Tuesday, July 23, 2024


I am still amused at how the instant pundit reaction (including from many of your favorite "Democratic Strategists") was that Trump's shooting would CHANGE EVERYTHING and mean THE DEMOCRATS COULD NO LONGER CRITICIZE HIM BECAUSE THAT WOULD BE INCITING VIOLENCE and THAT PICTURE WOULD BE ICONIC FOR THE AGES.  It was like 10 days ago and "we've" all forgotten. 

Of course the attempted assassination of a major political figure is a big deal, but in a world of near-daily mass shootings it isn't as big of a deal as it might have been once upon a time. Remember when that guy opened fire on a congressional baseball game almost killing dozens? You barely do!

There's nothing these people want more than to hold solemn roundtables about the yearning for "national unity" or some shit despite, well, the reality of everything!