Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Shovel Ready Projects

One of the excuses that Obungler and the gang made for the catastrophic choice to not support more stimulus funding after the crash was that there weren't "shovel ready projects." My retort at the time - perfectly correct - was that you had almost limitless opportunity for digging holes and filling them up again, and replacing the pipes inbetween those two steps.
The breaks have highlighted the decaying infrastructure criss-crossing Atlanta and many other major American cities.

“What we have found, in digging and digging and digging and looking at pipes, we are repairing pipes from 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, and our infrastructure is crumbling,” Atlanta Chief Operating Officer LaChandra Burks said at a Monday afternoon city council meeting.
Of course even if there weren't "shovel ready projects" just pointing the money bazooka at bank accounts would have worked reasonably well, too, as we have recently discovered, but those smart guys knew best.