Friday, August 04, 2023


If you have time read this whole story from Texas Tribune.
Several high-level Texas A&M University System officials — including the board of regents and the flagship campus’ president — were involved in discussions about how to handle a Black journalism professor’s job offer after conservatives criticized her hiring, according to an internal report released Thursday.

The details of the report contradict former Texas A&M University President M. Katherine Banks’ earlier claims that she was unaware that the school had watered down its offer to Kathleen O. McElroy after the pushback. Banks abruptly retired last month amid turmoil spurred by the botched hiring.
The Tribune article goes on to make clear just how much everyone at the top lied, and how this latest report makes clear how brazenly and insultingly they were lying. It's quite an amazing story and I suggest reading it all the way through. Lots of lies, here's the insulting part:
The day the Tribune’s initial story published, text messages show Banks and Bermúdez expressed anger that McElroy shared her story with the media.

“I think we dodged a bullet. She is a awful person to go to the press before us,” Banks said. “We will learn from this and move on ... Just think if she had accepted!!! Ugh.”
Actually a rare situation in which there were actually resignations, but the rot at the top is something to behold. People with power behave incredibly badly, and rarely face consequences.

Meanwhile our dipshit centrists are focused on one student complaining about bad banh mi in the school cafeteria. These dipshists believe in hierarchy much more than conservatives do - including polite versions of the skull measuring kind. The exercise and abuse of power by people who are "entitled" to it bothers them much less than people daring to try to correct their betters.