Sunday, August 18, 2024

Have You Considered Complimenting Your Opponent

Three weeks into her presidential run was the first time the Biden campaign’s pollsters — now hers — held a deep-dive call with Kamala Harris’ inner circle to discuss what she’s been saying on the stump.

Over the line came a lot of praise, but also some suggested tweaks. First, said veteran Democratic numbers man Geoff Garin, summarizing their analysis, stop saying, “We’re not going back.” It wasn’t focused enough on the future, he argued. Second, lay off all the “weird” talk — too negative.

Harris’ advisers listened. They considered the arguments. They decided to stick with what the crowds were chanting in the arenas.
I don't know Garin had actual poll numbers, but the reliance on polls and focus groups in which participants say things like "I want candidates to be nice" and "I think bipartisanship and compromise are good" and "I hate negativity" - because of course they say those things - has not been helpful!
Also there is value in just letting the candidate be the candidate. It is hard to have a personality if you have a mental map of all the minefields you're supposed to avoid.