Thursday, December 07, 2023

Voting Rights

I don't think one side is always pure and good, but I think simplifying voting rights is one of those things that left-leaning voters support on the merits and right-leaning voters (and their leaders) support based on their perceived impact on the elections. 

An easy example is Pennsylvania, where Republicans pushed through easier voting by mail until Trump decided it would hurt him, and then tried to overturn the law they pushed through.

Obviously I can't speak for all left-leaning voters, but voting and voter registration should be easy and it has never occurred to me to oppose something strategically. OK I'd oppose things with obvious discriminatory intent - like expanding polling places *only* in certain areas - but not otherwise.

And I think we've learned that higher voter turnout isn't necessarily good for Democrats. Irregular voters are weird.

Anyway, good for Michigan Democrats.