Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Happy Hour

Tequila Tuesday.

Freak Show

Just a little, as a treat.

Fish Hook

Ingraham's just echoing the sentiment we've heard in endless articles, except making it political by pinning on Democrats instead of "liberals" generally.

Some people love covid, love not seeing anyone, love being isolated, want everyone else to suffer in that glorious fashion, and that's why we published dozens of articles about this based on the fact that some people were spotted wearing masks outside last July.

That was the party line from a certain clique of centrists, before they moved onto to "akshually, black people are the real racists."

Priorities Change

You don't have to perceive all old people as heartless bastards who don't care about their grandkids to understand that certain priorities are going to slip a little bit. Fighting for, say, proper school funding is something you're more likely to do when you have kids in school, or even just have peers who have kids in schools.

That doesn't mean people inevitably oppose these things as they age, just that they will fall down the list at least a little bit.

I'm less likely than I once was to get excited about new infrastructure projects (SUPERTRAINS!!!) than I was a few years ago, in part because, well, by the time they come online I'm going to be not quite as young as I used to be.

Small shifts in priorities as the population ages (and the median age of members of Congress) can easily lead to big shifts in actual policy outcomes.

Lunch Thread

No more turkey.


One part of the liberal governance agenda has been, for decades, to put our faith in experts and to stress the independence of government agencies. Sure you don't want expert advice to be corrupted, and you want some protection from the massive power of the federal government merely being at the whim of one man, but ultimately we do elect a boss and that boss needs to step in and tell them what to do sometimes.

Even the best most expert staffed agency filled with nothing but benevolent public-minded civil servants are only on one piece of the puzzle at a time, and sometimes an agenda needs to be comprehensive.

Of course there's no reason to assume such expertise and benevolence, and in fact maintaining a sense of independence moves corruption into the hands of much less accountable individuals.

Some happy balance exists, but I'm pretty sure that for a lot of things we're waaay off balance all in one direction.

Nothing guarantees the people running these shops are smartest than the average blogger.

You're Making Us Look Bad, Chris

Years ago, most of the press freaked out when Obama's people considered shutting out Fox. "One of our sister organizations," decreed Jake Tapper. And of course there's a case to be made that the White House should be open to a variety of outlets, even opinionated ones, maybe even ones with a clearer agenda than that, but that's very different than pointing to an outlet like Fox and saying, "They is us."

I'm regularly struck by who supposedly serious journalists include "in the club." It can be a big club, but some members degrade brand journalism quite a bit, to put it mildly.

In any case, if Chris Cuomo gets to remain in the club, then, well...

The Election is Over, Campaign Season Begins

I'm not entirely sure the "election every two years" thing was a good idea, and it certainly isn't a good idea in an era when a lot of segments of the political-media-industrial complex prefer the campaigns and talking about the campaigns to the actual governing part.

Tuesday Morning

Another month ending.

Monday, November 29, 2021

Oh Dear Time For Another Blogger Ethics Panel

Crazy what they get up to.
CNN host Chris Cuomo used his sources in the media world to seek information on women who accused his brother Andrew Cuomo, then the governor of New York, of sexual harassment, according to documents released Monday by the New York Attorney General’s Office.

Gotta Play The Game Well

Readers of this very fine blog know that I have spent a lot of time faulting our prestige media outlets for many sins, especially the fact that they've consistently rigged the game for one side.

Still it is the game, and you gotta suit up even for a rigged game.

I have various theories (there isn't one reason) about why they continue to be bad at it, but ultimately Dems can't expect the news outlets to do their job for them, and they can't expect a duck to be a swan.

No point in yelling "unfair" after the final buzzer, either. Too late then!


I think what depresses me most is that after witnessing various not minor catastrophes in my life, the speed at which "everyone" always reverts to normal, particularly the people in charge, is incredible.

Imagine that you are a politician, someone who made the effort to put yourself in a position of power, and you think in the Year of Our Gritty 2021, what you were put in office to do was protect pharmaceutical profits and devote your time and energy to making sure rich people in New Jersey got their big tax break returned to them.

That your response when the lobbyists come knocking isn't just, "Fuck you, assholes! Turn on the news!"

Lunch Thread

That time again.


Can't remembember what it was, precisely, have a vague sense that I read a novel about a global pandemic in which repeatededly the way through seemed in reach, but idiotic decisions by weak and corrupt leaders, along with a reasonable amount of stupidity from the general population, ultimately doomed civilization.

The Noble Humanitarian Mission In Libya

One wonders why I'm skeptical of such things.
In the past six years, the European Union, weary of the financial and political costs of receiving migrants from sub-Saharan Africa, has created a shadow immigration system that stops them before they reach Europe. It has equipped and trained the Libyan Coast Guard, a quasi-military organization linked to militias in the country, to patrol the Mediterranean, sabotaging humanitarian rescue operations and capturing migrants. The migrants are then detained indefinitely in a network of profit-making prisons run by the militias. In September of this year, around six thousand migrants were being held, many of them in Al Mabani. International aid agencies have documented an array of abuses: detainees tortured with electric shocks, children raped by guards, families extorted for ransom, men and women sold into forced labor. “The E.U. did something they carefully considered and planned for many years,” Salah Marghani, Libya’s Minister of Justice from 2012 to 2014, told me. “Create a hellhole in Libya, with the idea of deterring people from heading to Europe.”
This isn't obviously a direct consequence of that, but it's a reminder that the people who scream about the humanitarian justifications for bombing the shit out of people are rarely humanitarians.

(The instigators of our recent Libyan adventures were more France and the UK than us, but there didn't seem to be much arm twisting needed. Maybe we're just too trusting.)

I Guess Regulated Taxi Fares Were Good, Akshually

Now that Uber has moved beyond its "losing money on every ride but making it up on volume" business model, I regularly see people complaining about their extreme fares. 

 I tried to warn you. 

 Anyway, normal taxis still operate some places, especially at airports and similar, and those fares are generally regulated still...

One of those subjects that used to enrage some people. "Sorry, my man, I think offering fares below cost while not obeying any taxi or labor regulations might cause some problems down the line..."

Yes some places weren't previously well-served by taxis, but some were.


I thought Biden was gonna outlaw Mondays.

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Sunday Happy Hour

Holiday weekend coming to an end. Back to the candy cane mines tomorrow.

What's A Good Outcome

It's rarely specified in The Discourse. What is a "good economy"? Mostly it's GDP/growth and the price of stonks, presented as if these are merely neutral measures, and that if you care about the distribution of gains you are a smelly hippie.

What does 'good' mean? Who is it 'good' for? Why?

Obvious questions and not difficult to answer if anyone cares to.

Lunch Thread

So much turkey.


I get how local news gets snowed for breaking news crime events, but The Paper Of Record is just being an eager participant (twitter thread).

The made up stats don't pass a simple "does that sound like bullshit" test. Reporters can't be that dumb. Or can they?

Sunday Morning

Xmas season begins.

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Saturday Night

Rock on. This one was "new to me" recently, and I quite enjoy it.

Lunch Thread

Turkey casserole.

What The People Want

One of my opinions about politics is that there are certain issues that people care very little about until someone reminds them that they're supposed to be mad about them, then they get REALLY ANGRY. Immigration is the most obvious one. The places where people get really mad about immigration generally don't have many visible immigrants (this is a euphemism for "brown immigrants"), but they sure do get enraged about it when various Thought Leaders tell them to be.

Otherwise they have other things to worry about.

I'm not one who imagines an era of Good Republicans, but perhaps there was an era when if Republicans behaved just a little bit, and kept some of their Limbaughs in line (which they did sometimes), such bigoted rage could be sidelined for a bit. But that era is not now...


I was actually watching tick, tick, ... Boom!, in which Sondheim is a minor "character," last night when the news of his death broke. (tick, tick is a surprisingly well made movie based on a not very good musical. Miranda should direct more movie versions of musicals with better source material).

Sondheim's deserving of all the praise he will get from people better able to give it than me. I like musicals, but it is the case that not many of them actually get close to living up to the promise of what they could be, and many of those are by Sondheim. Not enough composers (the ones that get produced and therefore I know about) aspire to do what Sondheim aspired to do.

More an Assassins and Sweeney Todd fan than Company, though that's more about me not the relative quality.

Also mostly don't find his music that enjoyable as standalones, the songs are part of a bigger whole. Never really have an answer to, "What are you favorite Sondheim songs?" They're telling stories, not tunes to be belted out. Other people differ on this, of course.

Slightly strange being old enough to be just aware of a time when he hadn't quite achieved icon status, and he had his share of not very successful shows. Age is funny.

Saturday Morning

Turkey scramble.

Friday, November 26, 2021

Happy Hour

Of the Friday kind.

Speaking Of Meritocracy And The Related Marketplace Of Ideas

There are lots of economists out there doing empirical work of various kinds. Economists tend to put their work out there as working papers, before they have received anything resembling a rigorous peer review process.

The actual peer review process for publication isn't necessarily so rigorous, of course, but it is, at least, a process, while working papers can be "posted to my website" or "issued in prestigious working paper series, which also don't have any peer review even though it sounds fancy."

Some of these papers get picked up by journalists and touted in our major newspapers, transmuting some bullshit sketchy results into popular wisdom.

The smartest boys on the internet and everyone who brands themselves "data guys" love this stuff, because by citing them they think it makes them smart, but really it just shows they have no idea how the research process works.

The studies that get picked up and broadcast widely tend to be like everything else, elite status quo supporting results branded as contrarianism. You know, racism is justified, American prisons are good, actually, more money just makes poor people miserable, rich people just have bigger brain pans, etc.

Whatever the internal problems of economics as a field, the public face of it is much worse than the reality, but only economists can fix this.


Dumb obvious thoughts for a post-Thanksgiving day, but I am always struck by people in cushy jobs who truly believe they achieved it through some sort of meritocratic process. I remember one columnist, and not even a particularly bad one, arguing that, well, sure representation in the field of columnizing wasn't what it should be, but it still wouldn't be right for a person of color to have his job instead if they were less good at it.

Like there is some sort of "columnist test" which objectively ranks the columnist skills, and in the field of Column Writing the best people get the jobs. Can't replace a SCORE 97 columnist with SCORE 94 columnist just because the latter is black.

This is not how anything works, except maybe "how many boxes can you pack and ship in an hour," or, "how many radish plants can you harvest," and certainly not the hiring process for columnists for  prestige publications, but people really think it is, somehow. The people who who have those jobs.

Lunch Thread

 Turkey taco.


I don't push amazon as I used to for various reasons, but it is the case that if you shop with them anyway and you click on one of the ads before you shop, I get some of Jeff's money.

Ah, Well, Nevertheless

There has always been a not insignificant probability that, "There is nothing more important than the sanctity of patent rights" would be a costly ideology.
Scientists have detected a new Covid-19 variant called B.1.1.529 and are working to understand its potential implications. About 100 confirmed cases have been identified in South Africa, Hong Kong, Israel and Botswana.

B.1.1.529 has a very unusual constellation of mutations, which are worrying because they could help it evade the body’s immune response and make it more transmissible, scientists have said. Any new variant that is able to evade vaccines or spread faster than the now-dominant Delta variant may pose a significant threat as the world emerges from the pandemic.

Hope the pharma execs have enjoyed their new boats.

Friday Morning

Tryptophan hangover.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Happy Hour Thread

Put on your favorite Thanksgiving Carols, and hug your racist uncle.

Smoke It

My contribution to "how to cook your bird" discourse is to smoke it. I've never used a smoker, but on one side of a closd big grill with all the charcoal/smoking chips on the other side. Gotta relight some charcoal a couple of times, but otherwise isn't any work. Tastes great and makes great smoky stock later.

Morning Thread

Time to turn the oven on.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Brain Poisoning

I don't think it was crazy to be a bit vax-hesitant in the beginning, but almost a year later, you have to be pretty deep into the hole of delusion and propaganda to still think it's dangerous. C-list actors and B-list professional athletes torpoeding their careers over it is quite bizarre!

People with "fuck you money" can do what they want, but I don't think all of these people have it!

Happy Hour

Don't worry.

Who Is The Good Guy With A Gun

This one isn't even really a sort of Rohrshach test. The only answer is "get rid of the fucking guns."

Get Elon To Fix It

Just need some tiny single lane tunnels.

Ahmaud Arbery Murder Verdicts

3 defendants: Travis McMichael guilty on all counts, Gregory McMichael guilty on all but one count (guilty enough as I understand it), William Bryan similarly mostly guilty

Lunch Thread

Or maybe it's second lunch.

Keep it Coming

At least make them miserable.
The Democratic-led House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol has issued a new round of subpoenas to far right extremist groups, including the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers.


I haven't known a million socially, but some, and a couple were...not smart.
Seven From Anti-Vax Doctors’ COVID Conference Fall Sick Within Days
(I am not picking on doctors specifically, just making the point that hyper-educated and hyper-credentialed people are not necessarily what people expect)

Take All Their Money

Some cheery news.
Charlottesville, Virginia (CNN)A jury has awarded more than $26 million in damages after finding the White nationalists who organized and participated in a violent 2017 rally here liable on a state conspiracy claim and other claims.

Wednesday Morning

Only 7 days since the last one.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Defund The Sheriffs

Kinda obvious they're going to "choose sides."
Despite mounting concerns about discriminatory policing, the Trump administration aggressively recruited local law enforcement partners and courted sheriffs who championed similar views on immigration policy, according to dozens of internal ICE emails obtained by The Post.

Oh, Elon

I suppose I've become a bit bored of Elon. He gets repetitive, as do my responses to him, but I hope the very smart readers of this very fine blog have some idea why even a zillion car tunnels don't help the traffic problem, and there are some excluded options here.

Yes if you strung some vehicles together, maybe even joined up in one continuous body, and put them in a tunnel... Hold on, gonna go patent that. Gonna call it The Hoagieway.

Good Guys With Guns

It's one of those points that's so obvious we shouldn't have to make it over and over again: in a room full of guys with guns, who is the good guy, and how do the people there, and later "the law," have any ability to sort that out?

Lunch Thread

Get lunchin'


All the worst humans competing for one prize.
Washington (CNN)Rep. Louie Gohmert, a Republican congressman who downplayed the January 6 Capitol Hill insurrection, announced Monday that he's running for Texas attorney general, the state's top law enforcement official.


Gohmert's entrance into the race means Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, a Republican who has held the position since 2015 and is running for reelection, will face another high-profile challenge from a member of his party. Already, Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush and former state Supreme Court Justice Eva Guzman have announced bids in the race.


All along there have been prominent voices constantly obscuring the fact that even people unlikely to get seriously ill/die are still going to be covid spreaders.
Coronavirus cases in children in the United States have risen by 32 percent from about two weeks ago, a spike that comes as the country rushes to inoculate children ahead of the winter holiday season, pediatricians said.

More than 140,000 children tested positive for the coronavirus between Nov. 11 and Nov. 18, up from 107,000 in the week ending Nov. 4, according to a statement on Monday from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Children’s Hospital Association.

Schools being plague zones and then the kids going back and spreading it to adults is really what has been driving the latest round in many places.

I don't have strong beliefs about what policies/mandates should be, but my basic view is "every little bit helps," and while allowing life to get back to normal might be fine, shaming people who didn't rip off their masks and cough in each other's mouths probably wasn't the best idea.


Members of elite highly credentialed professions rarely face any kind of sanctions.
A federal judge has ordered two Colorado lawyers who filed a lawsuit late last year challenging the 2020 election results to pay nearly $187,000 to defray the legal fees of groups they sued, arguing that the hefty penalty was proper to deter others from using frivolous suits to undermine the democratic system.
I just laugh because sometimes lawyers talk about "the threat of disbarment" or whatever and like, sure, my guy, when does that happen absent behavior which isn't just "unethical" by the supposed standards of the profession but illegal, like just stealing money from clients.

Tuesday Morning


Monday, November 22, 2021

Monday Evening

No happy hour for you.

But He Seemed Like A Complete Asshole

Ah well.
Senate candidate Sean Parnell suspended his campaign Monday, hours after a judge ruled against him in a custody battle that included allegations he had physically and verbally abused his wife and children.


The ruling Monday came after emotional testimony earlier this month that for the first time publicly aired his wife’s allegations of abuse and uncontrolled anger that led to the couple’s breakup. Judge James Arner said he concluded Parnell’s wife, Laurie Snell, was “the more credible witness” of the two and that Parnell had committed “some acts of abuse in the past.”

Afternoon Thread

Busy with some stuff!

If I Did That

The specifics of the man called Trump aside, I'm reasonably sure this type of thing is completely normal for rich entities. Probably an argument which would be made in court if it ever (lol) gets there. Your honor, why is my client being prosecuted when everybody does this! It's discrimination!
Among the other properties under scrutiny: former president Donald Trump’s California golf club, for which he valued the same parcel of land at $900,000 and $25 million depending on the intended audience, and an estate in suburban New York, for which Trump’s valuations ranged from $56 million up to $291 million. The valuations were all given in the five years before Trump won the presidency.

Lunch Thread

Meatloaf Monday.

Your Liberal Media

Low unemployment is bad now. Update your belief system.

The Annual Anti-Turkee Discourse

Turkey is a pretty tasty bird, people generally don't cook it more often because the ones for sale, especially, are very large and it's a bit annoying. It's well-suited for a large party, of course, which is one reason to serve it aside from tradition, and the annual "turkey sucks send tweet" dicourse is about as dumb as all other "that thing you like sucks let me convince you why" discourses which are popular online.

"It isn't worth all the work of throwing it in a bag of salt water for a day" (or similar) is funny coming from people who will boast about their 36 hour lamb shoulder braise, or whatever. (I too prefer a long lamb shoulder braise, I also would not want to cook it or eat it every week).

There are plenty of things I eat irregularly which I enjoy but also wouldn't want to have every day. Some things are like that. Grouse is tasty, once or twice per year.

Also, don't like it, don't eat it!

Deadly Weapons

Don't know who did this or with what motive, but my long rarely spoken concern was that people inclined to mass violence would realize just how effective large motor vehicles were as weapons. Already in the getaway car!

I used to think about this largely in the context of, "what good is all this terrorism security theater when a couple of hijacked freight trucks and city buses can do more damage than just about anything else we can reasonably worry about?" That vehicles aren't a weapon of choice by just about anybody willing to do such things always puzzled me.

It's an additional concern as "the right to run over people blocking traffic" is increasingly enshrined in culture and law.

Monday Morning

Maybe we can make Mondays an every other week thing.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Happy Hour Thread

That time again.


How do we communicate the simple truth to our viewers, as I just did in my role as 'book promoter,' while also performing the elaborate rituals of Political Journalism which prevent us from doing so? Don't think it can be done.

This guy Trump, he cracked our code, and we are powerless.


Closely related to the general "punch up, not down" principle, when surveying the grand problems facing us, if your instinct is to highlight the failures and culpability of the least powerful actors in any definable hiearchy, you're either missing something important or your interest is not what you are claiming it is.

It's the bosses, stupid.

52 Senators And 250 House Members

A puzzling narrative has been that an election that led to the Dems controlling the House, the Senate, and the presidency, was, AKSHUALLY, a complete disaster due to the unfortunate slogans of activists, black people existing in public in unappealing (to white people) ways, and the generaly ickyness of THE LEFT.

I'd like someone to explain just what a bunch more mostly moderate House members, and Senators Cunningham and Gideon, would have helped to achieve.

What great prize has been lost?

The people most making this argument are, I think, in general, the least disturbed by whatever damage Manchinema have done to BBB.

Defund The Police

When, in the next few years, major police forces across the country are explicitly (instead of, at times, implicitly) the paramilitary forces of fascist politicians, "defund the police" is going to look pretty prescient!

Of course, the argument then will be that "we could've prevented this if people had never said 'defund the police'." 

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Vote Harder

It's very common for people in power (pundits, electeds, people in the political-industrial complex generally) to exhort their social media followers, for example, TO GO VOTE. We MUST VOTE, PEOPLE. JUST GET OUT THERE AND VOTE.

And I really just have no idea who this message is directed to, except when it's just bit of election day rah rah (which is fine, go team!). It's almost certain that the people who pay attention to such things are the people who are most likely to go vote. There might be audiences who should hear that, but they aren't "people who follow politics enough to follow these people on twitter."

Go register people to vote! That's slightly more helpful. I mean, anything, though, is slighty more helpful.

The real point is to deflect from failures of leadership, the failures of the "good guys" who didn't do enough when they had the power to do so.

Shame you failed to vote hard enough.

I assume most of the people who read this very fine blog are going to go vote, so I don't really see the point in trying to persuade you.

Ah Well

Remember that week when all the smartest boys on the internet got bored at yelling people to stop wearing masks, and decided that absence of evidence could not stop them from USING THE SCIENCE (everything they do is Vulcan Science, you see) to prove the lab leak hypothesis.

Hot Takery

A problem with this being my weird job is that I am "supposed to" have hot takes for every little thing that happens, but having hot takes for everything is bad! That way lies madness, and eventually you turn into Mickey Kaus.

Sometimes I got nothin'.

Friday, November 19, 2021

Happy Hour

The Friday kind.

Afternoon Thread

Might be taking off early today, boss! Sometimes online is a bit too depressing.

And On And On

Remember that period when a popular genre piece was "liberal killjoys want you to WEAR A MASK FOREVER even though vaccinated people are totes safe"?

Aged well.

Cases are soaring in much of Europe again. Austria is implementing another lockdown. Cases in the US are trending back up again.

I don't have particularly strong opinions on what type of mask mandates and similar should be in place. I do think such things are debatable! With the vaccine, boosters, and better treatments, "something shitty we have to live with and best just to go on as normal" isn't a crazy view. But people choosing to be a bit-more-careful-than-asshole-pundits-think-they-should was a freebie, slightly helpful behavior without the force of law, and I still haven't seen the apologies from those assholes.

I guess they've all moved on to "black people are the real racists" or "inflation is killing us all" or something.  

Lunch Thread

 The monotony of munching.

Keep Telling Yourselves That

Actually, don't. And stop telling others that. "They are secretly good but askeered" is neither true nor politically helpful to keep repeating.
“There’s not a person in the Republican caucus who doesn’t know that this is wrong, but there’s only two of them that are willing to say it out loud and that speaks volumes,” Maloney said, referring to Reps. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) and Adam Kinzinger (Ill.), both of whom voted to censure Gosar.
"The party is filled with psychotic racists who hate America and they need to be crushed" is both true and the right message.

Access Journalism

There are many Trump-adjacent Republicans (they are all basically Trump adjacent now) who get treated very well by journalists because they are sources for them and who privately trash Trump, which to journalists means they are straight-shooters who say what they think, even though they don't say these things *on the record* or *to the public*.

For some reason political journalists don't realize that if there is one politician-specific skill, it's "telling whoever is in front of you what they want to hear," and they are not the savvy people who are immune to this, but for successful politicians, the biggest marks.

Chris Christie's ridiculous all channel book tour (14% approval! Lower than syphilis!) . The kid glove treatment of Kevin McCarthy. Lindsey Graham. We could just go down the list.


Onward To The Senate

The House BBB bill passed. Onward to the World's Greatest Deliberative Body!

Vigilante America

"We" all know that the rules of vigilante America only apply to white people.

Just a license to murder black people, who do not themselves have a legitimate (let alone ridiculously broad) right to "self defense."

Friday Morning

Here we are again.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Thursday Night

Choose your own video night!

Right to Repair

Above my pay grade to know how significant this move by Apple is, but in general the lack of right to repair, which ranges from simply withholding repair manuals and parts to arrangements which require proprietary diagnostic equipment, among other things, turns items we have purchased into merely disguised rental/subscription arrangements.

"Street Animals"

I thought the line was crossed a million times long ago, but I made some allowances for people who went on Fox and treated it as a fundmanentally hostile environment, and not a chummy one. At this point, however, I really don't think anyone should be providing cover in any way for their racist operation.

Lunch Thread

Once again!

Elder Care

"We" pick on the Democrats for being perhaps a bit to advanced in age, especially in leadership, but in the Senate numbers 2-4 in the rage rank are Grassley (88), Shelby (87), and Inhofe (87).

Grassley, of course, is running for re-election. Thanks to whoever signed me up for the TEAM GRASSLEY emails.

Broken Brains

My very dumb model of human psychology is that we all have a bunch of dials in our brain for various things, and for some people those dials are turned a bit too far in one direction or the other.

Survival probably requires some propensity for violence, but some people have the "liking violence" dial turned up too far. Of course many of those same people have the "cower in fear to protect yourself" dial about where it should be, which makes them love the idea of other people being involved in violence. What else are most of our various wars about, with all the chickenhawks who love them?

Lots of violence loving cowards, getting off on other people doing it.

Thursday Is New Jobless Day

268K new lucky duckies! Pretty good!

It's maddening that everyone is shrieking about inflation, because people are goldfish and forget just how horrible the Great Recession was and a bit of temporary inflation is a small price to pay for the fact that recovering from Covid has been, due to a much better policy response, much better.

And short term price level bumps aren't "inflation," really, as inflation is a sustained increase in the price level, not some bumps over a period of months.

Morning Thread

Thursday, the day of Thurs.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

All Locked Up

Meanwhile On Normal Island

That's Rachel Johnson, sister of Boris.
It’s hard not to pity Ghislaine Maxwell

We met briefly at Oxford


As a fresher I wandered into Balliol JCR one day in search of its subsidised breakfast granola-and-Nescafé offering and found a shiny glamazon with naughty eyes holding court astride a table, a high-heeled boot resting on my brother Boris’s thigh.

Ban Cars

As your benevolent dictator, I would actually ban cars. I suppose since I am a Prominent Democratic Activist, I have just doomed the election for Democrats, as ads will be run all over the country, where real Americans love their cars, talking about the plan to take them all away.

Slightly more seriously (but I'm pretty serious!), ban parking requirements. It is illegal to actually build urban spaces that people find aesthetically appealing, at density levels which make for nice neighborhoods in most of the country, even in those existing neighborhoods!

New development of any scale almost always has parking requirements which were not in place when those neighborhoods were initially built. For some reason people don't seem to notice that cars take up a lot of space! The space required for a parking spot is basically that of a small bedroom!


SAN DIEGO — San Diego took the bold and controversial step Tuesday of wiping out parking requirements for businesses in many neighborhoods to accelerate efforts to make the city less car-reliant and more climate-friendly.
It is funny what gets labeled "controversial" in top paragraphs, and what doesn't. I'm sure it is controversial, but almost every change is!

Monopsony in Motion

I've been out for a long time so I can't comment on the Current State Of Economics Research, but the public discourse about labor markets, which includes actual academic economists along with the CNBC freaks, tends to ignore some obvious basic facts about employment and job search.

Really simple things that shouldn't be heresy. Stuff that isn't even complicated, stuff you can and even do teach in Econ 101! Like, "if searching for and transitioning to a new job is costly, then employers have monopsony power and minimum wage increases are likely to increase, not decrease, employment."

When one criticizes economics along these lines, academic economists will point to all the research about these subjects. But in The Discourse and in policy advice, very little of this stuff ever makes it in. It isn't even that deviations from Econ 101 are treated as unmentionable, it's that deviations from the first 3 weeks of it are.

The inherent monopsony of labor markets is just one example. Generally what are all these Ph.Ds for if, in practice, the entire world is explained by a supply and demand graph you throw up on the screen on first day of freshman econ? 

Morning Thread

Wednesday again!

Tuesday, November 16, 2021


These guys.
John Bizon, a Republican state senator of Michigan and a doctor, has been charged with misdemeanor assault after allegedly grabbing a nurse practitioner and squeezing her waist inappropriately, according to MLive.com.


The police report says a second health-care worker accused Bizon of grabbing her left arm and telling her his “blood pressure is up because she was in the room” when she tried to take his vitals.

The Infrastructure Bill Is Good Now

A bit too much of a "BUILD MORE HIGHWAYS YEEEARGH" bill for me, but capping part of this highway through Philly is good.
A portion of the Vine Street Expressway could be capped, and Philadelphia’s Chinatown reconnected, thanks to President Biden’s $1 trillion infrastructure bill.


Once upon a time there was a theory about apparent rising rates of autism, suggesting an excess of a preservative in childhood vaccines as a possible cause. A theory! Didn't pan out.

Can understand parents wanting to to have an explanation, and that provided a reasonable sounding possibility. RFK Jr. was pushing that early on, before The Science said "nah." Somehow that morphed into a general anti-vax movement.

Sometimes people find a thing and can't let go.


Maybe a good buffet?

What The People Want

No mystery at all. He was an incredibly popular governor who left office with an approval rating of [checks notes] 14%.


I've said this before (I do this all day every day, I've said everything I have to say before), but I find the lack of techno-utopianism that was present in the last decade to be notable. It really was the phones, then. They're neat! Very useful! But there was this sense that apps on location pinpointing-enabled devices would save the world, so we got Uber and then "Uber for... everything."

We invented the bus several times! (This was just Uber... but slightly different).

Lots of things were labeled "tech" just because they had some Silicon Valley VC money behind them, and many things were like "a juicer...with an app!"

Largely silly and hardly world-changing, but the optimism was at least somewhat refreshing. Even iPhone "rumors" were things like, "the next phone will read your mind!" instead of, "oh, hey, a better camera." A better camera is great! But the sense that there's something world-changing just around the corner is missing.

Yes there's Facebook's virtual reality world, but that's techno-dystopianism from 1993.

What Do They Think Universities Are For

A weird belief among the FREE SPEECH CROWD is that the entire point of universities is for the young Bari Weisses of the world to pay important people to listen to their bullshit in class, along with forcing other students to do the same. The obsession with CONSERVATIVE STUDENTS NOT FEELING COMFORTABLE SPEAKING or whatever shows that they think CLASSROOM DISCUSSION (people listening to MEEEE) is the entire point.

Classroom discussion has its place, but it's really something of pedagogical value to a subset of students in some subjects. People learn in different ways, and for some people talking through something is a critical part of that. Some students really are quite happy to sit in the back and say nothing (and probably to tune out Bari), as they learn better from the lectures or reading.

This vision of university classrooms as just dorm room bullshit sessions is a hilariously narcissistic one.

Probably some of these idiots starting their university (this is the joke version) have never gotten over their fellow students rolling their eyes at them in class, because they would not shut the fuck up.

Tuesday Morning

Time to invent a new day. These are getting a bit redundant.

Monday, November 15, 2021

Also Related

This is anticipating things a bit, but voters might get a bit annoyed if you trumpet the great things you did but it doesn't come online for years, and is underfunded (so not real) when it does.

Or, I dunno, maybe The Left is to blame.


My whole life "brand religion" has been nothing but intolerance (this is not to say all religion, and is in large part due to how religion gets covered in the press).
WASHINGTON — A coalition of religious groups is waging an intensive lobbying effort to remove a nondiscrimination provision from President Biden’s ambitious prekindergarten and child care plans, fearing it would disqualify their programs from receiving a huge new infusion of federal money.


Some of the faith groups are pressing lawmakers to scrap or modify the nondiscrimination language, asserting that it would essentially shut them out of the new federal program unless they made major changes to the way they operate. For instance, it could bar federal funds from going to programs that refused to hire a gay employee, gave preference to applicants of their faith or failed to renovate their facilities to accommodate disabled students.

Or you could just not discriminate? Or just not take the federal money? Secular organizations can't say, "we're not going to hire any of these Jeebus freaks."

Some Jolly News


Infowars host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones was found liable Monday for damages in lawsuits brought by parents of children killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting over Jones’ claims that the massacre was a hoax.

Connecticut Judge Barbara Bellis took the rare step of defaulting Jones in the defamation lawsuits for his and his companies’ “failure to produce critical material information that the plaintiffs needed to prove their claims.” The default means the judge found in favor of the parents and will hold a hearing on how much damages he should pay.


Elon has two sets of fans. The very weird ones who think he's Tony Stark and can't wait to get on his rocket to Mars where the sexbots await them, and people who mostly wrongly think he's made a great contribution to the environmental cause with his electric cars.

His antics are hopefully turning the latter group slowly against him.

Aside from a lot of other things, one of his shitposter nickames is "subsidy truffle pig," as one of his core abilities his hunting out and obtaining every government subsidy that is out there, often bordering (said for legal reasons) on fraud to do so.

Lunch Thread

Time to eat.

The CBS Phrenology Hour

Don't care what he said on 60 Minutes last night, but Andrew Sullivan has been a proud skull measuring racist for almost 30 years now and that, of course, makes him irresistible to the people who run our prominent news outlets.

Still mad at all the people who should have known better who supported his blog over the years.

Unrepentant racists don't deserve your support even when they're claiming Obama as their new black friend!

Racism isn't a uniquely American thing, not even close, but there is something about the particular way in which African-Americans are perceived not merely as lesser humans, but actually as subhuman, of a different species entirely. This view is regularly implicitly endorsed by supposedly respectable people with wave after wave of slightly new "respectable" ways to communicate it. You don't have to wear the hood to have the views of a Klansman, and dressing it up in fake science or a fancy vocabulary doesn't change that.

Lock Him Up


Tell Me Another

Don't think you have to be a super intelligent political science prof to imagine that if you promise things to voters and fail to deliver - especially popular things but not even just! - they decide you're full of shit and get a bit annoyed.

Similarly, you can't expect people to take the crimes of your predecessor and his people seriously, or think you do, unless there are prosecutions.

Monday Morning

Just another manic one.

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Sunday Happy Hour

The weekendend.

Your Mission, If You Choose To Accept it

People don't have to accept it, and certainly don't have to seek it out, unless they want to complete it successfully.

Young Guns

What's been happening at the top level of leadership in Democratic circles (Elected Dems and others in the broader Democratic-Industrial complex) is a caricature of the general societal trend of older generations not letting go of leadership positions, the generation behind them missing out, and the following generation not exactly being accepted as the apparent heirs.

Sometimes you just gotta let go, and do so when the next in line is under 70.

Lunch Thread

A thousand points of lunch!

The Politics Show

A not important but annoying to me legacy of the Trump era is how the politics skits in SNL have been integrated into news, treated as being newsworthy themselves.  Wow they mocked Ted Cruz! There is a new actor playing Biden!

Especially as it's mostly mild mockery devoid of any perspective. The Both Sides of political comedy.

Sunday Morning

Gotta get down on Sunday.

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Saturday Evening

Talk amongst yourselves.

Too Cynical

We will see what happens next but I admit I thought they would let congressional subpoenas be reduced to "pretty please."

No More Water

I don't know how you mitigate the problem of taps running dry.

(Link fixed)

Friday, November 12, 2021

Friday Night

Choose your own video.

Bannon Indicted

Was out and missed the excitement.

Happy Hour Thread

Do not pass Go, go directly to jail.

Totally Normal Practice

That fucking newspaper is running a piece which is basically "AOC has the overwhelming support of voters in her district, but we spoke to 3 who despise her" piece which is something they normally do for members of Congress.

More Stupid Busy

End of the week hassles.

Why Would He

Along with some other things, it's hard to see that "voting harder will make good things happen" when team D can't even look out for itself, whether that's Congressional power or "doing something about the organizers of the angry mob that tried to kill them."  

I WILL NEVER STOP FIGHTING FOR YOUUUUUUU is a bit hollow when they don't even fight for themselves.

Bannon in jail yet?


It is that time.

Vote Harder

I am getting very tired of Obama telling young people to vote harder

 My guy, you ran the world for 8 years.

 (sorry bad internet connection ate the post. fixed)

Saving The Planet

I really don't like being a pessimist, but all the reports from the climate conference in Glasgow suggest the powers that be are worse at even pretending to plan to do something than they were in the past.


 Once again it is Friday.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Afternoon Thread

Busy with life stuff today!

Lunch Thread

That time again.


It's been completely accepted in the DISCOURSE that a) Inflation is here and LARRY SUMMERS WAS PROVED FUCKING RIGHT and b) all the stuff in the reconciliation bill will make it worse.

This doesn't even hold up to Econ 101 level scrutiny, but hey, sure. In any case if spending more money on, say, child care, is inflationary, you can offset that easily by raising taxes. Things like, say, child care, are actually likely to easy pressures in the economy by increasing labor force participation in precisely the sectors that are experiencing a squeeze. Just examples, but the point is they've switched to INFLATION because deficit hysteria had run its course and they can always get corrupt journalists to run these "price of milk/price of gas" stories to make people believe it's a problem.

Economists don't like to talk about it, but everything has distributional issues. Most of them just hate the tools that might hurt rich people. 

Like many things, this serves the purpose of adding to the very long list of "corrupt dishonest assholes."

Millions on that list, though, so its utility it limited.

Shut Up, Atrios

I had a post scheduled here but then I realized I didn't actually know what I was talking about and so you get this instead. Sure "good enough for a blog post" is not always an unreasonable standard, but I try to keep it at least a bit above "bloviating on the bar stool." Talk amongst yourselves!

EVs Will Not Save The World

Related to this, electric cars won't save the world, and there's way too much focus on spending money on them (subsidies, chargers) rather than other things. I suspect no matter how much money is thrown at them, all goals for moving away from ICE vehicles will not be met. Also, massive vehicle purchasing subsidies are gifts to rich people.

Subsidize not owning a car.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Happy Hour

You only get to be happy for one hour each day.


I think almost every prison sentence is too long, but also it's always the same sorts of "sympathetic" (white like me) figures that inspire people to take a break from screaming LOCKEM UP to consider supporting criminal justice reform for 5 seconds.
A Donald Trump supporter from New Jersey who attacked law enforcement during the attack on the U.S. Capitol was sentenced to 41 months in prison on Wednesday, the stiffest sentence handed down so far in connection with the Jan. 6 attack.

Boy That Sure Is A Tough One

Feel sorry for Merrick Garland. He must be really confused about what to do about Bannon's subpoena.

Infrastructure Week

Probably been awhile since I've been on my soapbox about this, so indulge me.

A built environment that requires the majority of people to make essentially all trips by car is absurd. It is also absurd that even in cities in the US where this is not true - much of NYC, San Francisco, Philadelphia, parts of many other cities - so much priority is given to cars, particularly for suburbanites to drive in/drive out.

You don't need "Manhattan" or even "South Philadelphia" to have a walkable environment, where many, if not all, of life's regular daily activities can be walked to, and many more facilitated by decent bus service. Versions of suburbs everywhere in Europe, for example, but few places that are incompatible with walking and public transit. People still own cars, of course, but not necessarily one per driving age household member, and they don't need them for every single trip they take.

I prefer fairly large dense cities, but none of this even incompatible with smallish areas that are largely detached single family homes, just with somewhat different land use patterns.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

Lunch Thread

Every single day.

Bible College For Libertarians

If it does become a "real" thing (I doubt, as such things require work, and all the people involved do not do "work"), then it will basically be a wingnut finishing school to rival Liberty U., a place for conservative politicians and similar to hire their staffs from. Loyal wingnut foot soldiers without the Jeebus, for those who prefer that.

Gotta Get More Racist

As Adam Serwer suggested there would be, there was lots of relief that Terry McAuliffe lost in Virginia. The Dems won the House, Senate, and The Presidency, and almost immediately the discourse shifted to "wow we lost badly, guess we're too woke, gotta get more racist" and now we're being told that McAuliffe himself was too woke!

Only chance we have to win in 2024 is to run Donald Trump... as a Democrat!

Wednesday Is New Jobless Day

(Holiday tomorrow). 267K new lucky duckies. Still pretty good.

Wednesday Morning

Cycling endlessly through the same 7 days.

Tuesday, November 09, 2021

Lock'em Up

Some cross the legal line, certainly.

Someone wake Garland.

RIP Max Cleland

I met him once at a fundraiser in suburban Philly (I don't even remember who for). Seemed like a good guy. Any time anyone is toasting that "never trump" ghoul Rick Wilson, just remember the ad campaign he ran against Cleland.

Lunch Thread

Taco Tuesday.

So Much For The Tolerant Left

I don't have to explain how wrong this is. Likely he knows, but the point is to say, "The Right didn't even stigmatize gay people, but you Lefties..."

Election Season Starts Soon

Not really, but "the DOJ can't possibly do anything because it might iNteRfEre WiTh dEMoCRacY" assertions will come fairly soon.

Always happy to be wrong, but "put a bunch of losers in jail for 60 days and do nothing else except maybe issue a report" seems to be the 1/6 plan!

Promises Made

It is a very savvy DC opinion that what voters love most is for politicians to break [certain kinds of] campaign promises.

"Which campaign promises do the press focus on, and which do they ignore or even disparage" is a good way to judge the priorities of our elite political press.

Some lies are good, some broken promises are good. Others are bad! It's weird.

Related: is the "nation divided" when something polls 50-50 or when it polls 70-30? You see both!

Tuesday Morning


Monday, November 08, 2021

Florence To Bologna

Distance is like, an illusion, man.

Joke, but a friend who lives in Florence (Firenze for you fancy people) told an amusing story. Italy built a high speed train line from Milan to Salerno (via Bologna, Florence, Rome, Naples) fully completed around 2009. It's genuinely fast. Milan to Rome in 2:45 (6+ hours driving time). But the intermediate stops made a big difference too.

Looking on a map, Florence and Bologna don't appear to be that far apart. 50 miles "crow flies" distance. But there's thick range of mountains in between. Driving time is 2+ hours and conceptually/historically/politically, the two cities were always just in different worlds. 2 hours is a long way in Europe, and of course pre-car/pre-modern road it was a LOOOOOOONG WAAAAAY. Italy's a moden fiction, really.

But then high speed line begins service. Suddenly Bologna is a 38 minute not very expensive ride, almost entirely through a tunnel. The "funny story" is her talking with a local about various airport travel strategies, and she mentioned that sometimes she goes to the Bologna airport for more convenient/cheap flights, depending on the destination. The local started laughing and said, "My whole life, Bologna was so far away, that just never occurred to me, but of course."

Bologna: home of Mortadella.

Bringing The Hard 'R'

"Wokers" is a thing everyone will pretend not to know the obvious meaning of.

I mean, the point of all this was obvious enough, but he's just going to punch all the giggling journliasts in the face with it.

Lunch Thread

Get lunchin'


Support for covid vaccines, including mandates, has had large majority support all along, but the protagonists of The Vaccine Story have always been those who are against them, the small minority of refusers. The same was largely true of *any* covid measures, which had broad support among the members of the public who didn't want to die.

But get enough crazy white people screaming about something, and it takes center stage.

"Normal Democrat"

Ask Claire "Not one of those crazy Democrats" McCaskill* how this goes. Not sure how you win a Dem primary, or the general election, without good Philly turnout, but sure, man, run with this. Can go hang with Harold Ford when it's done. *Goes great, actually, she has a highly paid gig going on teevee telling Democrats how to win.

Why Can't They Just Put Aside Their Differences And Get Things Done

This is the kind of NPR Independent voter view of things. There are problems, someone should should solve them, "partisan bickering" is what prevents the problems from being solved, and if only we could put aside our differences for the good of the country, CommonSenseSolutions which are just obvious could be implemented.

Of course the real point it is "getting things done," not "putting aside their differences," that matters. Sure people don't like the sound of politicians bickering, but that's mostly because it's fucking boring and evidence that things are not actually getting done.

The problem with the passage of ACA was precisely this. It was a year long process that was just excruciating, and of course it gave time for the "shotgun shit against the wall until something sticks" conservative momvement to find reasons to criticize it. But, seriously, if you'd ask any people mad about Obamacare in 2010 what they were mad about, you would rarely get a coherent answer (the mandate was the only thing, Thanks Obama and all the Smartest Boys On The Internet, that was fucking stupid).

Arguably even "getting things done" doesn't matter much from an electoral perspective. Maybe elections are 50% vibes and 50% the price of gas the month before the election. Possibly true! But the "vibes" of the last several months were fucking horrible! It wasn't partisan, precisely, just Democrats bickering!

Morning Thread

Monday again. It never stops.

Sunday, November 07, 2021

Happy Hour

Get happy.

The CNN to Fox Pipeline

Everyone in the business pretends not to remember, but many prominent Fox news "journalists" and former journalists (not just the official opinion people) spent many years at CNN. Including Ed Henry.
More than a year after Fox News fired him over complaints about “willful sexual misconduct in the workplace,” Ed Henry has quietly returned to right-wing media, landing at a fringe outlet with ties to Steve Bannon.

Real America’s Voice is a fledgling internet and satellite TV network starring mostly obscure MAGA hangers-on, with the exception of former Donald Trump confidants like Steve Bannon, whose daily War Room podcast airs on the channel, and the ex-president’s Ukraine conspiracy architect John Solomon, who partnered with RAV to produce “news” content for the network.

How is political coverage the way it is? Mystery.

You Know They Can Hear You

A "funny" thing is how many liberal commentators don't think (or don't care, because they just don't count) the various minority groups they disparage directly and indirectly with their various "anti-Woke" screeds, which are all just versions of "gotta get more racist," can hear them and read what they write and have heard it all before.

Is James Carville helping?

Sunday Lunch


So You Defend The Democrats and Yet You Criticize Them? Interesting

Saying "the Democrats are being destroyed by wokeness and leftist purity politics as represented be The Squad and Some Guy With A Sign" is ridiculous. There are are plenty of other criticisms that are not.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


A victory for the forces of darkness.

Saturday, November 06, 2021

Lunch Thread

Unleash the haggis.

Evening Savings Time

I know preferences differ, as does the precise impact depending on your location, but "you get a tiny bit of dawn as you are getting up if you are lucky" is not a good trade for "dark at 4pm.

Keep summer time.

The Narrative

Not all that long ago it was understood that the infrastructure bill was just a little treat to throw to Republicans to get them on board with a bipartisan plan, and the Biden agenda was the other bill, then over several months suddenly the other bill was unreasonable demands by THE COMMUNISTS ON THE SQUAD who were OBSTRUCTING and the moderates were the Very Serious People.

As Alex says, they don't even have to try anymore. What's going on is the kind of corruption we don't talk about in the US, assuming it away. It isn't "campaign contributions" which is an innocent seeming sort of bribery, but post-Congress jobs for members of Congress, their families, their staffs, and their wider influence circles.

And our corrupt political press, who just run with whatever nonsense their favorite sources text them.

Probably some Pulitzers there! Lots of good journalists, but the elite (most highly paid, most visible) political press are bad!

Friday, November 05, 2021

Harm Reduction

Often the best African-American voters can hope for, they support it anyway, then get blamed for existing.
Several voters cited a radio advertisement that had been playing on local stations saying Black voters should not back Mr. McAuliffe because Democrats cared about Black communities only during election season. They rejected the ad’s plea to stay home but said the general theme resonated, and they urged Democrats in Congress to pass bold legislation on President Biden’s core campaign promises, including climate change, police reform and economic investments in Black communities.
(Credit where credit is due to that fucking newspaper)

Happy Hour Thread

Friday fun time.

More On Jerbs

Click through for the jobs recession chart we all love so much.

Quick takeaway: Man did the Obama people fuck up, and some of those Obama people (cough Jason Furman cough) are doing their best to get Biden to fuck this one up too. 

Trump bucks and Biden bucks worked their magic, and "showering people with money" should be understood as the obvious and easy fix to any severe economic downturn but we just got lucky this time. The Furmans will be quicker on the draw next time to kill anything good.

What's Going On Here

CNN ran a story about a family being crushed by inflation in Biden's America. If you're going to do a story like that the family should be somewhat representative of something, the actual inflation numbers used should bear some relation to reality, and the larger context of family finances in Biden's dystopia should be explained.

The family has 9 children and claim to purchase 12 gallons of milk weekly. The milk price inflation claimed wasn't anywhere near correct. Even *if completely true,* (48 gallons*.80)= 39 bucks. A lot of money? Well, not nothing, but...

Left out was that in Biden's dystopia, 9 children gets you a shitload of money in the form of the child tax credit. A lot of fucking money. Pretty sure it dwarfs the increase in grocery prices.

After getting a lot of criticism, our man Evan claimed the critics were making fun of the family instead of him, and called everybody assholes.

Just another example of, "we talk about whatever Republicans talk about that day, and don't even bother to see if any of it makes any sense."

"Large family blessed by Benevolent Biden Bucks from the CTC" is certainly a more relevant story than "family destroyed by made up milk price increases."

Oh My

Fun fun fun.
The Justice Department searched two locations associated with the conservative group Project Veritas as part of an investigation into how a diary stolen from President Biden’s daughter, Ashley, came to be publicly disclosed a week and a half before the 2020 presidential election, according to people briefed on the matter. 
Federal agents in New York conducted the court-ordered searches on Thursday — one in New York City and one in suburban Westchester County — at places linked to people who had worked with the group and its leader, James O’Keefe, according to two of the people briefed on the events. The investigation is being handled by F.B.I. agents and federal prosecutors in Manhattan who work on public corruption matters, the people said.

Lunch Thread

Get lunchin'

Palpable Relief

Lots of reporters, "centrists," and "liberals" are quite relieved, as they get to go back to wrapping their personal concerns in asserted political expediency. I can see you doing it, guys!

Gotta Get More Racist

The meta* discussion right now is, actually, how the Democrats can get more racist, and as always these discussions reflect the racism of the person arguing it which they project onto Real Americans. "Biden has to prove he's not woke by making sure my white child gets into Stuyvesant High. Cleetus demands it!"

Terry McAuliffe would've won if black people would just stop publicly existing!

Racist "liberals" are the fucking worst. What annoys me the most is they think people can't see what they're doing. Graduates of top schools really think everyone is dumber than they are, that they can pull toddler-level deception and expect people to fall for it. 

 *meta because some people dance around it obscurely, while some are dumb enough to say what they mean


Good news or bad it is proof socialism is destroying America. 

+531k.  Pretty good!

Morning Thread

This blog is going to get more racist, in accordance with the wishes of the rural people* of Virginia.

*Wealthy suburbanites.

Thursday, November 04, 2021

Hurr Durr

He did it! Gotta respect it. (Getting rid of Sweeney is good, and the Dems still run the place)

Lunch Thread

Munch munch.

Everybody's Fault But Mine

The one thing we can't do is examine what the candidate with his $40+ million budget did right or wrong, instead we should blame other people whose primary job isn't, actually, electing Terry McAuliffe.

I imagine most of us have had some people in our lives who never take responsibility for anything. They aren't good people.

Thursday Is New Jobless Day

Forgot! 269K new lucky duckies!

In fairly "normal" territory, so by that measure, things are good!

It's Always December 22, 1984

For old white dudes of a certain age, the New York Subway, with current daily low pandemic ridership of 3 millionish, is perhaps the most dangerous place in America.

I get that Sam Alito doesn't spend a lot of time riding the NYC subway, but I imagine that like many of a similar cohort and socioeconomic status, it would never occur to him to, say, ride the Paris Metro or London Tube, either. And if you travel to such places and you don't ever get around that way, which also means you don't really get around by walking much, you haven't actually experienced life in those places.

Maybe it's a bit hard to explain, but exaggerating a bit, if you only ever traveled from helipad to helipad, you wouldn't really experience places either.

Not everyone has the time and money to travel, of course, but some do!

And as for the New York City subway, pre-pandemic, there were more daily rides in the subway than the population of every city in the USA other than NYC. It isn't just for the unfortunate and the mole people.

("rides" is not the same as individual riders, still it's a lot of people!)

Thursday Morning

Pretty sure we had another one of these just a couple of days ago.

Wednesday, November 03, 2021

Happy Hour Thread

Time to be happy.

Green Shoots

The Obama administration quickly pivoted to "just keep saying things are fine and then they are, and if they aren't it's because people got the wrong college degrees and play too many video games." In ways, of course, things are better than 2010, but the pandemic has had a lot of weird impacts that aren't neatly captured in the data in a way that is consistent with the past. There are some sociopaths in and around the Biden administration, along with some good people, and this makes total sense to them. Plus they hate doing anything to help people.

Hurr Durr

Looks like he's going to win. Spent under $200. DC campaign consultants are going to be super worried!

(This is actually good for lefties, as Sweeney is an asshole)

Do Clap Popular Clap Things Clap

The thing is, you actually have to do them, not just spend decades vibeing them, passing some half assed measures at best, and send out talking points to everyone to clap louder for what you've done (or, not even, yet!)

I'm not actually on any super insider email lists anymore as I unsubscribed from them all several years ago, but one can easily see when the talking points go out and are echoed in various places. I am not faulting the practice, but honestly most of the time it seems to be a way to signal you're a team player more than being designed to actually convince anyone.

We Got This

Decativating any organizing of your most motivated voters after every election is not especially smart, either! Get 3 activists together with a rude sign and there's a 50% chance there will be an official condemnation issued by the House (this is hyperbole of course).

Fuck Rahm

“Black Lives Matter. Here in the halls of Congress, it is important that we not just speak and believe these words, but put them into action in the decisions we make. I have carefully considered Mayor Emanuel’s record—and the input of civil rights leaders, criminal justice experts, and local elected officials who have reached out to the Senate to weigh in—and I have reached the decision that I cannot support his nomination to serve as a U.S. Ambassador. While I respect Mayor Emanuel’s many years of service, and the points of view of my colleagues who have come to a different conclusion, I will be voting ‘no’ when his nomination comes before the committee.”
Nicer than it should be, but Merkley's a nice guy.

Markey a no, too.

The Media Isn't Going To Do Your Job For You

I've spent a lot of time (justifiably) complaining about aspects of political news coverage, but one lesson from that is they are what they are, aren't going to change, and can't be relied on. It is maddening when political journalists blame the democrats for their shitty coverage of them, essentially saying, "you have to get better at manipulating us!" as if this was not an indictment of their whole profession. But, well, you go to elections with the media you have and you'd better figure out a better plan than relying on Blake and Maggie and Jeremy and Joseph to get your message out.

None More Centrist

This is blame game stuff and Blake's the kind of reporter conservative Democrats would run to, but taking it seriously, what could it possibly mean that Biden is "too far to the left?"

In general if you ask how much more "centrist" could the party be, the answer is "none more centrist." How much more "centrist" in governance could national politics be? None. It's why the centrist policy agenda is empty, except for things that are so corrupt they can't be disguised and things which are clearly unpopular.

Republicans found ways to run against Obamacare, though even then I think a year of the Dems looking like idiots trying to pass it was really the issue. Most people didn't want to hear about BENDING THE COST CURVE.

They found no ways to run against the Biden FAR LEFT agenda because the FAR LEFT parts of it are the most popular things. They just haven't done it at all.

Manchin has done their work of running against it, but he's just been gumming up the works and making the Dems look incompetent for months.

Give them their centrist president (Biden)*, their centrist candidate (McAuliffe), and they still can't fail, they can only be failed.

The "center right" won for decades. They basically have nothing left to offer. "Elect us and nothing will change, except we'll probably keep doing corrupt stuff" is all they have. As I've said, the story of every Dem election win is they promise lefty stuff, fail to deliver, then they lose subsequent elections and then tell themselves that doing all the lefty stuff they didn't do was the cause. They lose power, eventually go back to running on lefty stuff, win, and then again fail to deliver.

No I don't think all "lefty" stuff is popular. But some is! This is not the story that is told in the Morning Joseph Reality Zone, where Dems are never conservative enough, but it's what happens.

*I think dictator Biden (whatever the problems of actual president Biden in implementing the agenda) would be better than I thought! But he was the safe centrist guy.