Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Tom and Tom

Can't give him his second mustache this week. Today:
Pay particular attention to that last point: a revamped Palestinian Authority is the keystone for the forces of moderation, coexistence and decency triumphing in all three wars. It is the keystone for reviving a two-state solution.
Less than a year ago.
A week of reporting from Israel and the West Bank has left me feeling that the prospect for a two-state solution has all but vanished. But no one wants to formally declare it dead and buried — because categorically ruling it out would have enormous ramifications. So, diplomats, politicians and liberal Jewish organizations pretend that it still has a faint heartbeat. I do as well. But we all know that the two-state option is not in a hospital. It’s in hospice. Only a miracle cure could save it now.
I suppose they don't strictly contradict each other, but earlier Tom was much more clear about what was happening. As much as it pains me to say it, the ghouls in the Biden administration should've read Tom's column a year ago.