Sunday, October 31, 2021


Gotta fix some typos.
Some within the FBI and Justice Department privately conceded the bureau had failed to grasp the scale of the threat. Officials simply didn’t believe that the kind of people showing up to a Trump rally would break the law, let alone act out violently.

“There was a bias,” said one person familiar with the FBI’s work before and after Jan. 6. “The bias was the belief that middle-aged, largely law-abiding people don’t burn, loot or throw things at police officers. We underestimated the desperation, anger and conspiratorial nature of the crowd.”

Some within the FBI and Justice Department privately conceded the bureau had failed to grasp the scale of the threat. Officials simply didn’t believe that the white people showing up to a Trump rally would break the law, let alone act out violently.

“There was a bias,” said one person familiar with the FBI’s work before and after Jan. 6. “The bias was the belief that middle-aged, largely white people don’t burn, loot or throw things at police officers. We underestimated the desperation, anger and conspiratorial nature of the crowd.”

They had no real knowledge of their records or, of course, their propensity to do anything. White folks from Ohio diners could never be bad!

The Excluded Perspectives

Newspaper outlets have spent months privileging the perspective of the extremely small minority of employees who quit rather than get vaccinated after the imposition of mandates, and now the small minority of parents who don't want to get their kids vaccinated. The most charitable view (but still not an exonerating view) of this emphasis is that the imagined reader of all of these publications is someone who OF COURSE is vaccinated and who OF COURSE wants to vaccinate their kids, so these pieces are "explaining" these weirdos, though not presenting them as weirdos, to that reader.

It's the same justification for endless profiles of Trump voters, or endless pieces putting conservative perspectives at the front of center. Puff pieces about anti-abortion activists, neo-nazis, people opposed to the public existence of trans people, basic racists dressed up with the latest intellectual veneer, etc... *Our readers* who share none of these views must *understand* these people.

Of course often missing are the actual perspectives, voiced by, say, trans women, or reproductive rights supporters, people who dislike Nazis, etc. The idea is these perspectives are banal and understood, mainstream, widely shared by readers, and don't need to be restated.

But this isn't true at all. These perspectives are actually rarely communicated, and certainly rarely communicated without a "Both Sides" politics coverage of them, at least in news pieces.


The "be nice and make sure to listen to your racist relatives at Thanksgiving" genre seems to have faded, somewhat, though I assume there will be an entry in the New York Times soon. Dowd will take it up if no one else does.

This dumb discussion is premised on the notion that liberals need your fucking advice on how to deal with racist people in our lives because we are in a 'bubble' or some shit, as opposed being smacked in the face by racism every day, including from our supposedly liberal media. But it's also dumb because the archetypal "racist uncle" is always portrayed as a kindly, well-meaning person with some out of date views (though he has some good points!), and a bit of tolerance and understanding and a hug will lead to common ground.

Thats not how it works, ever. People who show up to Thanksgiving (or whenever) to do performative racism are trolls, not simple folk of the fields, Ohio Diner Men. They are not "undeducated members of the white working class." They are, like Trump's base, wealthy guys with golf club memberships. They're not just racists, they enjoy being assholes to provoke.

This is not important in and of itself, but it's representative of how politics is treated in The Discourse. Only liberals have agency. It's their job to be nice to the Real Americans, to compromise with "the moderates," to tolerate bad faith actors, to understand racism and never, ever let its targets and victims speak.

Sunday Morning

Must be sunny!

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Still The Worst People In The World

Also gives you an idea what they spent their careers doing.
Oct 29 (Reuters) - A group of mostly Republican critics of former U.S. President Donald Trump claimed responsibility on Friday for a demonstration in the Virginia governor's campaign that recalled an infamous 2017 rally in the state.

The Lincoln Project said it was behind the use of tiki torches outside a Republican candidate's bus that mimicked the rally by white supremacists in Charlottesville. The earlier event turned deadly when a car driven into a crowd by a self-described neo-Nazi killed a counter-protester.

Dumb for Republicans to be outraged by this, but also dumb to show up in Charlottesville as tiki torch re-enactors.


They don't care what I think (nobody cares what I think), but anybody who has spent time seriously entertaining the LIBERAL THREAT TO FREE SPEECH based on the actions of (occasionally) misguided students (though even then most of these stories are usually bullshit) is on my "never listen to except for a laugh" list. But, really, just a bunch of racists who love racism and want to do racism without criticism and who care nothing else for "free speech." Even making this point is tiresome at this point because it's been obvious for decades.

Lunch Thread

Anyone for ortolan?


My basic comment is there's a huge difference between "a very tiny window which provides very little natural light" which one might find in a less than ideal basement apartment and "absolutely no windows whatsoever."

Many students will happily sacrifice a lot of personal space for privacy, and the US norm of "shared dorm rooms" is actually quite weird, but having absolutely no external signal for the time of day is a recipe for fucked up sleep patterns and depression.

Probably A Challenge

How will we force big emitters to meet their promises.
In an Oval Office meeting last month, President Biden questioned his top aides on whether the world’s top polluters would actually follow through on their commitments to cut back on greenhouse gas emissions.
As THE NUMBER TWO CO2 EMITTER, leading by example isn't sufficient but it's certainly necessary. Or threatening to drone countries that break their promises, I guess.

This path leads to "well China isn't doing their part so fuck it."

Saturday Morning

Sat yourself down.

Friday, October 29, 2021

Friday Evening

Whatever happes on Tuesday in Virginia, it'll be proof that Biden has moved too far to The Left.

Happy Hour Thread

Raise a glass to our two greatest senators!

I Was With You All Along

The two of them are playing games, and of course some other Democrats are hiding behind them.


The Facebook guy seems almost too young (of too young a cohort) to be That Guy, but the dream of a certain generation of nerds, raised on Snow Crash and The Holodeck and then dosed with dork nostalgia from Ready Player One, is a virtual world that is better than this one. One where they are cooler than they are in this one. One where they always get the girl they want. Quark's holodecks, not the Enterprise's.

Also the virtual reality is less likely to work as desired than Elon Musk's self-driving cars.

Lunch Thread

 Humble pie.

Everybody's Fault But Mine

A likely correct impression of the Trump White House is that most people working there did little but shit talk each other to journalists. I don't think the Dems are quite that bad, but "make sure everyone else is to blame for my colossal fuckups" is still an important part of the job.

And as many of our journalists are truffle pigs to power, the more impressive your job title is, the wealthier your benefactors, the more likely it is they print your version.

A Corrupt Country

Trading on insider information is just unbelievably corrupt whether or not it crosses any existing legal lines. Ethics rules can exist where laws don't and also rule changes require simple majorities.

Talking Points And Human Shields

I never make any grand claims about where this stuff comes from, but "If Dems lose in VA it is the fault of Jayapal" is a thing I keep seeing. 

 Fault the progressives for intransigence, if you must, the instant Manchema agree to anything at all.


Friday, bitches.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Happy Hour

Get happy,

Bad Faith Actors

A lot of people (members of congress, their staffs, legislative staffers) have spent a lot of time trying to cater to the moving target whims of the toddlers in Congress. It isn't the most important thing, I suppose, but it does say something about their casual disregard for others, and the way such people are elevated by many of our journalists.


Lunch Thread

Get your lunch on.

Don't See A Vote Promise

Do Popular Things

 It is the vogue thing to blame the least powerful actors in our political system for popular things not happening.  I suspect that is not the real reason.

It's A Trap

Pelosi wants House Dems to vote for the highway bill before whatever is left in the other bill, something they should certainly do because that the whole thing has been a bad faith plan by corrupt Dems to scupper the 2nd bill was not made perfectly plain by all involved.


Thursday is New Jobless Day

281K new lucky duckies. Not bad!


For Thor.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Ah Well

It was a fun two days when it looked like they might actually tax rich people but now it's gone.

Blame who you want, but months of The Politics Show being dominated by stories about helplessness isn't appealing to normie voters who find it all puzzling and ridiculous (me too, but for different reasons!).

Fall Fundraiser Day Final!

All done until the next time!


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Legend In His Own Mind

"Anyone" can be a decent enough member of the state/federal legislature, but I really do not think decades of having a not real job like "newspaper columnist" (or, whatever its very real stresses, "very fine blogger") gives much training to be a governor.

Just decades of people blowing smoke up your ass (his, not mine, you people are actually quite cruel).


Some stuff keeping me busy today.


The point is that while Congressional investigations can get into broader issues, crimes have to be dealt with by the crimes division. The Justice Department. Wow look at all the unprosecuted crimes! Not enough.


I suspect the plan is to reveal some horrible criminal acts, point to them and say "isn't that horrible" for 2 days, and then get a bit confused when all the perps show up on Meet the Press that Sunday and no one cares.

Happy to be wrong!

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Oh, Well, Just The Covid

A perfectly reasonable explanation for certain labor market issues is, actually, a little thing called Covid (maybe you heard of it?). Directly, in that people died and some remain sick. Almost as directly in that care burdens shift due to illness and death, because of inconsistencies in school attendance, and lack of available child care. And indirectly in that some people just decided to retire early.

But when the usual suspects are done shrieking about inflation and the labor disincentive effects of any government support, when they fully win the battle of having the government do nothing, then they'll shrug their shoulders at the carnage and say, "oh, well, just the Covid. Nothing to be done. Also people got the wrong degrees and would rather play video games."

Fall Fundraiser Day 6!

Almost over!

One trouble I have these days is a desire not to contribute to "the freak show." I mean, sure, I could highlight some dumbass thing Boebert said, or whatever, but it makes me feel like I'm part of the problem. On the other hand, I gotta keep feeding this beast all day long, and I can't have super smart things to say constantly. Often, but not constantly!

Anyway, I regularly do think about what I'm doing here and what I'm trying to (if unsuccessfully) accomplish. Often I don't come to any strong conclusions!

At least we have a bit of fun, sometimes, at least. The occasional victory even!


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Thanks to all!

Thread of Lunching

Fill out your eligibility form first!

Why Do You Do That

My conclusion after watching political journalism for so many years is that some of them are, actually, as stupid as they seem to be, but some are merely pretending to be that stupid, which makes them dishonest.

Stupidity and dishonesty in every profession, but dishonesty is a bit of a problem in a profession which brands itself as engaged in fearless truth telling.

(Of course there is good journalism, but it isn't usually the 'politics beat,' the day to day bullshit beat).


Immigration and immigration enforcement is complex with many data points, and I have little hope that we will move to a humane framework ever, but at least we can cheer any positive bit.
Immigration arrests in the interior of the United States fell in fiscal 2021 to the lowest level in more than a decade — roughly half the annual totals recorded during the Trump administration, according to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement data obtained by The Washington Post.

Also What Dday Says

I hadn't read this before I wrote the post below.
For too many years, Congress has tried to resolve longstanding policy issues by erecting complicated systems that an untutored public must navigate. Ordinary people who qualify for benefits — usually because they are in great financial need — are drafted into becoming unpaid bureaucrats, forced to spend time and effort to access what the system owes them. It’s confusing and exasperating, and it has sapped the faith that Americans once had in their government. Simply put, Democrats cannot continue to campaign on solving big problems and then fail to deliver without destroying their political project and alienating voters.

Campaign Left, Rule Center

Repeating myself, I know, but the standard "story" is that to win a Democratic primary you have to run to the left to appeal to the median primary voter and then to win the general election you run to the "center" to appeal to the median voter generally.

I don't think this reflects reality at all, at least if we define the center they way DC journalists do, which is of course bonkers. Dems run on things which DC considers to be "lefty" (but which do in fact have broad appeal), and then fail to deliver them. They run from the left then govern from the "center" (pick your preferred villains to explain why, but this is what happens).

Biden won election campaigning on a bunch of stuff that would make Bernie Sanders quite happy, and will fail to deliver many of them, either at all or in a functional way.

In 2022 they will run on them *again.* And then in 2024 they will run on them *again.*

Tuesday Morning

Almost Wednesday!

Monday, October 25, 2021

There Will Be No Slave Trading On This Web Site

So cut it out.
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Two years ago, Apple threatened to pull Facebook and Instagram from its app store over concerns about the platform being used as a tool to trade and sell maids in the Mideast.

Happy Hour Thread

Happy happy joy joy.


Apparently the president of the United States has plenty of uncontroversial power that he could choose to use.
Waiving the paperwork requirement and getting those defaulted borrowers out of debt would represent a rare opportunity to reset the clock for some of the most hopelessly indebted in the United States. It would also improve millions of credit scores and afford people access to other protections in the social safety net that being in default locks them out of. And yet the administration has not yet committed to this move, despite having ample authority to do so.
Many thing should be done anyway, but at the very least they should be done as a response to certain members of Congress not giving in other areas.

"Values Voters"

I regularly think about how, for years, objective journalists would refer to white conservative evangelical and fundamentalist voters as "Values Voters."

Unlikely other voters, they vote their "values," which were "abortion is bad and gay people are bad."


Where's Garland

Can't shake the view that Garland was appointed AG so that his character arc would have a pleasing resolution in the West Wing Show, and not because he is the man we need now.

Lunch Thread

Cheesesteak time!

Fundraising Week Day 5!

A lot of impacts of "tech titans colluding to steal all the money from the internet," but one has been, of course, that very fine blogs like this one cannot survive on ad revenue.


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Sounds Bad

Weather is not climate, but...
SAN FRANCISCO — A powerful storm barreled toward Southern California after flooding highways, toppling trees and causing mud flows in areas burned bare by recent fires across the northern part of the state.

Drenching showers and strong winds accompanied the weekend's arrival of an atmospheric river — a long and wide plume of moisture pulled in from the Pacific Ocean. The National Weather Service's Sacramento office warned of "potentially historic rain."

Northern California 24-hour precipitation map is...a thing. 9+ inches in places.


I suppose what I find "interesting" about the Bari Weiss story is just how she had a career (WSJ, NYT), and how much, back when she was at the NYT and even after she flounced out, old male NYT journalists would take to the twitter to white knight her and be her great defender.

There are weird biases in "the liberal media" and interesting "affirmative action" stories, but they aren't how they're generally portrayed!

That she knocks down close to 7 figures with a paid newsletter is, well, another interesting story!

Also, never forget:

And yet, for all that this country gets right, Australia is a bit like the hottest girl in your freshman class. She looks fantastic in her crop top but suffers from crippling self-doubt.

Morning Thread

The Mondaying.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

TERF Corps

Judith Butler
It does not matter that chromosomal and endocrinological differences complicate the binarism of sex and that sex assignment is revisable. The anti-gender advocates claim that “gender ideologists” deny the material differences between men and women, but their materialism quickly devolves into the assertion that the two sexes are timeless “facts”. The anti-gender movement is not a conservative position with a clear set of principles. No, as a fascist trend, it mobilizes a range of rhetorical strategies from across the political spectrum to maximize the fear of infiltration and destruction that comes from a diverse set of economic and social forces. It does not strive for consistency, for its incoherence is part of its power.

In his well-known list of the elements of fascism, Umberto Eco writes, “the fascist game can be played in many forms,” for fascism is “a collage … a beehive of contradictions”. Indeed, this perfectly describes anti-gender ideology today. It is a reactionary incitement, an incendiary bundle of contradictory and incoherent claims and accusations. They feast off the very instability they promise to contain, and their own discourse only delivers more chaos. Through a spate of inconsistent and hyperbolic claims, they concoct a world of multiple imminent threats to make the case for authoritarian rule and censorship.

Happy Hour Thread

The calm before the Monday.

Self Driving Nonsense

I've had one or two bad takes on this very fine blog of hot takery, but "self-driving cars aren't really going to work in my lifetime" is so far holding up pretty well!

I'm not entirely sure why, but the last decade was filled with a weird techno-optimism, combined with a pessimism about the impact. Change is inevitable, but it will probably be bad and there's nothing we can do about it!

Self-driving cars are (almost) here! The robots are going to take all the jobs!

Musk said a car would drive by itself from NYC to LA in 2017. Sure not everybody believed that, but that we'd be here in 2021 without them really working at all was a minority opinion.

Teslas weigh 2 tons give or take, depending on the model, and Musk just sends out software "beta tests" for the robot driver like it's a video game.

Fall Fundraising Day 4!

My blogs are getting more powerful by the minute!


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Thanks to all for helping me to keep food on my family!

Lunch Thread

Try something offal!

Having To Get The Band Back Together Every 2 Years

I've been saying this forever now, but still no one has listened! There's a deep problem in the way Democratic politics is done in this country, with the campaign apparatus shutting down the day after election day only to be revved up again the Labor day before elections.

Inbetween there's fundraising.

There's no interest in turning campaign and party organizations into actual membership organizations, and to give the members something to do in the inbetween times.

Most people don't really want to do anything, but some do, and many more would appreciate the illusion of doing something a bit more than 'retweet if you think this important.'

One could go a bit further and commit the ultimate sin of having membership organizations that actual benefit the members in some ways, but this is, according to the lanyards, the most corrupt form of politics.

But at least make people feel involved. Cynically, giving those people something to do means they aren't finding their activist outlets elsewhere and coming up with world-destroying slogans like "defund the police." If you want to influence people who aren't on the payroll you'd better spend some time influencing them.

I'll keep saying this, I guess!

Sunday Morning

Here it comes.

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Oh, Elon

Elon's "full self driving" will never work so he's just daring the Feds to finally make him stop and then he's gonna get his fans enraged about it.

Suburban Crime Paranoia

I understand (this does not make it correct, but I get where it comes from) the extreme fear some suburbanites have about urban hellholes, but that they moved to "where it's safe" and then became paranoid about their own neighborhoods is just bizarre.
So it came as a surprise to Skip Erickson when the HOA board this spring declared that its neighborhood was now besieged by crime, with “bullets flying,” street racing and burglaries “terrorizing the families.”

To address the threat, the board said it wanted to buy one of the country’s hottest new security tools: license plate readers built to scan the tag on every passing vehicle for later inspection by homeowners and police.

Just absurd stuff.

Lunch Thread

How about some sort of spicy noodle soup?

Fall Fundraiser Day 3!

Starting about 2004 or so, I guess after I outed myself as Clark Kent, people would regularly ask me, "so, what are you going to do next, when that blogging is over?"

And, well, here we still are!


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Thanks to all for helping me to keep food on my family!


Bummer, dude.
A New York jury on Friday convicted Lev Parnas, a former associate of Rudy Giuliani who gained close access to Donald Trump, of making illegal campaign contributions.

The verdict was returned in Manhattan federal court, where the Soviet-born Florida businessman was accused of using other people’s money to pose as a powerful political broker and cozy up to Trump and other leading Republicans.

Morning Thread

 Saturday caturday.

Friday, October 22, 2021

Happy Hour

We made it for real this time!

Fall Fundraiser Day 2b!

Keep my blogs mighty!


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In Defense Of Power

Recently people have stepped up to point out that, AKSHUALLY, LBJ had it easy because he had a YUUUGE Dem majority in the Senate.

And, I dunno man, the legend of LBJ is that he played hardball to get the Civil Rights Act, and was willing to and did take a dump on your kitchen table in front of your wife and kids if that was what it took to get your vote.  Not only that, this was HIGH-LARIOUS and why he was such a great man.

Retconning passing the Civil Rights Act as super easy is pretty funny!  But really the point is the man played hardball, so the legend goes, Doris Kearns Goodwin loves laughing about it on PBS to this day, and it was how he achieved his goals.  Maybe "playing hardball" is a legitimate and productive tactic!

Lunch Thread

 Flounder Friday.

Nobody Cares About The Deficit

Not the only problem dealing with Manchin/Sinema, but generally in dealing with the supposed "moderates" and their allies across the media, a huge mistake is thinking anybody cares about the deficit. Nobody cares if your plan is "paid for." In fact, that makes it worse, because what the deficit peacocks care about in order is:
  1. Tax cuts for rich people
  2. Abusing the poors
The deficit is not actually anywhere on this list.

Being "responsible" and trying to "pay for it" means you're going to run into the buzz saw of #1 right away!

A possible deal is, actually, "we'll give more money to rich people if you let us give a tiny bit to the poors, too."


I don't have an overinflated sense of my value added here - there are many other people who are much more important in a positive way to The Discourse than me - but watching, generally, The Discourse largely implode in on itself in a black hole of narcissism and racism has been a bit disappointing! Mini Trumps everywhere! Support nonracist and less narcissistic endeavors! Maybe not this one, but other ones at least!


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Thanks to all for helping me to keep food on my family!

Good Enough For Alito

Bullshit arguments which if generally applied in a consistent fashion (but they won't be) would undermine the entire system are pretty much standard elite level law these days, and while Scott, not being a Yale Law grad (or a lawyer), is happy to point out the bullshit, many of the very clever lawyers who write about this stuff feel obligated to take it seriously for some reason.

That Alito and friends might take it seriously is not a reason to take the argument seriously, it's a reason to draw on clown shoes and put a big red nose on pictures of Alito.

Friday Morning

Made it to Friday yet again!

Thursday, October 21, 2021

And Find Out

A man who once described a ballot being cast in his dead wife’s name as “sickening” and was cited by the Nevada Republican Party last November as evidence that massive voter fraud swayed the results of the 2020 presidential election has been charged by prosecutors with voter fraud.

According to a lawsuit filed in the Las Vegas Justice Court this month, the man, Donald Kirk Hartle, voted his deceased wife Rosemarie Hartle’s ballot. At a November press conference, Matt Schlapp, chairman of the American Consevative Union, named Rosemarie Hartle as one example of the “hundreds of dead people" he said had voted in the election in Clark County. The Nevada Republican Party also cited Hartle’s interview with KLAS Channel 8 in their voter fraud allegations.

8 Can't Wait

"Reversing Police Narrative" Cops lie all the time, journalists dutifully type it up, and no one gets in trouble and few hear the retractions.

Put In The Other Quarterback, Coach

A problem with doing this blog is that, like a sports talk radio host, I'm spending hours every day going, "What the team needs to do is..." while fully understanding that as influential as this very fine and always correct blog is, it probably isn't usually reaching the people who matter.

At some level we're all (including you, including me) here to prevent us from yelling at the television and annoying the other people in our households. That's something!

Fall fundraising week! Thanks to all!


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I'll give Biden credit. I don't quite get the point of the "GET A BIPARTISAN DEAL" desire, and whatever PR benefit it might have had has been completely obscured by the predictable shenanigans, but at least he did manage to get Republicans to vote for the infrastructure bill.

Joe Manchin was not as successful. "Make bills worse so we can hold hands on the Capitol steps" seems dumb to me, but it's certainly dumb (as we remember from the Obama years) when the hand holding photo never even happens! And, of course, when the bill can't even pass!

(Yes I know this stuff is, in part, to get the shittiest Democrats on board, too, but the bipartisan infrastructure deal was also Biden's thing.)

Lunch Thread

The lunchening.

The Best Of Times

Just thinking again about how these people, the royal court of DC (then if not now) were reminiscing about the time The Greatest American General And The Best Man In America, Colin Powell, was very hilarious and witty at a New Year's Eve party, joking about how we were about to go slaughter a bunch of people.

I'm not even getting into whether Gulf War I was "good" or "bad"! It doesn't even matter! It was just light entertainment to these people, a funny story about the general and the party.

Tens of thousands of people were killed! And, ok, everyone needs a bit of downtime, but even if for appearances sake, only, didn't the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff have anything better to do two weeks before a war than put on a penguin suit and be a prop at Sally's party? I suppose that was, actually, his job.


It's the time of year again!

I thought about it, but decided against turning up the racism or pivoting to complaining about be cancelled constantly. That is where all the money is these days! Cosplaying Mickey Kaus is strangely popular, too!

Instead I decided to stick to the normal programming of "ban cars, Republicans suck, and Democrats suck more than they should." Hopefully that's enough!


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Thanks to all for helping me to keep food on my family!


The first year of a new presidency, especially when combined with a crisis, is the moment to do things. Start with initial "unreasonable" demands because they get hacked away to death quickly and because very soon those statements coming out of the White House start sounding less like, "We're going to do great things!" and more like, "Well, at least the lights are still on in 87% of the country."

Thursday Is New Jobless Day

290K new lucky duckies. Not bad!

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Happy Hour Thread

That time again.

Sarcastic Mister Know-It-All

Yah, maybe don't talk, Tim.

Asked and Answered

The answer to "How exactly Colin Powell took the position he did as admirable figure in DC" is he was a regular within the Bradlee-Quinn orbit.

Better Do A Little Well Than A Great Deal Badly

Oh, I forgot to spell out that my preference is for "do a small number of things BIGLY" instead of "a large number of things half-assed" but the buzz is that nobody listens to Atrios.

Point to the one, two, three BIG THINGS you did that people might actually be able to notice without wondering if the IRS is going to claw it back with a nasty, costly letter next year.

Also certainly don't make things nightmarishly worse!

Lunch Thread

No lunch for households earning over $50,000.

Wow Cool Story

Do Members Of Congress Care About Calls To Their Offices Anymore?

Serious question. 10 years ago they legitimately did. Staffers logged them. I have a vague sense that "lol no" is the answer now, for good reasons and bad ones, but I actually don't know.

Obviously even then most members couldn't be successfully pressured on most issues, no matter how many angry calls, but there was some cultural norm of pretending to listen.

Call Me When It's Done

I am a bad blogger and I can't be bothered to follow all of the negotiation drama. You know who I think the villains are (THE MODERATE CENTRISTS, THE SENSIBLES, THE KEEPERS OF THE ONE TRUTH FAITH), you know what I think should be done (MORE MORE MORE), and how (universality for everything, no bullshit Rube Goldberg machines).

I'll just add that one thing our DISCOURSE has not sufficiently processed is that last guy had a point: until Covid, THE TRUMP ECONOMY was actually great, and the Covid measures that were put in place (yes, by Democrats, basically, but that's not how most people think) made sure Covid didn't ruin that too much.

(look at me, the optimist, thinking this could still pass with something good intact. haha)

Tuesday, October 19, 2021


That's something.
FBI agents on Tuesday swarmed the home of Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska in Washington, D.C., an agency spokesperson confirmed to NBC News.
Why do Russians get to be oligarchs but not Americans?

Sometimes The Status Quo Is Better

Especially when "we'll improve it later" does not have a very good track record.
I find it hard to muster up much energy for Build Back Better right now, though this is likely the low point in the negotiations. Maybe something like a compromise that sets apart tax cuts from spending can be reached, with more money available to execute the remaining programs correctly. But that’s a faint glimmer of hope. The Manchin path is one that Builds Back Worse, on long-standing issues on which we cannot afford to skimp.

He Is Us

How exactly Colin Powell took the position he did as admirable figure in DC is one question, but that his obvious and deliberate lies are treated as, at worst, a regrettable miscalculation, and not the absolutely evil mendaciousness that it was, is largely because "they" are all culpable.

A big reason "bipartisanship" in its literal and broader senses is bad, actually, is because when everyone who matters is to blame then no one actually is. Our system and culture pushes everything in that direction, and Mitch McConnell is doing us a favor by doing his part to break that.

Democrats need to take his offer on that one.

Publish Them All On Atrios Dot Blogspot Dot Com

Trump has filed suit to prevent records from being released, based on a nonsense argument that has no precedent and only a corrupt judiciary would bless (they might!), but there is a simple solution which is to, you know, just hit publish before anyone tells them not to.

Only thing stopping them is elite lawyer brain, of course, but elite lawyer brain ("It is more important for people to think the judiciary is pure than for it to be pure") runs the country.

Monday, October 18, 2021

Happy Hour Thread

 The time of happiness.

Saying Nice Things About The Recently Departed

My most charitable view of Colin Powell is that he deliberately tried to undermine the case for the Iraq war by giving an absolutely hilariously ridiculous presentation to the UN, but then every journalist and pundit reacted with orgasmic delight anyway.


Before my time, but often people have communicated to me that a generation of "Left-leaning" Smart Young Men From The Right Schools' basic view of the 60s was, "We woulda won if not for the women and the gays and the blacks and the anti-war movement."

You know, the type of people who still raged about McGovern 35 years later.

One wonders precisely what "we" would have won with that non-coalition. I guess with the right people in power (them) in a Scoop Jackson administration, a few paternalistic blessings would have been granted, and since that was more than what Republicans would have been offering, no one should have demanded anything more.

Instead they spent decades demanding ever more conservative democratic presidential candidates, while instantly declaring them to be too liberal whether they lost (Dukakis) or won (Carter, Clinton). Fomenting backlash politics at outlets like The (old) New Republic while claiming, often, to merely be giving voice to The Silent Majority that had so enraged them back when they were Tricky Dick's.

"If everyone else would just shut up, the smart boys from Harvard can tell you how to appeal to the people at Ohio diners. Probably with science provided by Mark Penn!"

Good thing it's obvious, now, how ridiculous that all is!

Lunch Thread

Get threaded.

Chuck Toddler

I suppose the good news is that these shows don't have anything near the influence that they once did.

People would say, "who even watches this??? who cares???" 15 years ago, but I don't think that was true. They people who mattered watched them, other journalists watched them, and all that stuff filtered down through all political coverage in various ways.

Now I think that's much less true. The bad news is that people get all their news from Ben Shapiro shares on Facebook.


Coming to the conclusion that the part of people (not all people) becoming demented resentful assholes in middle age that isn't due to "the young people are having more fun than me and don't think I'm cool" is due to that basic deep rage of childhood intensifying over time.

The timeline gets altered because some balding asshole was told to clean up after himself in the office kitchen.

Who Is Empowered

Lost in much of the discussion is that Manchin had signed on too the two track bill framework, and then went back on the deal. When some people engage in these kinds of bad faith acts they are treated as savvy negotiators. You know, The Art of The Deal. Very savvy to stiff your contractors.

You can imagine how the press would treat, I dunno, Elizabeth Warren, if she showed up a week later and said, "nope, $8 trillion or nothing." You can see how the press treats "the progressives," even now.

Morning Thread

The morninging.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

I'm So Random

Sinema is an early MTV's The Real World character haunting us forever.

Tick Tock They Won't Stop

A joke, but barely.

Get The Damn Shot

I don't think early vaccine skepticism or hesitancy was crazy. "Big Pharma trying to make lots of money shooting a relatively untested thing into billions of people" is something to be a bit skeptical about! You don't need major conspiracy theories to think, well, maybe I'm not going to be first in line for this thing.

It's also not surprising that people double down a bit on these things, looking for any bit of information to justify their skepticism. Reports (true or not) about side effects and similar will bolster your very wise decision to hold off.

But we're getting close to a year later... and... get the damn shot. The willful refusers are just doing in-group signaling, like getting their asses branded for fraternity initiation. Except in this case they can, like many of the leading lights of the conservative movement, just do it secretly and not tell the other idiots in their club.

As with many issues, the cause is not helped by news coverage which largely centers the perspective of a minority of nutters, because they're Real Americans.

Morning Thread

It is the year 2041. Blogger's post scheduling feature is still messy.

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Happy Hour

Weekend version.

Inside Job

Well well well.
(CNN)A US Capitol Police officer was indicted on obstruction charges in connection to the January 6 insurrection at the US Capitol.

According to the indictment, Michael A. Riley told a contact online to remove posts showing the person was in the Capitol building that day.

Missed that yesterday.

Afternoon Thread

Do not question the ethics of your rulers!

Where Exactly Is All The Corruption

For years the standard line is that politicians are influenced by their campaign donors, whose money ensures they can get re-elected. But this is a silly story that doesn't make any sense. It's comically easy to raise money if you're in a swing state/district other ways, and getting re-elected is hardly that big of a prize anyway.

"Wow how did your net worth go up so much while you were in Congress" is a question more and more people should be asking.

Nobody Could've Predicted

Sure nothing is perfectly forseeable, but "almost the only time Democrats manage to do anything is when there is a perception of an emergency, and if you let the process drag out it is going to be, at best, whittled down to almost nothing" is always the reasonable bet.


A new beginning.

Friday, October 15, 2021

Friday Night

Keep talking


On your own!

Lunch Thread

Very busy afternoon! Very annoying life stuff!

What's It All About Then

Regularly there are pleas to the FREE SPEECH DEFENDERS who have built up an audience claiming to be oh so concerned about this precious principle, particularly in places where LIBERALS are supposedly SILENCING PEOPLE and CANCELING THEM, to pay a bit of attention the various things that are going on in all levels of our education system.

And, well, I know mostly these are jabs aiming to show that these people have always been full of shit, but sometimes the people saying them seem to be least slightly genuine, so let me explain.

The FREE SPEECH crowd was only and always about preserving safe spaces for elite racists to do racism and get paid for it.

But What Are "WE" Supposed To DOOOOOOOOO

A problem with top Dems being generally hostile to outside activism of most kinds is that it leaves the people who care without much to do. No one in power wants to admit "making life uncomfortable (within reasonable legal and polite limits) for elected Reps" has any impact on them, but of course it does.

That leaves writing checks, voting, and at election time volunteering with limited resources as millions go into the pockets of campaign consultants/ad companies.

Friday Morning

Week's almost over.

Thursday, October 14, 2021

But What Can Biden DOOOOOO

One thing he can do, as President of the United States, is get a few interested parties in the room and politely inform them that, as President, he does have the power to implement much of the Full Gay Communism agenda without Congress, so perhaps they'd prefer just passing his little bill instead.

Slightly more seriously, if Congress won't do the stuff he requires from them, there's still plenty he can reasonably and legitimately do without them. Maybe they'd make a deal about that.


No deep thoughts on the John Deere strike, but I do like reports of having their white collar salary workers try to do the real work.

Doubt He'll Show

But we'll see!
Former President Donald Trump must sit for a videotaped deposition next week as part of a lawsuit involving his anti-immigrant rhetoric, a judge in the Bronx ordered.


As long as they keep moving.

Lunch Thread

 It's that time!

Sure, Nick

Leaving side my opinions of his work at the New York Times, "haven't had a real job in a couple of decades" is probably not the best qualification for governor. More than that, this kind of "I'm a smart guy with common sense who knows how to get things done make me governor" view is corrosive.
Two-time Pulitzer Prize winner Nicholas Kristof is ditching The New York Times after 37 years ahead of an expected run for Oregon governor.
He's had as much of a real job as I have, except with more paid assistants. I shouldn't be governor either. Maybe the guy who sits in the corner of the meetings, mostly quietly but occasionally expressing my displeasure. Senior adviser. That kind of thing.


Summers is who "we've" always said he is and shame on all the people who buttressed his reputation year after year.
Former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers castigated monetary policy makers in the U.S. and elsewhere for paying too much attention to social issues and not enough to the biggest risk to inflation since the 1970s.


Fed policy makers last year adopted a more inclusive approach toward their goal of achieving maximum employment, going well beyond the headline unemployment rate. They have pledged to keep their benchmark interest rate near zero even as inflation surges, committing to ensure greater progress in the job market.

The specific issue is that in their target for "full employment" or whatever we're calling it this year, the Fed long separated out black unemployment from white unemployment, targeting a higher level of unemployment for black workers which supposedly reflected "full unemployment" and if you're not a racist monster you can see the problem with that.

White people might be able to get a raise occasionally, but not black people.

Thursday Is New Jobless Day

293K new lucky duckies. Right direction!

Thursday Morning

For all the Thursday fans, this day's for you.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Under Penalty

They had better be planning to do it for real.

Afternoon Thread

Busy with some stuff.


I see a lot of complaining that no Republicans voted to increase the debt ceiling... and... really, who cares? The dick move was filibustering it, although that too only happens because they are permitted to.

McConnell's horrible, but "The Democrats are in charge so they are responsible" is actually correct!

Worship Us

There is a divide between the wanna-be-dictators who demand our respect and adoration and the ones who just want the power. The former are more ridiculous, but perhaps slightly less dangerous.

Blame Canada

It is quite amazing that the borders were shut for so long. Not saying it was wrong, just unimaginable, really.
WASHINGTON — The Biden administration will lift travel restrictions at the borders with Canada and Mexico starting in November for fully vaccinated travelers, reopening the doors of the United States to tourists and separated family members who have been sealed out of the country during the pandemic.


One of these every day.

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Tuesday Evening

Choose your own music.

America's Worst Humans

Sam Alito. I met Adam Serwer in 2004 when he was an intern working the line outside an event surrounding the Kerry campaign. I also met Alec Baldwin then!

Sometimes The Kids do grow up to do amazing stuff.

I Thought We'd Be Heroes

I suspect they both didn't realize times have changed, a little bit, that Biden isn't Obama (*cough* black), that eventheliberals in the news media are a bit sick of this act.


The anti-vaccine culture is interesting!

Far more law enforcement officers in the U.S. have died from Covid-19 than from any other work-related cause in 2020 and 2021. Even so, police unions are fighting vaccine mandates.
The great and glorious Donald Trump blessed us with this wonderful magic!


 Generally the desire to place government organizations out of democratic oversight is bad, and certainly The Fed is the best/worst example of this.

Do The Right Thing

Just riffing off of this, of course a competitive two party system is going to switch back and forth. There is never a "we will rule forever." There is "we have a brief moment in power to implement our agenda."


Early shift.

Government without newspapers

It's what we have.
Long ago, when he was our new republic’s minister to Paris, Thomas Jefferson wrote home to Edward Carrington, a fellow Virginian, to note, “Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.”

Monday, October 11, 2021

Apparently It Is Monday

Columbus messed everything up.

Nasty Humans

There's a kind of nastiness, a level of misanthropy, that I've only experienced in one corner of the United States. I've decided to not say which one because it probably is just my weird anecdotal experience, and not actually something unique to the area, but nonetheless there is one place I've experienced repeated shocking indifference to other members of humanity.

It's weird!

I don't think I'm a particularly nice and generous person, but "just put them ovens" kind of rage is not something I ever feel!

Washington Is Broken

I don't know who needs to hear this, but when voters say this they don't mean "Lisa Murkowski and Mitt Romney have frownie faces," they mean "I have problems and no one is fixing them."  

The Kids Today Don't Remember How Bad Things Were

Progress can easily be reversed, and "we" are in the process of doing that, but even 15 years ago, being an out gay person was much more of a challenge than it is today.

Things get normalized - both ways - very quickly.

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Sunday Happy Hour

 Brunch, extended!

Do The Right Thing

A reasonable (if not precisely correct) view of our political system is that you have a 50/50 chance of holding each Senate/House/Presidency and when you manage to obtain power you should implement your goals because no matter what you do that isn't likely to come around again soon.

.5*.5*.5= .125

Urban Hellholes

I know in the US it's always code for "black people," but I've lived in or had extended stays in quite a few urban hellholes and they're nice! Ghent! Brussels! Barcelona! London! Madrid! Girona! Bologna! Philadelphia!

I get the objection to some of the downsides of bad cities, but many of them are nice!

Blogger Ethics Panel

I think Pareene has a specific individual(s) in mind, but it reminds me, as many things do, of the hysteria about bloggers being corrupted by undisclosed riches, something the Senior Fellow of the Raytheon Think Tank On Middle Eastern Threats would talk about with a very straight face to his journalist friends.

Practically every "source" in DC is talking their book, but a bunch of internet weirdos mostly doing activism for free made them very very concerned.

Saturday, October 09, 2021

It Was 20 Years Ago Today

Lunch Thread

Somebody's having a normal one.

Blown Whistle

I am not optimistic we will get the full story of the numerous inside jobs..

Friday, October 08, 2021

Happy Hour

Knocked off a bit early. Hopefully nothing important happens!

Ruled By Ghouls

Economists inside the Demoratic tent were gunning for the expanded unemployment benefits all the way back in May 2020. I point this out to make clear that "the worst thing we can do is do too much to help people" is a very very dominant way of thinking in DC policy circles (all conservatives and many of the supposed liberals).

Also, George Bush wasn't the only one with a tendency to throw up Mission Accomplished banners prematurely.

One not great month is just one not great month, and this will probably be better than the Great Recession, in terms of recovery time, but The Great Recession was fucking awful. That is, for some reason, largley unacknowledged, even now.

The Larry Summers gang was pushing the "just turn the economy off and turn it back on again" view, and that too much aid would prevent this from happening because of lazy moochers. When that obviously didn't happen they didn't change their policy prescriptions because they're lying assholes. 500,000 jobs per month would be very good job growth, and it would take 1.5 years of that to get us back to trend.*

This is unlikely to happen.

*sorry, this isn't correct, the trend is up! so it would take more months than that.

Pretty Please

At some point Congress is going to decide if their subpoenas are just sternly worded requests, or if they are actually, you know, subpoenas.

Don't Interrupt My Vacation

I am quite happy to embrace purely petty reasons for getting rid of the filibuster.


Always wish for reality to be good but the data to be bad. Good data leads to complacency. 

Of course after years of bad and mediocre news in the Great Recession, all the ghouls responsible decided the explanation was "video games are too good and also people got the wrong degrees."

And the number is.... +194K. 

The sweet embrace of another endless slow recovery because everyone wanted to declare it summer in Cape Cod again.

Friday Morning

Time to make the donuts.

Thursday, October 07, 2021

Late thoughts

Mike Stark:
"If the package has to be trimmed to accommodate Mancema's deficit concerns, progressives should front load all the benefits to the first four years rather than stretching them out over 10. Make extension of community college child care, family leave, etc. an issue for the 2024 election, and dare GOP to vote to cut those benefits."

Thursday Evening

Never give up. Never Surrender.

Happy Hour

Jobs report tomorrow! No matter what it says, it's proof of what Larry Summers has been saying all along.

We Burned These Cities

I doubt Lara believes this, but a lot of MAGAs do.

Urban hellholes being places for Those People is part of the worldview, and the general urban revival of the past couple of decades upended that almost as much as the Kenyan Muslim becoming president. That Those People burned down all the cities restores their basic framework.

Ted, Destroyer of Worlds

One of the shittier news outlets is reporting that Ted is going to try to fuck up the debt ceiling. I'm no expert on Senate procedure, but one guy can slow things not stop them as long as they have another 10 Rs on board, but, sure, why not. Go for it.

Then get rid of the filibuster and also pass a "Ted, shut the fuck up" rule.

Afternoon Thread

Stuff to do. Might have to take the afternoon off! Maybe not!

Lunch Thread

The lunchening.

8 Can't Wait

Just need some more training.

Wow That's A Big Number

Manchin's latest thing is telling the rest of Congress to prioritize because he picked a random number for no reason and he's sticking to it.

It's easier to see that this is silly, I think, because 15 years ago only weirdo bloggers and maybe occasionally Krgthulu would point out that all this stuff was in fact, incredibly silly, and Deficit Peacocking was just nonsense, but now even some of your favorite centrists - like Joseph Robinette Biden - are acknowledging that it's silly!

Just decades of absolute fraud propped up by objective journalists .

Bully Or Be Bullied

There's always a "mommy he hit me back" complaint from conservatives (or in the case of the Democratic party, "moderates") when lefties get feisty. A belief in their sole authority to dictate terms and dish out insults, a belief bolstered by their brethren in the press.

Their role in the power hiearchy is unquestioned, and begging for their better nature to emerge is the only legitimate way of dealing with them. Or not.

Thursday Is New Jobless Day

326,000 new lucky duckies. Right direction again!

Thursday Morning

Mitch McConnell saved the day!!!

Wednesday, October 06, 2021

Or Not

Love the rich white guy confidence. Things will just, you know, work out how they're supposed to (according to me).

You Mean You Can Just Do That

We've gone from the aughts claim that changing the filibuster rule was impossible to senators admitting they can, and might, do it in 5 minutes, but just this once for the debt ceiling.

Self-imposted restrictions.

Lunch Thread

Get your lunch on.

Wow Great Insight

I get so enraged by journalists praising an utterly banal insight, something that should have been obvious to them all along and was screamed at them by shitposters they ignored for years. This got lots of praise yesterday!
As I read Grisham’s book, I kept thinking that it felt, in some ways, like the story of the Trump presidency was less about one demagogue than it was about the everyday choices of the smaller people working at the levels below policy-making, and how run-of-the-mill self-centeredness and expediency, when practiced by dozens or hundreds of people in an organization, amounts to the system that allows evil. The Trump administration was not possible because of Trump and his brain trust, as it were. It was possible because of the people like Grisham who let them, in minor and individual ways, function.
[clearing throat]


Mint The Coin

It isn't the only "gimmick" that can be used, and also as the debt ceiling approaches they will also use "gimmicks" to postpone disaster. It's all made up!
That legal clarity is why those fussy arguments against the coin are nonsense. If Congress fails to raise the debt ceiling, in effect it will have said Biden must spend, can't borrow, but can mint the coin. Arguably the coin is not just an option for him, but a necessity — there is no other way to avoid breaking some law.
(The other obvious gimmicks involve the Fed saying, as it does occasionally, "we have a button that can make a kajillion dollars when we press it and the legal right to use emergency powers to stop the economy from blowing up, so, lol, whatever it takes.").

The coin discourse is amusing because it highlights a few things: money is fake, many constraints are self-imposed by custom more than law, and pointing these things out makes people really fucking mad.


They aren't all like this, of course, but an education (often, not always!) lacking in breadth, the arrogance of overachievers, a hierarchical profession that puts them (certain specialities, at least) in the stratosphere, and a lack of people ever telling them to just shut the fuck up, means a lot of them are, whatever their training, just arrogant dumb assholes.

Morning Thread

Woe is Wednesday.

Tuesday, October 05, 2021

Grand Old Police Blotter

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan’s former top aide, Roy McGrath, has been indicted by a federal grand jury on charges that he misled the Maryland Environmental Service into paying him a six-figure severance and embezzled funds for personal purposes.

Oh, Elon

That's a lot of money!
SAN FRANCISCO — A jury on Monday ordered Tesla to pay nearly $137 million in damages in a case that alleged an employee encountered racist abuse, discrimination and harassment at the company’s plant in Fremont, Calif.

Owen Diaz, an elevator operator who worked for the company between June 2015 and May 2016, sued Tesla, alleging a hostile work environment and racial harassment, and said “daily racist epithets” such as the n-word were used in the factory, where his son, Demetric, also worked. The initial suit by Diaz, who is Black, alleged that workers encountered a scene “straight from the Jim Crow era,” where workers were subjected to frequent racist harassment and supervisors took no action.

You Have To Admit You Miss Andrew Cuomo

Just kidding. I was enraged at watching a bunch of liberals make the Giuliani error. Just because a guy shows up on TV and fakes being competent doesn't mean he is. The lesson of Rudy 9/11 should have been remembered, especially given that Rudy was right there showing us why!

Rudy 9/11 never should've been turned into a hero. The man was never anything but a villain.

At around 11 a.m. on September 16, 1992, Norm Steisel heard a roar from outside his office in City Hall. Peering out the window, he saw thousands of off-duty police officers filling the narrow park that surrounds the building, a grand neoclassical structure that, all of a sudden, had started to feel like the tightest of traps.

Steisel, then first deputy mayor of operations, heard officers chanting, “Dinkins gotta go!” and “The mayor’s on crack.” They carried signs bearing racist cartoon images of Mayor David Dinkins with humongous lips and nose and an Afro, including several calling the city’s first Black mayor a “washroom attendant.”


The day of the protest, Rudy Giuliani was also outside the building with a microphone. Giuliani, a former U.S. Attorney and failed mayoral candidate in 1989, declared, “The reason the morale of the police department of the City of New York is so low is one reason and one reason alone: David Dinkins!” The crowd roared.

But our liberal media is gonna do what it does.
Some media assigned blame for the riot, the police reaction, the era of bad feelings not just to police but in the weeks after the riot, increasingly, also to Dinkins. By calling out racist behavior, Dinkins was “playing the race card.”

A New York Times editorial from late September apportioned some blame for the racial tension to Dinkins, for showing sympathy to Kiko Garcia’s family. In doing so, Dinkins “trampled on the understandable sensitivities of the police — and indeed, he has not yet shown them adequate concern,” the editorial said.

Another Times editorial from the first week of October applauded Dinkins, who’d by then stopped criticizing police for racist language, as polls showed voters blaming both the mayor and Giuliani for playing “the race card.”

“Mayor David Dinkins’s more conciliatory approach to the Police Department is most welcome,” the editorial said. “New York City needs a break from the tensions generated by the bitter police demonstration three weeks ago, and that means lowering the voices on all sides.”

Seems Like A Nice Guy

Can't believe the Feds would bother him.
The feds descended on the Manhattan headquarters of the controversial NYPD sergeants union Tuesday, the Daily News has learned.

While the details of the investigation were not revealed, an FBI spokeswoman confirmed to The News that the agency was “carrying out a law enforcement action in connection with an ongoing investigation” into the Sergeants Benevolent Association.


He came under fire in 2020 when he posted the arrest report of de Blasio’s daughter, Chiara de Blasio, on social media following her arrest during George Floyd protests. Mullins was hit with departmental charges for the violation of NYPD rules.

Twitter thread about sweetie Mullins.

Lunch Thread

Get your lunch on.

I'll Do Anything To Save The World, But I Won't Do That

You can mint the coin, you can declare that Fed owned bonds aren't really debt, ...

I mean, they pulled all sorts of shenanigans to save Jamie Dimon's salary in 2009, I think they can do plainly less controversial things to save the world.

I'm Glad We All Agree Now

Not picking on Goldberg - I have no idea what her opinion was back then - but when there was an attempt to get Lieberman out of the Senate, the prevailing view was that he was The Last Honest Man In Washington, perhaps The Greatest Of Us, and the primary attempt was basically Liberal Fascism (he lost the primary, Republicans told everyone to vote for Joe instead of their own candidate, he won, went on to support John McCain in 2008, was still welcome by Democrats after that, and, well, how do these things always work out like this...).
In 2003, Joe Lieberman, at the time one of the worst Democratic senators, traveled to Arizona to campaign for his party’s presidential nomination and was regularly greeted by antiwar demonstrators. “He’s a shame to Democrats,” said the organizer of a protest outside a Tucson hotel, a left-wing social worker named Kyrsten Sinema. “I don’t even know why he’s running. He seems to want to get Republicans voting for him — what kind of strategy is that?”

Rules of Activism

I try not to get drawn into this Discourse, but right wing nutjobs are terrorizing teachers and kids all over the country but this is not the most important etiquette question of the day.

The politics (right wingers do whatever) and the target (punching up is bad, for some reason) govern how DC people talk about this stuff.

Morning Thread

Rise and shine, campers.

Monday, October 04, 2021

Happy Hour Thread

Above my pay grade, but in various ways facebook "breaks" the internet model by centralizing everything which should be somewhat decentralized.

Whatsapp being down is a bigger deal.

...Whatsapp is what much of the world uses for texting instead of an SMS-based app. At some point facebook bought it. That obviously didn't work out well!

Facebook Down

No idea why. Hackers would be funny but I doubt it.

It is "amusing" how facebook, in the public consciousness, went from an exciting new tech thing The Kids do to where your racist conspiracy theory older uncle hangs out.

I deleted my account a few years ago, though I just created a new one (friendless) for those moments when the internet sort of requires you to have one.

Shut Down

Thoughts and Prayers.
Former U.S. Rep. Todd Akin, a conservative Missouri Republican whose comment that women’s bodies have a way of avoiding pregnancies in cases of “legitimate rape” sunk his bid for the U.S. Senate and became a cautionary tale for other GOP candidates, died late Sunday. He was 74.


He added: “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.”

Lunch Thread

Freedom fries!

The "Liberal" Academy

Another part of this is that most of the supposedly ultra-liberal institutions in society - Hollywood, Academia, Journalism - are hardly that. The professors themselves are not all that liberal, especially in the sciences and of course in departments where the money largely is, but more than that the professors don't run the place. Tenured profs do have a level of job security and a certain kind of freedom alien to most people, but that doesn't mean they're management.

How Do These Things Keep Happening

Because there are never any consequences for the people who are responsible, especially in certain industries.
(CNN)A swath of the Southern California coast is covered with oil after 3,000 barrels' worth gushed into the Pacific Ocean -- devastating some of the local wildlife, officials said.

A pipeline breach occurred about 5 miles off the coast of Huntington Beach, Orange County Supervisor Katrina Foley said Sunday.


Above my pay grade to know if this will seriously help, but the "surprise billing" problem highlights the fact that insurance companies don't even bother to try to do the job they are supposed to do (negotiate rates) because they could just pass the bills to you anyway. They don't even bother to tell supposedly in network hospitals they contract with that they can't just add random out of network personnel.
The Biden administration released a rule Thursday that addresses one of the most fought-over provisions of a coming ban on surprise medical bills.

The rule details how a new class of medical billing arbiters will decide the fair price for emergency medical care, one of the largest sources of surprise bills. The rule received a positive reaction from consumer advocates and some legislators who drafted the law, but it “disappointed” emergency physicians, who fear it will lead to unreasonably low rates.

The abuses are absurd (the oncologist who is out of network and peeks in your room as you are sleeping and adds $5000) and they should just be criminal fraud, but that the insurance companies are "lol who cares" highlights their role is a sham.

Monday Morning

The week begins!

Sunday, October 03, 2021

Happy Hour Thread

Apparently tomorrow is Monday.

This Will Change Everything

Haha no one will even try to send any of them a bill. The Tony Blair bits are very carefully worded, as a legal department at a UK newspaper would require.