Thursday, February 29, 2024


I would like to be wrong about lots of things, but there is current no plan to deal with starvation in Gaza, something which happens slowly then (almost) all it once.

Biden's people are still out there doing the smol bean act, oh we just can't tell a SOVEREIGN NATION what to do (they say this), and, aside from the absurdity of that, reality catches up to your press flunky's attempts to manipulate the headlines eventually.

I knew where this was headed in October, back when people thought it was wrong to yell at Biden because of the Bad Orange Man and, well, now it's almost March and have we solved this problem? Was there a moment when we could've nudged this thing in a different direction? Maybe back when they were ludicrously claiming this would all be done by January and even that sounded horrific?

I'm sure they were all Hamas.

Dozens of Palestinians have been killed or wounded after Israeli troops opened fire on hundreds waiting for food aid southwest of Gaza City, as the besieged enclave faces an unprecedented hunger crisis.
Other sources are putting the death toll above 100. The IDF is claiming this was justified because starving people attempted to get aid in a less than orderly fashion.

Smol bean Biden is considering food air drops, instead of forcing Israel to let the trucks in, which has the advantage of being disorderly.