Monday, January 22, 2024


Can't believe we're already here again.  Every other year is an "election year" in our crazed system but of course the big ones are every four years.  Even when I was a young blogger in the Bush era it seemed like 4 years was an eternity, but now 4 years seems to pass every 5 months or so.

Pitch is the same as always:  this blog is what it is but if you get some amusement out of it, have extra money, and especially if you give money to similar things because they're paywalled, consider giving a bit to help keep my blogs mighty and strong.

I don't fault people for putting up paywalls, but everyone talks nostalgically about the old blog era (killed by various things), and it can't return as long as everything is paywalled.  

Roughly speaking, revenue has been pretty constant in nominal terms for years.  But we know how Dark Brandon caused the inflation! So not so much in real terms.

Thanks to all!

If you don't like paypal, there's also Patreon:

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