Saturday, June 08, 2024

Seems Like A Bad Guy

He's on of the lads, but not one of the AMERICAN lads, so knives are out.
Desperate to stop the scandal and appease prosecutors in Britain and abroad, News Corp tapped Will Lewis, a former editor of The Daily Telegraph, to clean up the mess.

He did just that. In his telling, he cooperated with the authorities, revealed wrongdoing and helped set the operation on a new course. Some former colleagues and hacking victims, though, long believed that he helped News Corp cover up the extent of the wrongdoing.
Lewis is the new WaPO publisher.

The phone hacking scandal has defined British journalism and politics since. There was a moment when it looked like the monstrous behavior of the press would be ever so slightly curtailed, and some people ever so slightly punished, and they all banded together and said "fuck you, no fucking way."