Friday, January 05, 2024

Sure But They Don't Really Mean It

This WaPo piece is good at highlighting just how bad things are in Gaza, but is also pushing the "oh they don't REALLY mean it because it can't happen" line on the ethnic cleansing of Gaza, which is ongoing and supported by Biden.
Israeli calls for de facto ethnic cleansing and potential Israeli settlement of Gaza may not reflect the actual position of Israel’s wartime cabinet. “In private, Israeli officials say the proposals [to relocate Gazans] stem from the political imperatives of Netanyahu’s coalition and his dependence on far-right parties to maintain power,” my colleagues reported.

“The professionals in the military and the security establishment know this is not even in the realm of possibility,” a person directly familiar with conversations inside the Israeli government told The Washington Post, speaking on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly. “They know there is no future without Gazans in Gaza and the [Palestinian Authority] as part of the government.”
This will stop, eventually, and the 5%+ of the Gaza population which will have been killed will NOT be ethnic cleansing because of course that was impossible all long.