Sunday, August 11, 2024


It is odd that political reporters never see the regular placement of liberals and minorities in the subhuman basket as in any way problematic.
And as my colleague Michelle Goldberg wrote this week, Vance is close enough to Jack Posobiec — an alt-right lunatic who pushed the vile and absurd Pizzagate conspiracy theory and collaborated with online neo-Nazis to spread antisemitic hate — to blurb his latest book, a polemic devoted to the idea that liberals and leftists are Untermenschen who must be stopped lest they destroy civilization. “As they are opposed to humanity itself,” Posobiec and his co-author, Joshua Lisec, write, “they place themselves outside of the category completely, in an entirely new misery-driven subdivision, the unhuman.”

These are the friends and influences that JD Vance brought with him to the United States Senate, and these will almost certainly be the same friends and influences he’ll bring to the White House if he is elected vice president.