Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Always In The Room Where It Happens

Whether or not Biden should go is above my pay grade, but I did understand quite well what would happen when Ezra started the public "conversation" about this.
On Wall Street, where executives tend to be unsentimental about cutting their losses, a half-dozen prominent Democratic donors said Mr. Biden’s chances had plummeted after the debate, at times using expletives to describe the situation.

In recent days, some company leaders and Democratic political operatives have called the chief executive of JPMorgan Chase, Jamie Dimon, according to someone with knowledge of the calls, to gauge his interest in replacing Mr. Biden. (Mr. Dimon has said repeatedly that he will not run.)
These types of people aren't necessarily especially smart or Machiavellian, they are just accustomed to people listening to them when they yell.

Much more influential than the people who annoy you on the internet.

There is one smooth way to replace Biden if it comes to that, and everything else will be a complete clusterfuck orchestrated by people who are just used to getting their way.

There's the noisy talk from the masses, then there are the "group chats" and angry phone calls of the people described in that piece.

Competing disorganized factions.