Thursday, June 30, 2022

Happy Hour

Nothing but joy.

Fighting Inflation

If price rises are largely due to supply chain issues, market pricing power, and rising rents due to constrained supply, then doing things like driving down housing starts by raising interest rates is not going to help!!!

Perry Speak, You Listen

There were seeds planted in the Bush years, both insidery and more outsidery things, that were embraced, Obama stamped most of them out, what was left were just vehicles for the Clinton campaign, and after she lost... nothing.
Pelosi, Biden and other Democratic leaders of course don’t sit on the Supreme Court or in state legislatures. But too many of them have been major players in the party over the past two decades as it has failed to create an apparatus of media, think tanks and other institutions to rival what exists on the right. They have been deeply involved in bland Democratic campaigns and candidates who often lose key races to Republicans, even as the GOP has much less popular policy goals.

Emphasis Changes

I've posted this type of thing before and it makes some people mad because they think I am saying something I am not (often, if not always, the fault of the writer). But, really, in general, one cannot expect people who are 70+ to precisely share the priorities of people who are likely to be involved with pregnancy and related issues.

I'm not erasing the existence of people who have spent their entire lives focused on certain causes, and have not wavered a bit with age. I'm also not saying that people don't/can't care at all!

But, look, people who become wealthy eventually shed the anxiety of living paycheck to paycheck, and people who can't get pregnant aren't going to have quite the existential dread as people who are 25 now.

Great grandma and grandpa generally aren't completely in tune with the troubles facing The Kids Today even if they care about them. This shouldn't be controversial.

Yes, this applies to me, too, both as a man specifically and a man ageing out of being likely to be involved with a pregnancy.


One doesn't have to believe (correctly or incorrectly) that there is a lot Biden can do to see that, "can't be too divisive, gotta respect our glorious Supreme Court" piles bad messaging onto ineffective policy.

Dems think voters should just understand how vital it is voters elect them, even as they're out there bragging about their love of Reagan quotes, wishing loudly for a strong Republican party, and not actually pointing out who the villains are. Let alone promising action.

There is no "Ultra-Maga" party. They are not on the ballot to vote against.

Grand Bargaining

One thing various commenters assured us for years was that a "bargain" existed on abortion, that liberals were the intransigent party refusing this bargain, and once a bargain could be agreed to we could put the issue to rest forever and reduce politics to talking about tax policy or whatever all the male big brains wanted. 

Another claim made, though by fewer, was that getting rid of Roe and sending it back to the states would also somehow reduce the salience of abortion in politics (this was the key thing, THEY JUST WANTED PEOPLE TO STOP TALKING ABOUT IT). As if it wouldn't make it be the top issue 50 times over instead of "just" federally.

The reality is, as hopefully more people are becoming aware (though many are in denial, real or pretend), without "Roe" or similar, it's going to be all "we" are talking about until the end of time. Only "crazy" people correctly pointed out that they'd be restricting travel by pregnant women (which means all women) and worse. 

Alito's going to kill a lot of women, and at least some of those will make the news. About 43,000 ectopic pregnancies per year, and as I keep saying, that's only the most obvious issue. In these states, lots of medical care for women will be on hold at least until the machine that goes PING stops pinging.


A bunch of weirdos will point out that Biden can't make this happen, which is true, like *every single other thing that happens in the legislative branch*, but we all understand the value of things like "White House spending proposals."

Signaling presidential priorities counts for something.

Also yelling at them helps.


I hope we can all agree that everyone involved in coming up with this messaging should have their office contents thrown out onto the White House lawn immediately and their badges revoked. The endless quest find new ways to say, "THESE AREN'T YOUR PARENTS' REPUBLICANS, FOLKS," when they are, actually, the same Republicans (often literally!), is not useful.

Defund "Democratic consultants."


Late start

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Evening Thread

Get your evening on.

Ban Cars

When I am your benevolent dictator, I will.

Rooting For The Leopards

I spend too much time hoping for much more reaping to go along with all the sowing. Is that age or just being so tired of all this shit?

Is It Good To Wait Until Women Are Dying To Treat Them? Views Differ

Basically, wait until the inevitable "about to die" moment instead of taking care of it when it's relatively low risk.

"Exception for the health and life of the mother" (even in states where this will exist, not all of them) is like the "means testing" for abortion. Beloved by people who are unable to see the practical consequences of their favorite policy choices. The hospital lawyer is not a doctor, and is the one making these decisions.

I do not think the people in the White House are aware of what is unfolding. This is my charitable take. I have spicier ones.

Mild Applause

"Pregnancy crisis centers" have long been ignored or "both sidesed" in journalism, so this is progress, though it shouldn't really be "new" news.
Across the U.S., more than 2,500 crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs) provide free services and counseling for women struggling with unplanned pregnancies. They outnumber abortion clinics three to one nationwide, and as some states shutter clinics after Roe’s reversal, that ratio will grow.

But when two NBC News producers visited state-funded CPCs in Texas to ask for counseling, counselors told them that abortions caused mental illness and implied abortions could also cause cancer and infertility.

They exist only to "trick" people out of getting abortions, so what they would proliferate for, aside from a handy way to siphon public money to no show jobs, is a mystery.

This Is How We Reach The Yutes

A slightly hilarious thing at the Dawn Of The Age of Blogging was that political communication people saw it is an exciting way to reach Young People, because it was on the interwebs and the interwebs was all young people. Of course even 20 years ago I (and other more prominent bloggers, --this is not about me of course) was not especially young, and more importantly typical politcal blog readers at the time were not young at all, but there was always a How Do You Do, Fellow Kids approach to blogs then.

A bit silly, but better than then "fuck the young people, they don't vote anyway," which is a common attitude I see directed at anyone under about 45 quite frequently. The general view of voting habits of young people is wrong (the "young" turn out a bit better than the earlier "young" did, generally), but they don't have to turn out in record numbers to matter. A lot. Something we seem to appreciate about 7 retirees at an Ohio diner.

There was no golden age of young voter outreach, but it existed 20 years ago. Efforts I am thinking of were shuttered.

A lot of seeds were planted in the early aughts that were then plowed over. Really not just shuttered but nuked from orbit. I'm not aware of everything, so maybe I'm missing some stuff, but...


But the White House is pursuing a more limited set of policy responses while urging voters and Congress to act. The White House's plans include a range of executive actions in the coming days, as well as promising to protect women who cross state lines for abortions and support for medical abortion.

Biden and officials are concerned that more radical moves would be politically polarizing ahead of November's midterm elections, undermine public trust in institutions like the Supreme Court or lack strong legal footing, sources inside and outside the White House say.

oh no undermining public trust

The Future Of The Democratic Party

Don't like Eric Adams, but at least the man whose solution to every problem is more cops is consistent enough to say that Rudy shouldn't be allowed to fuck with the cops, which is what making false charges is.
Eric Adams, the mayor of New York City, on Tuesday said the Staten Island district attorney should investigate Rudy Giuliani for falsely reporting a crime while campaigning for his son.
Congrats to Rudy's son, for losing.

You Know The Rules And So Do I

Sort of amused by this story.
The former president’s supporters quickly spun an online conspiracy theory that he couldn’t have possibly lunged for his driver’s steering wheel on Jan. 6, 2021. When evidence suggested otherwise, they tried other routes to distract from the truth.
What were those other routes? Not mentioned in the story is running to sympathetic journalists in mainstream outlets to let them help you kick sand over the lens behind the cloak of anonymity. Ony Tornato says Tony Ornato denies it.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Happy Hour

Get happy.

Hope The Heart Shaped Box Of Chocolates Was Nice

Don't think Chris Coons gets enough shit for stopping witnesses from being called at Trump's 2nd impeachment because he had some Hallmark Lovin' to get to.

We're All The Schiavos Now

Ancient history now, I suppose, like so many things, but I think the Terri/Michael Schiavo case is instructive about the abortion question, generally. I'm too lazy to hunt up the precise polling at the time, but a lot of people thought Michael Schiavo was the villain, that he was trying to do the wrong thing, and sided with the Schindlers (her parents). Then the legal process in Florida played out - a very long legal process - and the courts ultimately sided with Michael. Right decision by him, wrong decision, maybe reasonable people can disagree (I'm not interested in arguing it), though that's separate from the issue of who had the power/right to decide

And then Congress stepped in. Tom DeLay stepped in. And everyone all over the country could imagine the Bug Man interfering in their lives at the worst most difficult moments. It's one thing to disapprove of Michael, quite another to imagine your medical and end of life decisions being hijacked by the freaks in Congress after the normal (which was hardly normal) process had played out.

Plenty of people disapprove of abortion in a general sense, but not as many really want the reality of a post-Roe world. Horror stories will be there daily, if anyone chooses to report on them, and one political party had better get out in front of it.

Horror Stories Every Day

Constant stream, if anyone chooses to report on them.
“Today we saw a patient in Dayton who has cancer. Her doctors told her she would have to terminate before she received chemotherapy treatment. She will have to travel to Indiana. A mom brought her daughter in and doesn’t own a car. She will have to rent one to get her daughter to her appointment in Indianapolis later this week.”
Just decades of columns about abortion from people having absolutely no idea what the reality of health care for women is/will be.

Extra Special J6 Witness Thread

Can't watch at the moment so have at it. ...welp


That time again.

Send Money And Vote

Even if it's illusory, Dems have to provide the illusion of doing something. Anything. Going on teevee and saying, "wow, this seems bad, go vote! And then, well, I dunno, not sure what we can do...".

Dems don't like outside activism, but if they don't find a way to channel this, they're going to get some outside activism. And they won't like it!

Lock'Em Up

How is Mag Habs going to run interference for this one?
The House select committee investigating the January 6 Capitol attack is closely focused on phone calls and conversations among Donald Trump’s children and top aides captured by a documentary film-maker weeks before the 2020 election, say sources familiar with the matter.

I Suppose They Need To Be Convinced

Abortion as an electoral issue is a clear winner for Democrats, if they get smart about it, even in, or perhaps especially in, states where this is not obvious.

This goes against 30 years of advice from consultants who have bought a lot of boats with their expertise. I give this advice for free, though if anyone wants to put a boat in the tip jar that would be okay. One impediment to people changing course is a lot of people having to admit they were, at least a little bit, wrong.


Insert inspirational Reagan quote here.

Monday, June 27, 2022

Old Time Religion

I wasn't raised as religious (or to be non-religious) but considered myself to be an atheist/agnostic at a very young age. Don't even remember how/why precisely. I was quiet about it, scared to say anything. It wasn't because I was being rebellious or whatever.

I had a couple of teachers who were very Christian and tried to sneak it in when they could, something I was surprisingly aware of given my age.

In 5th grade we had a couple day class "camping" trip and my teacher, probably thinking off school grounds made things more acceptable, had a student say grace before every meal. He told me to do it once! My memory is fuzzy here. I *think* I declined and said why and he let it go. Anyway, no real point, other than letting teachers do that is really bad and and it's very maddening coming in the name of religious freedom!

Abortion Centrism

This is remarkably silly because it's *2022*, and expert on everything Noah Smith just learned this basically false thing today, but it was silly every time "centrists" repeated versions of it and similar for the past few decades.

Decades of columns in our finest periodicals trying to claim that there is a Wise Center, imbued with the wisdom of the Solomonic Compromise, written by people thinking that it was actually the compromise that was wise.

This set of guys is just remarkable in their inability to listen to anyone who actually knows what they're talking about, to listen to the reality of women's health care here or everywhere, to fail to understand that "abortion is health care" is not just a slogan, to reject out of hand the wisdom of anyone "on the Left" because of the bedrock belief in American political discourse that The Left is always wrong.

Decades of centrists offering up an abortion Grand Bargain, often based around "neeener neener is France not good enough for you???," erroneously portraying "the Left" as the intransigent obstacle to such a deal (the reality of France would be a deal happily taken, the centrist imagining of it, less so), asserting hilariously that if only The Left would agree, then the Right would cease their efforts to bring us to where we are now.

The centrist demand of The Left was not simply that they would accept these nonexistent deals, but that they would acknowledge that they were, in fact, Good, that abortion was, in fact, very very Icky.*

The true Solomonic Wisdom was that anyone who would accept - or seriously propose - such a compromise is a monster unconcerned with the lives of other people.

It's All Good

Conservatives and Republicans are already running from the consequences of their actions, which is why it will be insane if Dems do as I have fearfully predicted.

Dems have always had a two track messaging system on abortion, loud and proud to certain audiences (fundraising emails now), and much more "nuanced" and quieter to what they perceive of as general audiences.

Won't work now, if it ever did.


Monday muffaletta.

They Don't Care

There's some value in pointing out the hypocrisies and inconsistencies of conservatives to reporters, who tend to ignore such things from Real Americans unless forced to, but the people themselves do not care at all. Being a lying hypocritical scumbag is just part of "owning the libs," and it is their right. You cannot shame them.

It's Always 1994

My spicy take was even spicier, but I'll give you this one: Dems candidates won't even run on abortion in the Fall, aside from panicked fundraising messages, and they'll get mad at "activists" for bringing it up, or bringing it up "the wrong way," and then blame them for their losses.

(CNN)Top Biden administration officials will be dispatched across the country this week to reassure Americans that combating inflation remains a top priority for the White House as prices soar and economic concerns mount, a White House official tells CNN.
Should we embrace the new subject which benefits us, or keep dwelling on their favorite topic? Should we play defense on their home field or offense on ours? Tough call, coach.

If you saw Dems recoil at "defund," see how much they recoil from unapologetic abortion activists, even as the cops are beating those activists.

Happy to be wrong!

8 Can't Wait

What is the answer to this.
Ever since that harrowing day, Gomez says she has faced scrutiny from law enforcement, even at her own home, "the other night we were exercising and we had a cop parked at the corner like, flickering us with his headlights."

Because of these incidents, Gomez said she has had to separate from her boys, "just so my sons don't feel like they have to watch cops passing by, stopping, parking."


Monday again.

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Clowns to the Left, Jokers to The Right

Nothing but the radical center here at Eschaton.

Sunday Funday

A bit of walkabout for me. Don't be uncivil to racist fascists while I am busy.


Sunday funday.

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Maybe Not The Day For A Spicy Take

I have one, but maybe it should wait.

8 Can't Wait

Dem leaders told people to make their voices heard with nonviolent protest, and this is what awaited them because they can't stop giving cops money.

Bipartisany Goodness

Lots of problems with this model of voter appeal, but a basic one is you can't hug your good friend Lindsey Graham one minute and then turn around the next minute and rightly point out that Lindsey's political project is sentencing women to death.

Back in the aughts a lot of grifters made a lot of money advising Democrats on how to use moral (Jesus) language, which involved basically agreeing with the Right that gay people and abortion were bad, but more in sorrow than in anger, and here's a Bible verse. Amen.

For reasons I hope are obvious I don't think that was an especially helpful effort, but I do think pointing out, with overwhelming polls supporting you, that Republicans who do bad things are bad people, is both true and useful.

At least don't keep hugging them.

The Discourse

So much of it is dedicated to telling "us" that the Republican party isn't exactly what it says it is, while the party of Joe Biden is actually run by imginary versions of antifa and The New Black Panther Party.

Wow didn't think they'd get rid of Roe, please continue giving me high 6 figures to write for your newspaper.

Saturday Morning

Slacker Saturday.

Friday, June 24, 2022

Happy Hour

 Fabulous joy.

Atrios, WRONG

I admit I thought the probability of *anything* passing, whatever its merits, was 0.

Not that my wrongness on this topic is the pressing thing today.

The Well Off Can't Escape All Constraints

Weird pervasive belief that the wealthy can easily escape all the burdens they inflict on the rest of us.  Believed by them, too.

Medical emergencies don't always happen when you are close to home. Few people are really rich enough to will medical care into existence.

Lunch Thread

 Anybody working today?

Not Even About Abortion Anymore

 I keep coming back to this because I don't see enough other people making this point.  This goes far beyond "merely" criminalizing "elective abortion" or  the more frequently mentioned procedures like IVF or saving women from death caused by ectopic pregnancy. All medical care and all behavior become potential crimes for the possibly pregnant.  Women cease to be citizens in any meaningful sense.

Alito Body Count Begins

10,000 dead women per year directly attributable to him is my conservative estimate.

A feature for these freaks. No shaming them.


There is something hilarious about Maggie Haberman still being on the "write puff pieces about Ivanka being good, actually" beat.

Not a good kind of hilarious, though.


Friday edition.

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Oh, Elon

 Fun couple of months.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk said his electric-car factories are “losing billions of dollars” as global supply-chain disruptions and challenges in battery manufacturing constrain the company’s ability to scale up production.

New factories in Berlin and Austin — where Tesla moved its headquarters in December — “are gigantic money furnaces right now,” Musk told members of a club of Silicon Valley Tesla owners in Austin on May 30, according to a video of the interview published Wednesday.

You Can't Take It With You

I suppose it should have been obvious to me that the type of person who has ambition for great power is also the type of person who wants to increasingly wants to burn it all down as their minds and bodies fade with age.

I once would have thought this was silly comic book supervillain stuff.

What If The Supreme Court, Tomorrow, Declares Trump Is President?

Does Biden pack up and leave? Surely there is some line. Where is it?

That's The Good Stuff

Clark reminder:
The plot devised by Mr. Clark and Mr. Trump would have ousted Mr. Rosen and used the Justice Department to pressure lawmakers in Georgia to overturn the state’s election results. But Mr. Trump ultimately decided against firing Mr. Rosen after top department leaders pledged to resign en masse.

Mr. Clark declined to comment for this report, but he reiterated his assertion that The New York Times’s account of his conversations with Mr. Trump, first reported on Friday, and his colleagues was inaccurate. He said he could not detail those inaccuracies because of legal privilege issues. And he said all of his official communications “were consistent with law.”


Eat up.


Is it unconstitutional to prevent armed packs from pacing up and down outside of Clarence Thomas's home?

I suppose you can have the WaPo write endless editorials about how rude it is, and how it's the fault of Democrats, or something. I don't even know what "security" means in a world in which everyone is packing.


More points in the "DOJ is ON IT" column.

Thursday Is New Jobless Day

229K new lucky duckies. Still ok.


Thursday, the day of Thursday.

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Happy Hour

Another day older.

Reasonable Republicans

Back in the day some semi-insidery memo went out from the Obama White House, which said something like, "Eric Cantor and Paul Ryan are serious people who we can deal with, it is the Tea Party crazies who are the problem." I think the context was the debt ceiling fight.

I don't remember if Young Gun #3 was included in that but he might have been!

You never have to hand it to them.


Most important meal of the day.

An Infinite Supply Of Wingnut Welfare

It should be part of Dem donor culture that they find a way to take care of normal people who are targeted by the Right.

Going to be a bigger qnd bigger issue, but it isn't new.

Don't Be Mildly Disrespectful of Sarah Sanders

Yesterday's testimony by election workers was a necessary reminder that "normal people" are quite often targeted by The Right - including Fox - and unlike the various whining millionaires who are greatly compensated for being voluntary public figures, have very few resources with which to defend themselves.

Nobody Could Have Predicted

Airlines are short staffed generally and as I personally experienced recently, one sick crew member can cause cascading failures across the network.

Need to have people in charge who recognize that there are possible solutions other than "throw money at them and ask nicely."


How does everybody keep getting worse.

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Happy Hour

Yet again.

The Rent Is Too Damn High

Making the people suffer is, as always, the only solution to our perceived problems.

Another example of what I keep saying, that the economist concept of "inflation" is not well-captured by the CPI, which captures other things, but the economist solutions treat it as if it is.


Our system of government is basically bad, both by design and custom. Too many veto points by design, and added veto points by custom (senate rules).

An excuse Manchin has been giving for wanting things to be bipartisan has been, "if we pass something without bipartisan support they'll just change the law when they get in power!" And, my guy, that's how it's supposed to work!

Don't like it, throw the bums out, get something different. Our current system is, "throw the bums out, and nothing will change." Certainly the bums in Congress.

The impediment to changing laws should be their popularity, not the rube goldberg machine that keeps the government from operating.

8 Can't Wait

This can't possibly be true.
Texas Public Safety Chief Says Classroom Door in Uvalde School Shooting Was Not Locked, Even as Police Waited for Key
I read this only about 10 days ago.
Only a locked classroom door stood between Pete Arredondo and a chance to bring down the gunman. It was sturdily built with a steel jamb, impossible to kick in.

He wanted a key. One goddamn key and he could get through that door to the kids and the teachers. The killer was armed with an AR-15. Arredondo thought he could shoot the gunman himself or at least draw fire while another officer shot back. Without body armor, he assumed he might die.

This was the chief basically writing his own fan fiction and the Texas Tribune weirdly publishing it.

Torturing Women Is Their Jam

Something the Sensible Centrists refuse to understand, or pretend to.

8 Can't Wait

Not optimistic that any of this will cause newsrooms to rethink their "type up whatever cops say no matter how absurd" policies!
In the weeks since the tragedy in Uvalde, questions have swirled around the actions of police and whether some lives could have been saved if officers confronted the barricaded gunman sooner. Authorities have shared conflicting information about who was in charge, who confronted the shooter and when. A debate over whether the locked classroom doors could be breached gave way to the discovery that they may never have been locked at all.

Revelations have trickled out in the press: The New York Times has described officers’ doubts about the decision to wait; breakdowns in communications and tactics; and the fact that officers held off from the confrontation even though they knew people were injured, and possibly dying, inside. The San Antonio Express-News reported that there is no evidence that officers tried the doors on rooms 111 and 112 — contradicting a key assertion by the Uvalde schools police chief, Pete Arredondo, who told The Texas Tribune that officers tried the doors, found them locked and had to wait for a master key to unlock them. On Monday evening, the Austin American-Statesman and KVUE-TV revealed that the officers, in effect, had more than enough firepower, equipment and motivation to breach the classrooms.

Monday, June 20, 2022

"Culture War"

I spend a reasonable amount of time wondering why some issues get labeled "culture war" and some don't, given that they are basically all the most important contested political issues. The "culture war" label is often (not always) meant to be dismissive, as if these are silly fights over trivial things. Sure sometimes they play out in The Discoure over seemingly trivial things, but that is true about everything.

Abortion is pretty important! Racism, pretty important! Rights of women, generally, pretty important! Fundamental human rights, pretty important!

There isn't one explanation, I guess, but today I'm leaning towards "issues about which many pundits secretly agree with conservatives but don't want to admit it."

See Something, Say Something

I think I have made it clear that I think our great political reporters have some very bad unshakeable habits. Their habit of broadcasting Republican/conservative nonsense is so ingrained that it frames all coverage. 

HOWEVER, it is also the case that when Republican do something horrific/insane, Democrats can't expect the political media to do their job for them. They do, actually, take their cues from leading politicians. If Dems want "wow Texas Republicans are nuts, every Republican must answer for this" to be an issue, they actually can make it an issue.

Remember When Sarah Sanders Was Politely Asked To Leave A Restaurant

There are always lots of little things which show what nonsense our elite press believe to be true, and their eagerness to jump on any and all incidents of "intolerant lefties" when the violence and near-violence of the Right is a constant is one of them.

It's less that they are on the side of "The Right" - Crenshaw is a right winger, after all - but more that they love their stories about "mean lefties."

Related: Greitens just released a 'RINO hunting permit' ad.  Obviously a bit funny they are attacking each other, but, also, not so good!

The Sanders thing was a days long "scandal." They wouldn't shut up about it!


Too lazy to find it right now, but even though the existence of "elite school snobbery" was not entirely a surprise to me, I was actually surprised that when Ezra Klein was having his successes, there were articles with quotes saying, essentially, "And he went to a STATE SCHOOL?!!!?!?! And not even BERKELEY?????"

A lot of the culture of elite school strivers can be explained by the fact that while your elite Ivy and similar grads certainly know that not every single one of their classmates was a supergenius, they truly believe that such people are superior to everybody else. And not just about "intelligence" or whatever we want to call it, but about all facets of human greatness except maybe personal charisma .

"Harvard" grads might not be perfectly brilliant, wise, and moral, but they're certainly superior to everyone else in the country. And if my Harvard classmates were not uniformly geniuses and morally upright citizens, imagine what garbage people make up the rest of society!  Barely human, really.

The Ezra stuff surprised me because it wasn't simply, "Harvard grads are more likely to be better," which is at least slightly defensible, but, basically, "how can anyone who didn't go to Harvard be any good at all???? Probably he isn't!!!"

People my age remembering their damn SAT scores. What a crew.

Novel Legal Theories

Mag Habs never stops working for her boss.


Another week.

Sunday, June 19, 2022

And They Came To That Conclusion All By Themselves

8 Can't Wait

The only possible good out of Uvalde would be journalists being more skeptical of cop reports, but hahaha no this won't happen either.

America's Greatest Man, Mike Pence

Only the best of us would not have "done a coup." Y
es, the vice president ultimately refused to take part in Donald Trump’s power grab. But this isn’t heroic. He did not go above and beyond his constitutional obligations. He simply chose not to break the law. He did close to the absolute minimum of what we should expect from a person in his position. To borrow a phrase from President George W. Bush, it is the soft bigotry of low expectations to act as if Pence did anything exceptional.

There’s also a factual problem. Far from resolute against the president’s scheme to overturn the election, Pence was originally inclined to help. He even contacted one of his predecessors, Dan Quayle, for advice on what to do.


Sunday funday. Even worse blogging than usual!

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Oh No My Apes

Hard not to laugh at the crypto crash, but I'm not sure anyone has a good idea of the greater impact...

Lunch Thread

Slacker Saturday continues.

8 Can't Wait

Been a long time since I wore an economist hat, but this system of the worse the cops do, the more money we throw at them, seems to have some misaligned incentives.


Slacker Saturday

Friday, June 17, 2022

Happy Hour

Friday edition.

Vote Harder And Give More Money

I've long believed that political parties should give their "members" something to do regularly. No I don't believe that most people are willing to give a lot of their time, but some people would like to do more than HIT RETWEET IF YOU AGREE or similar clicktivism, or at least feel like they could.

Nothing I haven't said many times in the past twenty years, just with the additional point that if you don't make an effort to channel it into your project, you can't get mad when it bubbles out somewhere else.

Prosecuting Important People Is Too Political

I hope the "Garland has a cunning plan" people are correct!

Ah, Well, Nevertheless

Republicans are pulling their usual "negotiate a bill, and then refuse to back it" move with the gun bill. Wonder where Manchin learned that trick? Genuinely wonder why Dems are shocked by it every single time as every lefty shitposter is posting pics of that Lucy and her football. Negotiate a compromise that's shitty, refuse to pass it, Dems look feckless and useless to their base.

If losing on these things is inevitable - and it probably is! - you don't let the other guys off the hook.

Every fucking time.

I blame AOC.


There are a lot of reasons most "CANCELED" stories are dumb - one of which being the supposed victims usually just pull a Bari and cancel themselves, or sometimes not even that - but the biggest one is quite often they are little more than "got fired for not obeying or pissing off the boss" and we while we should all agree that complete at will employment is not the greatest system, we don't actually all agree about that.
SpaceX has fired a number of employees who wrote and shared a letter criticizing the behavior of CEO Elon Musk, reports The New York Times.
(I'm sure these people expected to be fired, too, but also correctly assume they won't become FREE SPEECH MARTYRS for reasons).

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Happy Hour

In honor of Mike Pence, hiatory's greatest man.

Judicial Supremacy

What if, for example, tomorrow we get a 6-3 ruling, out of nowhere, declaring Trump president, immediately.

This sounds absurd, of course, and hopefully it is, but I raise a hopefully absurd example to point out that there must be a line somehwere? A crossed line where the response is, "haha, fuck off to the moon, assholes." People in the executive branch had better be thinking about where that line is.

That the Supremos are the unquestioned supreme authority over everything is not, as we all know, something with much (any) support in the consitutition.


Vagueblogging a bit, but avoiding the "appearance of impropriety" is a good standard for public figures, because these people absolutely should be held to a high standard than what is technically legal, especially as our legal system is unlikely to bother even with public figures obviously helping themselves to public funds, unless they're black city politicians.

As I said, vagueblogging a bit, but I have seen quite a lot of actions by public figures (and I mean the good, or at least better, guys here) being justified recently that I can't imagine being justified and excused even 15 years ago. I'm not imagining some golden age of Standards and Purity, just saying it was... better? I think? Some behavior was actually deservedly embarrassing.


The point I've been trying to make is that Dem politicians prefer a world in which they are the sole actors in the Dem-leaning political space. Them and some well-behaved people who sit at the table, politely. Well-behaved rich people, mostly. Hostility and aversion to outside activists of all kinds is the norm.

When is the last time there was any kind of call to action other than 'vote or give money'? Such things were fairly normal in the aughts. Perhaps calling and yelling at your member of Congress is pretty pointless, perhaps it is much more pointless than it used to be, but the idea that people should do something other than vote harder and give money has completely faded.

If our great leaders want to say, "we got this," then they'd better get on it. And if they don't, they shouldn't complain when activisim bubbles up, sometimes in ways they don't like and certainly in ways they can't control.


My peculiar obsessions usually have broader implications than are necessarily immediately obvious. I don't really care about Musk the man, but I have long cared about how the promise of self-driving cars was used to help derail any investments in mass transit. 

 This type of thing is nothing new. Mass transit opponents have long referred to rail (for example) as "19th century technology" (unlike cars, for some reason), and dangled various ridiculous gadgetbahn proposals or other "just around the corner" technologies as reasons to not do what everybody else in the world does.

Self-driving cars and robotaxis were the ultimate realization of the promise of "mass transit for people who hate mass transit" which is basically "what if a bus, but it's a taxi." Before we got to robotaxis we had endless attempts by Silicon Valley types to give us "buses on demand," essentially buses without fixed routes but you tap your app and they pull up to your corner instead, because none of these people will talk to anyone who knows anything about anything.

Robotaxis don't work and won't work, and even if they did they wouldn't solve the congestion or cost problems. Musk promised existing Teslas would all be robotaxi-capable by the end of 2020, and journalists dutifully typed it up.

Transportation policy and investment is made by people who can't envision not traveling everywhere in cars. People who don't comprehend that their "resort town" and "European city " vacations are largely about paying a lot of money to temporarily experience just that (people in small and midsize European cities often own cars, they just don't use them for everything because they don't have to and being able to walk to buy a baguette in the morning is pleasant).

Sounds Bad

I don't claim to know the best way to handle these things, but "hoping that someone else does something" is not a good plan.

Our Fighters

I have this uneasy sense that more and more of them are saying "fuck it, time to cash out before it all ends."
Not quite a full week before “Black Monday,” when the crypto market saw its total market cap drop over $100 billion in one day, Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) unveiled their bipartisan cryptocurrency bill. The Responsible Financial Innovation Act, co-authored by the junior senator from New York and the junior senator and Bitcoin HODLer from Wyoming, has been hotly anticipated by crypto industry groups, which have been lobbying Washington relentlessly for months to get a favorable bill on the table.
Maybe I am too cynical sometimes, but I am not a new observer of our politics, and "can't win, don't try, I give up and so should you, please clap" is rising as the general ethos.

Thursday Is New Jobless Day

229K new lucky duckies. Still fine.


What fresh hell awaits.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Our Fighters

For no particular reason I was reminded of this from 2008:
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) is getting brutally walloped in the liberal blogosphere for refusing to endorse the Democratic challengers to three potentially vulnerable GOP incumbents in Florida.

Liberal bloggers are irate that Wasserman Schultz, who co-chairs the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee's Red-to-Blue program, has declined to endorse the Democrats running to unseat Cuban American Reps. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Lincoln Diaz-Balart and his brother, Mario Diaz-Balart.

Wasserman Schultz says she doesn't want to stab GOP members of her own delegation in the back. But liberal bloggers say she's killing her own while aiding and abetting the enemy.

"Wasserman Schultz says she doesn't want to stab GOP members of her own delegation in the back" by beating them in elections when it is literally your job to beat them in elections. Campaigns ask a lot from people, both time and money. Sure most people don't provide much of either, but they rely on the people who do. And the person in charge of winning elections wouldn't campaign against her friends (this was mostly about her good friend, Ros-Lehtinen). Send out those fundraising emails and then... Christ what an asshole.

Happy Hour

Wine time.

Seems Bad

Possibly not much time left to deal with these people.

So Much Evil Left To Be Done

Related to this, while I get the "staying in the Senate for the quality elder care," that is common with the elder set, I don't actually get the "I'm Charles Grassley and I'm going to continue to do as much evil as I can until I die" approach to life.

Wealthy people and this is how they choose to spend the remainder of their lives.

So It's Zero Then

This is Elon saying if you stop letting me lie about the unsafe thing then my company will be destroyed. There probably was a moment when "what if I just focus on making awesome increasingly reasonably priced electric vehicles" instead of "what if I cosplay being Tony Stark" was an option. Can't say he made the wrong personal choice - it made him obscenely rich - but I don't know why he just doesn't cash out and go enjoy his life. I suppose I do know why, but all these richie riches who refuse to just fuck off and enjoy life are broken people!

Good Enough News

Take it where we can get it!


Find something to eat.


A problem at the moment is the conflation of "increases in the Consumer Price Index" with "inflation" and they aren't precisely the same thing. At least, the theoretical concept of "inflation" which economists think about when they are lost in their models is not identical to this, especially over the not-very-long-term.

Supply chains bottlenecks, energy price spikes, and various monopoly power pricing are not "inflation" as imagined by economists. If it isn't essentially "too much money sloshing around" then "less money sloshing around" is not the solution.

Inflation as currently experienced by consumers is not the "inflation" that is solved by jacking up interest rates and driving people out of work, and in fact this solution is likely to exacerbate the problem in addition to creating additional economic misery.

Good job, everyone, as usual. Now you can move on to the next disastrous idea while blaming (spins wheel) trans people.

All The Greatest Minds

30 years of our smartest pundits telling us that ACTUALLY, ROE IS THE PROBLEM and if we just remove some abortion rights, as a treat, the anti-abortion movement will fold up and go home. 

I suppose there is a long list of options, but perhaps no greater example of how incredibly stupid (assuming it was honesty) our (mostly male) centrist pundits are/were.

If you criminalize abortion, you criminalize pregnancy, you criminalize "pre-pregnancy," which is to say, you criminalize existing as a woman. It also becomes impossible for an medical professionals to safely treat women for anything. 

Our discourse has been ruled by the stupidest fucking people on the planet for decades, and while there are the occasional positive developments, it isn't much better!


I expect some copium "it isn't that bad" takes from our finest law journos, but today is the day it all comes apart.

I blame defund and people under 30.

...Actually maybe today is not the day it all falls apart. Had it in my head it was all coming fast and furious today, but maybe not! 


Begin again

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Happy Hour Thread

So much to be happy about.

Why Is David Brooks

Not just him, but the whole culture of pundits and politicians who have dedicated their lives to using what influence they have to maintain what is basically a worsening status quo. A personally lucrative path, obviously, but David (and others) is rich now and he could go in any direction he wants and still be rich... and the choice is forcing is all to run in place with him..

I get the attractions of doing good or even doing evil. Both are at least doing something! Building the world or blowing it up. Something happens! Exciting! Okay, I guess a lot of them did help to blow up Iraq. Maybe we shouldn't encourage them.

Don't Try To Dig What We All Say

Watching too many of my rough peers become old fogies in the purest "Am I out of touch? No it's the children who are wrong" sense has been... dispiriting!

I didn't realize how many people were going to grow up to be David Brooks. David Brooks provided a pretty good warning about the perils of becoming David Brooks!

Term Limits

I generally do not support them for elected offices, as it just hands over (more) power to the perpetual lobbyist class, but Republicans do have the right idea with their term limits for House committee chairs (3 terms - 6 years). Democrats do not have such limits.

Bullshit Walks

People often wonder why the Atlantic has neverending series on campus conservatives (students or faculty) doing racisms and then pulling a Bari (acting as if they were punished/cancelled/fired even though they weren't) and I keep supplying the answer. 
It is SponCon.

Everything's Alright

Voters are supposed to understand that they have to vote 'D' or the world ends, but the party leaders mostly don't convey any sense that the world might be ending, or that they care if it does.

What’s missing from party leaders, an absence that is endlessly frustrating to younger liberals, is any sense of urgency and crisis — any sense that our system is on the brink. Despite mounting threats to the right to vote, the right to an abortion and the ability of the federal government to act proactively in the public interest, senior Democrats continue to act as if American politics is back to business as usual.
The fundraising emails do, though!

Travel Day

And an increasingly complicated one because that is travel now. A 6 travel mode journey

Blogging might happen. Might not!

Fed .75

Rumor is Fed is gonna hike rates .75%!!! Gotta discipline the workers who got a bit uppity!


Conservatives are determined to catch that car.

Monday, June 13, 2022

The Biggest Assholes

Always the "moderates
Rep. Kurt Schrader (D-Ore.) got significant support from national Democrats in his campaign against primary challenger Jamie McLeod-Skinner.

But after losing to McLeod-Skinner in May, Schrader isn’t doing the party any favors.

In his first interview since his defeat, Schrader told a local television station that he believes McLeod-Skinner will lose the race for Oregon’s 5th Congressional District in November.

“The red wave begins in Oregon – Oregon’s 5th district,” he told KATU on Thursday. “That’s unfortunate.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee have both pledged their full support for McLeod-Skinner, but Schrader has yet to officially endorse her.

Schrader also revealed in the interview that there is a “significant chance” he will endorse pp1independent centrist Betsy Johnson’s gubernatorial campaign, rather than backing Democratic nominee Tina Kotek, the former speaker of the state’s House of Representatives.

If she wins, the rest of the Dem caucus will treat her like shit for daring to primary the guy.

Afternoon Thread

 Busy with stuff.

An Armed Society

It's maddening have to say extremely obvious things out loud, but: one way to tell who "The bad guy" is in any "active shooter" situation or, more broadly, in any situation, is he is the guy with the gun. In a society in which everyone is carrying guns, anyone can be the bad guy or the about-to-be-bad guy.

Also, if people travel in groups, with guns, that's scary! Ten people with guns walking towards, say, a synagogue, is really fucking scary! Or it might just be an afternoon stroll in Texas!

I don't know how elites think they can carve themselves out of this hellscape they're creating. What's the law against a group of armed people regularly strolling by the house of a member of Congress? This is FREEDOM I have been told, and in fact necessary to protect us from the tyranny of [checks propaganda] the members of Congress!

Sounds Bad

Think there's a law about this stuff. Someone call Merrick.
Former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows destroyed documents after a meeting about overturning the results of the 2020 presidential election, a former aide said Sunday on CNN.

Alyssa Farah Griffin said a source with “first-hand knowledge” provided testimony to the House panel probing the insurrection that Meadows burned papers in his office after meeting with Rep. Scott Perry (R-Penn.) about challenging the election.

Inside Game

Since Obama, the position of the Democratic party (generally, it is not a monolith) has been that external activists are a problem, that the only game is the inside game, so either get a seat at the table (by playing along) or fuck right the fuck off.

The "right" way to involve activists is to harness the energy of the moment, have them screaming down the phones and making demands RIGHT NOW from politicians. And *THEN* maybe a compromise piece of shit bill appears and passes. There can even be kayfabe! Those extremists wanted this crazy stuff, but we settled for Realisitc CommonSense Solutions Of The Bipartisan Kind.

The wrong way is to go on vacation right after a mass shooting, hammer out a piece of shit compromise that probably won't even get the 10 necessary votes, and then say, uh, activists? A little help?

Maybe the best possible result either way is Realistic CommonSense Solutions Of The Bipartisan Kind. But how you get there also matters.

It wasn't always this way. In the aughts there was a lot more openness to activism, a lot more understanding of how it can work by some of the same people who, 18 years later, have forgotten.  Pelosi had people around her who understood this.  Reid (no longer with us) did too. Some other current senators had a bit more of a fighting spirit than they do now.

Exciting SCOTUS Day

It is vital that the American People maintain the appropriate respect for this eminent institution, and that the DC octogenarian social scene is never bothered with any kind of unpleasantness.


Happy Monday.

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Please Clap

This is not what activism is for.

We Must Do Something. This Is Something. Clap.

I dunno guys, don't think that always works very well.

The alternative to making a pointless deal with your very fine friends across the aisle (good people on both sides!) is to call them sick bastards every day.

Passing legislation that doesn't solve any problems makes it (unjustly) your fault, next time.

Is The Answer More Money For Useless Cops?

It always is.
Other provisions could funnel billions of new federal dollars into mental health care and into school security programs, funding new campus infrastructure and armed officers.
I think if a cop in full uniform plus a Nazi armband guns down an entire elementary school, senators will pass legislation to make him America's Top Cop.

Lock'em Up

I assume they had an informant and/or surveillance on these guys, but generally "what to do about big groups of people who are, at a minimum, being deliberately intimidating" is not quite solved! At least when they're white.
Authorities have said they arrested 31 members of the white supremacist group Patriot Front near an Idaho Pride event after they were found packed into the back of a U-Haul truck with riot gear.
Seems like they didn't actually have guns, but in places where guns are extremely legal, it's not quite clear what difference that would even make. If guns are extremely legal, 50 guys walking around with guns is extremely legal, too, absent other evidence. There is no good way of dealing with this.


Sunday Funday

Money Well Spent

One way for mainstream politicaisn to redirect the "defund" conversation would've been to explain that, yes, of course, we need to support our beloved boys in blue and make sure their needs and responsibilities are met EFFICIENTLY. Have to make sure we recruit only the best, for example!
KENT, Wash. (AP) — A suburban Seattle city will pay more than $1.5 million to settle a dispute with a former assistant police chief who was disciplined for posting a Nazi rank insignia on his office door and joking about the Holocaust.
Be a nazi cop, get rich.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

The Long Game

Reliable New York Times Republican fluffer Peter Baker wrote a beat sweetener for Jared a few days ago. An entire piece about Jared's deepest thoughts without a quote from him, or even noting that Jared declined to comment for the piece! Who could all those sources familiar with his thinking be?

Completely exonerating him of any evildoing, of course. Weird.

A reporter deciding that a Jared beat sweetener was appropriate in 2022, and an editor signing off on it.  What could that be about?

That's a scary long game!

By Design

Nothing is ever the fault of "self-driving" if you tell the actual drivers they have to be ready to take control at any moment, and the auto-pilot shuts down right before any accident happens.
In the majority of the 16 crashes, the Teslas issued forward collision alerts to the drivers just before impact. Automatic emergency braking intervened to at least slow the cars in about half the cases. On average, Autopilot gave up control of the Teslas less than a second before the crash, NHTSA documents said.
Tesla critics have been trying to explain this for years, but nobody cared.


Some people are stars and they let you do it, as the man said, and some people aren't.

It isn't always completely clear how club membership is granted.  A combination of factors is involved.

Behaving properly, by any imagined standard, is barely a consideration.

Saturday Morning

Slacker Saturday commences.

Friday, June 10, 2022

Happy Hour


Trump's Ambassador To Denmark

Some people can't comprehend that sometimes there are better ways than driving.

Don't See How Ginni Thomas Wriggles Out Of This One

Just a little light treason.
Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, pressed 29 Republican state lawmakers in Arizona — 27 more than previously known — to set aside Joe Biden’s popular vote victory and “choose” presidential electors, according to emails obtained by The Washington Post.


 Busy Friday.

Coup Party

After Jan. 6, Biden had a pretty good "excuse" to drop the bipartisan bullshit.

Probably would have been a good idea..

"Collecting Our Yacht Money While Blaming Others For Our Failures"

"These activists are of course wrong. We of course love our police and want them to be able to do their jobs of fighting crime without some of these other distractions, which is why we're going to put some resources into other programs to take the burden off them."

Distancing yourself from the crazy activists while still addressing the issues is the simplest political play. It's also win win! It's the basic centrist-leftist kayfabe that everyone seems to have forgotten about! You do the right thing (a bit, at least) while The Left still yells at you so you can say you're making those people mad!

Now they refuse to even do a little bit of the right thing and instead keep talking about how their party is filled with villainous traitors and scum and nobody should vote for them, but somehow that's because the villainous traitors and scum are bad at messaging.

They aren't just assholes, the are incompetent. They are going to go on teevee and talk about "defund" for the next 20 years!

Morning Thread

Kevin McCarthy bravely ran away.

Thursday, June 09, 2022

Jan. 6 Hearing Thread

Get your insurrection on.

It's A Dynamo

As this is Jan. 6 hearing day, a brief plea to Democrats that you can't communicate "grave threat to our country" and "guys we really love working with" simultaneously.

I think this one should be obvious.

Oh, Elon

Hope he's having a great time.
The federal government’s top auto-safety agency is significantly expanding an investigation into Tesla and its Autopilot driver-assistance system to determine if the technology poses a safety risk.

The agency, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, said Thursday that it was upgrading its preliminary evaluation of Autopilot to an engineering analysis, a more intensive level of scrutiny that is required before a recall can be ordered.

Lunch Thread

There's something about Thursdays.

The New York Times's Worst Journalist

Michael Powell. I always "laugh" because a few years ago, the New York Times put out a job announcement inviting people to apply to a [wrongly conceived of] culture war/campus controversy beat job, and many journalists thought it was an exciting opportunity for people of color in journalism, especially, and then they handed the beat to their longtime employee, the nearing 60 white guy Powell. Always obvious who the heroes are (conservatives whining about people being mean to them) and who the villains are (any minorities who are upset about anything ever).

"Campus" of course is, as always, about 10 elite schools that the weirdos in journalism obsess about.

"The transes ruined abortion rights, which I do not support anyway" is quite the take these days, and Mikey is there for it!

Polls show support for abortion rights is higher than ever, so what exactly is the mechanism here, other than "elite pundits hate trans people." 

 That fucking newspaper!!!

Our Sadistic Journalist/Pundit Class

What did they think was going to happen?
According to the lawsuit, a 16-year-old transgender boy tried to kill himself the same day that Abbott issued the child abuse directive.

“[He] said that the political environment, including Abbott’s Letter, and being misgendered at school, led him to take these actions,” the lawsuit said.

He survived the attempt and was admitted to an outpatient psychiatric facility, where staff learned that he was undergoing hormone therapy. A week after he was discharged, an investigator from DFPS visited the family’s home and, according to the lawsuit, said that the psychiatric facility had reported the family for child abuse. The family remains under investigation.

Hating trans people is a cool kids club thing. People have told me a few names over the years, and, well, they aren't necessarily who you'd think!

Extra sad thing is that like so many things it's a lot fueled by older people's brains being sizzled by rage because young people think they're weird and out of touch. Not a new phenomenon, but until recently I didn't realize how much it would lead people to be willing to burn everything and everybody down.

Oh no, I saw prononuns in someone's email signature! Gotta admit that Mr. Abbott has a point!!!


Time for jazzercise.

Wednesday, June 08, 2022

Wednesday Evening

No happy hour for you.

It Never Tells The Whole Story

But sometimes pollsters are quite sure that a 47-52 result for-against means an issue is electoral poison, and sometimes they will spend 25 minutes telling you why it is that when a poll is 70-30 for it is Very Complicated Indeed. All very objectively!

Objective Adavanced Politics Knowers

Exactly how does guy heading towards getting less than 3% of the vote in a primary get attention from a certain kind of reporter?

Bye, Asshole

The California DA who likes to prosecute women for miscarriages lost his re-election. CANCELLED by the WOKE MOB at the [checks notes] ballot box.

Sounds Bad

All of these things are above my pay grade, but "Western water issues creeping towards catastrophe" seems to be an issue!
SALT LAKE CITY — If the Great Salt Lake, which has already shrunk by two-thirds, continues to dry up, here’s what’s in store:

The lake’s flies and brine shrimp would die off — scientists warn it could start as soon as this summer — threatening the 10 million migratory birds that stop at the lake annually to feed on the tiny creatures. Ski conditions at the resorts above Salt Lake City, a vital source of revenue, would deteriorate. The lucrative extraction of magnesium and other minerals from the lake could stop.

Most alarming, the air surrounding Salt Lake City would occasionally turn poisonous. The lake bed contains high levels of arsenic and as more of it becomes exposed, wind storms carry that arsenic into the lungs of nearby residents, who make up three-quarters of Utah’s population.

Deep Something

I am not quite sure how to describe an organization like Brookings, but  how our elite news orgs treat Brookings - objective purveyors of scientific wisdom and policy advice untarnished by ideology or partisanship or any agenda whatsoever - rather than a very sketchy tool of its unmentioned donors says a lot about a lot of things.
The FBI has seized the electronic data of a retired four-star general who authorities say made false statements and withheld “incriminating” documents about his role in an illegal foreign lobbying campaign on behalf of the wealthy Persian Gulf nation of Qatar.

New federal court filings obtained Tuesday outlined a potential criminal case against former Marine Gen. John R. Allen, who led U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan before being tapped in 2017 to lead the influential Brookings Institution.

How Brookings is treated in the press versus how dogooder "activist" orgs operating on 6 figures are...

Never Hear About Crime Trends in SF Again

The progressive DA in SF was ousted and so we will no longer hear about made up crime trends in the country's 18th largest city.

Tuesday, June 07, 2022

Afternoon Thread

Busy with stuff.

The Future Of The Democratic Party

A true "wow you guys, every one of you, are completely full of shit about everything, aren't you?" moment came when numerous pundits decided that the victory of Eric Adams in a competitive 4-way Democratic primary in New york City heralded Adams as the obvious way forward for Democrats nationally.

And what about Adams, who’s at the helm of the city? His job approval rating is deep underwater. Just 29% rated his performance as good or excellent, while more than twice as many (64%) said he’s doing fairly or poorly.
"Former cop who loves cops but can lay a tiny claim to 'cop reformer'" was perfect for the moment. One could mock pundits for having pundit brains, but of course Democrats have pundit brain too.

That top one is recent!!!

Lunch Thread

Feeding time.

Who Could Have Seen This Coming

Even the most absurdly optimistic view of what could happen would know that the answer was "not much," but it shouldn't take internet shit posters to point out that Republicans are playing the game they play every single time. Get a bunch of headlines for being interested in addressing the problem, wait for anger to subside and attention to move on, let the press blame Democrats for their failures to Do Something.

I dunno, guys, get some self-respect at least.

The Bots Are Coming From Inside Elon's House

I don't know the full realities of twitter "bots" and paid content farms, but such things have been part of Elon/Tesla's arsenal for years. Making sure to disrupt SEO every time he has a minor scandal or setback has long been his obvious strategy. When he complains about Twitter having bots, he knows what he's talking about. He likely paid half of them!

And he knew it when he signed the deal.


There it is.
Washington (CNN)The Justice Department on Monday charged the head of the Proud Boys, Enrique Tarrio, and four other leaders with seditious conspiracy in the January 6 US Capitol attack, escalating the criminal case against the far-right extremist group.
A point in the "Garland knows what he's doing" column.


A day for a little light sedition.

Monday, June 06, 2022

Happy Hour

Looks like Boris Johnson wriggled out of his predicament.

Good For Some Laughs

As I keep saying, it's been a somewhat (not entirely, of ourse) lonely battle trying to convince the world that Elon Musk was a dumbass, and then he pulled this thing with twitter and now "everyone" knows.

Everyone also knows who the billionaire bootlickers are. Thanks, Elon! A twofer!


It really wasn't that long ago that this stuff was pretty mainstream. I like to pretend I'm not *that* old and "SHOULD WOMEN WORK???? QUITE POSSIBLY NOT!!!" was a perfectly mainstream subject for The Discourse when I was a teen.

We can be there again, quickly.

Different Tactics, Same People, Same Goal

In case I wasn't clear, they are always working to make sure nothing ever gets better, and there is no reason to treat people who shift their arguments as needed as good faith actors.

Pays better than the genuine do-gooder career paths, too!

Officer Friendly

Every day raising the question - what are you for?

Oh, Elon

Some people you just don't do business with. No smart corporate law talking guy, but things like "waved due diligence" and "you owe us a billion bucks if you don't pay up" were in the agreement.

Politics And Merits

The centrist hustle is to argue against popular policies on the merits and argue against supposedly unpopular policies (often torturing polls in claim it) on the politics. Even without torturing polls they can always argue what is nationally popular won't win a swing district on Ohio (no polls, just using Diner Man as a ventriloquist dummy).

All the self-styled wonk guys became poll guys and now they are just vibe guys, and the vibe is always just "get more racist."


Begin again

Sunday, June 05, 2022

Sunday Happy Hour

Calm before the Monday.


I have no idea if even the greatest, most noble, most courageous SUPERCOPS could have done anything, but that's kind of the point.

Philly Mass Shooting

On a nice summer night, this stretch of South Street probably has more cops/person than just about anywhere else in the country. Certainly more than anywhere else in the city. Standing around, looking at their phones, ogling the women walking by, occasionally barking at people for jaywalking (nowhere else do you get yelled at for jaywalking).
Three dead, 11 wounded in South Street mass shooting; victims identified


Ohio passed a law saying anyone - *anyone* - could demand a genital inspection of kids in sports and I dunno maybe there's some way to message about this.

Or we could go on teevee and apologize for not loving cops enough.


Sunday funday.

Saturday, June 04, 2022

No Notes

Hopefully We Give These Guys All The Extra Covid Money

Lunch Thread

Slacker Saturday continues

Faith in the System

Is Garland playing 11d chess or are some chaps above the law no matter the consequences?

Saturday Morning

Slacker Saturday commences.

Friday, June 03, 2022

Happy Hour

Long week!

Don't See How Planet Earth Wriggles Out Of This One

We'll see!
Earth's carbon dioxide levels hit record high

Oh, Elon

Exciting couple of months for Apartheid Clyde.
DETROIT (AP) — More than 750 Tesla owners have complained to U.S. safety regulators that cars operating on the automaker’s partially automated driving systems have suddenly stopped on roadways for no apparent reason.

On The Right Side

Why are Republicans so out of touch with America?

Locked Him Up

Hey they arrested him.
Navarro was arrested by the FBI on Friday. He is currently in custody, according to Bill Miller, a spokesperson for the US attorney's office in DC. He is scheduled to appear in court at 2:30 p.m. ET in Washington.