Thursday, December 31, 2020

Extra New Years Rockin'

To absent friends.

Top 18 of 18 Books I Read This Year - Final Batch

Just in the order I read them. Some people asked why I don't review them or even thumbs up/thumbs down them. The internet is filled with reviews, if something sounds interesting to you. Just pointing at something and saying "it exists" seems like promotion enough. Long past imagining that anyone shares my taste in anything!

#3 Sandra Newman - The Heavens

#2 Ian McEwan - Nutshell

#1 Sally Rooney - Conversations With Friends

Pivoting to Cuecat

Not quite sure this article captures how much some local newspapers got suckered by cuecat, thinking it would keep their ads relevant in the interwebs era. First in a neverending series of initiatives by newspaper executives wasting money doing anything but maintaining a product people might actually want, then blaming the toobz when they failed.

Thoughts and Prayers

The Reeds And The Brass Have Been Weaving

It isn't scandalous that politicians and ideologically near-aligned media people communicate, but what is scandalous is when you see people take positions you know they are only taking because of those communications.

And, yes, powerful people are bullies.

Vagueblogging, I suppose.

Dapper Nazis

Reminiscing, as one does, at the end of the year. The Ohio Diner profiles were a constant presence over the course of the Trump administration, but we shouldn't forget the other popular genre piece from the early days: The Dapper Nazi profiles.

Ah, Well, Nevertheless

April 2019
As for full autonomy, Musk noted: "the software problem should not be minimized." He continued that, "it's a very difficult software problem." Still, he promised that Teslas will be capable of self-driving by the end of this year and self-driving robo-taxis will be on the road in 2020. Also, in two years, the company will be making cars without steering wheels or pedals at all.

Musk hopes to undercut Uber and Lyft with the cost per mile of a robo-taxi being less than $.18 a mile. Typical ride sharing costs are $2 to $3 a mile.

"If you fast forward a year, maybe a year three months, we'll have over a million robo-taxis on the road."

April 2020: Number of Teslas robotaxis: 0.


If you consider (ridiculous, but consider it generously for the sake of discussion) the "risk" of doing just a little bit "too much" for poor and middle class people (a check that phases out starting at $75K is that), versus the risk of doing too little or, quite soon, absolutely nothing more, and consider how people are lining up on that choice... Well, they would prefer plunging the economy into a deeper recession and the misery of millions of people on the off chance people might realize government is actually capable of doing things for them.

The people complaining about a $2000 check (and, I know, this was likely never going to happen, but the people complaining about it are so frightened of the possibility that they won't even let it be used as a rhetorical club) are going to be responsible for what is coming, as is everyone who puts up even minor roadblocks to the few options that are available.

Maybe a miracle happens and the Dems take the Senate, but absent that there's this relief bill and there are things that Biden can do on his own, like student debt cancellation. Whatever one thinks about any of these policies on their merits in isolation, the options are "do this stuff" or "do nothing" going forward.

People who never met a tax cut for rich people they don't like have the nerve to lie and claim a $2000 check that phases out benefits wealthy people too much. Larry Summers, who spent the past 2 years trying to get "liberal cred" by arguing for more government spending, suddenly decided this relatively modest amount of money would 'overheat' the economy. None of this is about what they're claiming it is, and if you're really concerned that high income people are getting too much money, raise their damn taxes, including taxing back the 2 grand for people whose 2020 income didn't plunge. But sometimes $400,000 is "middle class" and sometimes $75,000 is "well of". How the fuck does this work?

(Another part of this is, again, all this "targeting" is based on 2019 tax data because that's the best they can do which says nothing about who got screwed in 2020).

They prefer the prospect of the cannibal hordes to the off chance a poor might get a chance to smile for one day. These are sick, sick people, and I'm so tired of the "civility scolds" who tell us we should pretend this is all some sort of high minded intellectual policy debate. Be respectful! Fuck you, rich guy. Go give another speech for $50,000 and explain to your audience how one ration of protein per week is way more than the poors deserve.

Hope Is The Plan

My plan, anyway. Hope that the Biden people are getting to work.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

How Do We Resolve This Mystery

The people who would be 100% behind an ECONOMY BOOSTING TAX CUT for actual rich people, which would give most of them a lot more than two grand, are really upset about $2000 which phases out for higher income people because high income people might get it. Really can't see how to resolve this one.

Gotta Get Better At This

I know this blog sucks and everything, but I really gotta improve my grift game.


Perhaps you, dear readers, are among the few people in the country who won't be surprised at how everyone around Trump is just given a pass about hundreds of thousands of dead people, with everything they did and said in service of that goal "forgotten" as they are integrated into the upper echelons of polite DC society (media, government, the propaganda shops we called 'think tanks,' regular slots on our finer public affairs shows like Meet the Press).

Didn't expect anyone to care about Iraqis, but a lot of US troops died for that bullshit, and everyone came out of that a hero, too.

Old Is, What, Anybody Over 30?

Given the basic gerontocracy we live in - and not just government, those who rule almost everything - the continued embrace by some of the idea that only old people die of Covid is a bit weird. I don't fault 25-year-olds for thinking "old" is anybody over 50 (or 40, really), but it seems we have a bunch of 55+ people who don't understand that "old" means them, also, too (I am not yet 55, so I am still young and beautiful. That's how this works.), and their mild hypertension means they have a pre-existing condition.

Morning eyeballing it calculation, but roughly 19% of Covid deaths in the US have been people 64 and under. 8% have been people 54 and under.

Much better to be young, of course, but those aren't trivial numbers.

Morning Thread

That more senators who are like 75 and on their 4th or 5th term don't just say "fuck it" and go full Bulworth is a bit disappointing. I mean, what's left?

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Is That You, Mary Rosh?

In 20 years we're going to be dealing with the return of Trump-era clowns during the President Miller administration.

But What If Jared Gets $2000?

That would be wrong, say a bunch of people who would kill their grandmothers to cut his taxes to zero.

Seems Bad

The good news is national cases seem to be falling again, but...
Officials are having problems getting the amount of oxygen needed by critically ill COVID-19 patients who are struggling to breathe as their inflamed lungs are being damaged or destroyed.

Problems on Sunday caused at least five hospitals in L.A. County to declare an internal disaster, which closed the facilities to all ambulance traffic — not just certain types of ambulance patients, as is more typical.

It’s not simply a shortage of oxygen itself, county and hospital officials say. There’s a shortage of canisters, which patients need to return home, and aging hospital pipes are breaking down due to the huge amounts of oxygen needed to be distributed around the hospital.

That Seems Easy

I don't actually think the logistics of vaccine distribution in our big messy country is easy, but it seems like a *solveable* problem. A lot of people should be on trial for murder, is what I'm trying to say here.

Afternoon Thread

Gimme some money, Mr. President!

Showing Their Asses

Most "respectable" center-left economists exist to define themselves as the acceptable left flank, to keep the barbarian hordes from the actual left from mounting a successful insurgency.

The Senate probably won't pass it and who knows if Trump will sign it even if they do, but it is quite telling that when an opportunity sorta presents itself to do something actually lefty they freak the fuck out.

Offer X, and they say "what about Y." Offer Y, they say "why not Z, you idiot?" Present them with Z and they burn the fucking house down.


I've seen a lot of economists on the twitter and elsewhere chime in, as economists do, with various versions of, "Sure I support generous aid but it should be TARGETED to THOSE WHO REALLY NEED IT," sometimes even getting into lists of worthy or unworthy recipients. These people are either lying or stupid.

Any means testing that isn't basically automatic will tend to exclude the people who are unable to leap over the hurdles. You know, the people who most need it. The "basically automatic" way of means testing involves having the IRS use the tax returns and bank information it has on file. It doesn't have everyone's bank information (though they can mail checks too), and for the first round of checks they had the problem that not everyone had yet filed for 2019. So "eligibility" for a pandemic relief in 2020 depended on income in 2019 or 2018. This was stupid then, but at least it was right at the beginning. It's absolute nonsense now, as your 2019 income says nothing about how the pandemic in 2020 has impacted you.

There's a simpler way to means test, if you must, which is just taxing some of it back later, but all these brain geniuses don't like that for reasons. The reasons are they don't like the whole idea at all. Better to boost banker bonuses so they can hire more servants, or something.

But assuming any of these people are operating in good faith, that brings us back to stupid. Maybe "we" didn't think of all of these complications months ago, but they're well understood by anyone who has paid any attention to things at all. Economists are going to economist. No need to educate themselves about practical issues.

Hard Work

Fed, states, counties, for profit medical system with no general structure.

Will cheer Onion Joe if he puts people in charge who actually know how to get things done, or more importantly know how to hire and manage the people who get things done.

Not a comment on anyone in particular and I have no knowledge, but in general people who fly high in certain fields, politics being one of them, are not necessarily people who have the necessary skills you think they should have. Getting good press is a skill, but maybe not the one we need.

Getting shots to 330 million people is hard work.

Morning Thread

I suspect all the hand wringing about people not wanting to get vaccinated is based on the optimistic but very wrong assumption that they couldn't possibly fuckup the vaccine rollout.

Monday, December 28, 2020

The Great Sanctioning

Still waiting for all those lawyers to be SANCTIONED.

Go Nigel, Go

No Comment

Reasonably sure that after Biden becomes president, Trump will tweet stupid shit all the time and the press will regularly ask the Biden people to respond. It will likely DRIVE THE COVERAGE. Not forever, but for a few months at least.

This is part because habits die hard, and part because the rule of the DC political press coverage is that we talk about whatever conservatives want us to talk about that day.  For a little while, at least, that will be whatever Trump wants us to talk about.

"Coronavirus Task Force"

Cute we pretend that was a real thing run by people who had any interested in or ability to make anything happen.
Dr. Peter Hotez on slow vaccine distribution: The Coronavirus Task Force 'may have underestimated some of the complicated logistics involved.'

Sure Why Not


It's Maggie's old employer, too, something "we" don't talk about enough.

An overlooked but probably more important trend than "the Ohio Diner Foreign Bureau Office" is the obsessive coverage of right wing media in the age of Trump. It was an understandable development, and probably good that our mainstream journalists actually paid attention to what went on at right wing outlets, instead of pretending to as they did for years, but it's also likely to continue.

We're going to get lots of coverage of what right wing media outlets think of Joe Biden for absolutely no good reason at all.

Morning Thread

My Presdident signed the bill! I bet they promised him Victoria Principal would apologize for calling him a "clown" in 1986.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Sunday Evening

Tomorrow is...

Heckuva Story

I'm mildly interested in the future Haberman book about the best 4 years of her life, because it will be funny how obvious it is who her best sources were (the people who are the heroes in her book).

People long said about Woodward that if you talk to him, he makes you look good, if you don't, he makes you look bad. True of all these things, to some extent.

They Did This

Gross and immoral, but also stupid. It's quite obvious that Trump always ends up shooting his most loyal soldiers. Except Javanka, I guess.

The Bigger The Hole He Digs

Tax credits for mine escape equipment in enterprise zones probably won't do it.

I know lots of people want to just sigh with a relief and clap loudly for President Onion Joe. I really don't think it'll take much for me to clap loudly, either. Looking forward to it!

Sunday, Sunday

Apparently it's still a holiday weekend.

Morning Thread

My President will destroy the country to (wrongly and stupidly) defend his right to shitpost!

Gotta respect our greatest poster!

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Saturday Evening

Mr. President, sir, the American people need ponies!

That Town

What a place.
Books by the Foot, a service run by the Maryland-based bookseller Wonder Book, has become a go-to curator of Washington bookshelves, offering precisely what its name sounds like it does. As retro as a shelf of books might seem in an era of flat-panel screens, Books by the Foot has thrived through Democratic and Republican administrations, including that of the book-averse Donald Trump. And this year, the company has seen a twist: When the coronavirus pandemic arrived, Books by the Foot had to adapt to a downturn in office- and hotel-decor business—and an uptick in home-office Zoom backdrops for the talking-head class.

The Wonder Book staff doesn’t pry too much into which objective a particular client is after. If an order were to come in for, say, 12 feet of books about politics, specifically with a progressive or liberal tilt—as one did in August—Wonder Book’s manager, Jessica Bowman, would simply send one of her more politics-savvy staffers to the enormous box labeled “Politically Incorrect” (the name of Books by the Foot’s politics package) to select about 120 books by authors like Hillary Clinton, Bill Maher, Al Franken and Bob Woodward. The books would then be “staged,” or arranged with the same care a florist might extend to a bouquet of flowers, on a library cart; double-checked by a second staffer; and then shipped off to the residence or commercial space where they would eventually be shelved and displayed (or shelved and taken down to read).

Only sometimes do Bowman and Wonder Book President Chuck Roberts know the real identity of the person whose home or project they’ve outfitted: “When we work with certain designers, I pretty much already know it’s going to be either an A-list movie or an A-list client. They always order under some code name,” Bowman says. “They’re very secretive.”

Every Row In That Spreadsheet Is A Person

Sometimes I marvel at the level of distance (this is a very polite way of putting it) "wonks" can take. Just give people a bunch of money and stop fantasizing about punishing ten people because one imaginary person you think "shouldn't" get the money will get it.

Is He Gone Yet

4 years of this crappy show that we're all forced to watch has been way too much.

Morning Thread

Mr. Trump, sir, please pardon me!

Friday, December 25, 2020

That Fucking Newspaper

Larry Is Lying

The important thing about this is that Summers is lying. It isn't that he's wrong about this, it's that he doesn't believe it. He does not think that $2000 checks relative to any baseline or other policies will "overheat" the economy.

That was just a reason he grabbed for. If it was some other policy he didn't like he'd put on his frowny economist face and say it had a "low fiscal multiplier," arguing essentially the opposite, that the spending wouldn't boost the economy enough. For something else, he might go full concern troll and argue that the policy wasn't progressive, relative to some other policy he also wouldn't support if it was being offered.

Appeals to the astrological charts that only the economist possesses is common, but in this case it's bullshit that even he doesn't believe.

More great moments from a real genius:

I guess $2000 checks is just too fucking agressive (again, he's lying, he just doesn't want that kind of stimulus, he wants to make rich people even richer).

Merry Xmas.

Morning Thread

Christmas in Mar-a-Lago is wonderful!

Thursday, December 24, 2020

The Beginning Of An Ever Closer Union

Won't bother getting into the Brexit minutiae, but contrary to most spin, it's just the beginning of a process in which the UK gradually turns itself into Norway on the way, probably, back into EU membership. Though slowly!

A Christmas Miracle

Rush Limbaugh has retired from radio.

He'll die soon, and I guess I'm going to have to get the receipts ready for when people fake outrage when other people (me) are less than respectful.

Thursday Lunch

Save some for Santa.


How are NYT people real.
In switching four years ago from the politics beat to become The Times' first daily audio host, Barbaro has evolved into one of the newspaper's most recognizable stars. The Times says more than four million listeners download his podcast each day. It has won the paper new awards, subscribers and revenues.


Privately, Barbaro repeatedly pressed at least four journalists Friday to temper their critiques of The Times and how they framed what happened. I know, because I was one of them.

So was NPR host and former Middle East correspondent Lulu Garcia-Navarro, whom he admonished to demonstrate restraint and warned was hurting the feelings of people at the newspaper.

Washington Post media critic Eric Wemple also received multiple direct messages from Barbaro, especially about his use of the world "retract" on Twitter to describe what happened.

What's Happening Now

Outsourcing as it is a holiday.

All Of Them

Trump's narcissistic venality knows no limits. That honey badger don't care. But we should remember all of the Republicans - and, really, it's ALL the Republicans - who stood by him, even the worst of his actions. Their media pals are already in the process of forgetting, and when Lindsey Graham reinvents himself for the 5th time of the Guardian Of All That Is Good And Decent In Washington, they will let him.

Morning Thread

Heading to Mar-a-Lago to try to get a pardon for my 7th grade detention.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Top 18 of 18 Books I Read This Year - First Batch

Not so many, and 'read' means 'listened to' for many of them. Wasn't much to do other than going walking for much of the year, which I did a lot, and I (sometimes) listened to audiobooks. Counting from most recent #18 back to #1 in January, not ranked by perceived quality.

18. Rumaan Alam - Leave The World Behind

17. Yu Miri - Tokyo Ueno Station

16. Margaret Grabble - The Dark Flood Rises

Release The Kraken

Washington (CNN)An executive for a voting machine company that has been the target of conspiracy theories in the aftermath of Donald Trump's 2020 election loss and been baselessly accused of swinging the results against the President is suing his campaign and conservative media figures for defamation.


Afternoon Thread

Mr. Trump, sir, if you ask for $10,000 per person maybe they will let you stay in office!

Where's My Help

We can have some discussions about the merits of giving giant checks to people (I think very good!) but announcing a bill - even if it's a very good bill! - with big fanfare and the suggestion that help is on the way when for most people it will be quite small is... not so good politics! Every year the secret welfare gets extended. Somebody's getting lots of help and it isn't me!
But that universe of people, while in need, is about 2-3 percent of the total workforce. By contrast something like 80 percent of the public, everyone making $100,000 or less, is getting the check. From a messaging standpoint of “what’s in it for me,” that’s just going to take precedence. Moreover, you can see the two payments, from CARES and this bill, as a leveler of decades of soaring inequality, and really the least you can do for a population that has had the rules of capitalism rigged against them. Even if they weren’t means tested, giving everyone thousands of dollars means more to those at the lower end.

The politics, then, argue for higher payments. It was Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans who kept them artificially low. Now here comes Trump asking for them to be nearly tripled. It’s amazing that he waited until after losing the election to flash the old-time populism and wedge both parties, but here we are. And then came the moment where Mitch McConnell’s head blew up like in Scanners.

Make it happen, or if it doesn't happen make sure people understand why it didn't happen.

Hint: it's those fucking Republicans.

If Only, Mr. President

I do think Trump should be very mad at the people who counseled him away from demanding Congress authorize sending million dollar checks to everybody before the election.

Hell, I would have voted for him!

Later Skaters

..and they were told to disregard it.

Cranky Me

I have no patience for being lied to, or being told things aren't possible, or being told that popular things aren't popular, or the use of procedural gimmicks to pretend to support things they don't, or people pretending to try to pass things they don't want to pass.

I'm not dumb about THE WAYS OF WASHINGTON and I don't need lectures from people who put millions of dollars of campaign donor money into their friends' pockets in order to lose elections and then blame people who are mad because the cops are killing people and otherwise acting outside of the law.

No one thinks Trump isn't full of shit and of course if he isn't, temporarily, he will be distracted by a shiny tv spokeswoman tomorrow, but I love how The Advanced Politics Knowers are so goddamn bad at this but sure "defund the police" is their problem.

Wednesday Is New Jobless Day

803k new lucky duckies.


Morning Thread

Seems bad.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Tuesday Evening

Apparently Trump has broken up with Sidney Powell.

Oh, Rudy

Oh, Stu

Journalists tend to believe they should have immunity from libel or defamation suits. You can tell who they think is "in the club" by whether or not they think such immunity applies. But what about when one sues another one?

The 25th Amendment Option

I don't think it is widely understood that the 25th amendment option is, as the kids say, complicated, but we are a few days away from it being not complicated at all!
[ETA: I just realized that we’re almost at the point at which Pence and a majority of the cabinet could put an end to this all by themselves. Section 4 requires Congress to assemble within 21 days to decide the dispute when the vice president has become Acting President and the president wants his job back. But: the vice president has four days after the president disputes the transfer of power (which is immediate upon transmission of the vice president’s letter to Congress, and remains in place during the period when the president is disputing it) to reply, which means in practice that the vice president can remain Acting President for 25 days without Congress’s ultimate assent, if just one house of Congress blocks by simple majority vote the legally required vote on the transfer for the 21 days that are permitted by the amendment]

Senator Padilla

Not someone I really know anything about.
SACRAMENTO — Alex Padilla, a Los Angeles Democrat who once developed software for satellites but later rose through local and state political office to become California secretary of state, was chosen Tuesday by Gov. Gavin Newsom to serve in the U. S. Senate — an appointment that tears down a barrier for Latinos that has stood as long as California’s statehood.

The Great Sanctioning

Maybe it isn't just a scary story adult lawyers tell child lawyers.


Everything - especially this stuff - does not have to be a nightmarish hassle.
There are something close to 10 million people on PUA. There are a bevy of reasons people can be eligible, so no situation is quite the same. The kind of pay that many 1099 workers get—a check without taxes taken out—may not count, because they may need proof of net income. We actually don’t know yet what unemployment systems will require.

It takes time (and free time, we’ve recently learned, costs about $19 an hour) to run this stuff down, especially if you didn’t need it when you went on PUA in March. More important, state offices will now be collecting millions of pieces of documentation, which they must process. If you thought application processing was slow before, wait until this clogs systems.

The thing is, the IRS has this information, employers have this information, credit bureaus or banks might have this information. The burdens could conceivably be placed elsewhere. But that never happens in our atomized country; the worker must suck up the tax on their time.

Help Is On The Way

I really don't know why, "this bill is shitty because of the fucking Republicans, but it's better than nothing, but also the fucking Republicans, and put us in charge of the Senate and we will give you a damn a pony because we won't have to deal with the fucking Republicans" is not the message.

But, hey, I'm not a highy paid professional earning millions on campaign ads for losing campaigns.

Morning Thread

Lots of money in the Covid bill for Eschaton World Industries to produce PPE or missiles or something.

Monday, December 21, 2020

The Celestial Hall Monitors

They don't exist, and if Trump decides to go out with a, uh, bang, they won't intervene, and nor will The Wise Old Men of Washington, nor Marshal of the Supreme Court. "Somebody else should do something" is not appropriate position for people who have real power.

Let Them Refuse

I'm a bit puzzled by all the worrying about people who will refuse to (or claim to) get a vaccine shot. There will come a moment when that is of some concern, but I'm a bit more worried about people who want one not being able to get one anytime soon...

Afternoon Thread

My President has been quiet today.

Who's Afraid Of A Defamation Suit

Look Forward

A big reason to prosecute is deterrence. A big reason for more extensive oversight would have been to scare the shit out of, if not the high level Trumpkins, everyone around them.
WASHINGTON — The Democratic chairman of a House subcommittee issued subpoenas on Monday to compel Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar and Centers for Disease Control Director Dr. Robert Redfield to produce documents related to the agencies' coronavirus response.

Rep. Jim Clyburn, D-S.C., who is running a special committee created to investigate the government response to the coronavirus, is seeking details about what he says was HHS officials efforts to “interfere” at the CDC, claiming the actions were “far more extensive and dangerous than previously known.”

And, you know, this isn't just stealing the petty cash, it's killing a lot of people.

Lunch Thread

I guess they never told Trump about the aliens, because he would've tweeted that shit out.

Reach For The Stars

I'd like to think if Democrats were truly in charge, they'd dream bigger than what was once a compromise proposal. Or at least pretend to! "If Democrats were in charge, everybody would get 2 thousand bucks. And a pony."

Normal Year

Boris Johnson will hold a press conference on Monday to outline his response to the UK being cut off from countries around the world due to fears over the new mutant coronavirus strain.

Help Is On The Way

I have never had strong opinions about what could be accomplished with a 4 way negotiation between Pelosi (wanted to do something), Mnuchin (seemed to want to do something), McConnell (wants country to burn), and Trump (insert quarter, get random gibberish), so I don't mean this as a BLAME PELOSI post, but there is an issue with suggesting that help is on the way and then not much arriving, even if every little bit does, of course, help.

Morning Thread

Case of the Mondays.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

British Trump

The Tories claimed that there was some new superstrain of Covid in order to excuse their mistakes/broken promises and justify sudden tighter measures in the face of exploding cases, then the rest of the world decided to take them seriously and promptly shut down border/air traffic.

You know everyone else can hear you, right...

Sunday Evening

Guess another week starts tomorrow.

The Good Doctor

Birx has had some pals in the media all along, desperate to keep her reputation intact, so this won't hurt at all.
WASHINGTON (AP) — As COVID-19 cases skyrocketed before the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, Dr. Deborah Birx, coordinator of the White House coronavirus response, warned Americans to “be vigilant” and limit celebrations to “your immediate household.”

For many Americans that guidance has been difficult to abide, including for Birx herself.

The day after Thanksgiving, she traveled to one of her vacation properties on Fenwick Island in Delaware. She was accompanied by three generations of her family from two households. Birx, her husband Paige Reffe, a daughter, son-in-law and two young grandchildren were present.

Lives are complicated, but the people who rule us should at least try to pretend to set an example.

Lunch Thread

Just another Sunday.

The Heroes Of This Story

Will never stop being "amazing" that being wrong before you were right makes you more a clear-eyed observer than the people who were right all along.

Sure it turns out that all my friends and people I supported and whose critics I belittled were actually genocidal fascists, but the interesting part of this story is my intellectual growth.

Morning Thread

This is all your fault.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Look Forward

The next Republican president is gonna mint the trillion dollar coin and deposit it in his personal bank account.

And why not?

Saturday Early Happy Hour

It is the weekend after all.

Sure Why Not

Anything to keep his foxy friends talking about him.

Atrios, WRONG

Still some time, but I'll take the 'L' on this one. I was pretty convinced Trump wouldn't make it through 4 years. Didn't forsee one specific exit scenario, just thought that the likelihood of several was high, so odds were that one of them would happen.

I didn't think he would necessarily quit out of misery/boredom, but I did think there was a nontrivial chance of that. That one I definitely got wrong for one simple reason. He was miserable and bored, but 24/7 he could turn on the teevee and have it be all about his favorite person. Best 4 years of his life. Can't leave it.

Lunch Thread

Saturday, Saturday

Not So Cocky Now, Lou

Morning Thread

Drain the swamp!!!

Friday, December 18, 2020

Seems Bad

Of course Donald wanted the money, but he also wanted to WIN, so he should be very mad at Jared who for some reason he is never mad at.
President Donald Trump's most powerful advisor, Jared Kushner, approved the creation of a campaign shell company that secretly paid the president's family members and spent almost half of the campaign's $1.26 billion war chest, a person familiar with the operation told Insider.

Round and Round We Go

How'd This Work Out

Not well!
President-elect Donald Trump named former New York mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani as an informal adviser on cybersecurity, according to the presidential transition office. Giuliani, who heads a cybersecurity consulting firm Giuliani Partners, will serve as an adviser on finding solutions to cyber-incursions in the private sector and to advise the government on possible responses.
I know that with Trump it was a daily freak show of off the charts absurdity and corruption so you can't focus on one thing and say, "hey, wow, the press didn't pay much attention to this one." But Rudy was another example of a ridiculous, racist, evil person whose entire career coasted on the support of members of the press who liked his tire swing, who then dared to write "WHAT HAPPENED TO RUDY???" bullshit. This was published in March!

Why Does This Stuff Keep Happening

I actually don't really know the particulars of this case, but in general this type of media scandal happens because there are certain people within media organizations who are strangely untouchable - uncriticizable - and while the reasons for that, on the surface, seem to vary, it's always really the same reason: powerful people are protecting someone for some reason, and the normal rules don't apply.

At the NYT this is combined with an extra dose of, "WE'RE THE FUCKING NEW YORK TIMES AND YOU'RE NOT AND WE ARE NEVER WRONG" so things fester.

Morning Thread

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Sounds Bad

President Biden really screwed up.
The Energy Department and National Nuclear Security Administration, which maintains the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile, have evidence that hackers accessed their networks as part of an extensive espionage operation that has affected at least half a dozen federal agencies, officials directly familiar with the matter said.

Happy Hour

Get happy.

It Just Sounds Like A Big Number

Such politicians are thought to be the "serious" ones.

Well Then

Killing Our Own D00ds

It has been a weird strategy.
LAURA INGRAHAM (HOST): Of course, act cautiously, but Christmas is meant to be spent with your family -- not isolated and locked down.

Hey, Maggie, Did You Tweet This One Out

She usually promotes other relevant NYT pieces, but not this one. Weird.
Often, Mr. McGowan and Ms. Campbell mediated between Dr. Redfield and agency scientists when the White House’s guidance requests and dictates would arrive: edits from Mr. Vought and Kellyanne Conway, the former White House adviser, on choirs and communion in faith communities, or suggestions from Ivanka Trump, the president’s daughter and aide, on schools.

“Every time that the science clashed with the messaging, messaging won,” Mr. McGowan said.

Episodes of meddling sometimes turned absurd, they said. In the spring, the C.D.C. published an app that allowed Americans to screen themselves for symptoms of Covid-19. But the Trump administration decided to develop a similar tool with Apple. White House officials then demanded that the C.D.C. wipe its app off its website, Mr. McGowan said.

150 Recoveries Of The Last 1

I love to be wrong about most things, but my view of the best case scenario is that the vaccine rollout works well enough and then every month we get excited chirpings about the job recovery (and general recovery) which will be as slow as the Great Recession recovery was.

I'd like to believe Lessons Were Learned but all the people from that era have barely acknowledged that there was anything to learn. Here's Obama in January, 2010:

I'm absolutely convinced that was the right thing to do. But families across the country are tightening their belts and making tough decisions. The federal government should do the same. (Applause.) So tonight, I'm proposing specific steps to pay for the trillion dollars that it took to rescue the economy last year.

Starting in 2011, we are prepared to freeze government spending for three years. (Applause.) Spending related to our national security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security will not be affected. But all other discretionary government programs will. Like any cash-strapped family, we will work within a budget to invest in what we need and sacrifice what we don't. And if I have to enforce this discipline by veto, I will. (Applause.)

We will continue to go through the budget, line by line, page by page, to eliminate programs that we can't afford and don't work. We've already identified $20 billion in savings for next year. To help working families, we'll extend our middle-class tax cuts. But at a time of record deficits, we will not continue tax cuts for oil companies, for investment fund managers, and for those making over $250,000 a year. We just can't afford it. (Applause.)

Now, even after paying for what we spent on my watch, we'll still face the massive deficit we had when I took office. More importantly, the cost of Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security will continue to skyrocket. That's why I've called for a bipartisan fiscal commission, modeled on a proposal by Republican Judd Gregg and Democrat Kent Conrad. (Applause.) This can't be one of those Washington gimmicks that lets us pretend we solved a problem. The commission will have to provide a specific set of solutions by a certain deadline.

Now, yesterday, the Senate blocked a bill that would have created this commission. So I'll issue an executive order that will allow us to go forward, because I refuse to pass this problem on to another generation of Americans. (Applause.) And when the vote comes tomorrow, the Senate should restore the pay-as-you-go law that was a big reason for why we had record surpluses in the 1990s. (Applause.)

The unemployment rate was 9.9% when he gave that speech.

Thursday Is New Jobless Day

885K new lucky duckies.

Morning Thread

There's a bright golden haze on the meadow.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Maybe Don't Say Dumb Shit To Axios

People are mad about this, because who cares, but while "the media" can make mountains out garbage, it's easier for them to do so when "advisers close to Biden" are willing to do the work for them. (anonymity is granted here because Axios's Swan perceives thinks these advisers are more important than Dillon)

Happy Hour Thread

I have the power to declare it to be so.

He Has The Power

Going to be a lot of dishonesty about it.
Let’s take these objections in turn. First, those who’ve called for executive action, and certainly those of us here at the Prospect, aren’t calling on Biden to trample the Constitution. Absolutely nothing in the Day One Agenda would violate constitutional authority. In fact, the agenda adheres directly to the Constitution’s Article II powers. A president’s job function is, by and large, to take care that the laws are faithfully executed. Everything in our coverage refers to actual laws the president has the authority to implement. The only exceptions to that are in areas like foreign policy, where the president has additional, enumerated Article II powers.

Student debt cancellation, for example, is derived from the Higher Education Act of 1963. Lowering prescription drug prices comes from using provisions of the Bayh-Dole Act of 1980, or Section 1498 of the U.S. Code. Effectively legalizing marijuana is achieved through the Controlled Substances Act of 1970. Biden can alter the measurement of poverty because it’s an administrative function, and several laws tie federal benefits to that poverty calculation. Biden can shape federal procurement policy thanks to the 1974 establishment of a dedicated White House office for that purpose, and requiring contractors to pay living wages or proper benefits can meaningfully improve the lives of millions of workers.

I could go on, but you get the point. It is not tyranny or dictatorship to ask a president to do their job and implement laws already passed.


It's never been polite to say so, but the "herd immunity" concept mostly wasn't being pushed due to a different reading of the "science" (however dumb), or even a different weighting of various economic costs and benefits (also however dumb), but because some people got very excited at the prospect of A Great Culling, quite convinced that a devasting pandemic was just the little kick in the pants our gene pool needed.
A top Trump appointee repeatedly urged top health officials to adopt a "herd immunity" approach to Covid-19 and allow millions of Americans to be infected by the virus, according to internal emails obtained by the House Oversight Committee and shared with POLITICO.

“There is no other way, we need to establish herd, and it only comes about allowing the non-high risk groups expose themselves to the virus. PERIOD," then-science adviser Paul Alexander wrote on July 4 to his boss, Health and Human Services assistant secretary for public affairs Michael Caputo, and six other senior officials.

"Infants, kids, teens, young people, young adults, middle aged with no conditions etc. have zero to little risk….so we use them to develop herd…we want them infected…" Alexander added.

This was the UK plan until Boris almost died and all the toffs realized an Eton pedigree didn't actually grant immunity.

"We are about to see the best economic data we’ve seen in the history of this country."

Sure, fucking Republicans, but "our side" didn't push for automatic stabilizers or a longer package generally, in March, because influential economists on "our side" were running around saying things like that.

The old joke was that the stock market had predicted 9 out of the last 5 recessions, but now it's more like economists have predicted 47 out of the last 2 recoveries.

How Does This Keep Happening

I keed I know how it keeps happening. Fucking Republicans.*
At least three South Dakota lawmakers who attended Gov. Kristi Noem's budget address last week in Pierre have since been diagnosed with COVID-19.

Sens. Helene Duhamel (R-Rapid City) and Reynold Nesiba (D-Sioux Falls) last week confirmed they had come down with the coronavirus after returning home from their legislative duties, which included hours side-by-side other lawmakers at the capitol as well as a leadership dinner at the governor's mansion.

*Sorry Joe Biden, I just ruined the comity.

No Hurry

It'll be really disappointing when on the eve of the day they were planning to start working with Joe Biden, somebody at Atrios dot Blogspot dot Com said something mean about Republicans, and, well, sadly, they had no choice....


Anonymity is supposed to be granted to let whistleblowers blow their whistles without reprisal, instead it's generally used to let the powerful shit all over the less powerful, and often quite dishonestly, as "powerful people saying things, even anonymously" is just news, even if it's bullshit.

Not that this would ever happen, but they'd never grant me anonymity to trash the Biden people. They would (if circumstances ever warranted such a thing) grant a Biden person anonymity to trash me.

Wise man bows his head, that's just how it is, Atrios.

Morning Thread

Get your morning on.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Eschaton World Industries Charities

Just rebranding for no particular reason.
MacKenzie Scott is giving away her fortune at an unprecedented pace, donating more than $4 billion in four months after announcing $1.7 billion in gifts in July.

The world’s 18th-richest person outlined the latest contributions in a blog post Tuesday, saying she asked her team to figure out how to give away her fortune faster. Scott’s wealth has climbed $23.6 billion this year to $60.7 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, as Inc., the primary source of her fortune, has surged.

You Can Win Me Over, Pete

Joke, but my serious point is despite the general reputation of The Left (even if that spectrum doesn't map precisely for transportation), and all the yelling and screaming and furious blog posting we can do, it actually isn't all that hard to throw a few scraps our way to shut us up.

It really isn't, and yet...

Not Quite A Supertrain Expert

Transportation Secretary "Mayor" Pete's signature agenda will be a Vehicle Miles Traveled tax and the Dems are going to lose 150 seats in the House over it.

I love to be wrong.

Whoever Has The Best Lawyers (And Most Crooked Judges) Wins

More seriously, this is not how our presidential elections should be run, and every Republican who blessed this, or stayed quiet, should not be allowed to forget it.


MAGAs should be very mad!!!

The Herd

To make the point for the millionth time, "the herd" is you, not them. Fatality rates for older people means this is really a culling of the aged, specifically.

Also, again, the plan has not worked well in Sweden.

Also, again, with a very conservative fatality rate of 1%, a rate which requires a level of medical interventions not allowed by full hospitals, if half the population of the US gets Covid, that's about 1.7 million dead people. Only 1.4 million to go!

Only 8,000 dead in the Dakotas, I guess!

Morning Thread

Good morning!

Monday, December 14, 2020


Congratulations to Joe Biden.

Happy Hour Thread

Congratulations to Sarah Palin, winner of the electoral college vote.

Meddling Kids

Why didn't I think of this.
In another sign of the lingering unrest over President Donald Trump's election loss, an Arizona group sent the National Archives in Washington, D.C., notarized documents last week intended to deliver, wrongly, the state's 11 electoral votes for him.

Copies of the documents obtained by The Arizona Republic show a group that claimed to represent the "sovereign citizens of the Great State of Arizona" submitted signed papers casting votes for what they want: a second term for Trump and Vice President Mike Pence.

Mesa resident Lori Osiecki, 62, helped created a facsimile of the "certificate of ascertainment" that is submitted to formally cast each state's electoral votes as part of an effort to prevent what she views as the fraudulent theft of the election.

"We seated before the legislators here. We already turned it in. We beat them to the game," she said.

Joe Biden Must Unite The Nation

Actually, no. This is always bullshit and the country is almost always split within a 60-40 range on practically any issue or person you can think of. This is one of the many ways that the basic idea that "lefties need to shut the fuck up and the right wing needs to get whatever they want" is expressed in The Discourse.

I'm sure Biden's going to give a bunch of speeches designed to appeal to "David Brooks" ("David Brooks" is just the stage act of David Brooks, who in reality also doesn't give a shit) about coming together and all that, and it'll only matter if he believes his own bullshit. Which he probably does. But it won't matter in the sense of UNIFYING THE COUNTRY because that's a stupid goal anyway.

Annus Horribilis

I admit it's hard to accept that maybe a significant portion of the population will be vaccinated by May or so and this will just fade away. I don't mean that I'm being skeptical (might by warranted!) or cynical (also, too!), just that the new normal becomes normal pretty quickly, and it's actually somewhat hard to imagine things reverting back, mostly, to the old normal.

Afternoon Thread

Sending my own slate of electors.

Modest Expectations

I actually had pretty modest hopes for the Obama administration, or at least what I thought were pretty modest. I didn't expect a revolution. A bit more nudging things in the right direction. At least not moving backwards. But even leaving out the particulars of the response to the Great Recession, ... my expectations were not met.

For an example, "we" shouldn't have to fight to stop a Dem president from cutting Social Security. And yet...

Some Good News

Not going to go the full evil yet.

Working Pretty Well For Me

If the system seems lead to outcomes in which the deserving do pretty well, and by deserving I mean you and your friends, then it's a pretty good system.

A system that allowed me and mine to flourish despite our occasional massive fuckups is a pretty good system! The people for whom it doesn't work must be even bigger fuckups!

Happy Electoral College Day

At what age did your kids find out that the Electoral College Fairy wasn't real?

Morning Thread

America is already great.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Sunday Evening

Tomorrow is...

Could Be Funny

Release The White House Visitor Logs, "President" Biden

Numerous things the press can get mad about again that they forgot to care about recently.

Some of them will even be valid!

No Big Whoop

People forget the "patriotic correctness" following 9/11, but if this humble blogger had suggested 3000 dead just wasn't a big deal, people would have been mad!

Nightmare Existence

I say this without sympathy. The opposite, in fact. The guy deserves it all. But, wow, "being Donald Trump" must be a pretty hellish thing.

Morning Thread

Everybody stay calm. I got this.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Hope I Die Before I Get Old

A somewhat distressing if not entirely surprising thing is watching people turn into old farts.

I know that wanting the kids to get off the lawn is an almost unavoidable phase of life, but it's a bit weird when you see "old farts" who are about 50 and "the kids" are approaching 40.

Tell Me, Joey, What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?

Until covid and various other events of this glorious year, Trump had failed pretty miserably in his efforts to be History's Greatest Monster. He still didn't quite succeed, but I don't think this little experiment of a country would have lasted 4 more years. So close, Donnie Two Scoops!

But, no malarkey, folks, there are some serious challenges ahead! You gotta be nuts to want to be president, but if you're that nuts you should probably want to do something with all that power. Hopefully good things, but something, at least!

Afternoon Thread

Probably time to reveal that I am Q. And JFK Jr.


Glad it vanished after election day, just like the caravan of doom.

How Far

A lot of people have said that the post-election nonsense is mostly a grift for Trump, but that misses that everything is a grift to Trump. He doesn't distinguish between grift and non-grift. Of course he's going to raise money from the rubes, and of course he's going to do whatever he can to stay president.

One hopes that, as with most things, his imagination can't conceive of too many options for "whatever he can."

Mr. President, fire Amy Coney Barrett!! She was very disloyal to you!!!

Morning Thread

Maggie with the important news. We're winning the war on Christmas.

Friday, December 11, 2020

Friday Evening

Another week over.

I Bet Alito Really Didn't Want To Reject It

...I was kidding, but sort of!

Fuck Around And Find Out

You want to play?