Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Because It's Fake

Answered it for you.
Will the Tesla robotaxi have a steering wheel or not? Elon Musk won’t say.

The Tesla CEO dodged several questions during an earnings call Tuesday about the status of the company’s long-promised autonomous vehicle, including whether it would have traditional controls like pedals and steering wheels.

It’s an increasingly important question left hovering over Tesla’s robotaxi plans, which have been already been delayed to allow more work on the prototype. Theoretically, a steering wheel- and pedal-less vehicle could take months, if not years, to be approved for public roads. A more traditional looking vehicle, meanwhile, could be released a lot sooner.
These things can't function without a significant "mechanial turk" component even in the most optimistic scenarios. People say the Waymos in SF work well enough, and I believe that, but they're a bit cagey about how much "remote intervention" is actually required, though this suggests it's quite a bit!