Friday, July 05, 2024

The Politics Of Other Countries

What I mean when I say that most Americans who talk about the politics of other countries have no idea what they're talking about is that every country has a large cast of characters,  institutions and media outlets who are part of the grand tapestry of their "politics" and unless you really, really pay attention as a hobby - or live there and get it through osmosis - you have little idea what you're talking about beyond a vague sense that 'nominal left wing parties better than right wing parties.'

Sure as a basic rule of thumb that probably guides you pretty well, but it obviously doesn't provide you with a very full understanding of what is happening in a country.

We follow a great big sprawling cast of characters here as we cover The Politics Show. Every country has the equivalent.

I follow UK politics enough to get it but I would have a very very hard time explaining it.