Tuesday, August 27, 2024

America's Finest News Source

Good piece on the new Onion.
When you think about The Onion comes from a place of empathy, it is tempting to pigeonhole that. It’s just some woke bullshit, right? I mean, Elon Musk likes to do that, and it seems like you’re being pushed into a political part of the culture war, even if that’s not the intent. Is that something that you’re just okay with? Is that something you want to fight against?

BC: I mean, I’m sure The Onion in the climate in 2003 would’ve been viewed as woke bullshit for being against the Iraq War, right? There’s no question about that. And that, to me, is some of the defining headlines of their time. Ten years ago, before “woke bullshit” was a sentence, “There’s no way to prevent this, says only nation where this regularly happens” is probably our most iconic headline of all time. That would’ve been viewed as woke bullshit by them, too.

The poison that is being pushed out by Elon Musk is his fault, and that’s his thing that he has to live with, but that’s just not going to last. Being upset and impotent with rage and all that shit, that is a temporary feature of a failing political movement, and we’re an institution. We don’t give a shit about the whims of crazy people.