Thursday, December 07, 2023

Surely There Will Be Exceptions For The LifeAndHealthOfTheMother

People who actually paid attention knew pro-lifers laughed at that, as they always mocked such things as "the pregnant woman can just say she's sad." And here we are.
A Texas judge on Friday issued a temporary exemption to the state’s abortion ban that would allow women with complicated pregnancies to obtain the procedure and keep doctors free from prosecution if they determined the fetus would not survive after birth.

But hours later, the attorney general’s office filed an appeal with the Texas Supreme Court, blocking the judge’s order from taking effect.
I know people can't just up and leave places, but I do not know how anyone childbearing age who has options can stay in one of these states. Not faulting people! As I said, I get that people don't really have that freedom. But if, for example, I had a teen daughter, I'd be sending her to university out of state somewhere (she would have some say in the matter, of course).