Tuesday, December 12, 2023

The One Rule Of Washington

A bit glib for the moment, but Washington is filled with horrible petty people and sometimes glibness is the appropriate response tone. Yes there are also lots of well-meaning dogooders, but we should ask why they don't seem to run anything and instead flee screaming by the time they are 30.
The employee said the ceasefire call was being treated as untouchable within the organization in part because of its association with massive protests led by groups like Jewish Voice for Peace—which many mainstream Jews consider too radical due to its anti-Zionist politics. Yet, they argued, “I don’t think that reasoning is strong enough when we’re in the middle of a genocide. I really do understand that there’s a line that needs to be walked, but when push comes to shove, is T’ruah going to be able to live with what it did and didn’t say ten to fifteen years from now?”