Monday, August 05, 2024

Big Boy Games

People with money and real influence are always there in the room where it happens, trying to make it work out for them, which is why I always roll my eyes when people get mad about "lesser" people expressing opinions about things.
Mr. Shapiro has emerged as the choice of the party’s pro- Israel donors, those with ties to the school-choice movement and business-friendly contributors in Silicon Valley. But his centrist positions that appeal to those groups are the same ones that make him the least favorite of the party’s most liberal funders.
If Mr. Big Bucks gets to have an opinion on who Harris's Vice President should be, then I think I am allowed to have one too. 

I highlighted the bit about Shapiro - which tells us his supporters agree with his critics!!! - but the broader point is people whose phone calls are taken are having the same argument that dumbshits online (me) are.

The NYT is playing up the DEMS IN DISARRAY angle here, but we shouldn't pretend people aren't arguing about this stuff.