Tuesday, November 28, 2023

War Is Bad

It's the job of the self-appointed guardians of the rules-based international order to prevent things like the slaughter of thousands of innocents under their watch.  The mentality of the people who think Israel needs to be allowed some slaughter, as a treat, in response to the Hamas massacre and hostage taking, is the same as the mentality that led to our post-9/11 forever war.  

And if they don't? Where exactly are the red lines that previously didn't exist?

They let the situation persist for decades, pretending there was a peace process and that a two-state solution was possible, as a way of avoiding dealing with the situation.  The US isn't omnipotent, but it is actively involved in various ways and can't pretend otherwise.

Biden's people pursued the fucking Kushner-Netanyahu Middle East Peace plan, and when it blew up, instead of working for de-escalation, signaled plainly that it was time for some retaliation without limit.

They fucked up.  They've been fucking up for years.

"They" isn't always the Biden administration in this telling, but The Blob persists across administrations.