Thursday, July 25, 2024


Two days ago.
"Currently we have had one athlete from the (water polo) team isolating with COVID which was detected last night. So as a precaution, they're not joining us this morning," Meares said during a press conference on Tuesday.

"I need to emphasise that we are treating COVID no differently to other bugs like the flu. This is not Tokyo. The athlete is not particularly unwell and they are still training but sleeping in a single room," she added.
PARIS (AP) — Five players on Australia’s women’s water polo team for the Paris Olympics have tested positive for COVID-19.
Generally I find the level of official covid denialism to be a bit disconcerting. I'm not saying I have a handle on what the precise right level of concern/practice is, or how much we should be guided by Long Covid concerns, but it is still a highly contagious disease that can rip through your little sporting event and take down many of your athletes for 7-10 days or more. Most won't be performing at their peak!

People seem to be surprised that it's still around! Even if we pretend it's never fatal (it still is), it's a bad illness!