Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Exceptions For The HealthAndTheLifeOfTheMother

The TX Supreme Court is basically saying: doctors get to use their judgment, at which point they will be arrested. Amazing stuff.

Doctors using their judgment was the status quo. Decades of people not understanding that if legal restrictions are passed, then some judge or some AG or some cop or some random citizen is going to have a veto.

Decades of politicians and dipshit centrist pundits sneering at people for claiming that "abortion is health care." They refused to understand people explaining that you cannot put abortion in a distinct category and expect women to get appropriate health care.

They refused to believe their good friends, the nice people Ruth Marcus would meet at parties in DC, wanted precisely this. They love it! This is exactly what they wanted! They pray every night for this woman to die!

No,  not everyone who ever checked a "pro life" box on an opinion survey wants this. But every single person associated with the professional pro-life movement wanted precisely this. Every single person working in DC on these issues wanted precisely this. It took a hell of a lot of pretending not to know things to not know this!