Tuesday, August 13, 2024

That... Would Not Have Been Good

Those of us who were worried that "elite Dems" (defined in broad, loose terms) were looking to create a Hunger Games primary were not wrong!
[Pelosi] So when people talk about her, I say: “You know what? She’s not only a person of deep faith, which I personally admire in her — and her commitment to public service. She knows what she cares about, and she fights for it. And politically she’s astute, but you don’t realize it.” And then she got to be vice president. And as soon as there was an opportunity — we thought there could be an open opportunity if people wanted to run, and they could have — but she locked it down right away.

[Ezra] Tell me about how she did that. She coalesced the party very rapidly.

[Pelosi] None of us had any idea Biden would announce his withdrawal that Sunday. Well, I didn’t have any idea. Most people didn’t. So when he did that, the thought was everybody wanted an open process. Let’s see the bench of the Democrats and let them compete and see what they can attract. But when he endorsed her, then it was, are you with Kamala or not? And she moved quickly — again, a sign of her adroitness, in terms of being politically astute.