Wednesday, June 12, 2024

There Are Simpler Ways Of Doing These Things

I know this stuff is a bit above my pay grade, but you don't need the computing and power demands of LLMs to consult a recipe database with a pleasing UI, and the latter is likely to give you decent results instead of telling you to use glue as an ingredient because the LLM "read" some reddit shitposts.
Apple struck a deal with OpenAI, the maker of ChatGPT, to support some of its A.I. capabilities. Requests that its system can’t field will be directed to ChatGPT. For example, a user could say that they have salmon, lemon and tomatoes and want help planning dinner with those ingredients. Users would have to choose to direct those requests to ChatGPT, ensuring that they know that the chatbot — not Apple — is responsible if the answers are unsatisfying. Sam Altman, the chief executive of OpenAI, attended the Apple event.
This is Apple putting some distance between themselves and the product, though I don't know they why're bothering at all.