Tuesday, January 23, 2024

We Must Do Something, This Is Something

When you rule out the obvious solutions, bombs are all you have left.
This is what President JOE BIDEN and his team are working through right now, per NatSec Daily’s conversations with U.S. officials. Their current thinking: there’s no single thing that will pressure the militants to cease launching missiles. It will require a combination of factors over weeks — maybe months — including at least a slowdown in fighting between Israel and Hamas in Gaza.
When someone advocating peace says, "the Houthis will stop this when Israel stops demolishing Gaza," this is portrayed as ridiculous terrorist-supporting nonsense which fails to acknowledge the TRUE motives of the Houthis. When the Biden administration says "we're gonna bomb the shit out of them and THEN ALSO a slowdown in fighting in Gaza might wrap this up" this is Wise, Sensible Grown Up Politics.

Also, most of what is happening in Gaza is not "fighting between Israel and Hamas." You don't have to be a TikTok kid to see that. Everyone sees that. Everyone describing it this way is lying.

How do you expect people to respond when the news is filled with bullshit and the supposed good guys - The Democrats! - are just full of shit constantly in precisely the same way?

You can keep yelling at them to ignore it all because of the Bad Orange Man, and keep suggesting they are somehow deviant to be concerned about the thing that leads the news almost every day, but do not be surprised when this does not work well!

When there's a big shit in the corner of the room, everyone smells it.  The person who points it out is not causing the stink.

In October, the election was 13 months away.  It's now over 9 months way.