Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Thin Blue Line

Normie voters want the cops to provide taxpayer funded free air limos for rich people. This is popularism!
But according to Bloomberg's analysis, sightseeing is exactly what it appears the NYPD pilots are doing much of the time. "The flight records show that many of the department trips left city limits and some followed trajectories that hit multiple city landmarks like the Statue of Liberty, Yankee Stadium, the Empire State Building and the World Trade Center," the story notes.

Sometimes, Bloomberg says, the flight records suggest that the helicopters are being used to ferry passengers to and from a location, like a sort of taxpayer-funded Blade service. One flight highlighted in the investigation zipped out to the Hamptons and back on a Friday evening in August. Another went to Philadelphia and then Albany before returning to New York City. Another time, an NYPD helicopter just went to Philly and back so a deputy commissioner could roll up to a gala event in style.