Monday, June 03, 2024

Surely Conservatives Will Stop Scaremongering About This Issue

Orange man bad, blah blah.
President Biden is expected to sign an executive order on Tuesday allowing him to temporarily seal the U.S. border with Mexico to migrants when crossings surge, a move that would suspend longtime protections for asylum seekers in the United States.
This will solve an undefinable problem and satisfy all the people who have good faith concerns!

Well he has some support from other Democrats, so maybe I am wrong.
“I’ve been briefed on the pending executive order,” said Representative Henry Cuellar, Democrat of Texas who previously criticized Mr. Biden for not bolstering enforcement at the border earlier in his presidency. “I certainly support it because I’ve been advocating for these measures for years. While the order is yet to be released, I am supportive of the details provided to me thus far.”
Wait, hold on. Computer, enhance!