Tuesday, January 09, 2024

It's Ron's Turn

There's never going to be any "science" behind which presidential wannabees get press coverage and don't. Journalists can always point to polls and fundraising, but, to a great degree, polls and fundraising follow coverage. Many journalists were trying to make Ron a thing long before there was any justification for it. I can guess some reasons why, though perhaps in the interests of history and transparency they could explain it themselves!
Trump still holds a meaningful lead in the poll, with the backing of 39% of likely Republican primary voters in New Hampshire compared to Haley’s 32%. The rest of the field lags far behind in the poll, with former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie at 12%, entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy at 8%, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis at 5% and former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson at less than 1%.
Behind Ramaswamy AND Christie! Ron's a once a generation political talent. The public has no excuse for failing to recognize this!