You know who the favored reporters are. They're the ones (mostly) whose names you know, who have Brands, who despite insisting that it's all OBJECTITUDINAL REPORTING, write opinion-disguised-as-reporting and call it "analysis." They're the ones who get to assert the acceptable opinions as facts, who are not constrained by the editors in ways that most reporters are. They're the ones who write dozens of pieces about Woke college students and anti-trans propaganda. These are the ones Sulzberger loves, promotes, and coddles. These are the ones who, by accounts, bully the shit out of the lesser employees.
They're the ones who scab when there's a strike or walkout, because they are, effectively, management.
Also they have a policy of ripping off smaller publications without credit, without so much as a link, which is why I get enraged when any of them start getting weepy about the decline of local journalism, or whatever.
Working there should be embarrassing, not the pinnacle of respectability.
BUT JOURNALISM, ATRIOS! Yes I'd love to see some.