Sunday, June 02, 2024

The Bad Orange Man Is, Indeed, Bad, And A Felon

I first wrote this post as a snarky prediction, and then before it was time to post it, my prediction was justified, so I added in the justification. And when I posted about top down messaging, this is what I was referring to.
Guidance from the Democratic Policy and Communications Committee advised partisans to stress that “our justice system worked as it is supposed to” and shows that Republicans will “bend the knee to former President Trump."
They send out messaging and get mad when people deviate from it! When people deviate too much they find themselves out of favor!

"LOL the bad orange man is bad" is the response to critics who have a problem with Biden's governance, but their campaign messaging is "ixnay on the elony-fay."

The consistency here is "people should know the bad orange man is bad and act accordingly" and, really, my question is, how do I get one of these no show campaign jobs? Blogger needs a new boat.

Yes you can always make arguments about how "presidential" [cue Snuffy Walden] the president should be, and sometimes those arguments are even correct, but that is different then sending the memo to the MSNBC Borg members suggesting they should tone it down.