Thursday, May 16, 2024

Inconvenient Truths

The reason mainstream publications obscure the reality abortion issue, and not just with Trump, is because the people who run those outlets are generally anti-abortion, or at least they never met a "compromise" they didn't support.

Who remembers when an Ohio journalist reported on a 10-year-old rape victim who had to travel to Indiana to get an abortion? The Washington Post's fact chucker, Glenn Kessler, swung into action and published a long piece which was, essentially, 'NUH UH.' He was wrong, of course. And then the Post did a follow up barely mentioning Kessler's role!!!

Kessler doesn't run the paper, of course, but he's one of those guys given license to do "opinion" presented as "fact" (hilariously, for him it's "fact checking") and all those guys (usually guys) who are free to do that are basically expressing the institutional viewpoint, whether they know it or not. They tend to confuse fact and opinion (their opinions are fact) so they might not know!