Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Is This The Year???

Every presidential election, political journalists put out a bunch of wishcasting articles about how this might be the year that Dems lose Jewish voters. They'll quote some rich guys (not because American Jews are all rich, but because who else talks to NYT reporters) who were Bush-Clinton-Dole-Bush-Bush-Obama-Romney voters and LIFELONG DEMOCRATS who express "concerns" for whatever reason.

Here are just a couple of examples from Politico. 

2008, when it didn't happen:

Feared by who? Feared by who, motherfuckers?

2012 when it was GOING TO HAPPEN but then didn't.

There's rarely any polling to back this up because polls typically don't sample enough Jewish voters to be meaningful. It's a weird genre that returns reliably every presidential election.

There are Jewish Republicans of course, but as a bloc American Jews do not obviously fit well into the MAGA coalition for some obvious reasons!!!