Friday, February 23, 2024


The New York Times has a miraculous ability to find longtime professional conservative activists while somehow forgetting to tell you that.
Natalie Brumfield, 41, cried as she read about the Alabama Supreme Court’s ruling that embryos in test tubes should be considered children. A mother of seven, including two babies conceived through in vitro fertilization, Ms. Brumfield felt that one of her cherished beliefs as a Christian had been affirmed: Life, she said, begins when embryos form.
That's their lede paragraph for the story, about a woman who has made it effectively impossible for people in Alabama to do what she did (whether or not she's smart enough to understand that).

"Activist" is often a word used to disparage people journalists think you should look at suspiciously, as if they are blinded by ideology, unlike the pure random people they found somehow who just have normal people feelings about stuff.

The people who subscribe to the NYT are liberalish. The people who run it are not, and Dash is quite clearly much worse than Pinch was.