REPUBLICAN PARTY OF OLD?"
Maybe they'll do the right thing today!

Monday, October 12, 2020

The Winter Of Our Discontent

The phrase popped into my head as I was pondering the upcoming winter with Covid. Weather isn't the same everywhere in the country, but the season will shrink the opportunities for outside activities, which largely means all recreational out of home activities.

And then I started thinking about the Steinbeck novel, from which I stole quotes for the post titles today. I haven't read it in..let's say 25 years... but I guess it stuck in my brain the way some books do. Various themes, but one is coping with living in a world where you gotta be a scammer to get ahead, or even just to tread water, despite what you were taught, and realizing the next generation learned that lesson early.

The Only Punishment Is For Failure

People like to imagine there's a 27 dimension chess game going on, but too often I see a team that hasn't bothered to game out checkers. The death of Ginsburg was not an especially unlikely event.

If You Want To Keep A Friend, Never Test Him

Stupid or evil, the eternal question.

Grab Anything That Goes By. It May Not Come Around Again.

With hindsight, "we'll rule forever now so it's ok if we wait for permission from the noble opposition," was perhaps not an especially cunning plan.

That Only Leaves Them Three Per Cent For The Future.

There are issues other than concerns about declining abilities with our octogenarian rulers. I don't think my political concerns have radically changed over the past 20 years, but the priorities do swap around a bit. The things I care enough to bother with on a sustained basis change. Some of that change happens because my time horizon shrinks a bit every year. I'm not that old yet, but planting the seeds for things that only bear fruit in 20 years doesn't interest me quite as much as it might have just a few years ago.

There are moments when the people who have ruled us for a very long time have responsibilities. And, welp...

Takes One Hell Of A Jump To Get Out Of It

And here we are again, or still.