Monday, January 01, 2024

If Only There Had Been A Moment

Small changes beginning 25 years ago...
Even if its extremes are ultimately eclipsed, as seems inevitable, 2023 will mark a point when humanity crossed into a new climate era — an age of “global boiling,” as United Nations Secretary General António Guterres called it. The year included the hottest single day on record (July 6) and the hottest ever month (July), not to mention the hottest June, the hottest August, the hottest September, the hottest October, the hottest November, and probably the hottest December. It included a day, Nov. 17, when global temperatures, for the first time ever, reached 2 degrees Celsius above the preindustrial levels.
It's not happening, it's happening but it's not manmade, it's manmade but it's too costly to do anything about, ah well too late now!!!