Friday, May 31, 2024

Do You Do Disgusting, Crass, Nasty Politics About The Fact That Your Opponent Is A Convicted Felon?

Dems are telling themselves not to make too much of Trump's convictions, and then they'll be complaining about how journalists aren't doing it for them.

Guidance from the Democratic Policy and Communications Committee advised partisans to stress that “our justice system worked as it is supposed to” and shows that Republicans will “bend the knee to former President Trump,” but included no specific attacks around the facts of the case.

It does not look likely to be much of an issue going forward as well — especially if they’re not getting a signal from the top of the ticket to drive the point home.

“I don’t think [Minority Leader Hakeem] Jeffries or leadership will use leadership capital to talk about Trump,” one senior Democratic aide said.
This has been a general thing over the last few years, especially. Sure media coverage is unbalanced, but you gotta hold the press conference, run to the CNN cameras, tweet some memes about the orange man wearing orange, whatever! You can't just tweet "imagine the press coverage if..."

If you want the press to refer to "convicted felon Donald Trump" then you have to do it yourself!!!

You can make arguments (maybe even correct ones) that the president himself needs to stand back a bit, but the idea that the rest of them should too...