Thursday, July 11, 2024

Worry About The People With The Money And The Microphones

Politicians get pressured every day by rich and connected people. This matters much more than people nobodies screaming at them online, which they rarely "hear" about anyway. The slow moving Biden coup has provided a good opportunity to see a bit of this in action. These aren't, mostly, incredibly skilled professionals who have their finger on the pulse, just people who are used to picking up the phone and being heard when they start yelling.

Like how did we go from this, in April:
Longtime Democratic strategist and political commentator James Carville teed off on young voters who are considering not casting a ballot for President Joe Biden on Sunday, warning the “little fucking” 26-year-olds who could doom Biden of the dire consequences if Donald Trump returns to the White House.

“So, I hear this a lot,” began Carville. “‘James, young voters are just not into this. It’s two candidates, one’s in their 80s, one is almost in their 80s, they’re concerned about things that Washington politicians, and you just can’t blame them for-‘ Oh, shit. Fuck you!”
To this:
Democratic strategist James Carville warned Democrats they are barreling towards an election loss in November if they stick with the “idiotic choice” of President Joe Biden at the top of their ticket.