Friday, February 09, 2024

Can't Defend People Who Won't Do The Minimum To Defend Themselves

Not that I imagine that when I wake up every day and start posting that I am defending our democracy, or something, but it's hard to even imagine lifting a finger when we've hit about a dozen episodes of "appointing GOP Daddies to important jobs with predictable tragic consequences" with no signs of it every stopping! It isn't simply that GOP Daddies are the only people qualified for important law enforcement roles, it's the idea that only GOP Daddies have the GRAVITAS and NONPARTISAN EVENHANDEDNESS to do these things despite decades of [looks around].

Years ago, back when there was some sense that blogs had powers (and we did, a tiny bit), the right wing noise machine went into action against a D senator, and right in the middle of the conference call set up to discuss how (legitimately and justifiably!) to defend him, he went on CNN to apologize and beg forgiveness (close enough, anyway, this is from memory).  Buddy, my mighty blog can't help you if you won't stand up for yourself.

The basic defense of Garland's appointment is that he's a DOJ institutionalist, and I don't know why people think that's any kind of defense. Hoover was an FBI institutionalist. No I am not saying Garland is like Hoover, I'm saying that devotion to an institution like that is not, actually, a welcome quality, especially when it's very understood that the DOJ (and FBI) are filled with corrupt Republican stooges.