Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Eric Adams For President

I'm sure many of you remember the Eric Adams-as-future-of-the-Democratic-party boomlet among pundits and Congressional Democrats. The latter were planning to send him around the country to be a spokesperson.

This is the kind of thing people accuse of making up, so...
But the city’s 110th mayor, who took office in January, is assuming a more influential role in the national Democratic Party as a leader whose motto is “get stuff done” while communicating those accomplishments to voters. Case in point: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney (D-N.Y.), the head of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, just had Adams speak at the DCCC’s Chairman’s Issues Conference and Weekend in the city on Saturday.

“Mayors don’t have the luxury of talking about problems — they have to go fix them,” Maloney said in a statement to POLITICO. “Eric Adams is a guy who has taken action while a lot of politicians are still talking. He brings a valuable perspective to our party and shows how Democrats can tackle all the important challenges and issues without falling victim to the false choices.”
This was entirely about saying fuck you to police reform movement and shutting the hippies up once and for all.

It didn't take too long for them to realize that he perhaps was not their best public face, but the initial impulse remained.

Anyway, by embracing being tough on crime and immigration did we put those behind us? Is that how things ever work? No we just keep talking about "problems" which are mostly fake (perception, not reality) and therefore unsolvable.

More importantly - most importantly - did we fix the cops?

Unaccountable cops - not crime - is the actual problem. Sure it's a state/local issue to a great degree, but everyone takes their cues from above.