Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Disturbances In The Discourse

I keep telling about how much of The Discourse was really fucked for a couple of years due (in part) to some FTX money floating around and well one of them is baaaaaaccck!!!
The polling, conducted by YouGov and overseen by the political consulting firm Slingshot Strategies, definitely presented the frame you would expect from something bankrolled by the moderate Hoffman, arguing that Biden is too ideologically focused and isn’t highlighting his most centrist actions, in particular fostering more oil and gas exploration and supporting Republican-led efforts to block changes to the criminal code in D.C. Essentially, the poll results counseled Biden to vocally break from the left, which isn’t exactly rocket science given the usual trajectory of general elections. You could argue that with respect to Israel’s war with Hamas, it’s already happening.

But the poll, and Blueprint’s rollout, is interesting for another reason. Sean McElwee, the former rising star in Democratic politics who was fired late last year from Data for Progress, the polling firm and think tank he founded, was an unpaid consultant on the Blueprint poll. Slingshot partner Alyssa Cass confirmed that “Sean is one of a number of people we’ve talked to when putting together this project.” Cass added that McElwee “had no role in the fielding of this poll” and that only Slingshot was paid by Blueprint for the project.
"Polling approaches."
The Prospect asked Slingshot why McElwee’s perspective was important to hear during the polling process, given the various scandals with which he was associated. Smith responded that the discussions with McElwee were mainly about workshopping best strategies for this type of polling. “When I have these kinds of conversations, I’m mostly just hoping to sponge up some professional benefit and I set aside what they may have done/worked on,” Smith said. “There are pollsters who have done anti-union work (which I do not do) but have good insights on corporate research that I can benefit from. There are pollsters who have worked directly against some of my progressive candidates who are nevertheless talented researchers who have given me great ideas for polling approaches.”
You said too much, my man, you just admitted it's all about getting the answer you want!!!

I won't say any names, but there are some people who should be indicted for being straw donors who haven't been!!!