Friday, June 07, 2024

All In Your Head

The presumption that long term illnesses - even ones with identifiable causes - are just psychosomatic or fakery has a long history.

I admit I used to be a bit more inclined to believe that kind of thing, but now I generally believe that people are sick when they say they are sick and understand that if they sometimes reach for "crazy"-sounding "conspiracy theory" explantions, it's because the official medical establishment has failed to provide them with a real one.
THERE’S A STORY YOU HEAR about multiple sclerosis, that doctors all claimed it too was “psychological” until magnetic resonance imaging came along and revealed big white patches all over the brain scans of its sufferers. Heck, coal country doctors dismissed black lung as “psychological” as late as the 1950s, and when a female scientist even claimed to have isolated the microscopic “germ” that caused polio in 1930, she was written off as a fabulist quack. It would take another 92 years before the scientific consensus would make its way back to the germ theory of multiple sclerosis, and when it finally did, with the 2022 publication of a 20-year longitudinal study of thousands of Veterans Administration MS patients, it didn’t exactly break the internet.
The link, worth a read, is about official Long Covid denial.

Over my life I've seen many conditions go from "fake" to "real" and the same for many asserted causes of those conditions. "Perhaps a virus keeps eating away at me or damaged bits of the body that do not heal well" is not actually a crazy concept!

The one I have always remembered, for no particular reason, was how the suggestion that stomach ulcers were caused by bacteria instead of "stress" and diet was treated as nuts until it wasn't.